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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180267 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #765 on: January 15, 2012, 03:24:45 pm »

Ahras journal:
The life in the iron guard is great, sure most of the dwarfs are xenophobic stuck up /erased word\.
But i have an sort of friend in Konith, he is an great guy.
That and him being the only other non dwarf helps him like he was an friend since 10 years back,
hell i would probably help him as one if need arose whatever it touches, just as long its not killing Zan
tempting as it may be, now for the night forge guard duty.
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #766 on: January 15, 2012, 05:30:11 pm »

Stronghammer sighed as he looked over the field from the safety of the walls. THe last migrant wave had been almost completely obliterrated, with the guards only able to save four, two of which were seriously hurt. As well not everyone had appreciated his move to accept non dwarves into the guard, or his move to build places of worship for every race. Yet Stronghammer knew that if he was to stay in office, these things had to come about, and he absolutely had to stay in office. He knew that if a non dwarf took the spot the dwarves would cause serious trouble, yet if one of the less liberal dwarves took the position, many of the non dwarves would revolt. Stronghammer himself was pained at the many things he had changed and allowed, as they went against dwarven tradition, yet his calculating mind knew  that these changes had to come about, no matter how much he disliked it. Stronghammer turned and walked from the wall back to the confines of the fort and once again stood by the underground lake. As he gazed over it he thought of the many things still left undone, on his schedule. He had to figure out improvements for the fort, had to ease tensions between the races. He also had to setup new mining plans to help supply the furnaces as at their current rate, they would run out of matierials soon. He turned from the lake and walked back to his mayoral office. As he approached his office he focused his mind to the task at hand and then threw himself into his work.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #767 on: January 15, 2012, 05:35:11 pm »

    John's journal
    By the stars how did I survive there were so many. Not the most I've seen in one place, but then again I didn't have to run through a horde that large before. The fact I got through nearly unharmed is surprising. I hope these dwarfs got some good booze I need a good buzz as soon as possible. I need to forget, need to forget.   


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #768 on: January 16, 2012, 11:15:20 am »

Aequor, you are made of win. And so I request that my first ever Dwarfed (Humaned) character be in your fortress.

Name: Grau
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Profession: A Surgeon that has been recently been mildly interested in the physics of Dwarven mechanics
Personality: Largely sarcastic, and fairly cynical. But not a bad person. If faced with a strong decision, will almost always choose the "right" one. Dislikes religion, and has a strong scientific view.

I probably put too much Personality down, and most of it would conflict with itself, but oh well.
I'm not too fussed about the details of my character, change whatever you want, but not my name! :P

And Fori is one of the coolest characters in the Fortress.

EDIT for tpyos
« Last Edit: January 16, 2012, 11:27:11 am by MrGrau »
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #769 on: January 16, 2012, 08:35:04 pm »

MrGrau - Thanks! Bio up on first post as usual.

10th Slate 678 - Morning

Kadzar grunted as his pick struck rock once more. Besides him a Dwarf - a fellow follower of Master Ibruk's teachings - likewise struck the mica rock face before them. After they had dug and built a bridge across to the site of the future cathedral Ibruk retreated into meditation for several days. When he returned he carried a veritable mess of plans, there were plans for the sanctuary itself, for vaults, for the arrangement of particular rooms. Just the entrance hall itself was larger than the temple, and in front of it was included a large plaza-type area.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Kadzar thanked the Gods that the Prophet could speak to them so easily and from them draw inspiration and knowledge of what had to come next to protect them while the world above was cleansed.

He had heard that many people were eager to return to the surface, even as Master Ibruk tried to warn them that their lot was to remain in Nomekast, safe and pious while the iniquity of the world above was purged. The Dwarf next to him seemed to share his thoughts,

"Do you think they'll open up the surface fully again?" she asked. There was the merest hint of hope in her voice. Even though they were an underground race, many - if not most - Dwarves still appreciated the ability to (even if they didn't want to) experience the fresh cool air of the surface.

"That'll be for the Gods to decide." Kadzar grunted as he struck rock again. His training with the Temple warrior-priests - Gods keep their souls safe! - had helped him to grow much stronger in the past years.

"What if they do? What if they unleash the Nothing into here again?"

"No one ever pretended we'd survive the cleansing of the world. Master Ibruk is giving us a chance, let us not disappoint both him, ourselves, and the Gods."

