I'm a man true to my word, and today is yesterday's tomorrow. Aka, turn.
Lets start slapping on shotgun barrels. I'll have that quad shotgun if I have to drown a sea-otter!
(6+2) Ya know what? Scrap that puny 4-barreller! Using some of the scrapheap, you somehow make a 6-barrelled, laser-guided SHOTGUN OF DOOM. So what if you used all your scraps? This thing is going to inflict PAIN.
I attempt to salvage computer equipment from the busted enemy tanks, focusing on communications equipment that can be used to monitor troop movements (or at least hear enemies chatting before they're about to shoot us).
...They're all on your side...
I continue my efforts of trying to fix a tank.
(5) Well, the worked be-Hey, there's an ally in here! "Hi," he mutters, "Thanks for fixing this for me. Some bit of metal trapped me. I've been here for about two hours, but at least now I can ride this tank!" Yeah, and he's a legend behind the wheel.
I aid my team.
(2) You stand there. Which helps a lot, because you're bound to mess things up. Next time, SPECIFY ONE PERSON.
Yay fixing mystery wounds! Ya, let's fix up a tank then we can all ride!
(1) See Demo's previous action (4) Without the landing on the back.
I heal anyone who needs to be healed and if I still have time I practise sniping.
(4+2) All wounds are removed, but you seem to forget yourself....
Be grateful
Well, that's MORE than easy to do.
Head: not injured.
Torso: not injured.
Right Arm: not injured.
Left Arm: not injured.
Right Leg: not injured.
Left Leg: not injured.
A Grenade Launcher: Explodes for 2 damage and a chance to ignite, gets hot.
5 Grenades: Explodes for 2 damage and a chance to ignite.
Accomplished Explosives: +2, No Overshots
Competent Improvised Explosives: +2
Unskilled Roll-Offs
Unskilled Dodging
Unskilled Repairs
Head: not injured.
Torso: not injured.
Right Arm: not injured.
Left Arm: not injured.
Right Leg: not injured.
Left Leg: not injured.
A Rapier: Deals 3 damage, can only attack in Close Combat
A Pistol: Deals 1 damage, 1/3 chance of critical for 2.
Competent Badassery: +2
Competent Heroics: +2
Novice Swordplay: +1
Unskilled UNspecifics
Head: not injured.
Torso: not injured.
Right Arm: not injured.
Left Arm: not injured.
Right Leg: not injured.
Left Leg: not injured.
Accomplished Hacking: +2, No Overshoots
Competent Espionage: +2
Unskilled Melee
Head: not injured.
Torso: not injured.
Right Arm: not injured.
Left Arm: not injured.
Right Leg: not injured.
Left Leg: not injured.
A Sniper Rifle: Deals 3 damage, +1 To Hit, can't dodge while using.
A Pistol: Deals 1 damage, 1/3 chance of critical for 2.
Accomplished Sharpshooting: +2, No Overshoots
Competent Medics: +2
Unskilled Looting
Head: not injured.
Torso: not injured.
Right Arm: not injured.
Left Arm: not injured.
Right Leg: not injured.
Left Leg: not injured.
A Shotgun: Deals 1 damage to 3 limbs. Modifications-Always hits, hits 7 limbs.
A Rusty Pipe: Deals 1 damage, Close Comabt only, chance of breaking.
Accomplished Weapon Customizing: +2, No Overshoots
Competent Scavenging: +2
Unskilled Stregnth
Unskilled Heavy Weapons
Head: not injured.
Torso: not injured.
Right Arm: not injured.
Left Arm: not injured.
Right Leg: not injured.
Left Leg: not injured.
No Miniguns: Fires three bullets that deal one damage.
Competent Heavy Weapons: +2
Novice Driving: +1
Unskilled Repairs
Unskilled Dodging
Head: not injured.
Torso: harmed.
Right Arm: bruised.
Left Arm: not injured.
Right Leg: not injured.
Left Leg: bruised.
Legendary Tanking: Auto Pass with flying colors.
A APC Remain: +1 to searching it due to the fact that it's well organized.
4 Tank Remains
2 Working Tanks: Is what the name implies.
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