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Author Topic: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion  (Read 3745 times)


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[SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« on: April 17, 2010, 07:34:27 am »

I wanted to try a succession game, but was too lazy to wait in line, so I thought I'd try to start one.

I'm using 0.31.03. I'll update this post with the years of upcoming rulers, and links to their posts as they happen.

The story thus far:

1051Tyson[ complete ]
1052Arni[ complete ]
1053 a bMatuin[ stalled due to crashes ]
1054Urist Imiknorris[ pending ]
1055Graebeard[ pending ]

« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 01:23:57 pm by smariot »
Likes schrödinbugs for their reality destroying implications.


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #1 on: April 17, 2010, 07:34:48 am »

Twilightstorm, The year of 1051

1st Granite
It's the 1st of Granite. My 6 companions and I have left civilization behind and have finally arrived in the middle of scenic nowhere to try and make a name for ourselves.

I, Tyson, am the resident mechanic. Don't mind the name, my parents, like all dwarfs, were drunk at the time. I'm in charge of leading our party for the first year of the expedition, after which I will hand off that responsibility to another.

There is much to be done, so I must go.

11th Slate
We have built a ramp deep into the earth for the trade depot. It is surrounded by lever controlled bridges, complete with dug out channels to prevent anyone from the outside world from reaching them. It is reminiscent of an airlock, allowing us the ability to trade without ever exposing the fortress to the outside world.

The trade depot will be the entrance to the fortress and now that it's complete, we can start moving what little remains of our supplies indoors.

6th Hematite
I've built a small cistern underground for water. It is controlled by a pressure plate, which will close off the floodgate connecting it to the river on the surface when it is full. The cistern is in turn linked to another floodgate to allow irrigation to the underground farm we're currently in the process of building.

9th Malachite
Seven immigrants arrived today.

One of them was a fisherdwarf. As I have a strong distrust for the surface world, and would prefer as few dwarfs up there as possible, I've reassigned him to stone detailing duty. Hopefully he'll have our dining hall nice and shiny by the time my rein is over.

Speaking of the dining hall, I've had a well built in the center of it. I was so proud of it, I had a second built. No, not a second well, an entire second dining hall. Although they do each have their own well.

20th Galena
A kobold thief broke in today. It would seem that the gates I built do no good if they're left open. To prevent future repeats of this, I have ordered the construction of a large automated drowning trap for thieves, attackers, and should the need arise, undesirable immigrants.

Some of the others are complaining, and have suggested that our time would be better spent building bedrooms, proper workshops, or maybe building crafts to trade in the coming autumn, but they're fools, unable to see the bigger picture. If we don't act now, all our work could be undone! This trap must be given top priority.

27th Limestone
Five more immigrants arrived. Unfortunately, they're all freeloaders, sitting around, drinking our ale, and don't even have the proper skills to help with my trap project. I ordered them killed, but was informed that that we're still in a civilized society, and that I can't have them put to death unless they wrong me in some way first. I'm confident I could have engineered a proper excuse to have them killed, but that would have taken time I can't afford to waste.

17th Timber
The Liaison arrived. I requested some glass and cave lobster, just in case somebody around here gets moody. I'm assuming I can get shells from lobster. In exchange, he said he'd pay us extra for any armor, legwear, headwear, handwear, plants, and figurines we might trade next year.

Can't he see I have more important things to do?

In any case, I never bothered talking to the traders. Having not created anything to trade, there was little point.

19th Opal
The trap is finished! It is a beautiful mess of screw pumps, floodgates, and pressure plates, powered by two windmills.

A waterwheel would have been a more obvious choice for a flooding trap, but I decided against it. Who knows what kind of evil dwarf eating fish could be living in that river? They, like everything else on the surface, are to be avoided at all cost.

For bait, I have chained up a horse one of the immigrants brought, and set up a tiny stockpile to attract any thieves. I'm not sure if the horse is smart enough to recognize a thief, so we might have to replace it with one of our much more intelligent dogs later.

Unfortunately, the river has frozen over, so I can't test it to make sure it works. Since I apparently have some free time now, I guess I'll let the brewer set up a still and start brewing those plump helmets that are starting to pile up.

