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Author Topic: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse  (Read 2390 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« on: April 21, 2010, 12:05:47 pm »

Zombie Apocalypse
You don't know where it started. You don't know how long it had been going for. You honestly don't know what' you're even waiting for. For all you know, there's no rescue in sight. But, you can't think about that now.

There are three of you. You're all hiding from Them - the zombies.

Who are you?

You'll need to fill out this form to join. I'm only taking three players, since it's easier to let down three people than more when I stop doing this. Nah, it's just easier.

Name: What are you called?
Description: What do you look like?
Bio: Who are you? No need to explain how you ended up here. I will fill in any gaps. If there is none, you might be booted in favor of someone else.
Stats: This is a list of your stats. Yes, it's extensive. It needs to be. Physical and Intellectual stats should be straightforward, but you're also running on another Trait: Emotional. You don't survive an apocalyptic situation just because you're smart or strong. You survive because you want to survive. If your psyche is broken, you'll be helpless.
Strength - Prowess, ability to move things or cause damage.
Endurance - Toughness, ability to resist pain or damage. Determines your Health.
Stamina - Energy, ability to resist exhaustion or sleep and determines your Energy.
Agility - Deftness, ability to move with precision using your body.
Speed - Fastness, ability to move fast, either with your feet or your hands.

Intellect - Knowledge, things that are already known.
Learning - Ability to retain or absorb new knowledge. Helps with skills.
Reaction - Ability to think fast and react to situations.
Perception - Ability to see things that are not obvious or are hidden.

Spirit - Ability to stay positive or help others stay positive. Maybe even just keep yourself sane or not wanting to die.
Stability - Psyche, ability to resist emotional disturbances. Determines your Psyche.
Intuition - Ability to feel something is wrong with the situation or something bad is about to happen.

However, you're not giving these stats a number. Nah. You're giving them a word:

Now, I'd prefer you were balanced all around, but if you are a few points above or below you won't be penalized. Too much and you'll be Unlucky.

Your Skills will be given to you based on your Bio and Stats. Maybe you're adept at using Guns? Maybe you know a thing or two about Medicine. Maybe you grew up on a farm and know Animal Husbandry. Hopefully, you'll be useful.

Once three of you have shown up, a simple mash together ought to do. Try to give your mind-frame in your Bio. Sticking to your mind-frame is a good way to keep your Psyche up. I mean, a Bodyguard ditching a person in need might suffer from guilt, while a Serial Killer would not. But don't expect that Serial Killer to work well with others, or have others feel sympathy for him. But, if your Psyche is already low, you might be in that sort of mind-frame anyway.

You will be given a Health, Energy, and Psyche stat, each with a word describing how it is doing. The words will be similar to the skill words:

If the word None is in any of these stats, your Character will be uncontrollable until it is not (Unless, you know, you're dead.) Your character might even become uncontrollable before that happens, if it's Health related or because you're too tired. However, if it's your Psyche, you will maintain control until it reaches None.

So, who's willing to survive?

Spoiler: Tom Finnegan (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Henk Arthing (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Damian Bunten (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: April 21, 2010, 08:39:34 pm by webadict »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #1 on: April 21, 2010, 01:41:42 pm »

Name: Tom Finnegan
Description: A lanky lad of around 20 years of age.  He is of moderate high, and relatively thin.  His hair is light brown, but his eyes are sky blue.
Bio: Tom was always an unruly child.  After the death of his mother at age 13, he ran away from home no less than 3 times, for periods ranging from one to six months.  Despite this, he managed to graduate from high school with decent grades.  He then packed up his few belongings, and began to wander.  He's been living on the streets for 2 years now, mostly following the law, though he still gets into and (usually) out of trouble frequently.

Strength - Bad
Endurance - Mediocre
Stamina - Good
Agility - Good
Speed - Great

Intellect - Average
Learning - Mediocre
Reaction - Good
Perception - Average

Hopefulness - Mediocre
Stability - Average
Intuition - Good
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #2 on: April 21, 2010, 02:08:26 pm »

Name: Henk Arthing
Description: A 34 year old guy. He is fairly tall. His eyes and hair are both dark brown.
Bio: Henk has lived most of his life on the streets. He made some money operating the shell game with a few friends. One of the first things Henk learned was running away, and he quickly became very good at it. Although he lives on the streets, he is intelligent, and likes to read when he has the chance. But he only went to school for a few years, and reading scraps of paper was no substitute for actual schooling. He is fairly cynical, and also secretive. None of his friends seem to know how he ended up on the streets.

