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Author Topic: Different Planes  (Read 3701 times)

Red Jackard

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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #45 on: December 25, 2007, 05:42:00 am »

Eh? I get the others, but why dota?
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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #46 on: December 25, 2007, 10:39:00 am »

Originally posted by Red Jackard:
<STRONG>Let's agree to disagree.</STRONG>

The sun is a "continual furnace of creation, a domain of brilliance beyond the ability of mortal eyes to comprehend", too. Amazingly, the sentence immediately preceding the one you underlined points that out for me. Does that mean that the sun is the Plane of Life and Creation?

By the way, I'm not defending D&D as much as I'm lancing ignorant people who make spurious judgements. If people dislike D&D, that's fine. I don't care. If people dislike this proposal, that's fine, I don't care, I don't like it either. But don't say you dislike the proposal because it's "too D&D" when it has almost nothing at all to do with D&D. That's just fucking stupid.


Red Jackard

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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #47 on: December 25, 2007, 11:29:00 am »

Originally posted by Zurai:
<STRONG>The sun is a (insert fallacy here)</STRONG>

Originally posted by Zurai:
<STRONG>If people dislike D&D, that's fine. I don't care. If people dislike this proposal, that's fine, I don't care, I don't like it either.</STRONG>

Originally posted by Zurai:
<STRONG>when it has almost nothing at all to do with D&D.</STRONG>
it does share obvious similarities* despite your objections, but is generic enough that it could possibly do so for other settings as well. anyways - one should frown on this idea because it stinks, not because it is similar to d&d (whose stinking is irrelevant)

*see below

[ December 25, 2007: Message edited by: Red Jackard ]

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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #48 on: December 25, 2007, 11:42:00 am »

The sun is a fusion furnace that, while its radiance damages (most) mortal eyes, is definitely able to be comprehended by mortals.

Stars definitely are furnaces of creation, since, their cores fuse the lighter elements (such as dominant hydrogen) into heavier elements (such as carbon, needed for life on Earth). The universe would all be gas if it weren't for stars making heavier elements.

Hopefully, all of the above was already known. The way I see it, unless magic allows for interplanetary/interstellar travel in DF, these things wouldn't fit. Your plane of fire might just be an unusually volcanic world near to its parent star, after all.

Edit: Also, I wonder how anything at all manages to survive more than a puny fraction of a second in a region of space that's like the core of a star.

[ December 25, 2007: Message edited by: AlanL ]


Red Jackard

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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #49 on: December 25, 2007, 11:59:00 am »


Idea Planes          D&D Planes
greek elements       greek elements
astral               astral
law and order        various planes of law
planes of hell       planes of hell
planes of heaven     we have some too
light            \
creation          >  life creation and light in one super-fun package
life             /
darkness         \
destruction       >  yo
death            /
                    lots more just for kicks

Originally posted by AlanL:
<STRONG>Edit: Also, I wonder how anything at all manages to survive more than a puny fraction of a second in a region of space that's like the core of a star.</STRONG>
apparently heavy magical shielding or some shit :V

or immortality

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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #50 on: December 25, 2007, 12:52:00 pm »

Here's something to throw everything and nothing...  :)  Just ideas for reinterpreting what has been the same as something a little different.

Disclaimer: NO DIRECT RELATION TO ANY KNOWN LITERATURE.  This is but my own view.

No theology (which is a human/sentient race's "interpretation").

Excerpts the writings of an unknown Sage/Researcher/Philosopher:

 "There are only "Realities", often called Worlds.  A Reality is a domain in which there are Laws.  Laws are a set of rules that CANNOT BE CONTRADICTED within a Reality, as Contradiction would imply the Destruction of that Reality."

 "There are only Laws within a single Reality.  What is traditional called "Chaos" may or may not be "anti-Laws" in actual.  One one level, it could simply be that the observer cannot comprehend the Laws and just use the word "Chaos" to reflect that incomprehension.  True "Chaos" never occurs in a single Reality.  It can only occur when Laws of another Reality beyond reach in and temporarily or permanently destablilizes the Laws within.  True "Chaos" are the mark of Destruction of an old Reality and Creation of New one in its place.  It is the beginning and end of a Reality's life cycle, if it can seen as such."

