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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180271 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #525 on: March 16, 2011, 05:59:37 pm »

Reg quickly ran out of dwarven swears.  The two that were badly injured were down for a month, but would survive.  But Rion... Rion... his fate was left for the gods.  The intoxication took hold fast; it spread from his chest to the very tips of his fingers before he was laid down in the hospital bed, but even if Reg were on the field of battle next to him, there was nothing he could have done.  The substance would scorch his lungs, making every following breath like inhaling liquid lead, until they could no longer support themselves.  They would then fail, leaving him to suffocate.  And there wasn't a treatment from the Golden Coast to the Barren Plains that could breathe life back into the dwarf then.  Although his mind raced for a cure, an anti-venom or a backwater ritual that he could find on a moment's notice, he knew there was none.  All that he could give him was a couple of dwarven candies and a bottle of rum that would have given even a dwarf a minor ache the next morning.

He knew where it went from there.  After a labored last breath, he would declare the dwarf dead.  He would pull a silken sheet over his head and all the onlookers, weeping their eyes out, would shuffle back to their rooms to mourn.  All the while Reg would remain dry eyed, stone faced.  He would try and be a pillar of strength.  "A doctor is invincible," his old mentor would say," until the second he shows grief or fear.  The weak who depend on will see you have given up home, and give up hope themselves.  Stay strong, and so will your patients."

Later, he knew, he would yell at Ibruk.  While the profit's eyes would be red from grief, he would shout a torrent of burning words:
"Why couldn't your god's save him?  Where are they now?  Now, when we need them most!  Tell them to take the goblin; hell, tell them to take me instead!"
And, as always, the prophet would reply cryptically, his hand kneading his brow "The gods will recognize their own," he would say.
But to the ears of the doctor, murder pours out of Ibruk's mouth.  "Kill them all", "Let them die!" He would hear, "Don't leave any standing!  The gods will recognize their own."

That night, he also knew, those words would echo in his dreams as he wept in his sleep.

on a side note, poor MSH
also, I couldn't keep the image of Donny Osmond out of my mind while reading that.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2011, 06:13:24 pm by ISGC »
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #526 on: March 16, 2011, 06:30:10 pm »

MetalSlimeHunt - Yeah, I was actually quite annoyed that Rion died, he was the fort's best soldier with two forgotten beasts and several creatures, as well as being a founding dwarf. If you want another Dwarf, feel free to ask.

Tarran - I think Rion decided to move away from the squad and chase Osman instead of going after the Nothing, eventually chasing it into the rest of the group, all I know is after the battle ended I found him paralyzed next to Osman's corpse, with Zasit apparently having killed it, and no one else suffering from the poison, apart from Rakust.

AKingsQuest - No fears, I have a backup at all times, especially as my laptop is fond of randomly imploding its processor. ::) I have no idea how you broke your ears, but seeing as Johann has the same sort of wounds as you, I'd say it seems the Nothing are obsessed with attacking people's faces and hands, maybe they're trying to behead/cripple them? ???

Anyways, I've got lotsa free time in the coming months, so I'm looking to update at least once a week, preferably twice, and avoid anymore month-long waits between updates.

In the meantime, enjoy some Overseer shots of the fortress;

Spoiler: Entrance (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Temple (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: The Dining Area (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tarran's Cottage (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Aerial View (click to show/hide)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #527 on: March 17, 2011, 07:08:07 am »

Just dropping by to say It's boatmurdered level awesome in my eyes. Could I be dorfd?

Name:Brosso The Magnificent
Job: Whatever is most useless to you right now.
Bio: Thinks himself as THE dwarf around, basically singlehandedly holding the fortress together. Believes that Nothing are just a minor annoyance, good to be hunted but not dangerous in the least. Wants to organize a circus/zoo/something useless, saying it is vital to survival. MASSIVELY Racist. Also wants the best quarters in the fortress. I see him as a victorian circus director type.

