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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180286 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #675 on: October 25, 2011, 02:15:40 pm »

I'm real sorry for dropping off the face of the earth for two months like that, there was stuff and more work and illness and laziness. However, I think I may switch to shorter updates, which means I should (normally) be able to update more often, cover more people and events, and there'll be less of a 'slog' in reading through everything.

katana - Thanks! Sure thing! Bio up on the first post, as per usual.

mcclay - The only problem I can see is 'Nothing DNA' since the Nothing don't have DNA to speak of, it would be more sort of 'essence' or 'magical influence macguffin'

Lord Allagon - Thanks! Bio up on the first post as usual.

BranRhi - Thanks! As with the others, bio up on the first post.

Kurotabo - Thanks! Once again, bio up on the first post.

Opal 677

In the end calm thinking won out; Derm had confirmed that the only Dwarven law relating to Bogeymen was one set down by King Ilral Actedgates in his rewriting of Dwarven law in 420, banning them from owning any land within the Kingdom of the Grizzly Vessel. Why such a law had been necessary was unknown, as the last Bogeymen to be allowed within the Kingdom had been a diplomatic mission that had been run out in 215 upon the coronation of Logem Stilledboard. Bogeymen from then on were not seen within any Dwarven lands, save for in the Despotate of the Momentous Manor, which for many barely passed as Dwarven due to their traditions at odds with the rest of Dwarven society, such as slavery.

Of course, many of the Elves had protested violently, the age-old feud between them and the Bogeymen would certainly not be settled by something as 'uncivilised' as Dwarven law, but since the original Dwarves that had founded Nomekast had been from the Grizzly Vessel, it was that Dwarven Kingdom's laws that held sway. And so Eldrich was allowed to stay. In a fort where already half the inhabitants were non-Dwarves what was one non-Dwarf race more?

Life continued in Nomekast as ever it did. Winter had set in hard now, though temperature-wise it meant little underground. What it meant was that the fields lay fallow, and so Fori could pursue her goal of raising to scratch the defences of Nomekast, and also continue her attempts to discuss the message the spirits had given her with her fellow Elves.

In Stas' Thieves Guild planning for 'the grand heist' continued, Ocade had been brought in and Stas and Bax had put out feelers and found a Kobold by the name of Konith who had wanted to join. He'd been let in, with the same caveat as Ocade - if the heist went well, they would be trusted enough and be a proper part of the guild.

Down on the Fiery Cistern mining work had finally finished on Brosso the Magnificent's arena.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The circus-director had already drawn up plans with his fellow members of the Alliance for Dwarven Survival for the Alliance's new offices and the barracks of the Iron Guard. Adjoined to what had once started as a circus, but now included an arena amongst other things, it had been designed in Brosso's usual style, with large and grandiose halls, pillars, and an atrium with a grand pool.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The Iron Guard themselves had already been formed under Stronghammer, there were only four of them at the moment, but that was more than enough to guard the forges.

The surface remained barred to the community, and no refugees had been spotted. After a while many of the flying Nothing dissipated across the valley, flying away, however there always seemed to be at least a half-dozen, flying frantically across the Swamps of Tunnelling, as though - and probably indeed - searching for anything living they could tear up.

4th Obsidian 677 - Afternoon

Ugo Sosleng flexed his green fingers in anticipation, his hand hovering over the tray of scalpels that lay on the granite table before him. Chained by the side of the room was one of the Nothing that had been captured a few months ago now. The creature was completely still, its red eyes fixed on the Goblin scientist. Ugo took up his quill and began to scratch his preliminary notes on the pig tail paper he'd been provided. He'd quickly learnt that pig tails were among the most versatile crops that could be harvested above or below land. Dwarves cut the plants into strips and beat them into sheets of paper, they brewed them into ale, they spun them into cloth, they could even be made into fine cigars, as Brosso was apt to showcase.

Experiment 1 - Subject 1

Subject seems unresponsive and completely immobile. It has a habit of staring at whoever is closest to it, but does not actually move or struggle against its restraints. Full-body live autopsy will be performed to see what exactly compromises these 'Nothings', Sheriff Derm has insisted on members of the militia being present in case of escape, which may affect the creature's temperament and reactions. First an incision will be made in one of the creature's tentacles and the ensuing blood - or whatever liquid synonymous with it - will be collected.