9th Obsidian
The river has thawed, and my trap seems to be working for the most part. It leaks slightly when resetting, but the horse didn't seem to mind getting a little wet. If only my fellow dwarfs were so dedicated to my cause.

Only time will tell if it works on a real live invader, but I remain hopeful.

1st Granite
It's spring, and that means my rein is over. The other dwarfs for some unimaginable reason seem quite happy about this, and have the crazy idea that the sooner they kick me out, the sooner they can get someone to build proper sleeping quarters for them. The fools just don't appreciate what I've done for them.

Well, if the next leader is going to do that, they'd better build a place for the workshops as well. I was in such a hurry to get my work done, I had them setup in the hallways.

I also forgot to turn off the pump connected to my trap resetting lever. It will need to be turned off, or the trap won't activate. I'd do it, but it's no longer my problem.

I was however nice enough to put little stickers on each of the levers scattered around the fort, to give the next leader an idea of what floods what.
Likes schrödinbugs for their reality destroying implications.


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #2 on: April 17, 2010, 07:36:20 am »

I'd love to join.  :)
Military and Militia. It's horrible


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #3 on: April 17, 2010, 08:18:58 am »

I'd love to join.  :)

Knock yourself out.
Likes schrödinbugs for their reality destroying implications.


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2010, 02:55:07 pm »

GraniteThe ruler came up to me today while I've been enjoying a plump helmet. He pattet my shoulder and told me that I'll be in charge for the next year. Before i could my mouth shut he briefly told me the function of each lever and then went off, grabbing a barrel of dwarven wine on the way out... So here I am now. I think the best would be to get finaly some beds!
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Well that was a good piece of work! After just one month we dug 32 bedrooms, extended the wood stockpile and started bed and door productions. Next will be a vast tradegoods storage and production area close to the trade depot. We also moved most workshops out of the hallways now. Only the mason is still there. But that should be fixed soon.
I am well aware that my fellow dwarves did not appreciate my presuccessors reign, but I've come to like his handiwork. The farms will most likely be enougth to nurrish several hundred more dwarves!
Any by Armok! This side is filled with oreveins! We did not even bother to mine those in the bedrooms out!
FelsiteMigrants! More dwarfpower! Hurray! Curses! So many? We need more bedrooms! We're now 44 dwarves with only 32 bedrooms! Good thing we built the barracks.
What? More arrive? That are no migrants! ELVES! And we have no crafts yet! Lets see what they bring. Maybe I'll force our craftdwarves to work day and night it its worth...
HematiteThe stuff the elves brougth werent worth to bother with. We still have a bit of a room crisis here thogh...
Thinking of trade... In the out of nowhere we are we require some sort of tower to guide the traders here.
MalachiteThe bedroomissue is solved. We startet the construction of a gem hall, where the jewelry goes. We also will store the weapons and armor there.
I had to slap some dwarves, so that they stop their eternal party! Not working and not letting the hard working dwarves sleep! How dare they!
GalenaA clothier started acting strange.. Like he would have been possessed! He gathered some cloth, leather and logs. Lets see what he creates out of those.
Also the first goblin turned up. A snatcher. I doubt though that they will send larger parties out to us.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
We're too remote.
Mr.Possessed created a shoe...
LimestoneThe goblinthiefs concern me a bit. I should ask master Tyson to set up some more traps, otherwhise this could end rather bad...
MoonstoneIm sorry for not updating the log for so long. But the entire miningteam has been occupied. We dug out the rulerstombs.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
The topmost grave is for Tyson, all below are his successors.
We also traded quite some items with the caravan. Sand and so on. Just in case.
Word reached me that a gemsetter created Omristustir (The Wild Crow), a moss opal window. This will do fine in the tomb pillar!

Nothing real worth mentioning happen after that.
We've got 43 Dorfs; 1 baby kidnapped.

The Savegame:
Enjoy with taking care of the military :P Goblins will come soon.
Military and Militia. It's horrible


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #5 on: April 17, 2010, 03:26:35 pm »

Sign me up. As soon as you confirm, I'll DL the save.


