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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180228 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #840 on: March 13, 2012, 11:29:12 pm »

No rping right now, not sure where I want to go with the story just yet :-\    Loled at the ghost conundrum "I don't think ghosts exist even though theres one talking to me right now ehhh :D
I have a DREAM! where kobolds will be able to join hands with dwarf men and women as partners and lovers. And man, do I love imagining this dream again and again...


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #841 on: October 12, 2012, 05:00:19 pm »

The cloaked traveller took a puff of his pipe, turning round to stare at each of the faces around the campfire in turn. "But," he said, blowing out a ring of smoke, "that wasn't the end of the tribulations for Nomekast and the world of Omon Rabin. The worst was yet to come." He poked at the fire with his travelling-staff, causing embers to fly up and be carried off by the breeze. "Listen as I continue the tale of endless Nothing, religious zealotry and racial tension." months, eh? I'm all set up at uni now and all, and suddenly remembered that I may have (slightly) neglected this. yeah, I should have an update ready soon enough, if there's still interest in this. I'll also probably do shorter updates than I used to, to better be able to try and include everyone and avoid long waits between postings.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #842 on: October 12, 2012, 05:01:42 pm »

Oh sweet this is back.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #843 on: October 12, 2012, 05:06:46 pm »

yaaaaaaaay!!! I thought this was dead!

Yes, we are still interested :)
YOUR GAMES GLITCH: Hey, I got out of the map boundry!
OUR GAMES GLITCH: Hey, a horrid monstrosity just migrated to my fortress! Let's recruit it!


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #844 on: October 12, 2012, 05:18:40 pm »


This literally made my week.

oh and just in case we are continuing from the last post of yours I will post my responses to several of the things in the beginning of your last story post

1) wood burners- Agreed
2)capture of flying Nothing- Denied
3) Journals detailing "physical Gods"- clearly deranged
4) Strange heart and corpse- burned in lava
As well Stronghammer will move forward to shut down the Nothing research and incinerate the Lab with all contents as it has become to much of a hazard to the fort.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2012, 05:31:19 pm by Stronghammer »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #845 on: October 12, 2012, 06:20:08 pm »

Chapter the Second
At War with Nothing

10th Hematite 678 - Afternoon

"No, no, no," Stronghammer said firmly, not stopping his pace as he moved to the exit of Ugo Sosleng's lab, an Alliance Dwarf and the Human Ahra behind him, the two of them clad in plate armour stamped with the insignia of the Iron Guard.

"I must protest!" Ugo said, hurrying to keep up and stay at the Mayor's side. "When I went to tell you about this incident it was under the impression that you'd assign another guard, and maybe tell everyone to be extra careful; not destroy valuable scientific experiments!"

Stronghammer stopped at the threshold of the lab. The sound of the forging industry and the sulphurous smell of the magma lay beyond. "A heart is not a scientific experiment, Mr. Sosleng. A Forgotten Beast's heart even less so. A Forgotten Beast's heart that has shown evidence of some kind of demonic or Nothing infection even less than that. This-" he held up a pig-tail bag that contained the heart of the beast Opeya - "is going straight into the magma, as will the rest of the corpse once the rest of the Iron Guard arrive."

"How can we be expected to protect ourselves in the future if we cannot even study these monsters properly!?" Ugo protested again. Besides him, Fori added a half-hearted agreement. The Elf was still slightly shaken by the entire incident, especially since traditional Elven culture would have insisted that Opeya - being a fallen foe - should be eaten. The idea of eating a heart that leaked black goo and spoke was all too much.

Stronghammer ran his free hand through his hair, staying silent for a few second while he thought through Ugo's statement. Then he spoke, voice still firm, "There is 'studying a monster' and there is 'being threatened by the monster's possessed heart'. I'm Mayor, my first duty is to the people, and to protect those people whether it be from enemies outside or within. I can't in good faith let a possibly dangerous thing such as this heart stay here."

