Woo! Thanks Dwarfu, works perfectly.
As for where I got the reaction class, pretty sure it was earlier in this thread but now I can't find it. Someone had made a couple special glass reactions that both worked, just one of them produced 150 of the product while the nearly identical other reaction produced the desired 1 (he had all the reagents set to size 1 instead of 150). I just extracted the sand reagent lines from his reaction.
Can anyone tell me how to get sand reagents to work properly?
I've got a reaction to make clay mechanisms that works perfectly. But I want to make one that makes glass mechanisms, and it doesn't work.
[NAME:make glass mechanism]
I've tried making the sand reagent fully none, powder_misc, inorganic, everything I can think of. Nothing shows up in the error log, I've regenned after every little change I make, but it never allows the reaction to be queued. Always red in the list.
Could I have your clay one? I am also looking for a wood log -> Mechanism reaction.
[NAME:make clay mechanism]
They're nice, only weigh 27 and are worth 3x what a stone one is.
The glass ones weigh 52 and are only worth double, but they might possibly be magma safe. Will have to test.
As for wood:
[NAME:make wooden mechanism]
Should work I think. Probably missing something though, haven't used anything but stone and clay successfully (and now glass).