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Author Topic: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)  (Read 18355 times)

Max White

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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD
« Reply #15 on: April 14, 2010, 06:33:57 am »

[more bla]
[own bla]

Alrighty, since you requested it.... XD

[...more bla than other guy]
Useless blah! Yes blah has a H.
misses something I think?

It was a joke, he dropped the pencil while writing...


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD
« Reply #16 on: April 14, 2010, 06:41:33 am »

[tons of bla quotes nobody anymore cares about]

It was a joke, he dropped the pencil while writing...
I hoped so. ah, sorry but I'm used to write blah without 'h'. I don't think theres a norm to it, but let us derail this thread with random assumptions
: D

EDIT: damn.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2010, 06:47:54 am by Rainforce »
Burychanneled, the channel megaconstruction is officially dead now...until I revive the savegame XD
Oh Dragon Quemer Gildivory, the Flare of Glowing, you will always have a place in our memories as you strucked down our Zon Tonebolts,useless load "Livid Weight of Shielding"...
This is why I don't go outside.


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #17 on: April 14, 2010, 07:15:34 am »

Ledi's Note: Yes, he did indeed drop his pen while attempting to write in his log on the stairs. I'm having fun writing this so far, and thanks for the words of encouragement Max. ^^

Log of Kogan Adascatten, Expedition Leader of the Feral Knives of Isakäs, "Spatteredcave"

27th Granite 1051

Troglodytes! No, not the ones I'm stuck with, the two who attacked us. All available dwarves hastily assembled to try and take down those two. We vanquished them with only minor injuries, and surveyed the area, flushing out and killing another four. I'm starting to consider taking away our woodsmith's axe, but our need for wood means I'll grudgingly allow him to keep it. I thought he attacked trees with ferocity... then I saw him against something which bleeds. He asked to keep the left hand he had severed, I had to firmly yet gently deny his request.

Now if I could convince the dwarves to *avoid* the webs and not blunder straight into them, our stockpiles would be looking a wee bit healthier.

We've been in this forsaken pit for near a month now, and we still don't have beds to sleep in, tables to eat at, or even the start of wall construction! The only positive news I've had was that the miners appear to be quite content out to the NorthWest, and several piles of stone have made it to our cave.

The floor of the main cavern is certainly living up to the name of the encampment. What will be next, I wonder?

8th Slate 1051

I've finally managed to convince Momuz to leave the trees alone long enough to finish some beds. I hadn't realised that one of our miners was also our trained mason. Until I get an office, I have very little to do officially (simply haul wood and other, so I'm going to attempt to hew out some doors and help put up walls at the very least. Maybe everyone will stop complaining as loudly if I get them their own rooms. Or if they do continue complaining, the solid rock walls should muffle it at the very least.

I need a drink. We need a brewery. I'm surprised I haven't been mobbed about it yet, I guess the booze from the wagon must be holding up. I should look into getting one set up before Momuz gets his hands on his axe again.
So Ledi's been training the cats into an army of disposable warbeasts?  Why did no-one think of this sooner?!
Hellcannon seemed to be constantly on the verge of death and Levergedon before my turn helped, but ultimately what killed it was Ledi's cat army.


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #18 on: April 14, 2010, 10:33:18 am »

Loving this so far and as I suffer from DF-OCD as well (must... unpause... game!!) I can empathize.
That is a wasteful idea that recklessly endangers life. I applaud your genius!
There are as many ways to play the game as there are socks on a battlefield.


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #19 on: April 14, 2010, 11:11:11 am »

I like Momuz ^^ good work so far : D
Burychanneled, the channel megaconstruction is officially dead now...until I revive the savegame XD
Oh Dragon Quemer Gildivory, the Flare of Glowing, you will always have a place in our memories as you strucked down our Zon Tonebolts,useless load "Livid Weight of Shielding"...
This is why I don't go outside.


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #20 on: April 14, 2010, 11:56:20 am »

As the initial attacks died down, not that much has been happening... I'm heading to bed now, so no more updates until later. Trying to make nothing happen seem like something is happening is stretching what little writing resources I have XD

Log of Kogan Adascatten, Expedition Leader of the Feral Knives of Isakäs, "Spatteredcave"

24th Felsite 1051

More Troglodytes attacked this month. I'm trying to set a rudimentary hospital up, but the Doc is one of those who was injured in the fight. I'm hoping he'll pull through enough to stitch up the others who need it.

