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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180299 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #615 on: May 03, 2011, 03:50:06 pm »

Diary of Brosso the Great
Times are getting more and more hectic as our new "Alliance For Dwarven Survival" (note to self - present it to the rest of our good, traditional folk) is becoming more and more overwhelmed by the unwashed masses of both elf-lovers (one of them humiliated me - note to self - take revenge) and lower races (Fori "saved" me from our sheriff, or rather saved him from an honest, dwarven beating - humiliated again).

Thankfully, the circus is nearing completion and I've managed to save both our fortress and, more importantly, my first zoo animals! (Note - must make sure nothing are mine, legal or done through goblin hands (Gods forgive me).)

Now, perhaps I might add a mighty arena to my circus, so that our soldiers and other races "friends" could practice fighting with some beasties we'll surely capture in the caves?


I love how you bring every character alive, mod stuff to be more interesting etc.  This is truly a legendary story.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #616 on: May 03, 2011, 04:25:32 pm »

Ya he really does an epic job of weaving everyone individual tale into an epic story everyone can enjoy. Keep up the epic win......and alliance for dwarven survival wins my vote.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #617 on: May 09, 2011, 10:45:00 pm »

Amazing, amazing stuff.
In fact, enough so to get me to actually sign up. And ask to join. The latest human female to immigrate, if possible.
(Spoiler'd for slight longness)
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #618 on: May 13, 2011, 06:27:40 pm »

From the log of Fori
   It's been so long since I've had a chance to write, I've been so busy. Much has happened since my last entry, I'm at a loss of where to begin.

   I think the battle would be the best place to start. It had been long in the making, Torvold and I had been toiling away endlessly preparing the traps. The magma trap was giving us a little trouble, but with the stonefall and cage traps, as well as the ballista corridor was deemed enough to handle whatever defilers got in. I wasn't able to see it work in person, though I could hear the echoing booms of collapsing rock and ballista arrows felling nothing like weeds in a fire. No, I was with the militia that had gathered outside to take down whatever defilers didn't make for the trapped tunnel.
   This battle was unlike the fight with the defilers when building the lighthouse. That was furious, but brief. A quick defensive ambush and retreat. No, this battle was longer. And we were taking the fight to the defilers themselves. No retreat this time. No stopping until every last one of the demons lay dead. I ran with the good dwarves, even the humans, goblins, and kobolds, charging into a massive army of the defilers. And we tore into them like a wildfire! The memory was just a blur to me, a blur of vicious stabbing, dodging the claws and tentacles of the beasts. For a long time we fought, despite our motley and varied force, we fought as one. At first, the horde seemed endless, but the end came rather suddenly. The surge of defilers simply stopped, leaving us alone and alive in a battlefield drenched with defiler ichor. And not a single living defiler to be seen. They were numerous, vicious, and fueled by a primal rage, but the defilers could be beaten! I wonder if they knew terror or fear in their last moments.

   But we didn't have time to celebrate just yet. We had cleared the field of defilers, but they would soon be back. It was time to start the next part of our plan. Our first step to retaking the surface. Hastily wiping off my sword and sheathing it, I ran to the prepared stone blocks that we would use to build a sanctuary in the surface. It was interesting to reflect, back when I had first come, I had such trouble hauling the stone that the dwarves mined out. Rather frail, really. Now, this stone isn't much of a burden, I ran with a large block upon my back. The outside was a swarm of activity, and in very short order, a wall was built and a moat was dug. It took weeks of constant labor, but dwarves are tireless beings. And before long, a bit of nature was sealed off, denied to the ravaging defilers. I remember simply lying down on the grass after the last segment of wall was built, simply relishing the feel of the gentle plants. I never thought I'd get to feel it again when I first arrived. I spent the rest of the day outside, reminding myself of the joys of nature. I confess I laughed like a child as I ran about. And to taste wild strawberries again! I ate many, but I gathered up many more and brought them to the larder to share with the dwarves. I decided then and there to plant a field of them, and I heard the brewers trying their hand at winemaking. The result was quite pleasant, if heady.