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #6 on: April 17, 2010, 03:37:21 pm »

Sign me up. As soon as you confirm, I'll DL the save.

Likes schrödinbugs for their reality destroying implications.


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2010, 04:20:13 pm »

3rd Granite, 1053


I've always hated the Dwarven "Justice" system. I put those little quotations around "Justice" because it's not very... Well, justice-y. Pretty much you either get beaten over the head until you repent/die, locked into a cell in some dank dungeon and forgotten about. But the worst punishment of all, the one that makes you WISH you were being beaten over the head, is being sent into the middle of Armok-cursed no where, to some back water fortress full of inbreeding bastards, molesting kobolds and rotting flesh.

For me, that fortress is called Hamlet Ingtaktogal Idos Nar, or "Twilightstorm," as the locals call it.

Not as bad as I was expecting. Plenty of food and drink, at least for this year. This time next year I fully intend to be far, far away, so who cares about production. Next...

What. The. Fuck.

We're in the middle of nowhere with goblins and kobolds waltzing up to our gates and we have NO FUCKING MILITARY!?!

This needs to be fixed. Now.

I'm conscripting one of the bowyers to begin training as an archer. Also, our hunters seem to prefer sitting around with their thumbs in their asses as opposed to actually shooting things, so they will also join our budding military. I'm taking the title of militia commander myself and ordering armor to be fashioned for me. I can't help much if I'm dead. Finally, I;'ve conscripted a few of the engravers into the military also. We don't need smooth walls, we need a fucking militia.

I've turned the dormitory into a military barracks and set my minions soldiers to begin their training. I've ordered archery targets and weapons racks to be built for the barracks as well. There was some grumbling about being drafted, but I quickly shut them up with the back side of my hand.

There appears to be no metal works at all in this fortress. That is next on my list of remedies. A military without weapons and armor is a dead military.
« Last Edit: April 17, 2010, 04:22:07 pm by Matuin »


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #8 on: April 17, 2010, 04:41:39 pm »

6th Granite, 1053

I hate this place more every day.

We apparently have very little usable ore, and the ore we have is, well, shitty. I've ordered exploratory mining to begin beneath the main fortress structure.

Once the mining gets underway, we should be fi-

For fucks sake...

It appears our fortress is situated DIRECTLY above an underground cavern. Strip mining is impossible until we can muster enough military to be able to fight whatever that cavern may be holding...

Looks like it's shitty copper weapons for us all!


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #9 on: April 17, 2010, 04:54:38 pm »

*cries* I got an error and DF crashed just as I reach summer... My revert save is the original ;_;

*goes back to do everything.. Again.*


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #10 on: April 17, 2010, 05:01:37 pm »

*cries* I got an error and DF crashed just as I reach summer... My revert save is the original ;_;

*goes back to do everything.. Again.*

I'm suspicious of melting items causing random crashes, but haven't put any effort into trying to confirm it. If that's what you were doing at the time, and it crashes again, you might want to try again without.
Likes schrödinbugs for their reality destroying implications.


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #11 on: April 17, 2010, 05:11:13 pm »

*cries* I got an error and DF crashed just as I reach summer... My revert save is the original ;_;

*goes back to do everything.. Again.*

I'm suspicious of melting items causing random crashes, but haven't put any effort into trying to confirm it. If that's what you were doing at the time, and it crashes again, you might want to try again without.

I wasn't. Who knows. Gonna be extra paranoid about saving back ups now.


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #12 on: April 17, 2010, 05:23:20 pm »

Okay... It has crashed 6 times since I reloaded it. Each time I take something out (Mining into the UC, building more workshops, assigning military, etc) and it is still crashing just as I reach summer.

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2010, 05:27:14 pm »

It looks like you need more people, so sign me up.
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If Tiruin redirected the lynch, then this means that, and... the Illuminati! Of course!


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Re: [SUCCESSION] Twilightstorm the Call of Oblivion
« Reply #14 on: April 17, 2010, 05:29:51 pm »

I'm getting really frustrated. Gonna take a short break and come back to trouble shoot this in a bit..

EDIT: Urist, if you wanna take my turn and see if you can figure out why it keeps crashing, that'd be alright. I'm stumped ;_;
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