...pretty please?
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 07:12:53 am by Ovg »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #528 on: March 17, 2011, 08:32:09 am »

Or Rion could continue as a ghost maybe?


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #529 on: March 17, 2011, 09:07:53 am »

Volrath walked into the dining room and saw most of the residents of the fort gathered there.After finding out the leader of the fort was that troll lover, he decided too just ask as many people as he could find too meet him here.Skipping the one he thought had low morals.The barbarian moved too the end of the table with blacksteel held in his armpit.His body was bandages all over and every step hurt but he knew that the sooner he got this over with, the sooner he could drown the pain in beer.

When he reached the end, Reg stood up."You better have have a damn good reason for getting out of bed and risking all the work I did to keep you from being worm food."Volrath smiled."In mater of fact I do and I will tell you what it is if you sit down and quit bitching."Reg reluctantly sat down, and mumbled blasted humans under his breath."I have called you  here because I have been keep secrets from all of you.I did this because I did not know that I could trust you till know.Its not that I fined dwarfs, elves, or what ever you are Meinhard(the blue man gave a chuckle) untrustworthy."The barbarian drops blacksteel on the table."I just can never let this be taking by evil.That was the last duty the blacksteel elder Kinpol gave too me, and I will give my life too keep it safe.Too that end, before I continue, all of you must sear on your life and honor that you will never tell any one out side this fortress or any one who is not a good soul of what I am about too say."After a moments hesitation, they started vowing secrecy too him one by one."Thank you, all of you, I know that you all would rather eat elephant crap then break you word.Now lets start this fucked up story at the beginning shall we?"

"I was born too the blacksteel tribe, nine months after my father screwed  my mother senseless on there wending day."My tribe protected our lands, our people and most importantly, our sword from evil.The elders never told us what blacksteel was or where it came from, for fear of the word getting out,They just told that it was a weapon of unbelievable power and that we had too defend it with our lives like our four fathers have been doing for hundreds of years.In that time the tribe grew large and gained much power but also many enemy's.Lucky  for us, we had some of the most bad ass warriors on the planet, and I was one of them.I stared Training with my teacher  Garos Blacksteel as soon as I could hold up a sword, he started beating me with it a moment later.He was dick but he made me stronger.Soon I was best trainee there.Even Garos had a hard time taking me in a fight as long as I kept my anger under control."

"One day, a army of goblins cam into town looking for gold, girls, or what have you.Me, my dad and the rest of blacksteels warriors were making short work of them but then the ground began too shake.Before I knew what was going on, a bronze colossus came running too my dad.He could not get out of the way in time and the colossus fist slammed into him.Killing him instantly.I do not remember what happened next. I just remember seeing him die and then I was on top of a dead colossus.The other tribes men told me that I killed it with skill greater then any one they ever seen before.Way better moves then any 15  year old ever had.They told the elders and they then gave me my fathers position of head warrior of the tribe.It was both one of the happiest and saddest  days of my life."

"Years later, on my 18th birthday, I married a fine peace of ass named Janet, that I was in love with since I was a kid.She  was the best thing too come along in my shit stain of a life and I was happy and at peace for long time but one day the nothing came.Those bastards covered the land like black death destroying every thing in there path.We held them off as long as we could but they kept pursing us back and then they got.... they got her."Volraths teeth were grinding so hard that there was a chance of one of them breaking off.He did not care at that moment, as he was remembering Janet's death.Fori got up and placed her hand on his shoulder too calm him.He took a deep breath and then nodded too her and she got back in her chair."They choked her too death.The damn tentacles slowly draining the life out of her.I tried too get too her, I tried too save her but by the time I fought my way there, she was all ready dead.I wanted nothing more then too die killing as many nothing as I could and die with honor next too my wife but the elders called me into there tent before I could.I had a duty, I had too get blacksteel too someplace safe."