"But-" the Goblin scientist was cut off as Stronghammer strode through the doorway and up to the lip of the magma pool. "Wait! No, don't-"

With a strong throw, the industrialist threw the bag through the air in a wide arc. It fell almost in the centre of the volcanic lake, seeming to float for the barest second, before sinking under the magma, disappearing from view. Ugo stared at the spot where the heart had been for a while, grimacing.

Stronghammer gave a firm nod, happy that the cursed object was gone without any apparent final tricks, then he turned to the Goblin besides him. "This work of yours is starting to get dangerous," he said, his voice a low and firm rumble, "and I think the best course at this moment would be to close the lab down and have it properly cleansed."

Ugo let out a growl of fury. "I beg your pardon?" he asked, his voice likewise very low.

Fori stared at the two, still caught between sharing Ugo's fury that a possible source of future knowledge had been destroyed and Stronghammer's insistence that something that had proven possibly dangerous could not be allowed to remain in the fort, before she tried to intervene. "Stronghammer, Ugo, please-"

"Mr. Sosleng, I'm afraid that your laboratory is increasingly a hazard to the fort - and I will not allow a potentially dangerous situation to develop here in the heart of Nomekast, much less next to the forges."

"You-you-you philistine!" Ugo spat, shaking with fury, "The work we're doing here is paramount to finding a way to stop these creatures! Or would you rather we bury our heads in the sand and simply be happy with killing them when they break in? A tactic - it seems - that has worked wonders in the past, as our graveyard and still-ill friends gladly demonstrate, I'm sure!"

"Mr. Sosleng, please, I'm not taking this decision lightly, perhaps in time we can relocate the laboratory somewhere safer, but for now it is simply too dangerous to let these experiments of yours continue."

"The work Fori and I are doing here outweighs any dangers! This isn't the world your grandpa told travelling-stories about, Fireforge, things have changed now! We can't just sit around reacting like we have in the past! We need new knowledge. Why, just recently I have been reading the journals of BranRhi's father, whose work on the concept of 'physical Gods' is-"

Stronghammer gave a dismissive snort. "Steve sent me a memo about that. Personally, I wouldn't trust everything you read, if I were you."

Ugo stood silent for a few seconds, then with a frustrated snarl, he spun round on his heel and stormed back into the lab. Fori offered Stronghammer a half-hearted shrug, then likewise turned round and followed after Ugo into the lab. Stronghammer watched them go and gave a pained sigh at the whole affair, tramping off back to overseeing the community and direct the Iron Guard and militia in closing down the lab and torching it clean of the Nothing's influence.

Hematite and Malachite 678

Work dominated the schedules of Nomekast's diverse population throughout the Summer. Under Fori's supervision the farms were seeded with the crops to be harvested in Autumn. The now-vacant and empty Thieves' Guild had been cleared out of anything left and the entrance enlarged so that it was no longer hidden in a crevasse; Ibruk and his followers continued to dig deep, gradually carving out their cathedral, while Brosso and the Iron Guard continued to clear the Alliance's future headquarters of the stone left by the excavation of the halls. An uneasy truce had been struck between those manning the forges and the Elves under Imiwa, with Stronghammer agreeing to Brosso's suggestion to close the wood-burners for the time being. Meanwhile under Spartan's mining expertise the Human temple was quickly being excavated and cleared of rubble; while the forges continued to pump out weaponry and armour. All jobs in the fortress were very much a communal effort, there were no particular tests of peoples' skill before they could be allowed to work.

No place was this more obvious than at the forges, where anyone who had a desire to smelt could do so provided they did not waste resources. As thus, alongside Tarran, Muenster and Stronghammer, you had people such as the surgeon Kingfisher who smelted armour or the blind maddwarf Arsethotheles who - with some apparently unbelievable luck - had become quite good at smithing bolts. He certainly had plenty of opportunities to practice, as ranged weapons and bolts in particular were being smelted: the new winged Nothings had made it clear being able to fire from a distance was a good idea. All this took large amounts of resources, and so at the same time mining expeditions protected by the militia were chartered, going out into the Fiery Cistern to mine for such invaluable ores as tetrahedrite or malachite which where then hauled back to the forges to be smelted and then forged into weaponry and armour. By the light of the magma the community was preparing a war to retake the surface.