Work started on a road to a depot today. Several of my 'group' refused to have Elves anywhere near them, so I've located where the miners were working, and intend to bribe them with booze to dig a deep ramp wide enough to accomodate any wagons. We'll see if it ends up anywhere near the living caverns, but who knows.

Walls are still not up - anywhere. I considered ordering walls to try and shut out the various creatures, but there are so many ramps around that I'd need to deconstruct to make it safe that it really isn't worth it.

Everyone is tired and unhappy. We need those bedrooms set up, and fast.

4th Malachite 1051

Doc has been cleaning and stitching people up, but Momuz and Ast are still unconscious in the hospital area. It actually has two beds in it now, but the nearest water is the river - and the miners have disappeared down their hole in the ground again. As Momuz was the one making beds, that's halted. I've turned out enough doors for the bedrooms now, and while resting my back have been hauling things out of the remains of our wagon.

There's blood and bits of troglodyte everywhere, so the dogs are happy, and full. We need barrels for booze, which again means hoping for that insane woodsmith's recovery.

9th Malachite 1051 

I was woken today by Doc on his way back from getting water for his patients. We have migrants on the way! I don't know whether they came of their own volition (although I doubt it) or were 'volunteered' by the mountainhome, as the original group was, but either way more strong backs can't go astray - as long as they don't hold their breath for sleeping quarters. I guess I should go up and meet them before they stumble into the Carp.


Well, that's one mixed grouping. I should note the professions they reported to me so I don't forget.
From most to least useful to our situation right now:

  • Stoneworker
  • Brewer
  • Leatherworker
  • Fisherman
  • Furnace Operator
  • Milker
  • Cheese Maker

...Some of those are going to be quite shocked when I tell them that they're no longer going to be practicing their trade down here. They'll grumble, but I'm not about to back down - there are certain duties we NEED to get done, and I'm not about to cripple our group just to avoid offense.

10th Malachite 1051 

Ast Odrozavuz, the farmer who was injured by the Troglodytes, succumbed to infection today. I hope Doc won't lose Momuz as well, but only time will tell. We raise a mug o' ale for you, Ast.

26th Malachite 1051

Alas, Momuz Tathtatlikot's wounds were too severe, and he passed away this afternoon. Doc was trying to save him to the very end. While his passing is a somber occastion, part of me is relieved. I half expected to wake up one night with him standing over me, axe raised to strike. Wherever he is now, I'm sure he's hacking away at enemies with reckless abandon.

28th Malachite 1051

Apparently Kogsak was fonder of Momuz than we had thought - I awoke to screams and much throwing of furniture! I quickly stumbled out of bed to see what was going on, to see him throwing a tantrum in the main hall. Luckily it was short lived, and he calmed down enough to forestall one of us having to put the late Momuz's axe through his skull.

3rd Galena 1051

If Kogask doesn't shut up I'm going to have to do something. That's the third tantrum he's thrown. I'm sure he would appreciate a bedroom, but guess what? So would the rest of us!

I'm scribbling this on an overturned barrel which is probably going to be taken by a brewer at short notice. We've appointed a new woodcutter and carpenter, but can they keep up with the demand for wooden items?


Kogask decimated a bed. This instantly calmed him down and made him happier. We now have five beds left in the entire pit.

12 Sandstone 1051

It has been quiet for the past month or so, but I knew that was too good to last. More migrants, coming down the mountainside! If they all make it to the entrance without falling off the edge, I'll be impressed. Time to put my wallbuilders and carpenters into overdrive. I haven't as much time to write as with the introduction of my office notes have started to pile up to the roof - stock counting, job managing, appraisal figures... I'll show the new group into my office and see what has arrived - hopefully no more cheese makers!


Five newcomers - bringing the fort total to 17. Since this log is less likely to get lost than any other item in my office I'll continue recording the newcomers' professions here. 

