I never really read the book. See I never really read it on the internet either, but through a complex series of events the book came into my possession. I did flip through it though.
Thing is, I really, really don't like the art design. I tried reading it, but I got bored a few comics in, and seeing as how I have a bunch of other stuff to be reading(like Warren Ellis's "Captain Swing and the Electrical Pirates of Cindery Island", which is the most awesomest stuff ever made by the way), I sort of forgot about it.
I suppose I've just been molded into a visual whore who needs inspired artwork to get through anything, but the way I see it my time is better spent reading something like this
http://theawesomer.com/photos/2009/09/092209_v_4.jpg. . .than this
http://winfieldya.files.wordpress.com/2009/05/gunnerkriggcourt1.jpgI don't know. Maybe I'm just an elitist or something. Or maybe I just can't stand art without some grit. I dunno.
And yes, I have looked through the more recent stuff. I will admit it has improved, but it still bugs me. But part of that is probably that I just really hate "silly" expressions, like, when a character is talking and is relatively serious, and then the camera zooms out like a yard and suddenly they have no nose. I guess I prefer things with more tonal consistency, and while I'll admit that might be hard in a weekly release thing where you let the comic out piecemeal, but I still think it's important to keep in mind. But that's just me.
Look, I probably shouldn't take this so serious or look at it so closely, it's just that as an artist myself, and working in an art environment, I'm noticing a decline in people who care about the craft, or about tying their art into the story in general. And maybe that gets in the way of me enjoying this sort of thing for what it is, but I think the importance of good visual design in a comic shouldn't be forgotten.
Say, what do you people think the importance of artwork in a comic is? Do you think it's a priority, or should it take a back seat to the story? Or do you think it just depends?