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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #846 on: October 13, 2012, 12:52:52 am »

Laboratory Log
Ugo Sosleng

This is an outrage! If I am not allowed to continue my experiments, how are we to advance our knowledge? I may have to resort to drastic measures if this interference continues. I may just have to dig out my own personal lab in a hidden spot, so that I may work uninterrupted. The problems with this would be two-fold of course. 1: Obtaining specimens, especially of the flyers, and of the Forgotten ones. 2: Security. If I have a hidden laboratory, then obviously I cant have the Iron Guard providing any.

Alright. Calmer now. Here is a list of things to do.

1: Remove all paperwork from the laboratory prior to the burning.

2: Demand to know when I get the Lab back, and what I'm to do with it in the absence of specimens.

3: If I don't like the answer, proceed with excavation of hidden laboratory.

4: Perhaps see if the Jagers will covertly assist with specimen retrieval/ security.

OOC: I'm really glad this is finally back. I missed it a lot.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2012, 01:28:33 pm by RogueArchivist »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #847 on: October 13, 2012, 02:06:07 am »

OOC: I am glad this is still going.

From the journal of Nathaniel Stormwind:
                                                                          Tales from the Void
                                                                             Chapter 1 Tree
I found a place I can rest for a while, a tree...Well it is better then getting killed by those things.(I have to find a better name for them then NOTHING, keep getting confused.) My spirit companions are arguing again for the best course of action. Elitan Glimerlight the elf says we have to go find survivors, almost impossible with the sea of "Nothing" below.(Heroes do not know when to save themselves sometimes) Kizerbane the goblin as always says we just need to kill them and the mighty Armok will protect us.(hasn't yet...bloody priest...) Kane Jerrod the human is quiet as always.(nice to be a monk) Onthorn the kobold and Forgar Stormspear the dwarf both are (finely) in agreement that "Nomekast" is our best bet on survival and I am in agreement.

Elitan Glimerlight is an ancient elven hero from a forgotten age and she is my first and closest companion.
Kane Jerrod is a mystery to this day though he will give valuable insight.
Kizerbane is a priest of Armok and he is quick to the violent side of thought and is my tutor in the dark arts.
Onthorn is an informant and is a spy. She helps find dens of evil.
Forgar Stormspear is a paladin and he helps me stay on the path of good.

They finely stopped talking maybe I can get some sleep tonight.             



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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #848 on: October 13, 2012, 02:25:06 am »

Journal of Grau,

Word of mouth has it that Stronghammer is going to be shutting down Ugo's laboratory. I understand the need for safety, but this was our only way of understanding the Nothing!
I'll have to find some way to help Ugo continue with his research, I'm sure my medical knowledge will be able to help somehow.

OOC: Extremely glad you're back, Aequor!
This signature was EDITed for tpyos.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #849 on: October 15, 2012, 07:09:00 am »

Journal: It would seem that my decision to shut down Ugo's was not met with agreement by many in the fort. After the cleansing of the lab I will have Ugo's lab opened once more. However it will be with many new security protocols and guarded more heavily. As well any new research attempt or project will have to be agreed to by me, other than that I think the lab should function as it had before. Work at the forges goes well, and we have tapped many new mineral veins. More wealth and protection for all. As well I think it was about time that the entire fort be fortified more heavily, with more walls, security doors, traps and bunkers. The last thing we need is for a Nothing or something else to get past our walls. Well I think that is sufficient work for now, off to get it started I go.

