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Author Topic: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]  (Read 3307 times)


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Mustafa pounded the Molten sword on the Anvil. All his working life he had made Swords, good quality as well. Occasionally he would use his power to help him but it was Natural talent that made his swords the best in the Province. Each sword was so precious to him, he made sure it went to a good owner, not just any adventurer could get his hands on a Mustafa sword, unless they were prepared to steal it and they would have to be determined to dig through a yard of Rock just to get a sword. Between blows, Mustafa became aware of a loud droning sound coming from his Furnace. The fire still burnt heartily in the Hearth, using his power he drew his hand to is face and blew the Coals until they were cool and the fire was out. The droning persisted, Mustafa stuck his head in to investigate.
 Peering around the Large furnace he saw nothing out of the ordinary but the noise was certainly louder in the Furnace. He retrieved his head from the Furnace and looked back around the dusty mudbricked Blacksmith's shop. A thought occurred to him, he leaned back into the Furnace and looked up. Between him and the Clear blue sky visible up the chimney was a disturbance in plain air, an area in the chimney where the air was distorted and it moved so that the clouds up above were distorted and warped. A strange force overcame him, a force greater than gravity, it drew him up into the Chimney. In the time it took him to ascend into the Pipe, the floor had disappeared and the hatch into the Blacksmith's shop had been closed. The force released him and he fell. A few seconds later the pipe had disappeared, replaced by open air that surrounded him in all directions for as far as he could see. The Sky opened above him in it's purple majesty smutted by Yellow clouds, directly below him a forest carpeted his vision. The trees were very tall and mist rose from them, occasionally a larger tree would be brave enough to grow a few yards taller than the rest gaining the most of the pallid sunlight and clean yet oddly smelling air.
 Mustafa landed with a thud, not injured surprisingly, and sat up. The forest stretched on in all directions, the air was buzzing with insects and the sounds of strange calls and screams in the distance. Mustafa got up from his seated position and prepared for the worst...
Rather than having them directly force you to mine adamantine, I would suggest that they give you strange moods that require adamantine. "Dig out the adamantine or Urist here goes insane and dies" is suitably vicious.

(It occurs to me that you can probably get "Lovecraft" as the random name of your fortress. That's when you know you're screwed.)


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #1 on: April 15, 2010, 03:31:29 pm »

I fell into a mole hole with my mole hands.

And I landed here, with my sowrd.


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #2 on: April 15, 2010, 03:38:04 pm »

What do we put in?


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #3 on: April 15, 2010, 03:44:08 pm »

This thread is accompanied by this They cannot exist separately
Rather than having them directly force you to mine adamantine, I would suggest that they give you strange moods that require adamantine. "Dig out the adamantine or Urist here goes insane and dies" is suitably vicious.

(It occurs to me that you can probably get "Lovecraft" as the random name of your fortress. That's when you know you're screwed.)


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #4 on: April 15, 2010, 03:49:07 pm »

Getting captured by the enemy wasn't very assuring.
Then again, them randomly disappearing wasn't either.
Phantom was alone in some strange area, but he liked being alone. Like all the other times in his life. Being a loner was natural for him, so was his curiousness. He wasn't in the place he was before. He was in... somewhere different. Deciding to explore this strange area, he picked up his pulse rifle and helmet and headed off in a random direction, constantly swatting insects as he went.


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #5 on: April 15, 2010, 03:50:40 pm »

Unfortunately for ToonyMan, there was no food moles to be found in this caverns he fell into.  His sowrd was laying nearby, pestering him to grab it and go wander around instead of thinking.

Sure why not.


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #6 on: April 15, 2010, 04:28:16 pm »

Sikeludos rode slowly into the sleepy town of Villageburg. The wagon he was riding on had a large sign painted on it: "SIKE L. UDOS CUREALLS". His current business was tricking uneducated peasants into buying his 'mysterious medicines'. In truth, his medicines were nothing more than mud in a bottle, the peasants drank it up, anyway.

He stopped his wagon in the middle of town and began to prepare his stage. Using a complex series of mechanisms, the wagon unfolded dramatically, revealing a table, and several boxes full of 'cureall'. This display had already begun to attract some of the townsfolk, although, not being completely stupid, they didn't make any move towards buying the 'medicine'.