"After walking for days, I found a tiny farming village that was completely abandoned.At first I thought the nothing came here and killed every one but there was not a nothing for miles.I started looking in that ghost town for food but then I heard a girl scream.I moved too the building it was coming from and looked in the window.In side there was a 8 year old girl, strapped too a table naked with her chest cut open too expose her heart.A necromancer, surrounded by zombies,  was standing over her holding a fork. "every one in the room gasped."Before I could do any thing too stop him he stabbed her heart with his fork and brought it up too take a bite.She died grasping his hand as he laughed.In a rage I kicked down the motherfucking door and charged at him, using blacksteel too cut down every zombie in my path.After a short battle I stuck my blade in one side of the cock sucker, and out the other.As he died I felt energy go into my arm and then the rest of my body.Seconds later, I was no longer tired, my wounds magically healed, and I felt as strong as a ox.That was the power of blacksteel, every time I killed something with it besides the zombies or the nothing, I got more powerful.I am no mage, so I was wondering if guys could fined out what is the extent of its power and why it dose not work on zombies or nothing.But we can do all that hard work later, for now lets all just get as drunk as shit!"A cheer filled the room, dwarfs are always ready too get drunk.                               


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #530 on: March 17, 2011, 06:44:37 pm »

Ovg - Sure thing. Profile up on first post. ;) Note that due to lack of unclaimed male dorfs, you're actually a woman turned into a man with Runesmith. ;D

22nd Hematite 676

The celebrations that should have followed the victory over Osman and his hordes did not manifest the day after. Rion's death had shocked the community worse than Kogan or Sibrek's. Rion had been a slayer of two forgotten beasts, possibly one of the best soldiers in the fort, and a founding member of Nomekast, to have him die reminded everyone else uncomfortably of their mortality. His funeral was a solemn affair, Ibruk, still shaken from Reg confronting him, made no talk of a higher purpose, simply reading the traditional rites that would draw the attention of Nekut Glowedguises, the goddess of the moon and protector of the dead, to Rion's spirit, and guide him to the halls of Id, the Stonefather. Then he was placed in granite sarcophagus next to Kogan's, with a gravestone declaring his deeds and life. Osman's name was conspicuously missing from it, simply describing his opponent as a 'great coke beast'.

Then came Volrath's revelation about his blacksteel sword, and by the time night fell - as much as night could fall on an underground town - there was a grim determination in the air. For the past three years they had lived under the earth, chased and trapped by the Nothing but now the time of hiding had to end, they had to strive, to seek, to fight and not to yield.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


The rest of Hematite passed in a blaze, moving straight through Malachite and then into Galena. Rar had finished that which he had been divinely inspired to make;

Ibruk had not been there at the time, being in the Temple barracks discussing things with Kadzar, and so there was no grand interpretation of the meaning of this particular artifact, though Rar himself had suggested that the fact it was made of forgotten beast bone was probably a sign or something of the victory against Osman.

Fori, brimming with determination, had placed herself in charge of the plan to return to the surface. She and Torvold had begun plans for a trap to annihilate the Nothing, after which the community could move out and secure an area before any more Nothing could arrive. Torvold, for his part, had convinced Spartan to dig him out a lab where he could work. He was still perusing over the work of Dos Panzermench which Meinhard had given him, and had designed a system to pump magma from the magma pools of the Fiery Cistern up to where it could be used against enemies.
Spoiler: Torvold's Lab (click to show/hide)

Ibruk and Kadzar meanwhile had commandeered - with the support of Ibruk's devout followers - several bars of gold for the Temple, using them to craft two elaborate pillars before the temple. Ibruk declared one to be a reminder of times past and people gone, and the other to be hope for the future and new pilgrims.
Spoiler: The Temple's Pillars (click to show/hide)

The harvest was brought in, putting Nomekast's food reserves up enough to last until the planting season, especially with all the meat brought in from the dead creatures and the beasts.
Spoiler: Food Stores (click to show/hide)

Meanwhile, the newcomer Rashem had joined the militia in their training, determined to fight against the Nothing. He was notable in his refusal to actually wear any good armour at all, preferring to depend on his own reflexes, and wearing nothing more than simple leather armour. The Elf, Ocade, had also been seen training with a sword, sometimes sparring with Loral, the sound of their swords strikes echoing through the caves. Everywhere, preparations were being made for the eventual return to the surface, and for the inevitable next attack.