The Dwarf nodded, and continued hacking away at the mica.

What indeed? Kadzar wandered. What if they did fully unleash the Nothing into Nomekast? The lack of piety - and lack of respect for the Gods and Ibruk's teachings in general - he observed amongst much of Nomekast's population often irritated him. Couldn't they see that Ibruk was trying to save them? That the Gods had a plan? And that all their refusal to follow that plan would achieve would be death? He could only pray that they learn quickly, before everyone paid the price.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Derm frowned as he set quill to paper again, signing off another form (Gods did they ever end!?). This one was from Stronghammer, or rather Mayor Fireforge, requesting several militia soldiers to accompany Spartan and his miners out into the Fiery Cistern on another prospecting expedition (And what was wrong with simply just asking some soldiers to go? No need for more useless forms that'd clutter his desk and cabinets). Several prospecting and mining trips had already been made in the past few days, finding and extracting a modest amount of cassiterite and finding a very rich vein of tetrahedrite and some galena. Even if Tarran was ostensibly militia commander, responsibility for delegating these affairs fell onto the Sheriff. Derm also suspected the Stronghammer didn't want to waste Tarran's time, preferring the swordsdwarf and weaponsmith to keep on with his work than sign meaningless forms.

"The forms must be obeyed." Derm muttered, filing the pig-tail paper away and preparing another stack of papers. The sooner he was finished the sooner he could go do something useful - or at least meaningful - like train or spend some time with Fori.

15th Slate 678 - Night

If there was one person in the fort who took work seriously, it was Bounce. The soft-spoken and quiet Bookkeeper and now also Broker was an assuming type. She wasn't loud and outspoken, she wasn't a fighter, but she was vital to the running of the entire community. And she took this responsibility very seriously. Which is why, when her stocks showed that they were still missing several gold, silver and platinum bars, along with several assorted gems, she threw herself into action, prowling the fort, counting, recounting, questioning (politely, of course) and tracking them down.

To all extents and purposes it seemed that Rakust Aranlikot, the necromancer who had betrayed Nomekast to the Nothing, leading a large force of them and a Forgotten Beast into the caves, had stolen them. One of the stolen silver bars had been found among her belongings, after all. But that left the question of the other bars? Why would Rakust steal all the bars, hide them, and yet keep one silver bar with her affairs where it could be found? For that matter, why would Rakust steal the bars in the first place? She had been plotting the downfall of the entire fort, it would have been easier to simply lead the Nothing to Nomekast, let them kill everyone, then take the bars in peace afterwards.

For Bounce, too many things didn't match up. And that's why she was even now as night was in full swing in the storerooms doing a count.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Konith leaned lazily on the wall, his crossbow by his side. To anyone who saw him he looked the perfect image of a bored guard taking the graveyard shift, but in truth his heart was racing. Tonight was the time Stas, Bax and Atis would arrive, ostensibly to steal several of the precious bars within.

And there was someone inside the storeroom.

He bit his lip in anxiety as he saw three shapes distinguish themselves from the dark. Stas, shrouded as ever in his cloak, Bax, tall and lean, and small Atis the mute Dwarven girl. Stas nodded to him, eyes shifting left and right,

"Everything fine Konith?" he whispered.

"No." the Kobold hissed back, "The Bookkeeper - Pounce or whatever - is in there!"

Bax shifted and for a second he thought he saw the glint of a knife. Stas exhaled sharply,

"You're off the night shift tomorrow aren't you? This is the only night we can do then."

"Why didn't you warn in advance?" Bax hissed furiously. Like Stas, the Goblin's gaze kept shifting here and there, looking for anyone who might be watching.

"I didn't know she'd be here! She's counting the bars or something."

"There's nothing for it, we'll have to knock her out." Stas said.

"Are you mad?" Konith hissed, "Won't it look suspicious when somehow people sneak past me and knock her out, but leave me alone!?"

"Of course it will! That's why we'll have to knock you out too." Stas said, his voice firm.

"I didn't sign up to this!"

"Improvisation is the first thing you have to learn, Konith! What, are you going to go chicken on us now?" Bax grinned. Besides him, Atis made a chicken impression. Konith frowned,

"Fine. Just do it quickly."

