Been enjoying this mod again, specifically with a Shyhak fortress that seems to be doing quite well (while the dwarven one got Werebeast'd and I quit right then). Still, a couple of questions
One, I imagine the Shyhak being rather fragile is intended, due to the general frailty of anything without an inner skeleton in this game and to compensate for having four arms? Because the chitin doesn't quite protect that much, and even Atlases can get their limbs splatted by unskilled punches sometimes. But then again: Multiple arms. Just having two shields makes a soldier quite hard to hit.
And two, Shyhak can't launch expeditions as far as I know, and I believe it's because a subqueen is needed for that (and I don't have one, because no queen caste members have deigned visit). I'd probably point at the [RESPONSIBILITY:MILITARY_GOALS] tag in that regard; is this intended (Shyhak'ur do seem like the sort) or not?