3rd Galena 676

They met in the dark of the night.Stas stood by the barracks, Bax leant against the cave wall. The temple, their old meeting place was no good as a covert meeting area now, Hammer of the Gods insisted on sleeping near it, ready to leap to the defence of her temple, prophet, and gods. Ocade arrived shortly after them, his face shrouded in his hood. You could just see enough to see he was still wearing his maniacal grin that he seemed to have on his face at almost all times.

"I'm here." he announced. Bax stood straight,

"<<Good. I thought you might be interested.>>" he said, switching to his native Goblin. He could recognise another expatriate of the Dark Towers a mile away. Ocade's grin grew by a few teeth,

"<<I thought it...rude to turn down an invitation. When you're new to a place, an invitation from an established citizen is always...interesting.>>" he said, also switching to Goblin. Stas cleared his throat, he didn't know enough Goblin to know what they were saying, and he didn't want the two just speaking between themselves, leaving him out,

"Glad you could make it, Ocade. Let me introduce myself, I am Stas. Bax and I run a...cartel of...shall we say, 'treasure-hunters'." he said smoothly. Ocade grinned at him,

"Thieves?" he asked simply. Bax chuckled,

"Thieves." he nodded. Ocade looked down at the dirt for a few seconds, thinking, then looked up, smiling as ever,

"Tell me more."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -


Bayar looked up proudly at his little shrine to the Ascended Ones of Kobold legend. There had been a similar shrine back in the Kobold cave he had lived in before - well, shrine was a bit of a strong word, it was a niche with small clay statuettes of the ascended ones. But this time he had made a great cobaltite statue, standing grandly in the centre of the place. He hoped that the ascended ones would shine their power upon he and his new home, they needed the luck what with the world collapsing around them. It was only a small simple shrine, but he could probably make it improve it later, smooth it maybe, make separate recesses for each ascended one, etc.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

4th Galena 676

"Y'see," said Brosso the bowyer - self-entitled 'The Magnificent' - lighting a pig-tail cigar and taking a puff, "it's in my nature to look out for this community - we all know that the work I do is vital to this place's survival." he blew a cloud of smoke into Ibruk's face, the prophet said nothing, simply fanning it away, "And," Brosso continued, "its come to my attention that we're missing vital infrastructure if we're to survive."

"Infrastructure is but material, the earth will pro-" began Ibruk, Brosso cut him off,

"I'm talking - of course - about a circus. Maybe even a zoo, or opera-house, or a theatre or music-hall! We simply will not survive without such important things, believe me."

"I do not think a...circus is what Nomekast needs." Ibruk said, raising an eyebrow quizzically,

"Nonsense! Believe you me, without a circus and associated amenities this place will collapse worse than a year-old flan. It's in the blood; a Dwarf needs a circus, the blood cries out for clowns, greenskins doing tricks, magicians, acts! The public is baying, and we have nothing to placate them. How can a fort survive when the public is baying uselessly?" Brosso said grandiosely.

"This is a place of the go-"

"Of the golden art of circus-directing, well-said!" he took Ibruk's hand, shaking it emphatically, "Believe you me, you won't regret this." he waltzed off before Ibruk could say a word, leaving the prophet with a perplexed look on his face, wondering what had just happened.

"Ho! You there!" Brosso called out to Ukrzum, who was hauling stone to the stockpiles, "I need your help; where are the picks?"