  • Metalcrafter
  • Jeweler
  • Blacksmith
  • Brewer
  • Fish Dissector

the Blacksmith and Metalcrafter would be much more useful if we could actually find any magma in this pit, but we may have to go with wood burning - the miners aren't cooperating now, so why would we expect any change in the future?
So Ledi's been training the cats into an army of disposable warbeasts?  Why did no-one think of this sooner?!
Hellcannon seemed to be constantly on the verge of death and Levergedon before my turn helped, but ultimately what killed it was Ledi's cat army.


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2010, 10:31:53 am »

Yaaaargh... long end of week/weekend. Didn't manage to get that much playtime in, but we've passed the one year mark in game and they're not all dead yet! Magma is going to be difficult with the restrictions I've given myself, as I can't really go looking for it. I have a feeling I'll be using normal forges for quite a while.

Log of Kogan Adascatten, Expedition Leader of the Feral Knives of Isakäs, "Spatteredcave"

1st Granite 1052

I can hardly believe I've been in this pit for a full year. No great tradgedies have occured as of late, I've been in my office more often than not. We had a liason from the mountainhome drop by, promising goods and expressing his wishes that we work together 'harmoniously' and managing to sound altogether like a pompous Elf. At least he was accompanied by the first traders we've seen. The caravan had more guards than merchants - I think my suspicions regarding the dwarves which have been dropped off here are correct. We managed to trade the small trinkets that had been made after the troglodyte attacks for a donkey in a cage, some leather and some variety of edibles. The merchants refused to allow us to trade unless we threw in one of the deceased troglodyte's socks. To each their own, and it's one less item that needs to be thrown on the stockpiles. According to the liason, crowns and amulets will be worth more than usual if we have a good supply of them next time he drops by. I agreed to see what I can do, although I'm still weighing the odds of this group surviving another year, let alone getting anything useful done.

We ran out of stone for a month, due to the laziness of miners, but it seems they just restarted, as Doc reports the haulers are coming back with rocks instead of nothing. Wolves and Groundhogs keep interrupting wall construction, and while I'm trying to make a well near the hospital filled via dwarf-power, the water soaks into the ground faster than the dwarves can fill it. Maybe more buckets would help, or at least less dwarves taking breaks near constantly.

25th Slate 1052

More migrants! Ten of them this time - crime must be at an all-time high in the mountainhome. From what I could tell during the short interview we had, they seem like a pretty shady bunch, rather useless too. And a child! They brought a child with them! Until now at least everyone's been able to work, not just get underfoot. I've stopped bothering to note down professions in any form of order, now it's just so I don't forget what they'd prefer to be - which has nothing to do with what the cavern needs.

  • Plant Gatherer
  • Brewer
  • Woodcrafter
  • Thresher
  • Clothier
  • Strand Extractor
  • Craftsman
  • Milker
  • Dyer
  • Child

I'll note here that every set of migrants has had a Brewer in it. I have a feeling that what they brewed to be sent here may not have been your average Dwarven ale or wine. It's a thought that intrigues me, and I've set them loose in the still to see what they will produce. Maybe we'll test the new brew on the child.


Someonene's tracking blood through all the coridoors. It's disgusting. They better not let me catch them, or there'll be more blood added to their boots!
So Ledi's been training the cats into an army of disposable warbeasts?  Why did no-one think of this sooner?!
Hellcannon seemed to be constantly on the verge of death and Levergedon before my turn helped, but ultimately what killed it was Ledi's cat army.


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2010, 11:17:17 am »

Here's some tips to help keep your fortress from looking too blocky:

*Don't designate more than two or three rooms at a time for digging.  Part of the reason fortresses turn dull and blocky is because people don't want to spend a huge amount of time making intricate digging designations.  But if you just designate a little bit at a time you'll find you're more inclined to make the specific area you're working on look more interesting.  It will also help the fortress flow much better as you can deal with unexpected features such as caves as you go and not worry about you're whole design getting messed up.

*Use the mouse more often.  Drawing out your designations with the mouse will help take the tedium of making intricate designs less of a bother.

*Trim those corners.  What I like to do is un-designate the corners of blocky rooms to give them a rounded corner look.  The effect is really nice with some tilesets.

*Use the 7 tile cave-in rule.  I think this is what was used in the 2D version but I didn't start playing until the 3D version so I can't be sure.  But it seems like a good rule to follow.  No tile should be dug out more than 7 tiles away from a wall.  This will cut down on overly open looking rooms.  Lower the number for more of a challenge.