OOC: great read again Aequor


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #850 on: October 18, 2012, 03:36:52 pm »

Oh... My... God. This fort is so awesome that I made an account just to join in.

Character request: Thud, a 6-year-old troll. That's right, I'm bringing the race count up to seven.
Thud is already as big and strong as the Jagers, despite being so young. He is showing the promise of being one of the biggest trolls of all time. He is immune to all poison. He is not a refugee, as he willingly left his hometown following the Nothing, which are his favorite food.
However, he is a child none the less, and his personality reflects that. He is also incredibly stupid, his only use being to point him at the Nothing and watch him chow down. Everyone is suspicious of him, but he just wants to be friends.

Some things I would like to see him eventually do:
Punch a Forgotten Beast so hard it dies instantly
Donate blood for the Jagerdraught
Eat the test subjects
Get really pissed and kill an entire nothing invasion (this one may have to wait until he is full-grown)
Drink the Jagerdraught and triple in size

I won't feel offended at all if you don't let me do all of these things.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #851 on: October 20, 2012, 04:46:40 pm »

TheFlame52 - Thanks! I'm always happy to know people enjoy this! As for the troll, well, the more the merrier! I can't promise he'll manage all you've noted, but he can certainly try.

Just to note that everyone who requested species-ing prior is still on the list, we're just waiting for (surviving) migrants.

Summer-Autumn 678

The work and projects undertaken at Nomekast only continued to grow throughout the rest of Summer and well into Autumn. The endless work at the forges meant that the bar stockpile was soon full to the brim, and so had to be expanded.

However with the forge a true hive of activity it didn't take long for the expansion itself to begin to fill, and work on weaponry and armour ceased a while while bins were forged to make better use of the space.

Spoiler: Forge activity (click to show/hide)

Meanwhile the toll on the resources this took meant that mining expeditions continued to be chartered out, bringing back cartloads of precious ores.

Spoiler: Mining exavation (click to show/hide)

Outside of the forges work also intensified as Fori continued to take charge of expanding Nomekast's defences, creating new watchtowers for crossbow and bow users to fire from.

Stronghammer for his part had initiated a new round of fortifications in conjunction with Fori's work, charging Bayar and Urist with preparing two new ballistas at the main surface entrance in case of a breach. The main thoroughfares between the forges and home level, as well as the main areas were also cleared of the maze-like pillars that littered them. A large watchtower was also build across the bridge from the surface into the caverns, protected with large lead doors, and fortifications carved by the engraver Felix so that rangers could fire either at enemies on the bridge, or down at enemies on the cave ground.

Spoiler: New ballistas (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Cleared passage (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Bridge watchtower (click to show/hide)

Outside of such work Brosso the Magnificent continued to direct the clearing of the arena/circus and the Alliance for Dwarven Survival headquarters of the rubble left by mining. With the main meeting hall of the Alliance cleared Brosso had convinced Felix - who was happy to continue practising his stone detailing skills with smoothing the place while the Iron Guard began clearing out the stone in their future barracks. Meanwhile the Thieves' Guild also cleared out their new headquarters, dropping off the stone with the claim that it came from one of the mining excavations. Ibruk, Kadzar, Hammer of the Gods and their fellow pious inhabitants continued work on carving the cathedral and had struck rich veins of silver and tetrahedrite they claimed for use in decorating the future site with religious icons. In other religious working, work continued on the Human temple excavations, while Bayar had taken the cobaltite he'd been given to make into more statues for his lake-side shrine to the Ascended Ones down on the Fiery Cistern. Furthermore Shin had begun drawing up plans for a new dining-area, the current one having been built four years ago when the community had been much smaller, and could only seat a quarter of it now. Meanwhile as Summer passed and Autumn arrived the harvest came in, fruitful and plenty, ensuring that that Nomekast would have more than enough to last many Winters.