He never saw which of the two hit him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For a few seconds Bounce could have sworn she had heard voices outside. No doubt the Guard on shift was talking to someone, or else his shift had ended and he was talking to his replacement. She picked up her fungiwood clipboard, ticking off another box as she finished counting the lead bars. Unsurprisingly they were all accounted for. So far she had found that while no bars had gone missing since those that Rakust had been accused of taking, several more gems had gone, most probably vanished between their extraction and being storage, rather than stolen from the storeroom itself. She'd have to che-

Like Konith, she didn't have much more luck in seeing who had hit her.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Stas caught Bounce as she slumped down onto the floor. He put her down carefully, the last thing they needed was undue violence. The fact that they'd had to knock out both Konith and Bounce meant the original plan had already been ruined. He would have preferred waiting for another day, but this was their best chance. Bounce was beginning to look into the stolen bars once more, Konith was not likely to get night guard duty again for at least a month and the loss of Ocade had hurt their organisation. It was lucky he had at least come prepared for such an eventuality, or rather, Bax had insisted they come prepared for such an eventuality.

He threw a pig-tail cloth bag to Bax and another to Atis.

"Platinum, gold, silver, in that order. Quick!" he whispered urgently. The two nodded, working their way through the storeroom and taking the bars they could find. In short order they found themselves at the entrance again, Stas carrying a platinum bar, two gold ones and a silver one, Bax four gold bars and two silver bars, and Atis two gold bars.

"Bax, did you leave the - ah - 'evidence'?" Stas asked. The Goblin grinned, fishing into a pocket and pulling out a small piece of jewelry. It was very clearly of Elven make. Casually, he let it fall to the floor of the storeroom.

"That should make them waste time investigating those Elves instead of us." he said. Stas nodded,

"Let's get out of here, the next shift should be here soon." And with that, the three of them lightly stepped over Konith's prone body and disappeared into the shadows with their spoils.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #770 on: January 16, 2012, 10:37:33 pm »

(ooc) Im going to assume that we can start posting as if we all just heard about the thievery, and if thats not the case take my post after my character would have found out.

Stronghammer was asleep in his office when he was notified of the evenings attack. His guards. His storhouse. His industry. All sullied by the apparent infiltration of the elves. The poor bookkeeper Bounce was also in the night attacked when she had been carrying out her duty of record keeping. THIS WAS AN OUT RAGE. This really for Stronghammer was one of the final straws with these missing goods, and he was at his limit with this attack. He would order every able bodied soldier to scour the fort for these thieves, he would have the comings and goings of every individual relegated and only allowed if scheduled and accompanied by soldiers. He would have the soldiers search every house, every corner, every store, every barrel, until he had the stolen goods back. And once he had every thing back he would have every person questioned and interviewed. One of his Iron Guard "apparently" had a unseen attacker somehow sneak up to the gate and knock him out dispite that there is no cover on the way to the forge wall. This guard was clearly incompetant or was in on the theft, so just to be sure Stronghammer would have the Iron Guard imprison him, and have him questioned. After Stronghammer had finnished writing down all his commands and orders he went and found the captain of the Iron Guard and Tarran the militia Commander. When he had them both in his office he gave his orders. "Gentledwarves these are your writen orders. I want the whole fort on lock down, I want everyone questioned and interviewed. I will not have this happen again!" The two dwarves left his office as soon as he finnished his talk. Stronghammer sat down in his chair and rubbed his head. Time to start trials and investigations, he sighed.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #771 on: January 17, 2012, 06:25:35 am »

Brosso was furious when he heard about the thievery. "How could it be!? The Iron Guard has failed us!" he shouted as he stomped around his room throwing a tantrum to a curious boy, or rather a dwarf who just happened to walk by and stop to listen and was too petrified with fear to leave.
"It's because of Stronghammer being too soft on racial issues! I'm sure the blasted kobolds have had something to do with it! They are all conspiring against us together with goblins!" he shouted, then stopped and started breathing heavily. The boy has taken this chance to give him a slip, quietly retreating and closing the door behind him.

"This calls for a change of plans." thought Brosso, now a bit more calm. "We'll have to use the twice-blasted elven asistance to deal with those green and brown troublemakers."