Happy with these preliminary opening notes, the Goblin took a scalpel up, weighing it in his hands like a professional, and turned to the Nothing. The red eyes stared back into the Goblin's own. Ugo chose a thickish tentacle, and carefully, sliced into it. The Nothing didn't move. Liquid like smoke poured from the incision, dripping onto the floor where it coiled like smoke and dissipated into the air. Quickly he seized a green-glass beaker - the Dwarves apparently didn't currently have the facilities and resources to make clear glass, especially as the Elves were kicking up a fuss about the wood burners - he held the beaker under the wound, and let the vapoury liquid collect inside it, once he had enough, he slammed a cork onto it. The liquid inside coiled and curled like smoke in a non-existent wind, but all it could do was rise to the cork, then fall back to the glass floor, unable to dissipate into the air. Ugo took up his quill again,

Liquid was successfully extracted. Nothing made no attempt to avoid being cut, and had no reaction at all, only continuing its current focus of staring at whomever is closest. Nothing 'blood' appears to be an ethereal liquid that acts like smoke when it touches a physical object. Once it has touched something, it attempts to dissipate into the air, this can apparently be stopped by containing it inside a sealed glass beaker, or possibly any container small enough? Tests will need to be performed to see exactly what this liquid is and its effects and/or uses.

Putting down his quill, Ugo put the scalpel back in it's place, and took a large knife. The next test was to amputate one of the Nothing's limbs and observe the effects. He advanced on the chained creature, knife gleaming. The Nothing's eyes stared back, but it didn't move.

15th Obsidian 677 - Evening

Once more the Alliance for Dwarven Survival had gathered in Stronghammer Fireforges' cottage for their meeting. While work had begun on their new offices, it would still be several months before the place was carved out, and more still before it was fully furnished. Stronghammer opened the meeting with a bombshell;

"Last night the Iron Guard caught an Elf; she had just destroyed the wood furnace." as was Stronghammer's style, it was very matter-of-fact, but it roused shouts of anger.

"This is just what I warned about! Elves can't be trusted near anything and anywhere civilised!" Brosso brayed.

"And what has Derm done about this!?" Reg demanded, frowning angrily. As Dwarves went, the doctor was a more 'moderate' member of the Alliance, but that certainly did not make him the friend of those who refused to accept Dwarven tradition and society while living in what was essentially still a Dwarven fort.

"He was informed about the matter, remanded the Elf into custody and given her a 'final warning'." the industrialist replied.

"For shame! Back in the Mountainhomes it'd be a month in jail or a hammerstrike straight away! There'd be none of this malarkey and bureaucracy!" Brosso thumped a meaty fist onto the table, "This is completely unacceptable!"

"What's more worrying is that they slipped past the Iron Guard." Reg remarked. Stronghammer allowed himself a smile,

"I wouldn't worry, I have a measure already in mind to further protect our valued industry, and volunteers already at work."

16th Obsidian 677 - Morning

"Stronghammer! You can't be serious about this." Derm exclaimed. The sheriff stood with the industrialist and Brosso on the Fiery Cistern, near the magma pools. Around them masons and volunteers of the Alliance or the forges went to and fro with granite blocks. Brosso answered for Stronghammer,

"Completely serious, Sheriff. You have consistently failed to protect our industry, the Iron Guard will have to do the job for us!"

"Yes, but a wall around the forges?"

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

"I mean, you didn't even ask for permission or-"

"Planning permissions and construction permits do not fall under the remit of Sheriffs, they go under the Mayor." Stronghammer said firmly.

"We don't even have a Mayor! Look, you can't just start blocking off random areas that you want, the whole point of having a Sheriff was to-"

"Well then we'll need to elect a Mayor! But until then, the wall stays, and anyone wanting to enter the forges will have to pass the checkpoint and the Iron Guard. Good day Sheriff Derm."

Right, so I want to try something, like with the voting on Sheriff. That is, you get to vote for whoever is Mayor for the year (game year). This should avoid things like the fact that Stas has been Mayor since it was first activated in the game, since he has the most friends, due to his lack of work, which doesn't work in the actual narrative, where Stas is much more quieter and less known, thus unlikely to become Mayor. So basically, if you want to be Mayor, nominate yourself, and vote, form your political blocs, blackmail, etc, etc.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #676 on: October 25, 2011, 03:05:20 pm »

OMG BY THE BEARD OF ARMOK YOU HAVE RETURNED. Welcome back most glorious authour of one of the best stories going. Its nice to have you back i have truely missed this epic story. I like the wall and iron guard inspection of all entering, you truely know my character. I would like to nominate my self and vote for my self, and i think we all know what party my character would represent. Anyways keep up the great work, next cage traps should be setup to protect the forges from illegal entry, i realise in game no one would actually get captured, but it would be great for the story. ANyways thx again great story.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #677 on: October 25, 2011, 05:00:58 pm »

(Welcome back Aequor!)

From the log of Fori

   Much has been happening of late, and I haven’t had much of a chance to record my thoughts recently.