Finally, after all was prepared, one middle-aged woman stepped up. He knew this woman, he had paid her off pretend to be sick and buy one of his curealls, then miraculously get better. The townsfolk, less wary now after the show, decided to take a look. Sikeludos looked over the crowd and proudly proclaimed, "Yes, this is the power of Sike L. Udos curealls! Come one and all and be cured!" An elderly man missing an arm walked up to him. "Does it cure missing limbs?" the man asked, "Yes, it most definitely cures missing limbs, in fact that's one of its main purposes." Sikeludos replied. "It should heal in a week, with proper amounts of cureall." A woman walked up, "Will it cure a mouthful of missing teeth??" She asked, "Indeed! It will make your mouth better than you could dream of! Don't settle for animal teeth, use Sike L. Udos Curealls!" He replied. She bought several. A small child walked up and asked "Why are you wearing such clothes?" "Ah, my boy, that is because I come from the far off land of India, where all the great indian men wear clothes like these, straight to England to bring the English these wonderous elixirs!" He replied.

The only reason Sikeludos was even doing this was because an English nobleman had become infuriated after some jokes directed at the English's intelligence on Sikeludos' part.Sikeludos had proposed a bet that if he could get the English peoples to eat mud, the nobleman must hand over the jewel that he had stolen out of India, as it was "Sikeludos' duty" to bring it back. In truth, Sikeludos point of origin was much closer to England than India. It didn't matter if he made some money along the way, he thought to himself.

As Sikeludos was packing up and preparing to flee town, he heard a loud scream coming from the north end of town. He ran quickly, along with a throng of villagers, to see what had caused this scream. As he looked, he saw a large hole in the ground, which it appeared someone had fallen into.The villagers gathered round the hole and looked down. Someone threw a stone down, but it made no noise. As Sikeludos neared the edge of the hole, a stream of ghosts, phantom, specters, apparitions, and tortured souls erupted out of the hole, grabbing him and pulling him down.

Sikeludos wakes up, face down on the ground. Around him he sees a charred skeleton, probably from the unfortunate villager who fell in. Off  in the distance, he sees a small, scaly creature. This creature walks around on two legs, has two arms with large claws, a tail and a grotesque head with two large, curved horns. Sikeludos immediately reaches into his hood and pulls out what can only be described as a piece of metal on a rope. He waits, wary of the creature, seeing if it will attack. The creature looks in his direction, sniffing the air and walking around slowly. Suddenly, it charges, horns raised, directly at Sikeludos, who, having spun and twisted the rope around himself, lashes out with it, striking the creature directly in the head, this only serves to stagger the creature, which soon gets up and charges again. Sikeludos continues to hammer the creature away with his weapon, finally smashing its head into its body effectively killing it.

Sikeludos drops the weight on a rope and sits down, tired after the battle. He looks up and round the caverns when, suddenly, the light dies out, leaving him in complete darkness. Sikeludos reaches into his hood again and pulls out a lantern, lighting it after some struggle. As he tries to see in the newfound darkness, a strange shape catches his eye. In fact, several strange shapes. 2... 5... 10 of the small creatures emerge from the darkness, making odd noises and grunts. Sikeludos jumps up suddenly, sets down the lantern, and pulls out two long, bladed gauntlets from his hood, getting into a fighting stance. Several minutes pass, the creatures eyeing him and making half lunges before retreating, before Sikeludos suddenly picks up the lantern and flees the scene running as fast as he can away from the mob of creatures.

Sikeludos runs for what seems to be hours away from the creatures, before finally stopping to rest. He looks behind him and sees none of the creatures which is a great relief he thinks. That is, before he looks forward and sees a truly humongous wingless bird-like creature standing before him. "...Oh dear..."
Sikeludos picks his lantern back up and runs...

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2010, 04:33:02 pm »

Toonyman, you are so ironic bro. It amazes my brain!
The Expedition Map
Basement Stuck
Haunter of Birthday Cakes, Bearded Hamburger, Intensely Off-Topic


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #8 on: April 15, 2010, 04:37:46 pm »

Toonyman, you are so ironic bro. It amazes my brain!

Thanks ToonyMan try very little.

Nirur Torir

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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #9 on: April 15, 2010, 04:52:05 pm »

A beautiful, cloudless day. A man with strangely clean white robes and a staff walking on a dirt path approaches a small village. Farmers look up as he passes, but quickly resume their work.

"Healthy crops, farmers appear to have enough food. Still, it has some potential," he mutters. The man reaches the center of the village. Mud huts with straw thatched roofs surround him. He addresses an old man idling outside one of the huts with a standard greeting. "I am a journeyman wizard. I greet you and your fair village; do you have any tasks that require a wizard's help?"

The old man speaks. "Good day, wizard. Your offer of aid is most kind, although life has been good since the last wizard stopped that plague that was ruining our crops. Feel free to join us for dinner and stay the night regardless."