Ukrzum looked on the verge of answering, a frown on his face at being bothered by this bombastic bowyer-turned-circus-director, when he suddenly froze, his pupils expanding, he dropped what he was carrying, immediately glancing round before leaving in the directions of the workshops, walking mechanically like a machine.
« Last Edit: March 17, 2011, 06:47:08 pm by Aequor »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #531 on: March 17, 2011, 07:40:28 pm »

two updates in the same week? :O
there is a god!
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #532 on: March 18, 2011, 08:45:18 am »

Aequor - I love you in totally not gay fashion.
Let's see if I can handle this "diary" business.
4th Galena 676
This wreck of a fortress entitling itself "Nomekast" is truly a place not worthy of a gentledwarf like me. A bowyer! Would anyone back home believe it? Me! Brosso! Working like lower class riffraff! Us dwarven states sure seen better times before those "Nothing" beasties showed up. Bah, and don't get me started on 'em beasties, I guess they're only able to do some cattle-stealing, but any self respecting dwarf is able to cut 'em down to size.

Also would you look at the lowlife 'round here! From kobold thieves and pickpockets through human savages to elven dollymops and crybabies, we've got 'em all! Though there are some proper folks here like Reg, good man he is, one properly interested in upholding our wonderful dwarven race!
Anyway, I walked over to the don 'round here, one religious type, Ibruk and explained why any self respecting fortress needs some proper amenities, but it seems this old chap ain't right for the job, though I managed to get him to agree and look at things my way.

Now, all I'm needing is a pick...

edit: changed stuff around, since it appears that fever managed to do some damage to my thinking.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2011, 01:56:02 pm by Ovg »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #533 on: March 18, 2011, 01:14:30 pm »

From the log of Fori:

   Work with Torvold has been coming along slowly but surely. With Spartan’s help, I have dug out a lab for herself and Torvold. They brought in a variety of tools and mechanisms to work with, and Torvold had begun instructing me in the arts of dwarven machinery. Even after three years of living with them, dwarves could still surprise me. Once I began to understand and grasp the basic principles of their mechanisms, they seemed oddly simple. There was no magic or singing such as the druids shaping the plants to their own ends. Rather, it was simply making the best use of physics and kinetics, gears, counterweights, levers, springs, all dictated by the language of mathematics and numbers. It was strange, but fascinating in a way even though a lot of it still goes over my head. And I suspect Torvold likes having an apprentice.

I can’t spend all my time there, as the farms still demand a lot of attention. But I’ve taught several dwarves all that I know about the tending of plants. Rather symmetric in a way, I teach them of plants and they teach me of mechanisms. Anyway, as before, doing something worthwhile has always helped me recover from depressions, and retaking my forest from the defilers is most certainly worthwhile. And it helps that Derm comes to help me when he can. He always seems to lift my mood nowdays.

But ever does life throw annoyances my way. First, one of the new immigrants, a dwarf named Brosso, who likes to go by the gaudy name of ‘the Magnificent.’ The name isn’t the problem, but his unabashed hatred of elves, men, and anyone who isn’t short and bearded. Just when I had finally won a genuine, if begrudging, respect from Reg. What’s worse, this Brosso wants to make a zoo or circus, which involves lots of caged animals. Now, I accept that dwarves use animals, they need meat like a bear or wolf to live, and they use the hides in their clothing or industries. Or they train the animals to help our stalwart militia to beat back the defiles.  But the thing is, the animals they use like this serve a vital purpose to the fortress. I don’t begrudge them these uses. This Brosso wants to cage them or train them with whips for nothing more than amusement. An elf can only accept so much.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #534 on: March 19, 2011, 05:22:48 pm »

A circus. Underground?
I'm fairly sure that constitutes a health risk of some sort so as one of the doctors here I'm going to have to veto it, fair enough if we can reclaim enough of the surface but as is its not going to happen.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #535 on: March 19, 2011, 07:17:47 pm »

A circus. Underground?
I'm fairly sure that constitutes a health risk of some sort so as one of the doctors here I'm going to have to veto it, fair enough if we can reclaim enough of the surface but as is its not going to happen.
I don't know, I think we should listen to this guy; a circus could be just what we need.  He seems to know his stuff.
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #536 on: March 20, 2011, 06:16:23 am »

Why, of course we need a circus, have you no shame? Are we some upworlder savages not to appreciate fine, dwarven arts? Besides it will also help us get our mind off those beasties up there, and you, as a doctor have to know it will work wonders for our populations mental health! Though I admit a couple of loonies would do nicely to amuse us on display.