   On a sadder note, we did find the bleached bones of several caravans outside. The defilers had been attacking them, it seemed, slaying them even before we were aware they were here. I did what I could for the fallen, growing a memorial for them. As for the goods though, there was a little debate of what to do. A few felt that using the supplies left over from the ruined caravans echoed of grave robbery. But we really could use the supplies, and I think the dead would be willing to let us have them in return for avenging them and keeping the defilers from desecrating their remains further.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #619 on: May 14, 2011, 03:10:35 am »

Mainhard was in Torvolds' lab. He wanted to talk to the shmot dwarf, he needed to tell him.

"Ve vill be needink da Jägerdrawt. I be knowink you kan do it! Lives vill be saved!"

One life came to mind in particular. That of Volrath Blacksteel. The power of the drawt was the very polar opposite of the nothing. In seconds it would try to pull ever muscle in his body to pieces, ripping and twisting, overloading the whole of the body, forcing it to grow in that instant or die. An orgy of life bursting out and radiating from the stomach, invoking the blood to rage and frenzy in your veins. Later, Mainhard would tell Volrath of this, and ask him if he would try the drawt. The other Jägers would also be given this choice, but all this hinged on Torvolds' response.

"I haff goteen da stuff hyu vill be needink" Mainhard brought his fists together softly but firmly and looked his shmot Dwarf in the eyes "Ve kan vin diz ting Torvold, but ve need hyu to be leadink da vay wiff da Science! Vill hyu save diz fort?" Mainhard punctuated this by placing his finger to the dwarfs' chest where the beard was thickest
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #620 on: May 28, 2011, 09:07:39 am »

Sorry for the long wait guys, I've had stuff happening.

Ovg & Stronghammer - Thanks! ;D

alienfetucine - Thanks, and, sure, you're in! Bio up on the first post as usual.

10th Felsite 677 - Dawn

The assembled militias of Nomekast met up on the surface level at the crack of dawn, the moment the sun began to rise above the valley of the Swamps of Tunneling. There was 22 of them, more than a quarter of the population. They had scanned the valley from the lighthouse, and had seen the infected Goblins milling around the southern end of the swamps, apparently having crossed the river at night to get away from Nomekast and the potential to be ambushed in the night.

The drawbridge leading from the new compound over the river was dropped and the armed group crossed. As Sheriff, Derm took charge,

"Right, we need to draw them down from the top of the valley. There were some crossbowgoblins somewhere, the last thing we need is for them to be on the high ground shooting down at us." he told the militia.

As they cautiously made their way across the valley towards the Goblin group, a piercing scream rent the air.

"There's people up there!" Tarran exclaimed, shielding his eyes from the glare of the rising sun to see.

"Some Dwarves, and a few Humans by the looks of it." Loral said, his keen Elven eyes seeing clearly up the valley, "The Goblins are slaughtering them."

"We've got to save them!" Melagius cried, drawing his sword and charging with a cry. This galvanised the others into following him, and the group stormed up the valley sides. The crossbowgoblins saw them, and began to rain a hail of bolts on them, recognising them as a greater threat than the defenceless refugees. But their bolts went wildly off, missing the group and thudding harmlessly into the dirt. In return they were greeted by a shower of bolts from Rovod, Steve and Rar, followed by the attack by swords, axes, spears, maces and hammers.

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The battle didn't last long. Seven crossbowgoblins against twenty-two mostly hardened militia that had faced down Forgotten Beasts and armies of Nothing without even having any armour for the most part.

Soon the Goblins lay dead at the feet of the group, the inky skin that once covered them dissipitating away into wispy black tendrils that fled into the ground. Bax stooped down to examine a Goblin.

"The Creed of Roses." he said, a surprised tone in his voice as he examined a silver pendant on the corpse of his fellow Goblin.

"What?" asked Tarran, taking the pendant and looking at it. It was a simple thing, a silver circle with a rose bush and a fish, not something you expected on a Goblin.