The wizard sighed. He was tired of walking aimlessly, and it was looked down upon back at the academy to give up journeyman work without having accomplished anything. Where were all the necromancers these days? "Very well. I'm happy to hear that, and I'll accept your offer of food."


And so the wizard, Frederick XVIII, dreamed. He saw himself flying over a forest of strange trees. He saw himself flying over a river, towards mountains in the distance. He saw himself, plummeting down, through a mountain. He saw blackness. He felt himself falling, in every direction at once.


He awoke with a start. His head hurt, and he was most defiantly not lying on the slightly dirty hay he had gone to sleep on. It felt like rock, but he could see nothing. "Theca lux lucis," he muttered. Instantly, a dim glow surrounded him. He was lying on a cobblestone floor, with his staff next to him. He picked it up, and the glow shifted. The sapphire on his staff was now the epicenter of the light, and it was brighter. "No walls? No ceiling? ... This isn't an illusion. Odd." Seeing nothing but the floor, he began walking in a random direction.


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #10 on: April 16, 2010, 09:00:24 am »

Mustafa clambered up over a large rock, but he knew that to gain full view he would have to climb a tree. The area immediately around him has darkened due to the high canopy that was almost like a roof. The air smelt foul here, as if some rotten meat was being cooked, the wind brought this smell from beyond the visibility range. He decided to follow this scent as best he could following the light draft that drifted through the trees.
 After sometime of walking towards this smell it became more pungent and yet more putrid. The ground rose a little and then dropped into a large crate that had been made recently. The object that had caused this impact was still smoldering in the center of the crater. Around this was a small shrine which seemed to imbue a magic onto the stone, the shrine surrounded the stone like a shield and made the rock glow, around this a small camp gravitated the to the stone. The residents were not human, that was certain, many had horns and some walked on three or four legs. Small fires formed the basis of circles of Tents that provided shelter for the strange beings, above several of these fires were spits and on them stranger creatures roasted like pigs.
 Mustafa leaped over the lip of the crater and skidded down the inside edge, being careful not to draw attention to himself. He drew his own sword which he had on his belt and crept up to a tent. The beings were preparing for some sort of strange ritual that seemed to be held at the Shrine at the center. At this time, many of the inhabitants gathered at the shrine and a figure that appeared to be some sort of priest appeared. He stood on Three legs much like a Centaur might if it had three legs, it's back end which would normally look like a horse was of an elongated dog. His "human" skin was a pale red that covered a flimsy body. He reared his head and began to talk, his voice was weedy and thin.
"They have already started to arrive brothers! Our magics have worked and we have more sacrifices for the Master! Their blood will fill his belly and their flesh with it. We must hunt these Humans down and bring them to the sacrificial tower at Bhor. The master has granted us with this," he gestured a the stone, "a fallen star to aid us in our search, me must now activate it!" As he shouted this a roar erupted from the crowd. A small creature, like a three legged frog, was taken to the shrine bound in cloth. The priest held it still on the ground next to the Stone and killed it with magic, letting it's blood drip onto the stone, no blood hit the floor the Stone seemed to Vacuum it out of the air and drink it.
 Blinding red light burst from the stone, it's power scaring many birds from the trees and distant calls of distressed animals were heard. The lgith made no sound as it's burning epicenter moved high in the air. The light eased and a huge form dropped to the ground where the Stone had been crushing the tiny shrine. It looked like a bird, but wingless and raised it's horrid head into the air. It let out a deafening raucous cry and turned around to march off into the forest on the hunt. Mustafa was shaken by this experience, he dropped to the ground and stared at it in absolute awe and fear, cold sweat dripped down his forehead and onto the earth. The priest laughed and danced which was met by cheers from the crowd. The priest then shouted.
"You are supposed to be looking as well you measly whelps! Get going!" On this note the strange creatures followed in the footsteps of the bird and hurried off into the forest. Mustafa was alone behind a tent and the priest sat down with a sickly smile on his face. 
Rather than having them directly force you to mine adamantine, I would suggest that they give you strange moods that require adamantine. "Dig out the adamantine or Urist here goes insane and dies" is suitably vicious.

(It occurs to me that you can probably get "Lovecraft" as the random name of your fortress. That's when you know you're screwed.)


