When you select the "play now" option, there should be a randomized reason for your 7 to have left the mountain home. Something like "the seven of you are bandits, left from the mountain home to stash your goods in the wilds!" and your dwarves will have related skills and maybe you will embark with gold goblets or something, valuable, but not particularly useful. As well as parties of dwarves (or humans or whatever) on your tails, possibly attacking quicker then usual. Or perhaps "the seven of you are exiled for various reasons (perhaps disease, 'liar' stat bonus ect.) from dwarven society and have left the mountain home to claim and build your own fort!" this one would be a challenge, making migrants sparse or not at all and perhaps, a few dwarves starting with injuries or diseases. I find this as an exciting challenge that could add to the building process, probably the most challenging part of the game.
possible scenarios I have thought of so far:Thieves running away with their loot-bonus military stats, valuable starting loot, food is plenty, easily get over dead companions-early sieges/ambush from enemy dwarves, not particularly useful skills in terms of mining/wood cutting/building ect., useful starting items are sparse, little communication/trade/migrationExiled dwarves looking to make a new settlement-misc skills (usually useful), quick migrants (more exiled dwarves), good starting items ('contaminated 'items), exiled animals-weak dwarf stats (susceptible to disease, flimsy ect.), poor starting military, minimum tradeDwarven pilgrims seeking religious freedom-all of a single religion, starting items include totems and idols, starting animals are often, migrants are plentiful-poor military, children possible in starting seven, possible dwarf raidsProphet exodus with a few followers-all of a single religion, starting items include totems and idols, strong social stat bonus, expedition leader (prophet) also starts out with a legendary stat and artifact-migrants are sparse, food is sparse, trade starts out slow, possible dwarf siegeSurvivors of a fallen mountain home-starting doctor (mandatory), hospital supplies are plentiful, plenty of food, starting trap components-starting injuries, scouting parties*, possible children, more experienced siegers/ambushers*scouting parties are groups of three or four enemy units who come and scout out your fort. If they are interrupted or reach your meeting hall(/wagon) they will attempt to run off the map. if you can kill them all, another party will return eventually, but if one gets off the map and reports to their goblin warlord or whatever, sieges/ambushes will proceed as regular.
Dwarves kidnapped by goblins and raised in goblin society, out seeking their heritage-good selection of starting items, starting armor/weapons, plenty of food, strong dwarves, goblins are friendly and will trade with you (but only trade poor useless items)-no early migration, migration starts when a trader caravan stumbles across you (three or four years in), goblins will start sieging after you begin trade with dwarves and elves, possible children in starting sevenDwarves split from mountain home for political reasons-social stat bonus, standard starting items, starting animals-migrants are few, trade only with elves and humans, possible dwarf siege~~~
this coupled with a sort of traveling merchant who will trade things in the first two or three years that may have been missed in the generating, such as axes or medical supplies (picks are mandatory). they would also trade misc. items that don't have any real connection.
"Dorf Bucks? Dorf Bucks are no good out here. I need something more real." I think the possibilities are endless for this and sorry if it has already been suggested.