"These crossbowgoblins are from the Creed of Roses. They're a religious order in the Empire of Roasted Torment. They worship Tobul Mountaintufts the Ripe Growth, a Dwarven god of lakes and fish that some 'napped Dwarf slaves bought with them to the tower of Ngokangozo. More importantly, they're the elite when it comes to assassinations and 'napping important people, once managed to take both daughters of the queen of the Dwarven place next door."

"So?" asked Muenster, leaning on his mace as he listened, "It's not like this was some kind of scandalous assassination attempt that'll provoke a war or something."

"No, you don't see. The Creed of Roses are the personal assassins and bodyguard of the law-giver, ever since they were made in 150 they've been Gamo's most trusted servants. If the Nothing got them, then the Nothing got the entire Roasted Torment, and thats alot to get."

"We already knew the world outside was collapsing." Loral said gruffly, "Tell us something we don't know."

"If every Goblin and every slave in the Roasted Torment is like this." Rashem said grimly, pointing to the dead Goblins at their feet, "That's going to be alot to take down."

"This is probably still the safest place to be." Fori said, trying to inject a bit more optimism into the conversation.

"Ha. I doubt that." Steve said, interrupting, "This place is more frequented by beasts than Hell itself." he pointed back to the group of shaken refugees, "Seven, five Dwarves, two Humans. Four others died, one of the living seven has a nasty cut to his abdomen, Reg'll need to look after him." he reported. "And Loral says he can see no sign at all of the third group."

"I imagine they ran off after we're defeated these two groups." Melagius said, a note of pride entering his voice.

"We can't be sure. Best thing to do now would be to get back to Nomekast and safety." Tarran suggested, scratching his beard in thought. This was met by a chorus of agreement, and the group trudged back to Nomekast as morning rose.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Torvold stared the large blue Human down, his beard bristling with indignity.

"Are you suggesting?" the scientist said slowly, "That I - Torvold - make this...monstrosity of a drink?" he snatched up the plans that Meinhard had given him months earlier, the plans of the old Dwarven court scientist Dos Panzermench, waving them at Meinhard.

"Learn, my good blue Human; that I am Torvold! I have designed machinery so complex even I don't understand it and have made such mechanical miracles that various Temples have asked me to stop! You shall have your little drink, the danger is nothing in the face of science! And also possibly Volrath's life."

"I haff wat hyu need." the Human told the Dwarf, clearly delighted at this acceptance. Torvold raised an eyebrow,

"Haff, sorry, have you actually asked Volrath about giving him this stuff?" he asked. Meinhard gave a shrug,

"Not yet, I vill do so later."

"Well ask him, I'm not making this stuff just so it can be put on a mantelpiece and dusted every so often."

"My Jägers-"

"Did you ask them?"

"No, but-"

"Well ask Volrath and your Jägers first, in the meantime, I have work on the Nothing to do!"

Hematite 677

The month of Hematite passed without any great incident. Mostly, work went into expanding the community. The communal bedroom was expanded, what with the fact that Nomekast now housed 79 assorted Dwarves, Elves, Goblins, Humans and Kobolds.

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There was also talk about expanding the dining-area, which seated only 24, just under a third of the population. Down on the Fiery Cistern, work had begun on a large laboratory facility for Torvold, where he could experiment on the captured Nothing with the finest equipment forges could smelt.

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Sandra, who had been avoiding society, having apparently been possessed, or as Ibruk put it, 'inspired', by the gods, ghosts or demons depending on who you asked, had finished what she had been working on.

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The now expected and inevitable battle between Ibruk and Kadzar on one side, and much of the rest of the fort on the other broke out over this, with Ibruk and Kadzar claiming that as an artifact inspired by the gods it belonged in the temple, especially since to their eyes the gods had vindicated them about locking away the cursed aquamarine 'The Lonely Battles' by this new artifact which held its picture. Sandra ended the fight by deciding to wear the earring, much to Ibruk's displeasure.