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #11 on: April 16, 2010, 06:32:43 pm »

Sikeludos carefully loaded his musket. He was currently hiding in a crack in the wall, to long and small for the bird to reach him. The bird was snapping at him from outside, hoping that maybe, if it tried enough times, it would be able to reach and eat him. It didn't think he had a way to fight back. Sikeludos aimed his musket at the entrance, and, very carefully as to hit the head and not the beak, pressed the trigger. A loud 'BANG' resonated throughout the whole cavern. The bird had been shot directly in the forehead, leaving a large hole. Unfortunately, this was not enough to kill the thing. The bird jammed its head into the crack even harder now, jabbering loudly. It seemed that one ball had not been enough to kill it. Sikeludos quickly reloaded and fired a second shot. This time the bird went down.

Sikeludos emerged from the crack. He finally got a chance to examine his surroundings. He was, at present, in a large tunnel. It branched of a little bit ahead, and from one end he could see a faint, blue glow. Sikeludos rushed towards it, could this be the way out? He rounded the curve and what he saw astounded him. In front of him, there were huge clusters of blue rocks. Rocks that were so intensely light blue, that they glowed in the dark. He ran closer, to get a good look, then took out a pick and mined away at the wall. This rock must be added to his collection, he thought, He would be the envy of collectors of rocks everywhere! Finally, after managing to pry some loose from the wall, Sikeludos noticed something. Stairs! Stairs carved out of the rock!

Sikeludos ran up the stairs, full speed, yelling, "Hello? Hello? Is anybody up there?" as he ran. At the top of the steps, he reached a large, stone room, containing hundreds of rotting corpses. "Ah, uhh..." He stood there for a moment in terror, then, seeing a light at the far end of the room, dashed for it, trying to avoid looking at the corpses as he went.

Sikeludos burst out of the room, squinting as his eyes adjusted, and saw an expansive forest below him. "B-blimey.." He stepped out of the room, which he now saw to be a pyramid of some kind, and walked into the forest.


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2010, 07:31:16 pm »

Toony start chopping walls with his sowrd and mole hands.

They didn't move one budge so he went forward following the left wall, which didn't budge neither.

Progress was made.


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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #13 on: April 16, 2010, 08:07:07 pm »

Phantom walks around, hearing strange sounds as he went. He could smell something, something strong and putrid. And somehow evil. He saw something that looked humanoid, then his attention was diverted to the smell of something decaying in a nearby tree.

When he nears, he sight's a body impaled on a branch. It's eyes were missing, so was one of it's eyes plus a few parts of his lower jaw. It's skin was gone except on the extremities.

Not wanting to linger there any longer, he started towards the humanoid shape he saw earlier.

It definitely wasn't a human at all. It ran at Phantom at full speed and rammed him into a nearby tree. In response, Phantom punched it in what he assumed was a face and gouged out an eye, and the creature let him go.
It still wasn't done trying to attack him. It climbed up a tree and screeched at him, and jumped off and tried to pin him to the ground. In the middle of it's jump Phantom laid a hole of pulse rifle bullets in it. It fell to the ground, limp.

Not willing to risk another encounter like that, he ran from the scene until he noticed a pillar of smoke high in the sky. Although his sense of danger told him not to go towards it, his curiosity took the best of him, and he started to venture towards it.

Nirur Torir

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Re: ATTENTION: Forum Story thread [All is explained in the Other Thread]
« Reply #14 on: April 16, 2010, 08:49:58 pm »

It had been three hours since Frederick had awoken in this strange place. Three hours of ceaseless walking until he finally found a wall. It was natural gray rock, and went straight up as far as he could see with his meager light. He put his left hand on the wall and began to follow it. Before long, he found a rounded hole in the wall, roughly as wide as a man is tall. He entered, and began walking up the gently sloping tunnel.

He came out in a forest near a stream. A gentle light filled the air; he muttered "desino." The staff's light went out. He looked around, noted the lack of movement, and sat down on the grass to rest. "What an odd place. I know there is some greater force at work here. I can feel traces of its power permeating everything. And that smell. It's almost as if - Hey, mushrooms." The hungry wizard stood and walked over to a patch of mushrooms, sat back down, and picked one of the purple mushrooms up. "Looks like no mushroom I've ever seen. Inquiro." A green and brown aura surrounded it for a few seconds as he cast a simple spell to check for edibility. He popped it into his mouth and began to chew, grimacing at the taste. "Better then going hungry, but not by much." He continued to eat, then pocketed the handful of mushrooms that remained.

Frederick walked over to the stream, stuck a stick into it, and said "inquiro" again. The water around the stick briefly glowed green. He bent over to drink the slightly muddy water, and began walking downstream when he was finished. He did not notice the small figured that followed him at a distance.
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