*Don't be afraid to mix it up.  Maybe give your metal working workshops bigger rooms adjacent to a fuel stockpile and keep your crafts workshop rooms small but have some stairs going down between them to a large stockpile for finished goods.  Use your imagination and use the surrounding underground features to your advantage.


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #23 on: April 19, 2010, 12:49:17 pm »

Wheeee.... 3am. I really need to stop playing so early into the morning, but I didn't want to stop until I'd gotten my military worked out... sort of. I have a few events typed out just in case I can't play again for a while XD This logging thing is a lot of fun.

Log of Kogan Adascatten, Expedition Leader of the Feral Knives of Isakäs, "Spatteredcave"

10th Hematite, 1052

Giant Rats have been drinking our booze and chasing our farmers around. Wolves seem to have joined them. I've ordered cage traps to be constructed in the hopes of keeping this menace under control.

It's come to my atention that our useless, useless metalcrafter Dodók Dorenzeng has withdrawn from all society. Doc warned me that dwarves in this situation must be handled very carefully, so I ordered a metalsmith's workshop created, in the even that it would be used by Dodók and for future plans to arm and expand our standing militia of two dwarves. To use this smithy an ashery, furnace and smelter have also been ordered to be built. Luckily we have plenty of wood to burn.

1st Malachite, 1052

Apparently one metal bar was all Dodók needed, for the furnace operator had only just finished smelting the first metal bar of Spatteredcave when Dodók snatched it from him and scuttled back to 'his' claimed smithy. I've heard reports he's started working feverishly on some mysterious item. The sooner he's out of there the better, for then armor and weapon creation can start in earnest.

5th Malachite, 1052

Dodók created  Anamdast Zasashmôn (Agenarrow the Crystalline Shade), a copper figurine of Blossommourn. With a bit of research, I discovered Blossommourn was a cougar, and apparently a large menace - large enough to be immortalised in bronze.

After all that fuss I was at least hoping for a weapon, or something useful. But, I guess that's all I could expect from a 'craftsdwarf'. Pansy.

27th Malachite, 1052

A giant mole has been fighting two of our militia for the last month. It's still alive. We need stronger dwarves and stouter weapons! In fact, any sort of weapons. I told the militia to forget about the mole until it gets up and starts harassing people again.

10th Limestone, 1052

Yet another moody dwarf! Mörul Atheltat, one of the newest wave of migrants and an all-around pansy craftsdwarf, started babbling and ran away from making his crafts. Our leatherworks has now been taken over by a raving lunatic. One of the two pieces of leather left from the last trade caravan is going into something strange and mysterious. I hope it's more useful than the last artifact created.

16th Limestone, 1052

Mörul's mood created Elislim (Thinwisps), a mule leather dress, with spikes of mule leather. Delightful. Leather had a chance of creating useful armor, but instead... we got this. I suppose someone will eventually give it to their wife or some such nonsense.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 04:55:50 am by Ledi »
So Ledi's been training the cats into an army of disposable warbeasts?  Why did no-one think of this sooner?!
Hellcannon seemed to be constantly on the verge of death and Levergedon before my turn helped, but ultimately what killed it was Ledi's cat army.


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2010, 08:14:39 pm »

Morul, the kinky dwarf.  ;)


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #25 on: April 21, 2010, 01:23:43 am »

Morul, the kinky dwarf.  ;)

Yes, especially since he doesn't have a wife.  ???
So Ledi's been training the cats into an army of disposable warbeasts?  Why did no-one think of this sooner?!
Hellcannon seemed to be constantly on the verge of death and Levergedon before my turn helped, but ultimately what killed it was Ledi's cat army.


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD
« Reply #26 on: April 21, 2010, 05:39:13 am »

Try just doing shallow 'cave' fortresses. Use the mouse to designate, and just try to make it look naturally formed. I did a few of them just before the 31.01 release, and they were really fun compared to my usual hyper-efficient geometric gridfest. Try to avoid stairs, and a river running through the middle with bridges spanning is is both useful and aesthetically pleasing.

This is what i do in my masonry and dungeon levels of the fort :D
Quote from: Canuhearme(Facepunch Studios)
Isn't Dwarf Fortress just a game of delayed free-fall into a hideously painful and frighteningly horrific death?


