Avuz Tintwisted the female vault dweller sawyer decided to pull her weight for the community, asking for work at the wastelander hamlet of Ballswallow in the Climactic Prairies. It was a peaceful little village located between the other peaceful villages of Murderedpast and Fleshfight. She was left wondering just who did the wastelanders keep responsible for their village names.
She listened to the locals gossiping, catching one name of interest. Cog Workedwipes the bandit had been causing troubles for the locals lately, killing and looting through the countryside in an attempt to grow power and infamy. Avuz grabbed her trusty saw and headed out to Rampartglove where the bandit camp had been sighted. As she neared the camp in the light afternoon rain, she spotted a bandit rifleman in the distance. It was too late by that time, though, as she found herself surrounded by several bandits. Engaging in close combat she ripped through a bandit crusher and two riflemen just as Cog the bandit leader was upon her.
"I am Cog Workedwipes! You son of a dog!" he bellowed.
Slightly confused by this outburst, Avuz aimed for his upper body, but got parried and counterattacked fiercely. She dodged off a cliff and felt really bad after her stumbling. It seemed like she had internal bleeding in several places. Cog pressed on with his attack, dealing heavy damage until she turned to counterattack. Avuz cut through his right leg, felling the burly outlaw into a tumbling pile of limbs.
Yet the desperate man fought for his life. Lying down on the slope, he managed to block and evade whatever strikes Avuz made with her saw. She was on a fight against time, what with her head having some minor melting going on. She was also out of a toe on her left foot.
Finally the luck of the bandit ran out, and one successful strike lead to another, resulting in the death of Cog Workedwipes. Avuz bled profusely all over the countryside while trying to return to the villagers with her good news. Her tale ended in the vicinity of Rampartglove.
ps. The mod is amazing. Especially with the new version I find myself playing this more than New Vegas.