 "If a Reality is created or creates something comprehensible and communicatable as a sentient consciousness, it is called a "god".  If it doesn't (or simply that some race cannot comprehend/communicate with it), it is called "nature".  What is seen by one party as a conscious "god" may be seen by another party as non-conscious "nature".  Of course, there are those who are self-contradictory enough to accept both...  "

 "A "god" can be seen as a sentient consciousness that has influence over some or all of the Laws of a domain/Reality. A homogenous domain is one where there is only one uniform set of Laws have equal influence.  A heterogenous domain is one where there is one set of Laws, but the influence varies in a continuous manner.  Where there is a discontinuity in the influence or Laws, that's where the domain/Reality's boundary is defined.  Different Realities refers to two domains where there is not a single point of continuity between them.  Quite often, there are more than one gods whose influences over certain laws do not contradict and their domains forms a single Reality, in which they became known as the principle deities.  Death of a "god" is simply the loss of control over the Laws by the consciousness.  Birth of a new "god" is where a new consciousness arises to command influence over the Laws..."

 "Realities have known and unknown influences with other Realities, even if their Laws are different.  Some influences are so slight that it seems that there is no relationship.  Others are so strong that one can be seen as a Shadow/Mirror of the other.  With a "base" Reality taken as a reference point, a "Plane" is a term used by us mortals to envision how the Realities influences each other, by first imagining our own Reality as a flat piece of paper, and related Realities as other flat pieces of paper overlaid on our Reality, and the points of overlapping are where the co-influence is the strongest.  This, a "Plane" is only meaningful when taking our Reality as the "base" Reality..."

 "Among the less-informed, Planes are often given names that are but localized impressions.  For example, what is commonly known as the "Fire Plane", a ridiculously misinformed choice for a name, can actually refers to any one of a large number of realities, whose Laws results in massive conversion of matter to energy when interacting with our Reality.  And though the interaction makes those Realities seem similar to us, they may in fact, be unrelated.  The very same planes, when interacting with a Reality other than us, could result in totally different effects that would never put the word "Fire" to mind.  Thus, those planes are only "Fire Plane" to us and us alone.  Another example is the "Plane of Light" or "Positive Energy Plane", which could be just one of the many other Realities with a higher energy potential, and thus when connected to our Reality, the positive inflow of energy becomes our "light".  But seen from that plane itself, our Reality could be seen as a dark portal sucking in the energy of their Reality and our world could have been called by them as the "Plane of Darkness" instead."

 "What it really boils down finally, is the recognition that perhaps all things are in fact, Relative.  And the what we'd always been refering to as Planes are not absolute entities by themselves, but are just what we observe, when the Laws of other Realities act and interact with the Laws of ours."


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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #51 on: December 25, 2007, 02:04:00 pm »

Originally posted by AlanL:
<STRONG>The sun is a fusion furnace that, while its radiance damages (most) mortal eyes, is definitely able to be comprehended by mortals.</STRONG>

The radiance that escapes the surface of the sun is, yes. Can you imagine what it's like to be in the heart of a fusion reaction the size of even a small star like our sun? That is the Positive Energy Plane.

Red Jackard, seriously, you have no clue what you're talking about. You're presenting things that are blatantly untrue as sovereign truths, and doing so repeatedly and without explanation. I provide reasoned arguments (whether you agree with them or not, I do provide reasons and explanations) and you discard them with insults and no attempt to state actual reasoned arguments of your own. In short, you are doing nothing but having the internet equivalent of a temper tantrum.

Sphr, that's a nice treatise, and presents some interesting things to think on. Thank you for at least one point of light in this miserable thread!



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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #52 on: December 25, 2007, 06:02:00 pm »

I have just one thing to add to the whole planar axis deal: water-ale axis. I think that'd work well for replacing evil-good (respectively) in DF.

*edit* I forgot to mention - water plane is densely populated by giant carp.

