I don't believe I have shown anyone disrespect and I don't believe that reading 20 pages of (mostly) the same arguments is really necessary. Large sections of my post you have taken verbatim were intended as sarcasm and I truly do apologize if I came off as offensive, but bickering like this is pointless. When I was saying things are "stupid", I wasn't intending to refer to individual people, more the arguments that were posed and the way they were posed. Personally, I think both systems have their problems and both would need work to make everyone happy. On one hand we have a break from realism, on the other we have realism being annoying. It's really that simple of an argument. I think a lot of people in here were just arguing to argue because, let's face it, this DOES complicate things.
I truly don't understand how you thought I was talking down to anyone as I am very green when it comes to megaconstructions. I put accessways in any pipelines I dig, however, and clear them out before anything. I am a very methodical builder and that's just how I am. I did recently start on my first waterfall project, however! I find it sort of incredulous how you would think I'm trying to "impress" anyone on this forum. That would be silly as it seems like most people have a lot of experience with doing crazy things, while I like to tend to a mellow fortress. My "derisive tirade" about the aesthetics of the new system were satirical (at best) summations of the arguments I had read in the first six or so pages meant to bring about the "shattering new world insight" that many of these arguments are juvenile and minuscule at best. The best argument, by far, against the new system is it being somewhat more dangerous for dwarves. Most of the others are simply dismissible as aesthetic arguments. If we paid much attention to aesthetic arguments around here then DF would already have full graphic support, I think.
If I didn't ritualistically build all of my constructions with serviceways and pre-planned drains, then I think I'd be just as peeved about this as it would require me to rethink my tried-and-true ways of doing things. I'm not peeved about this at all because, honestly, I see an increase in efficiency among my dwarves. I frequently enjoy building, as some of you may know, 10x10 cisterns to store water for various purposes. Not having to layer-channel (lay it out in strips or a horseshoe pattern) is a BIG improvement for me and I honestly think people should acknowledge this as a bonus. I was happy I could just mass-designate a z-level and focus on something else while my miners got to work, instead of having to micromanage 3 z-levels of channeling. I think this is just as valid a micromanaging concern as those of you who hate to have to designate those ramps for removal.
Also, Pickled Tink, I am a girl. It is fairly obvious seeing as there's a line of text under my avatar that says "Goddess of Gaming". Just thought I'd point that out. You sort of didn't pay attention to that anymore than I paid attention to dwarves freezing in aquifers.
Of course, I think dwarven popsicles are hilarious.
Of course, I think this was addressed above in the "danger to dwarves increased" category. Either way, I hope you don't think I'm some sort of arrogant snob. I really just got peeved on hearing that some people were being so base as to threaten monetary penalties if they didn't get their way.
On that note, thank you and Darkstar for reading my huge post! Really, thanks. I do appreciate your input and tearing it apart. It's people like you that (non-sarcastically) contribute the most to discussions by making sure points were not glossed over and for, occasionally, pointing out subconscious acts (intended or non) acts of snobbery.
Now, Darkstar, I do realize that bit about atom smashing rocks. It's a valid point you have, but I don't think it should matter much. It's a negligible thing and doesn't truly impact gameplay in a negative way. What impacts gameplay is your legendary miner dying for a death related to new channels. I agree there, but I don't think the bickering is very justified.
You neglected to address this, though, which was my justification on why I think the polls, and thus the thread about them, are biased:
I really don't give a crap either way, but the ONLY option supporting new channeling comes off as juvenile while the one for neutral parties comes off as being bastardish. It seems that the only two options are, "I like old channels but hate ramps" and "I like old channels AND ramps!" Joy.
I still think the pro-new option comes off as juvenile. The third option is sufficiently neutral, however, that I can just ignore that. I think the first option coming off as juvenile makes a difference as most may be hesitant to disparage the old way things worked. Also, you cannot dismiss nonvoters as people "without opinions". We are not the only ones on this forum and just because people may not care to get involved does not mean they do not have an opinion. There is also the possibility that nonvoters may be just as happy with the new system as the old and feel that it doesn't change how they play enough to consider it a fault or an improvement. Polls are inherently biased as they assume that everyone who is important necessarily votes, which is not the fact. All of us are important as we all contribute in some way. Excluding people who don't vote isn't the way to go about attempting to affect a change. But this isn't very important, honestly, as my main concern is that the bias inherent in the polls
may (but not necessarily is) affecting the discussion, which then affects the polls even more.
I agree that we need consistent behaviour. I really do. I think that miners should carry around ropes or grappling hooks or something so they can
kind of lower themselves enough to do their job, like building upward stairs from above. I don't, honestly, find much issue with making a hole just straight down, but I can see where the realism camp is coming from and it is sort of odd to see people who support stringent realism saying that realism doesn't matter in this case. I think the channel command is redundant now, but digging ramps from above is nice. Perhaps concatenating both into one (r)amp command where you can specify an (u)pward ramp or a (d)ownward ramp before designating. A command to remove ramps from above could be implemented then, and a dwarf with the proper equipment (ropes or something) could perform the duty. Or just any dwarf. It's not too much micromanagement and, if you really want to streamline it, just have the c(h)annel command automatically add remove ramps from above jobs while the channel is dug and ramps still exist in the designation area. Then it's not micromanaging, it's "set it and forget it". We could even have a toggle on the command to forbid dug tiles unless they have a ramp in them, so dwarves do not get stuck. When the designation is complete, all the dug tiles become unforbidden and the designation goes away.
I don't think this is a truly big problem, but I do think some of the craziness in here is a problem. Dwarf Fortress is not a product being sold. Last I checked it was free and you are not asked to donate at any point. There's a quiet, unassuming button for people who decide to click it of their own accord, but it is not a compulsory thing. All we are, really, asked to do is to report bugs. We are even warned that DF is in alpha! You shouldn't donate because you are "buying" DF. That isn't it at all. There is no license, there is no actual ownership for you. Why you donate is because you want Toady to continue making this awesome thing, or because you want a tax writeoff, or because you like giving away money, or because you like Toady, or for any other number of reasons. You don't threaten to not donate because of a
small thing like this, was my point. Toady could have decided to keep his dayjob and not do DF full time, but he wanted to see if it would work. It did. He didn't do DF full time, from my understanding, because he wants boatmurders of money for it. If he did, it would be sold already and being developed by a large company that doesn't give a shit what you or I think. Instead he gives us all a chance to be part of a unique development process for a unique game. That is why you should donate. If you think your donation entitles you to get whatever you want in the game and you think you can throw that around, then you misinterpret the meaning of "donation". Yes, if Toady stops doing DF, he probably won't get donations for it anymore. He is not, however, obligated to appease our every desires if they go against what he thinks is right for
his project. He is not obligated to support mac and linux platforms. He isn't obligated to add opengl support. He's doing it because he thinks it is
right for the
project and for his
dream, not because we're thrusting fistfuls of money at him.
Then again, what do I know? It's your choice to donate and your right to decide when, where, what, why, and if to donate. It's not right for me to say, "No! You can't make demands of Toady just because you donated!" because maybe that's your motivation. Maybe that's what made you donate in the first place. Maybe you just WANT to make demands! I think that's sort of rude and presumptuous, but you are entitled to what you believe and, either way, you get thanked for donating. I think it's just important to remember that we are all playing the same game and all of our opinions matter, no matter how silly we may think they are.
I need coffee now.