Strength - Average
Endurance - Average
Stamina - Average
Agility - Great
Speed - Great

Intellect - Bad
Learning - Great
Reaction - Great
Perception - Mediocre

Hopefulness - Mediocre
Stability - Mediocre
Intuition - Horrible
I've had my name said wrong at least 10 times so far in my whole forum life.
Oh, HORROR! This is clearly a travesty of untold proportions! The typo gods truly have brought their wrath down upon this poor man!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #3 on: April 21, 2010, 02:37:39 pm »

Just one more. Also, I changed Hopefulness to Spirit. I was looking fr a better word.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #4 on: April 21, 2010, 02:42:43 pm »

Name: Damian Bunten
Description: A tired looking young man with shaggy dirty blonde hair that drape over his forehead and helpless hazel eyes. His arms and fingers are long, and he is somewhat tall. He has strong legs but his arms are thin. He is slim, yet he is very endurant nonetheless. He is aged around nineteen to twenty one.

Bio: Just starting college, Damian wasn't the brightest but had determination to succeed. When his roommate was caught plagarizing, the evidence actually led to Damian and he was thrown out. He managed to get a job cleaning up a restaurant store. He didn't like it...too messy. When one of his friends asked him to help out fixing his roof, he nearly broke his legs trying. A man was walking by when this happened, and for his perserverance he offered him a job, this time helping build a new part of a gun range. On his lunch hours there, he always went to the range and practiced shooting. When his girlfriend left him, he quit and began wandering the streets, searching for something.

Helpless, Determined, Crafty, Cunning, Agile, Easily Heartbroken, Friendly


Strength - Mediocre
Endurance - Good
Stamina - Bad
Agility - Average
Speed - Great

Intellect - Average
Learning - Average
Reaction - Mediocre
Perception - Mediocre

Spirit - Average
Stability - Good
Intuition - Bad


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #5 on: April 21, 2010, 02:55:38 pm »

ah dammit 5 seconds to late  >:(


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2010, 03:03:18 pm »

I'm so lucky..I always wanted to do a Zombie Apocalypse game here, but I was always too late.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2010, 08:39:05 pm »

MAN, that's a long turn.

Henk lifted the middle cup, revealing a ball. He placed it down and then started spinning the cups in many different circles. Tom watched, having won the last two rounds and ten dollars. Of course, that's just the sucker-in. The ball was long gone, hiding in Henk's pocket. He spun the cups faster and faster, making the game look more and more legitimate.

Up the street there came some yelling. Two men were running straight toward the cup stand. Henk panicked, pushing Tom down and grabbing the money, and fled down the alleyway. Tom yelled at him, quickly getting back up and rushing after him. The two men ran past the alleyway.

Henk exited the alleyway the nest street over. He stopped short of the road, barely avoiding the swarm of cop cars speeding past. He had been hearing them for a while now. He turned to run down the street, only to get tackled by the young man whose money he'd taken.

Tom got a couple of weak punches on Henk before Henk threw him off. The kid was light. He got up quickly, trying to outpace the man behind him.

He turned the corner, reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a couple of dollar bills, waiting until he heard the footsteps and then threw them back. He heard the footsteps stop for a couple of seconds and then start back up again as he rounded the next corner. Henk entered the first building, an abandoned apartment.

Tom lost the man. He'd gotten three dollars of his twenty. He'd been careless, betting it in the first place. More cop cars passed by, followed by a fire truck. He suddenly noticed the number of people that were running. Somewhere far away, gunshots went off. Tom ran.

Damien woke up, head throbbing. He had just been dumped by his girlfriend. He remembered walking outside, but not much else. His pockets were empty though. He might've been mugged.

Damien noticed the room he was in. There were posters covering the walls, all with pictures of bands he mostly recognized. There was a giant, broken mirror that sat in front of the bed he was on. The bed was bare. The mirror was attached to some cabinets, some of which had burn marks on them. The bed was in equally bad shape.

He got up, rubbing his head. It was dark outside. He must've been here for at least several hours. He turned on the light and opened the door to the room.

The next room over was a living room/kitchen combinations. Everything was a mess. The cabinets were mostly empty and all of them were open. The fridge was in the same condition. The living room fared a little better. There was a small stockpile of furniture in the corner of the room. There were two doors leading out of the apartment.

He opened one door and found the bathroom. It was a complete mess with stains everywhere. The medicine cabinet sat open and empty. Damien closed the door.

He went to the other door and opened it. It led to a hallway, dimly lit. Damien worried. He went to a neighboring apartment and knocked.


He heard some crying within and decided he didn't want to be here. He exited the hall, catching a glimpse of a figure entering from the other end. There was a gunshot.

Damien ran down the stairs and out of the building.

The world outside was dark. There was a giant fire some ways down the road, and Damien thought he could make out a couple of figures.

He didn't know where to go. He didn't know what to do. He w-

“PUT YOUR HANDS UP!” Damien's hands shot up.

There was a sigh followed by a “Thank God.” The voice told him to come over toward it. It was across the street. Damien entered the building to see a man with a black eye. He also noticed he didn't have a gun. Damien put his arms down.

The man led Damien down to the basement, before closing the door. He slid a table and chair in front of it when it closed. Once there, the man asked Damien to remove his clothes.


“Have you been bitten? Do you have any blood on you? Do you have any scratches?” The man's voice was wavering.

Damien was confused. The man asked again, this time adding “from them?”

“From who?”