He started  cleaning up his tantrum when suddenly a book caught his attention. It had a destroyed and even a bit bloodstained cover and seemed to have at least gone through nether and back. He picked it up and opened it, it was his diary. "Today me and my brother were again playing axedwarfs." He read. "Urist keeps beating me, but that's only because he is more after my mother, older and that I am after my father and a bit on the big side dear diary. I promised him that I will train hard and one day be the best axedwarf ever!". After that Brosso went silent, closed the book and carefully placed it on his desk, tears already forming in his eyes. His poor brother, blasted non-dwarfs! Where were they when the tree lovers tortured and killed him!? Where were they when the beasties of darkness attacked Brosso's home and took all he had!?.

To think that he would have to work together with his brother's tormentors sickened him, but he had no choice. He knew Nomekast couldn't stand against the darkness as "the beacon of hope" how he loved to call it when thieves were running rampart.

Another issue was the circus. He thought about it and figured out that he would at least fulfill one thing he promised his brother.

Brosso would start training his axe skills.
« Last Edit: January 17, 2012, 06:35:09 am by Ovg »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #772 on: January 17, 2012, 07:17:33 am »

Woah, my bio is already on the front page? Does this mean that I'm already in the fortress, or that my character will arrive with the next mirgration?
Hmm, I think I might have a go at the roleplay later...
* MrGrau dons his Roleplay Socks
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #773 on: January 17, 2012, 04:17:32 pm »

From the log of Fori:
   That hoard of defilers lurking outside must be dealt with! A group of refugees had the misfortune to arrive, and quickly fell prey to the swarm of defilers. Our soldiers tried to help them, going up onto the walls and raining bolts down on the monsters, but only a bare few of the refugees made it to our gates. Even with our strong walls, the defilers still bring death. The blood of good people feed the roots of the trees, and the voices of the spirits turn sorrowful. I sang a song of mourning for the lives lost as I worked.

   I cannot expect that good fortune to continue though. Ultimately, if a glass dome is constructed, it would solve the problem. But until then, I've drawn up plans for towers to be built on the surface while the flying defilers are absent. They'll be roofed, and walled with fortifications, and can be reached by underground tunnels so our marksmen can move into position without crossing the open ground. The patrolling dwarves, elves, and men can be stationed in the towers instead, safe from harm and free to retaliate against threats, or just to take potshots at the defilers.

   Torvold's old notes have inspired other drawings and schematics of mine. As of late, I've been contemplating a contraption that involves a triggering mechanism, several springs, and several large serrated disks. One spring would lift the disks out of slots within the floor or walls, a second spring would set them spinning, cutting through defiler flesh, a third spring would act as a timer, and a fourth would retract the disks and reset the whole mechanism. If I made it with a bank of springs, it could be triggered several times before they all need to be rewound again. My experiments so far have been promising. I must speak with Stronghammer and the dwarves in the forges about making the components needed. If this works, it will be a deadly addition to the stone and cage traps protecting the fortress. Especially now since Ugo's efforts to find a poison that affected the defilers has borne no fruit. I'm not proud of what I'm making, but it's a sad truth that against the defilers, we need every advantage we can get.

   One silver lining has been seen in this whole situation though. The flying defilers have oddly vanished. Fortunate, as they could have caused further problems to our soldiers guarding the walls. I was able to return to the surface again, and cautiously resumed tilling the neglected plots of farmland within the walls. More food and more variety of food is something that our fortress always needs. Still, I keep my sword and the bogeyman's dagger with me at all times, and I'm constantly looking to the skies.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 12:26:59 pm by Fortis »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #774 on: January 17, 2012, 08:30:04 pm »

Kuro's eyes snapped open, his body covered with a cold sweat. His dreams had been haunted by those he had lost, those from the fortress, and his tribe. He recoiled as the memories of his old life resurfaced for the hundredth time, pressing the heels of his green hands into he eyes. Tears began to run down his face as he thought of his wife, Elise, the most beautiful elven woman he had ever laid eyes on. His form arched terribly, plauged by racking sobs for that which he had lost. He began reciting a lullaby his wife had sang to him every night, incase they were able to have children, something he had never been able to give to her. A nearby dwarf harumphed, obviously annoyed by the rough goblin voice singing the swaying elven lullaby in the most elegant of tongues. He sat up, a confused look upon his face; a thought had appeared in his head, one which he hadn't dared to fantasize. "If dwarves can create bizarre weapons of war and death, why can't I?" His goblin battle instincts suddenly flared alive, strategies he hadn't though about in years. He would need help. But, luckily, he wouldn't have any trouble finding sufficient creatures to to help him. Maybe the Bogeyman would help to... If he was still alive.
"That which has been seen, can never be unseen. Fetch me my mind soap."