Brosso and his helpers had finished the current work on the circus' magnificent entrance, and were beginning work on what would be a grand arena so that the greatest warriors of their age could test their wits against the worst nature and the supernatural had to offer. It would be able to seat more than five times Nomekast's current population, and there would be ample space for the gladiators to fight, even if ever such large beasts as dragons or such like were brought in.

It would be, to put it simply, the greatest and largest arena in all of time and space.

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There were only about a dozen of them digging, Brosso, Reg, Stronghammer and several other Dwarves who had agreed to join the newly formed Alliance For Dwarven Survival., but work would progress swiftly it was hoped.

Up on the surface the compound had been fortified. The walls had grown upwards, fortifications meant that the militia could attack safely with crossbows or bows from a distance, while a wall to the north blocked off any line of fire for hostile crossbowgoblins or bowgoblins. The compound was now essentially safe, meaning that there was now a safe place for people to gather in the fresh air.

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Fori had also planted a small field where she tended strawberries. While many of the Dwarves and Goblins were reticent to taste them at first, they quickly began to like the taste, and a growing variety of food was greatly welcome.

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The compound was finished just days before a worrying sight was spotted on the horizon, sweeping down the valley.

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Nomekast's population grew by another as Zasit, an ex-fishery worker, gave birth to a baby girl, followed days afer by Kogsak, a weaponsmith working under Tarran, giving birth to a boy, her second child.

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The days were now just peacefully floating past. Food and booze was plenty, safety was ensured, fresh air and sunshine was available, and any tensions and feuds were kept away, simmering beneath the surface maybe, but not disrupting the peace. For now, Nomekast was at peace.

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #621 on: May 28, 2011, 09:12:15 am »


Too tired to RP, maybe later.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #622 on: May 28, 2011, 10:14:57 am »

fantastic work!
let's hope this peace lasts!
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Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #623 on: May 28, 2011, 12:54:43 pm »

Meinhard was in the hospital, the Jägers had been called in and he had made sure Volrath would be awake. The other injured might as well also hear this, this is a choice many people would have to make.

"Da Jägerdrawt. Da ting dot made me how I iz. It makes hyu Better in all tingz, or it keelz hyu dead, painfully. Torvold sayz he kan make it. Hyu drink it, hyu heal all huze hurtz in dot momont, or hyu die. Pain, it vill tezt hyu wiff da pain. beat da pain, hyu livez. Dot'z all dere his too eet."
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #624 on: May 28, 2011, 02:52:47 pm »

Oh my gawd so much Nothing in that Third-to-last picture.

Time for Live Target Practice?
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #625 on: May 28, 2011, 02:59:03 pm »

Oh my gawd so much Nothing in that Third-to-last picture.

Time for Live Target Practice?
I didn't even see that one.
Certainly worrying.
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #626 on: May 28, 2011, 06:52:15 pm »

Good to see the army being effective, yet holy crap thats alot of nothing......kill them quick.
glad to see ya back and writing i has certainly missed this amazing story.

Industry records

It appears that another adventure to the surface was under way. It is such a waste of resources in my opinion, though the refugees was a welcomed surprise, more abled hands for industry, and two human freeloaders.....i mean much time around  Brosso, i must remain objective. Glad to see a surface compound as it will mean fresh lumber for the furnaces..though i will probaly have to guard the furnaces from the elves. I will begin a search for apprentices that can assit me in running the forges and shops in the hub of industry, aka the magma pool. It is a bit disheartening to see the sudden rush of nothings from far lands, nothing the military cant handle. Im glad Brosso me and the others have allied in are indevours as it means a great imput of proper dwarven traditions and less from non traditionalists. Well thats all back to the forges for me, i think that i will build a small little home by the forges to better safe guard them and be closer to what i enjoy.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #627 on: May 29, 2011, 02:13:58 pm »

Name: Reno Monty

Race: human

Profession: marksman

Bio: oh god Nothings in my village, abscond!
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #628 on: May 29, 2011, 10:50:54 pm »