And I assure you I am the best professional you could have found for such an endeavor! I am after all Brosso the magnificent! Brosso the circus lord! Brosso the star of the north! Surely you must have heard of my great underground circus in northern mountainhomes, have you not? I assure you it's 100% safe and if it bothers you so much, we could always use our elven, kobold and human "friends" as risk taking actors, could we not?

Another think I have to ask you is that I was told that here lives a dwarf (or so I think it is a dwarf) with magnificent voice, known for her singing during farm work. Do you know who she is? I think I might have an offer for her in my "Brosso's Amazing Underground Opera".

*on the side* Reg, would you like to share profits from my circus? You could bask in my fame as my right hand, my second in command, my son, my circus co-director, my opera co-manager, my health officer! Think it over good chap, I assure you it will be worth your time!

*grumbles* Now where, armok damn it, have I put these goblin-loving pig tail cigars...
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 09:13:05 am by Ovg »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #537 on: March 20, 2011, 02:38:33 pm »

Is this the same Northern circus that caused several deaths due to the animals all getting rabies?
Sure it was fun while it lasted but getting pulled off leave because a camel is eating the Head Mason is a mighty pain in the arse.
Build your circus if you must just don't put any undead in it.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #538 on: March 20, 2011, 05:34:34 pm »

Let me shake your hand fellow northerner, and I thought only I've managed to esc... to tap the untapped market here in the south. Northern circus was the pinnacle of our achievements, with sights bizarre from far and wide, lizards of the seven seas, gladiators fighting for fame, glory and blood for Armok, goblin slaves juggling burning elven sculptures, elven slaves fighting alligators bare, bone chilling undead and yes, camel zombies from the desert of tears as well, all for your entertainment! It was this vile rat the animal caretaker who is to blame. None of Brosso the Magnificent's safety precautions stopped him! Though I must admit he was a lively one judging from his screams when his head was being devoured.

Undead are passe my friend, this time, we shall use live animals! Live animals for live entertainment! Experience the mystical beasts of far and wide! Only in Brosso the Magnificent's Showroom of Bizarre Beasts! Isn't this a future to look forward to? Dwarves observing animals together with their families after hard day's work? Children playing with baby goats and pigs in children's zoo? That will serve as a beacon to both dwarf and savage everywhere, that Nomekast is the last bastion of our centuries-old culture!

*Nice, long whiff of pig tail cigar* Ahh, one can only dream our children will have somebody like me to show them how amenities should look.

Ho! Someone get me the chief carpenter and clothier this instant! I require three finest chairs, two for my humble person and one for my tophat, which shall be made by the most talented clothier this place has to offer!

*Note to self - go to Ibruk and ask for a boy to do all the heavy lifting for me. My old bones and noble blood aren't good combination for labour. That's what lower class riff-raff is good for.*
« Last Edit: March 20, 2011, 05:39:52 pm by Ovg »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #539 on: March 20, 2011, 06:00:53 pm »

*to Brosso*"You've got yourself a partner!  I'll have to keep to the medical bay as much as possible, a doctor's work is never done, but anything you'll need, I'll help supply it.  Hell, I've never done veterinarian work, but I'm willing to try it!  I like your style, Bosso, keep up the good work, I'm sure the dwarves around here will warm up to you as fast as I have." The doctor and the bowyer shook hands, both with excited smiles on their faces.  The cigar left a trail of smoke as he left the room, leaving the two doctors alone.

"I'm liking the guy more and more; he's the kind of visionary that our fortress needs.  Listen, steve, Ibruk may have been our leader when we arrived, but the fort has grown, we need someone who thinks larger than Ibruk does.  This Brosso might be the dwarf who can turn this place around, bring us up from the darkness!  We'll wait until he completes the circus, but keep your ears up... I don't see Ibruk keeping lead for much longer."
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum
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