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #775 on: January 18, 2012, 12:44:03 am »

BranRhi leaned against the compound wall as the voices called up to him from the dark mass below. He could hear his father, muttering about one of his experiaments. His older brother called to him to join in weapons training. His mother sending the town guards on a patrol. He fumbled for his notebook and, trying to ignore the voices of those long dead, begain to write.

It's been days since the skirmish with the Dark Ones, and yet I cannot shake off how I felt to stand above them, to feel their hatred. The other marksmen/dwarves question why were not faced by the flying Nothing, but I saw them from where I stood. They were there, held back by a monstrous being the likes I have never seen before, yet I knew on sight. Ibruk claimes he takes their form, and we humans always believed him to be a man in golden armor, but I know now. Os stood with us that day. I felt his triumph and his hunger. And his fear. The gods flee from the worst of the Dark Ones yet Os stood with us. Nomekast can stand against these monsters, even the numbers before us. I have decided to help in the only other way I can, besides firing a crossbow into their ranks. My father's books. I have not opened them in years, and yet they may hold a solution to our struggles. I will give them to Reg, I know he and others have been studying captured Nothing, hoping to find some way to hurt them. Perhaps in these books they will find the hope they search for.

BranRhi stood up, and shouldering his pack started off to look for Reg. He paused for a brief moment as a voice reached him. It was one far more familar to him than even his family, yet twisted, A voice he had never once hoped to hear again. His own. Then the tired old man walked away from his past.
I have a DREAM! where kobolds will be able to join hands with dwarf men and women as partners and lovers. And man, do I love imagining this dream again and again...

Lord Allagon

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #776 on: January 18, 2012, 05:25:54 am »

Konith's Log
Everything went wrong yesterday. That blasted bookkeeper ruined it all! Plus, now Stronghammer will suspect me, and most likely try to imprison me. Time to search for a particularly nice jewel.
Quote from: narhiril
Quote from: Putnam
Yes, they do not need booze, they can work entirely off of water.
Quote from: Kaplahworm
Quote from: Garath
I'm pretty sure he'd move diagonally if he could.
You would think that, but the guy thought encasing himself in fire was a good idea.
Quote from: Jake
I therefore wish rectal cancer on your senior management.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #777 on: January 19, 2012, 04:52:50 am »

Mainhard was upset. The pranks of the thieves had crossed the line this time, and now was not a time for pranks. He and his Jagers new the fortress inside and out. Every nook, every cranny, every tunnel, every back passage, and all of the secret dark places to hide. The goods would go to the room where they had seen the silver bars and the gems, so he sent his two best men to steal the goods back, all of them.

"Ve Vill Teech dem! Dis iz too fawr!"

They would wait in the dark places until Staz and Bax had gone to sleep, then they would move like ghosts and move the Bars and gems from the "secret" back room to Mayor Fireforges' office, with a note reading; From a concerned Citizen. This was not the only thing on Mainhards' mind. He had taken all of Voltraths' possessions, including the Blacksteel Sword.

Mainhard spoke in old human again: "This blade calls out for worthy wielder. I am not such a man. For I am a man of all weapons."

The blade must be taken to the temple, thought Mainhard, there it will find a new wielder. The hilt of the sword seared his flesh when he held it and would become so heavy he could only drag it. "This is a burden I must bare. He will not rest while the blade sit idle." And so the entire fortess could hear the sound of metal grinding on stone, as Mainhard took his long walk form Hospital to Temple.   
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #778 on: January 19, 2012, 03:39:56 pm »

Good to see that this is still going. Glad my goblin is still alive. Pity I missed the mayor voting.
I'll probably edit a journal log in later.

Lord Allagon

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #779 on: January 20, 2012, 08:15:57 am »

They would wait in the dark places until Staz and Bax had gone to sleep 
(How do they know it was them? I seem to have missed that part.)
Quote from: narhiril
Quote from: Putnam
Yes, they do not need booze, they can work entirely off of water.
Quote from: Kaplahworm
Quote from: Garath
I'm pretty sure he'd move diagonally if he could.
You would think that, but the guy thought encasing himself in fire was a good idea.
Quote from: Jake
I therefore wish rectal cancer on your senior management.
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