"You saying this could kill me?"Volrath asked "yezz".Mainhard replied"Then I am not taking it then, at least not now.I just don't think its the nothing that did this to me.I could be mistaken, the gods know all the evidence says I am.I can't tell you why, but I got this feeling deep in my bones that we are missing something".Mainhard was perplexed.Why was he refusing to take the drawt on the baseless idea that the nothing were not what was doing this to him.Maybe the barbarian, for the first time in his life, he was afraid.Afraid of something he could not kill with fists or steel.I know you are scared but...Hold your tongue boy before I pull it out.Never accuse me of being scared of any thing if you know whats good for you.I will take if I need to, but first I need to ask the black steel elders a question.Iv thought they vere dead?They are.There is a ritual all blacksteel tribes men know, that lets your temporarily merge you consciousness with those that left this world, and speak to them".How long vill this take?" Days maybe more."You don't haff that much time your could turn any daz now." "I know.I will do it as fast as I can but I will need some supply's."Mainhard was going to argue with volrath, the look in his eyes told him that his mind could not be changed."All right what do you need?"


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #629 on: May 30, 2011, 09:56:54 am »

mcclay - You're in, bio'll be up with the next update and immigrants. ;)

4th Limestone 677

The peace lasted straight through Malachite and Galena. The only trouble came from occasional excursions by giant toads, or the small arguments between members, though they managed to avoid fighting. Nomekast continued to expand, a walkway from what was colloquially known as the 'fort' over to the another part of the cavern had been completed, as space had already become rather cramped in the walls of the community, and so expansion seeemed to only way to support a growing population the currently stood at 81.

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Work on the new laboratory for Torvold had finished, it was now almost completely furnished, and included everything up to a pool of magma and a water well to draw for experiments. Here Torvold would perform his experiments, either on the Nothing, or on whatever designs or ideas he had.

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- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Jessica von Sachsen had wandered down to the Fiery Cistern. While she had been here at Nomekast for almost three months now, she still didn't know her way around the windy passages and the gloom of the caves. The light from the magma pool, however, gave the place an almost homey feel. There was a hubbub of work around the forges, as usual. A certain Stronghammer Fireforge had taken over the running of the community's industry, and had sworn to extend their industrial capacities. He had already dug himself a cottage by the forges where he would supervise the industry, and plan the work. Meetings for some group named 'The Alliance for Dwarven Survival' also took place there. It even had green glass windows where he could keep an eye on what was happening outside.

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Today she had wandered down by chance, only to literally bump into an Elf. Out of habit she immediately apologised in Elven. The Elf grinned,

"<<It's no trouble.>>" he replied, also switching to Elven. He held a hand out, "<<I'm Ocade. You're new here, yes?>>" Jessica shook his hand, nodding,

"<<Jessica von Sachsen, I came in with the last group.>>"

"<<Sachsen? Not of the ducal House of Sachsen, from the Humble Nations?>>"

"<<Unfortunately. I left that behind though, no doubt the title went to some cousin or something.>>"

"<<Yes, you've definitely travelled round, your accent marks you out. Where did you learn Elven?>>"

"<<The Holy Empire of the Ferns of Strategy.>>" Ocade seemed impressed, raising his eyebrows,

"<<A rare thing for them to take people in, they tend to be isolationist. I imagine they enjoyed the idea of harbouring a Human duchess who was fleeing from her birth-right.>>"

"<<I can't place your accent either.>>"

"<<Well, I grew up with Goblins, so my Elven is what I learnt from other Elf slaves and freedelves.>>"

"<<Really? That's fasc->>" Jessica was interrupted by a shout from across the magma pool. Several Dwarves had gathered around, joined by a few Elves. Ocade grinned,

"<<Better go check that out, wouldn't want to miss any bloodshed.>>"

Stronghammer stood at the centre of the circle, his fellow industrialist Dwarves stood around him, Reg and Brosso, who had been working on the circus arena and had been drawn out by the shouting, stood besides him. On the other side stood several Elves, who seemed greatly upset by something.