[ December 25, 2007: Message edited by: DJ ]

[ December 25, 2007: Message edited by: DJ ]

Urist, President has immigrated to your fortress!
Urist, President mandates the Dwarven Bill of Rights.

Cue magma.
Ah, the Magma Carta...

Captain Failmore

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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #53 on: December 25, 2007, 10:53:00 pm »

Originally posted by Zurai:

The radiance that escapes the surface of the sun is, yes. Can you imagine what it's like to be in the heart of a fusion reaction the size of even a small star like our sun? That is the Positive Energy Plane.

So it's like being inside a near-immeasurably hot and radioactive ball of extremely dense matter.

The Positive Energy Plane sucks.



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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #54 on: December 26, 2007, 10:55:00 am »

Originally posted by Captain Failmore:
The Positive Energy Plane sucks.</STRONG>

LOL. Actually, I would rather say The "Negative Energy Plane" sucks.  The Positive??? hmm... "pukes"?


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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #55 on: December 26, 2007, 05:21:00 pm »

Originally posted by sphr:

LOL. Actually, I would rather say The "Negative Energy Plane" sucks.  The Positive??? hmm... "pukes"?</STRONG>

Blows.   The PEP blows.



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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #56 on: December 26, 2007, 08:20:00 pm »

Welcome to the Plane of Forums, home to the Posters of Messages. In this strange land, trees are replaced with massive stone tablets covered in tiny writting. On close inspection they reveal strange, if not insane messages. Rivers of flaming fish flow here, these fish a thousand times worse than the dreaded Carp, they will tear your soul from you and burn it with their cruel words. The rock beneath the threaded grass is rich with lettered gems and veins of words. The beings who live here cannot be seen, but their words litter the ruined cities of mysterious origin. Anything can be crafted out of words here, simply saying Suwoird will leave you with a sword harder and lighter than adamantine, though probably better used as a club than a sword.
Fire of Algir Mountain - A quest that doesn't involve getting a crown.


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Re: Different Planes
« Reply #57 on: December 28, 2007, 06:35:00 pm »

Dimension of booze!
(Yes, I want my rivers to flow with beer.)

Sounds great, but comes with a couple drawbacks, namely any open flame.

Think your booze bombs are bad, just imagine what happens when your magnificently constructed waterfall (running through your dining room no less) catches on fire.

There'd also be beer fishes, and water demons- you'd have to take care when collecting your booze. Instead of saltwater, you'd have non-alcholic lakes.

"Dimension of the doomed" mirrors your regular world, with one exception. It only becomes inhabited after someone dies. Once ghosts are implemented, it may be a way to excorcise them with war-priests. But all those kobolds you killed? They are there too. Weaker than a being of substance, perhaps, but in numbers.

Or simply have it be a realm of the dead, here, you may mine spirit stones, amongst the unending catacombs- but only if you survive. As goblins react to your presence by eventually invading you, the undead gaurdians of this realm will respond to your presence. If you survive even longer, demon pits start opening up.

Demonic plane-
Harvest souls and pack them into bricks?
Player race tentacle demon? Let's not.

The plane of aquatic dwarves- only way to expand is by pumping mountain full of water or starting in lake. Beware of hammerheads.

The elven plane- ever wonder why elves are such tree-huggers? In this realm you need to hunt down your trees, and they fight back. If you've been kind, they won't go after you, but... you still need beds and barrels.

The plane of blades - landscape and geography is very different, as it consists of lots of giant weapons and ore. Steel is of decreased value, given its common nature.

The plane of paranoia - lets just say there are traps scattered throughout the landscape, crazed homocidal hermit dwarves, and fell moods are a bit more likely. On the plus side, the native traps will trigger both for you and for goblin invaders.

The plane of benevolence - short of death, most wounds are quickly healed, even without rest. This good for your dwarves and your enemies. Critical wounds may remain in a state of stasis. Just beware of dragons.

 Bloat325, ADDITIONAL LIQUID TYPES, (Future): Candidates for new flowing "liquids" include sand, oil, mud, blood of various sorts, slime, farm products like grain and beer for the beer fountain. Only a limited number of materials from plant raws like beer
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