With version 1.3b, Direforged has been updated to 0.42.02.
Various generic 0.42.x updates
Specific 0.42.x changes:
Carraighs are now intelligent wilderness creatures that can join civs rather than pets, and were made a little smaller.
Shyhak'ur get strange moods, at least for now.
Aurides now value knowledge highly, cunning less so.
Aurides, encar, and wuradi get partially-random values.
Removed syrinx and ocarina.
Added vault as a dwarven civilization name portion.
Frost stalks can be turned into paper (tundra papyrus) directly like papyrus.
Weavervine can be made into paper via mill and press (vinethread paper).
Great sphinxes get a few scholar skills.
Powerful roar interactions (great and anurisphinx) cause terror, a few interactions cause erratic behavior
Poison weird vapor material was misnamed in its interactions.
Dwarf diplomat no longer comes as an additional trade diplomat when playing as dwarves through the options file.
Various detail changes in Direforged entities' positions. Encars and deep evils now get lieutenants and captains.
Carmine fey and hobgoblin ethics now require killing of enemies, and those of carmine fey also of neutrals.
Spiderroot and wyrmblood tree logs should now be properly named.
Encar body part descriptions were faulty.
Changed the Wanderer's Friend toys into tools.
The Direforged options script now exists as a Python3 script as well as a Python2 script.