The man told him to take off his clothes or get out now. He pulled a switchblade from his pocket. Damien wasn't going back out there. He removed his shirt and pants, and the man was even more relieved, collapsing on a couch. There was an oil lamp lighting the basement, with several boxes of crap in most of the corners. There was a kitchenette near the blocked door and a hallway near the couch.

Damien dressed, asking the man for his name.

“Henk. There's a kid down the hallway, but he's a little shook up. He chased me down for taking some money, but I managed to avoid him. Once. Turns out a little after the riot, he managed to find me again,” he pointed to his eye. “Then, once the zombies chased out th-”

“Did you just say zombies?”

“That's what they're called, right? Zombies? Living dead?”

Damien smiled a little bit. “No, I mean... zombies?”

The man looked at him, and Damien expected a smile or something, but the man's face was blank. “I heard a gunshot. I came out to... I don't know. I came out to hope someone could help.”

Damien caught up quickly with the news. He must've been knocked out during the beginning of the riots (Though he was confused how he made it to the room.) Shortly afterward, Henk and Tom, the kid, met up again. Tom hit Henk square in the eye, right before a zombie broke the neck of a woman nearby. Tom saw the thing then start consuming the stomach.

“They're not like zombies I've ever heard of. They don't like the head. They like the stomach. Maybe the kidneys. I'm not a doctor. But, you have to avoid the blood. I heard it on the radio, before the power went out. 'Avoid the blood and cuts.' They're also strong. That barricade?” He points for dramatic effect. “That's not gonna to stop them. That's why I want to get out of here.” He looked down the hall.

Tom had pretty much zoned out once he saw that. Henk saw it and dragged the kid with him.

“I felt bad for him. Or at least that I owed him. Anyhow, he's sleeping now. He'll be good in the mornin--”

And then Henk pretty much passed out.


Damien couldn't sleep. And luckily too.

The barricade began to move.

Spoiler: Damien (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Henk (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tom (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2010, 08:40:28 pm »

Please note that your skills are in your Character posts in the OP. I'll probably move them into the actual statuses next turn.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2010, 08:46:59 pm »


I missed it.  :'(
The new emocon doesn't depict my sadness enough.
Even the avatars expire eventually.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2010, 08:48:13 pm »


I missed it.  :'(
The new emocon doesn't depict my sadness enough.
I'll name an NPC after you, okay?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #11 on: April 22, 2010, 12:40:36 am »

Alright.  Clearly, Damien has to wake us up.  After that, we might have to fight off a zombie group, or we could try to escape via a basement window or such.  As to where to go from there, Damien's old gun range might be a good place to start...
All generalizations are false....including this one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #12 on: April 22, 2010, 01:18:30 pm »

I agree Damien will have to wake us, although I'm a bit worried about what will happen if I try to run with 'Dreadful' energy...

Also, I say we pour oil from the oil lamp over our little barricade and set it on fire, then take the oil lamp with us. Having fire could save us in a lot of situations ( unless these zombies are not vulnerable to fire? That would be cruel  ??? But even then I'd rather know sooner than later ). That's only if there's another exit though. If there isn't...well, I guess we could try throwing the oil directly on the zombies...Or luring them in and using the oil to trap them/set them on fire ( I.E. we pour some on the floor and wait until they stand on it, then run around them? Or try to make a wall of fire, perhaps ( use less oil, there's probably not a lot of it to begin with ) positioned in such a way that the zombies will be blocked of by the fire, and then running around it.

Also, nicely written story, imo  :)
« Last Edit: April 22, 2010, 02:27:11 pm by Flagrarus »
I've had my name said wrong at least 10 times so far in my whole forum life.
Oh, HORROR! This is clearly a travesty of untold proportions! The typo gods truly have brought their wrath down upon this poor man!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #13 on: April 22, 2010, 02:34:22 pm »

Damian shoots up and wakes the others up, then starts moving away slowly from the barricade.

Is that how we'll do our turns?  :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Webadict's Zombie Apocalypse
« Reply #14 on: April 22, 2010, 03:58:44 pm »

Is that how we'll do our turns?  :)
Yes. Just a little guidance.

I agree Damien will have to wake us, although I'm a bit worried about what will happen if I try to run with 'Dreadful' energy...

Also, I say we pour oil from the oil lamp over our little barricade and set it on fire, then take the oil lamp with us. Having fire could save us in a lot of situations ( unless these zombies are not vulnerable to fire? That would be cruel  ??? But even then I'd rather know sooner than later ). That's only if there's another exit though. If there isn't...well, I guess we could try throwing the oil directly on the zombies...Or luring them in and using the oil to trap them/set them on fire ( I.E. we pour some on the floor and wait until they stand on it, then run around them? Or try to make a wall of fire, perhaps ( use less oil, there's probably not a lot of it to begin with ) positioned in such a way that the zombies will be blocked of by the fire, and then running around it.

Also, nicely written story, imo  :)
Thanks. As for your Dreadful energy state... Well, at least you're not on None, right?
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