The Elf leading the confrontation was currently shouting at Stronghammer, furiously,

"Why do we even need a wood burner!? Isn't the whole point of this magma stuff to allow you to smelt without burning the children of nature?" Stronghammer sighed,

"The continual expansion of Nomekast's industries requires us to possess the capacities to burn wood. I am sorry if this bothers you, but you have no say in the matter." Reg nodded vehemently,

"Not to mention," he interjected, "that wood ash is an important part in making soap, which is vital in cleaning injuries to prevent infection!"

"And," Brosso added, "in making potash, a fertilizer so that the - hmph! - 'children of nature' can grow faster, stronger, and bigger! I'm sure that something you pan - I mean, Elves, can agree with."

"And of course potash is used in the manufacture of clear glass. We are not burning wood to anger you, or to make needless coal, we are burning wood to expand our industry so that life is not only more comfortable, but also safer and cleaner. Wood will need to be cut down and burnt for the good of all."

"You mean you're going to slaughter more trees?!" the Elf cried incredulously.

"Yes." Stronghammer said simply, "And it is not negotiable." he added.

12th Limestone 677 - Morning

"No, I'm telling you I'm worried about Datan." Reg insisted. Derm shrugged,

"Sounds just like a passing nausea to me, you should really be keeping an eye on Volrath instead."

"Look! Steve found him last night, sitting down in the tombs, staring at that damn orichalc door Ibruk had made, and today we find him feverish and barely responsive."

"Maybe delusions brought on by a fever?"

"Oh, did I mention he'd scratched his fingers raw, scratching at that door?"

"Fine, do what you think necessary then. I'm a sheriff, not a doctor, what do you want me to do, proscribe him some medicine?"


A long and loud wailing reached their ears. It was coming from the hospital. Once they got there they found Datan on the rock floor, just outside Brosso's office, huddled in a mess. Several people stood a distance away, watching apprehensively, including Steve, Sandra, Stronghammer, Brosso himself and Muenster. When Brosso saw Derm he immediately made his way over,

"Sheriff! I demand you remove this maddwarf from the entrance to my office!" he cried, pointing at the gibbering Datan. Derm ignored him, walking straight past him up to Muenster and Doc. Steve.

"He just jumped up and ran off here, now he's just been screaming while holding his pick." Muenster explained.

"It's not a good sign." Steve nodded, "And it's not fever."

"See, Derm? Psch, sometimes my skills are wasted here." Reg said.

"We need to calm him down." Derm said, ignoring Reg.

"I'll try." Muenster nodded, spinning round and approaching the cowering Datan. But before he could even try to assuage the miner, Datan jumped up, screaming unknown words, and slashed his pick towards Muenster. The glassmaker had the good sense to dodge, but he wasn't fast enough, and the pick managed to cut open his left upper arm. Muenster fell back with a curse, scrambling for his mace. Derm jumped into the fray, wielding his axe, while Datan swore bloody murder, swinging his pick towards the fallen Muenster but missing.

Derm's axe struck true, and Datan's right hand came clean off, pick still in hand. Datan screeched like a banshee, and attempted to flee the two militiadwarves, blood spouting from his stump of an arm. He grabbed Stronghammer with his one good arm, gibberig insanely, then fell down, weak from blood loss. Muenster slammed his mace into the miner's head, and he stopped moving, dead. For a long time no one said anything. Killing monsters or Nothing or Nothing-possessed Goblins was one thing, but killing a Dwarf who had up until now been a productive member of the community was somehing else. Then Stronghammer's eyes glazed over,

He stood still for a few seconds, then spun on his heel and left the area in the direction of the workshops.

Sandra also stopped, clutching at her head. The artifact marble earring she wore that she had made herself, Blockedbeard the Oceanic Clouds began glowing with a eerie white light. For a moment it seemed she might have lost control to Ryva, then she gasped, and Blockedbeard's light suddenly faded.

"What is is?" Reg asked, quickly moving over to her, his doctor's instincts overriding any other impulses he had. Sandra looked up,

"I heard...voices." she said, shaking her head as if to dislodge what she had just heard.

"What did they say?" Derm demanded. Things like this had happened before, artifacts communing with people, and each time they warned of dangers.

"They said,

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