So, I'm trying to replicate the diskworld trolls, basically a humanoid made fully of stone.
I want all tissues other than teeth to be stone, and the teeth should be diamond.
what's the best way to do this?
* Japa tried reading through the thread, but it's all so confusing.
You could try this:
[DESCRIPTION:A huge humanoid monster made of stone. Its teeth are made of clear diamonds.]
[PREFSTRING:mouth shinies]
[TISSUE_NAME:clear diamond:NP]
This should make trolls whose bodies are made from stone (gabbro, to be precise), and horns, tusks, and teeth made from clear diamond. It has genders, and is able to reproduce (the details we'll leave to the imagination
By the way, since the clear diamond entry in the raws use STONE_TEMPLATE as a base material, it might not be effective for biting, since the [MAX_EDGE] for stone is 4000 (compare to 10000 for iron). You might want to add the tag to clear diamonds inside the inorganic_stone_gem.txt file.
P.S. This troll might be hard to kill, since it has NO_THOUGHT_CENTER_FOR_MOVEMENT], just like a bronze colossus. Might want to test them in the arena just in case.
EDIT: Argh, forgot to add the ITEMCORPSE tag on it, wouldn't have worked without it.