this is a vote on feces. i think there has been a few of these before, but with the new wounds and disease addition it puts the inclusion of feces in a new light. if you have an argument for or against post a short description of why (one to 2 sentences) and a link to a relevant discussion thread.
i wanted to put this to a vote because it is difficult to tell from the threads just how many people are actually for or against this idea. hopefully this will help us sort that out a little.
i will try to keep this post updated with arguments for and against, and relevant threads.
for starters:
drown elves in fecesadds depth to simulation
fun to manage
cool adventurer sewers
point of weakness in a fortress
vomit is already in game
a more dedicated source of fertilizer (no wasting wood)
more sources for disease/infection
DF is not complete without it
a sewer mechanic is needed for the other grim anyway
discussions about drowning elves in feces
too much to track/cpu drain
too immature
not fun to manage
too much time to code/Toady has better things to do
could turn new players away from the game
the new contaminate system adds enough grime already, we do not need more "filth"
this will happen
animal poo everywhere! (how do you manage that!?)
takes away from dorf work time
there are other forms of wast that would work better, with less contention
feces would be a new meme (drown it in poo/magma!)
and here is a link to the most recent thread on the subject:, yes i realize this is on ESV, but ESV does not give you a good overview of what the community actually thinks of this rather contentious topic. hence the polling. pleas do not consider "priorities" or time line in your votes either, that is what the ESV is for.
also consider that this poll is not asking *how* it should be implemented, just *if*. assume that it would be implemented like you want it (generic "filth," specific "poo" etc.) please take all the discussions on how to the appropriate threads. please discuss how you would like it implemented to your hearts content (terminology wise anyway, lets please at least try to keep detailed implementations to the suggestion forums).
also also, to make things easier for me, could you all post a bullet point for me at the beginning of a post so i can just copy and paste? i would appreciate it (because i am lazy)