Spoiler: Bayar's shrine (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Food stores (click to show/hide)

Meanwhile, true to his promise, Stronghammer had had Ugo's lab dismantled so that it could be properly cleansed, with the Nothing being moved up to the prison cells for the time being. Ugo had been careful to remove all his paperwork before the Iron Guard had shown up and stashed them away safely, fearing for his research. The Goblin had also made it clear just what he thought of Stronghammer's order, berating both the Iron Guard and the Mayor until Stronghammer gave him his solemn promise as a Dwarf that Ugo would have his lab back once it was properly cleansed of any possibly infection and once new protections had been set up which placated the Goblin savant for the most part. In private, Grau, a Human surgeon, had made contact with Ugo, offering his help; an offer which was happily taken up.

With preparations well under-way, the community would soon be ready to venture back out onto the surface and take the fight directly to the Nothing. This time they were in control, they wouldn't be caught unawares, they just needed to decide the time.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #852 on: October 20, 2012, 08:37:29 pm »

Journal: Work goes well, the forges echo with the hammer or industry. The miners delve continuously for more and more metal. Fortifications are underway to help withstand any assault. On a even more pleasant note Ugo seems satisfied with my decision now, hopefully he will be more careful in the future. The various temple constructions are well under way. I think I will pay the Dwarven temple a visit and pay my homages, any good traditional dwarf always should do so. On the matter of tradition, I think we need to hold another Alliance meeting to hear the various things that may have come up. I should also hold a community commune soon to see the direction the fort wishes to go so that I can take into account their decisions. I think since everything has been going well, that the community should have a small festival. And as a reward for me maybe a small title or nice tomb, since I have after all served this community faithfully and diligently. Well thats all for now, off to work.

ooc: great Aequor


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #853 on: October 20, 2012, 11:33:20 pm »

 From the journal of Xenir,
 Wow. I don't know what I ate, but it definitely wasn't a plump helmet. I felt like... I don't even know, like time was standing still. And for the longest time too; it felt like months. I will not eat another mushroom as long as I live. But I digress. And so, other than going on a really bad trip, there isn't much I can say, mostly because I can't remember anything. Lets see what I can remember without looking through the fort's archives...

- I fought a forgotten beast with a few others, and it's blood got on me (No adverse effects, thank god.)
- Fori, the elf, and Derm (I think) almost got killed after someone deliberately tried to crush them.
- A dwarf named Stronghammer and some elves got into an argument about wood or something.
- Forgotten beast research has both started and stopped.

 Just walking through the fort is enough to see the racial tensions here. It is astounding. But even more astounding is the fact that their fear of the Shades binds them closer than any subject's love for his king. I do not, however, know much about the internal politics and goings-on of this place, nor do I want to, so I am content with my knowledge for the time being.


P.S. While on my (albeit very few) years on this world I have seen and done many things, but I have had limited contact with the Elves. Therefore I can not help but wonder if the legends are true. Could it be that they really do eat their vanquished foes? I shall have to ask one.
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
Quote from: GoombaGeek
That sounds gay. It's not. It's fucking terrifying.
Quote from: GoombaGeek
Olin isn't fucking around this time. He knows it'll take more punishment than a BDSM expo in a tornado made out of serrated blades. So he hits it until the head is mush. Then he hits the body until it's got a soupy texture too. When he's done, it doesn't look like a cat. It looks like a fucking meat puddle.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #854 on: October 22, 2012, 06:06:22 pm »

Great writing as always Aequor!

Thud's Journal Thingy
Today I woke up an' da tasties were gone! Dey almost got away, but I could still smell dem. If dey really wanted to get away, dey should stop being so tasty. Cause dat happened I only got ten meals instead of... eleven, fourteen... six meals! I also snacked on a elk, too, does dat count? I hope I can find a new mommy soon, I miss my old one...

I forget, did you post the raws for the "strong" nothings? Can you put all three sets of raws on the OP? I need to do some testing...
« Last Edit: October 22, 2012, 06:15:05 pm by TheFlame52 »
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