I had a siege of well over 60 goblins attack. 1 axe lord who wanted to fill his flask in full iron armour kept a great deal of bowmen and crossbowmen (well, gobs) and a master swords goblin stuck in combat unable to kill him until they had ran out of ammo and the rest of the siege caught up. He only died after suffering full red wounds, having both eyes shot out, both ears shot off, his lower legs cut off and most of his fingers removed. He'd also just punched a forgotten beast spider hard enough to kill it while pathfinding to an axe.
That dwarf had better have a heroes tomb.
I had set up an artifact glass tomb in the dining room with glass windows walling it off, I intended to give it to my old sheriff who, after macing a forgotten beast to death, was shot by a stray arrow through the lung and died. He was the husband of the unluckiest dwarf I've ever had - due to crashes she was traumatized in 3 different saves.
1) First time she had her baby maced in her arms, before being whipped without dieing by a goblin for what seemed like forever.
2) Next save she avoided that fate, but had her head cut open by a goblin babysnatcher.
3) In the final (and current) save, she was attacked by the same goblin as before, but this time had her baby stolen despite her and the military trying their best. She was permanently bedridden too, losing her ability to stand.
In the end I gave up on the save, one goblin siege left and another turned up before it had left the map. I still have the save though, tempted to kit out the one military dwarf I still have and see if she can take down a siege alone.