There are many other things that would be different, and aren't. I mean, there's a simple matter of estrogen versus testosterone. The world isn't just the way it is today because of some lie perpetuated by men to keep women down. Sure there are several of those, but that's far from the primary cause of the way things are today, and were in the time that this game is most similar to. Men are, on average, larger, stronger, and more aggressive than women. I don't think I need to prove that, though feel free to disagree. The whole idea is highly implausible and I'm pretty sure wasn't meant to be plausible. It was just a concession to those who wanted to play as a female without actually having to put any real work into it.
Really, it's an (doubtlessly completely unintentional) insult to feminism if ever there was one. It diminishes the struggles women have had to endure over the centuries to gain what rights and respect they have. It's like that stupid "dress guys up in high heels to show your condemnation of sexual abuse" walk we have at my school every year. It's got no message except maybe, we're willing to make ourselves look stupid and be very uncomfortable to show you we care that people get raped.