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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #27 on: April 21, 2010, 08:50:17 am »

I'm having fun with this fort. XD I'd have some more, but got sidetracked with the haiku thread.

Log of Kogan Adascatten, Expedition Leader of the Feral Knives of Isakäs, "Spatteredcave"

1st Moonstone, 1052

We're out of food! If I get my hands on our lazy farmers, I'll make sure they can't eat for quite a while! Even I had to scrounge for vermin, making me miss this season's caravan! As soon as I could, I ordered for some of our animals to be slaughtered, to try and get enough meat to last the winter. Judging on how quickly the meat was gone, I think we were all incredibly hungry.

We also had a troll problem, but nothing a full squad couldn't deal with. I think that had something to do with the farming issue - the farmers could see the troll and refused to go anywhere near the plot. I've ordered some more dwarves to farm to try and stock up on plants, especially to brew.

24th Moonstone, 1052
Bloody typical... as we're trying to get the farms back up and running, the stoneworker I had engraving the dining room was possessed! He screamed something at the dwarves having their meals, and ran out like demons were chasing him. I'm getting somewhat worried about the behaviour of these dwarves. This is the third dwarf to go strange on us in a relatively limited amount of time.

25th Moonstone, 1052
Fath Oddomarust has claimed a Mason's Workshop. This bodes well, he's nearly guaranteed to produce some form of furniture. I may get an upgrade for my office out of this!

6th Opal, 1052

A coffin. Of all the things that a mason could have built, he built a coffin. I think morbidity is contagious down here in the caverns. On the other hand, the craftwork is supurb, and it's still a rather impressive coffin. Vumshar Isak (The Gloom of Spattering) is a mica coffin, encrusted with schist and studded with zinc. Tin and Maple rings hang from the lid, and there are spikes of schist surrounding an image of the last artifact to be made, Thinwhisps.

I really do hope the name was just Fath's idea of a joke. If it is, I don't find it very amusing.

1st Granite, 1053

Spring has arrived once again, marking the beginning of the third year at Spatteredcave. We finally have enough bedrooms for everyone,  and the dining room has enough tables and chairs for two thirds of the cavern's population at any one time. We're nearly at the stage where we can look towards expansion - flooring over empty caverns, possibly even looking further afield in the caverns that have been sealed off. First we need a competent military, and I'm going to dedicate a cavern floor to their training. I'm sure that the trolls, draltha and troglodytes are just the tip of the monstrous iceberg and that we'll see much worse the deeper we get.

22nd Granite, 1053

I shouldn't have said anything about bedrooms... more migrants have just turned up. When I was alerted to this, I prepared myself to receive eight, maybe nine people. I've just had another report now that they're closer, and there's EIGHTEEN new dwarves coming this way. Our community has just jumped from twenty-seven to fourty-five dwarves! The only upside to this is that the way to a military force has suddenly become very clear, and the dwarves who are already here won't have to change their duties.
« Last Edit: April 30, 2010, 04:56:15 am by Ledi »
So Ledi's been training the cats into an army of disposable warbeasts?  Why did no-one think of this sooner?!
Hellcannon seemed to be constantly on the verge of death and Levergedon before my turn helped, but ultimately what killed it was Ledi's cat army.

Maggarg - Eater of chicke

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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD
« Reply #28 on: April 21, 2010, 10:10:04 am »

Well if you REALLY wanted to break the habit (Truth be told I do it too) you could just play drunk for the first two years (Kids, don't drink and Dwarfortress!) but as is your in for some FUN! I tried it once, forgotten beast put an end to me, so good luck buddy!

Wow, I can't believe I had never thought of this previously. Putting dwarf fortressing drunk on my to-do list for sure. Now i just need to scrounge up the cash for another bottle of Cap'n Morgan.
What a great idea.
...I keep searching for my family's raw files, for modding them.

Nexii Malthus

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Re: Ledi's Self Challenge - Overcoming OCD (Now with log)
« Reply #29 on: April 21, 2010, 10:24:11 am »

A coffin. Vumshar Isak (The Gloom of Spattering) is a mica coffin,


The RandomNumberGenerator has something in store for you it seems :P
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