   My strength is all but returned now, as the forgotten beast’s poison has finally worked its way out of my system or run its course. I can now walk without the cane, and I can use my sword again, which is good, because I sampled one of the crossbows, and I found that I simply didn’t have the sheer strength to cock it, though my aim was good. In addition, I no longer have to stay in the hospital. But something odd did happen in my last few days in the hospital though.  I awoke one morning to find myself clutching a dagger. It wasn’t elf or dwarf make, even goblin or human. It had a very intricate build, with an oddly shaped blade and strange engravings. It struck me more as ceremonial rather than practical. After questioning the other patients, they told me the bogeyman had left it with me. For what purpose though, I had no idea. Was it a challenge? Was it a peace offering? Was it a tribute, or a bribe or just a random friendly gesture? And what should I do in return? In the end, I decided to fall back on the elf customs. When one gives you a gift, it is polite to give something back. I left a basket of my strawberries on his bed, a portion of my private stash that I was saving. They were some of the few left since the surface and my fields became closed to us. Anyway, until I can speak with the bogeyman, I keep the knife with me, in a sheath on my hip opposite of my sword.

   After I left, winter was soon approaching. After the hard work of harvesting, there was little field work to do, as the fields were left fallow during this time. Still, I found there was much for me to do. With the brilliant mind of Torvold dead, I was in the unusual position of being an unofficial expert in mechanisms among the dwarves, since I was among the few that studied with him. It is quite a lofty position to fill, and I can’t come close to his level of brilliance. Yet. I am learning though, as I go through his old notes and schematics. Slowly, I am grasping and understanding the mechanisms that he has designed, the intricate science behind it. Even with my rudimentary knowledge, I’m seeing many potential applications of this study in the defense of our home. Soon, I will delve into the designs that the unusual human Meinhard had brought. Torvold always seemed to speak respectfully and approvingly of whoever had made them and sent them with Meinhard to our home.

   But I am not the only mind here at least. There is another working in the late Torvold’s labs. A goblin by the name of Ugo Sosleng was studying the defilers that we have captured. His expertise was in the study of life rather than that of mechanics, but I still offered my assistance to him. At first I thought I might be disturbed or nauseated at the live dissection of a defiler, but the creatures weren’t life of any sort I knew. They weren’t even undead, and I recalled the words of the ancient spirits from my dream, manifestations of the void he called them. Still, they’re corporeal and can be slain, and if we can find new ways to do that, all the better. I wonder if they can be poisoned somehow. All the same, I was glad for the guards that Derm had posted during the examination, and I kept the sword and new dagger handy.

   However, I still continue to try and win over some of the elves to the understanding of the trees and spirits my dream or vision had shown me. Some of them seem to accept it, and others I can tell at least want to accept it, but aren’t convinced. However, others have stubbornly clung to the old beliefs. In response to my spreading my message, they just cling all the harder and brand me a blasphemer and heretic. A rather bitter irony, I had hoped that this message would help to unite our scattered race with the others, but it just seems to have created yet another schism and source of friction. They’re getting more extreme, and had set fire to one of the furnaces.

   Still, it seems  that my message has done a little good. I was approached by one of the humans, a massive iron clad man who goes by ‘Juggernaut’. It seems he had been keeping an eye on the dissent among the elves. We spoke some about the problems the elves were causing. I agreed that, if he needed, I would turn my skill with mechanisms towards helping their forges, particularly the magma ones. The more magma used, the less plants that need to be burned to fuel the fires. But I wasn’t ready to help him with the wall to thwart the elves. I was still trying to win them over, and it wouldn’t help to begin actively opposing them yet. But I fear that it might come to that.

   There’s also going to be an election going on soon. Seems that the community decided that it needs a Mayor, and it’s going to be put up to a vote. I must admit that I’m tempted put myself up for nomination. It’d mean less time on the fields and in Torvold’s labs, but It would mean a saner head guiding the fortress, out of the hands of Ibruk and his ilk, and of the elf radicals. And having an elf in a position of power might soothe their worries over the misuse of trees. But I don’t think that an elf mayor for a dwarf fortress is going to happen in this day and age. Still, I might see how the rest of the fortress accepts the idea. Who knows, I might just have a shot. I am rather dwarf like for an elf I guess.

   Lastly, Brosso again approached me about being his prima donna in his opera house, and I again refused. There’s simply too much for me to do here to waste time with that. I’m glad I stand a head and shoulders taller than him, so I wouldn’t get that smoke from his cigars in my face.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #678 on: October 25, 2011, 05:07:59 pm »

Ocade's Ratskin Journal
I'm putting myself up for election, with promises of a stronghanded goverment dedicated to destroying the Scrouge known as the Nothing, strong laws, and military might.

((Can I do a little speech thing, Aequor?))
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #679 on: October 25, 2011, 05:26:44 pm »

Ocade's Ratskin Journal
I'm putting myself up for election, with promises of a stronghanded goverment dedicated to destroying the Scrouge known as the Nothing, strong laws, and military might.

((Can I do a little speech thing, Aequor?))
Sure, everyone feel free to make speeches and do all the campaigning you want to on whatever issues you want.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #680 on: October 25, 2011, 06:22:27 pm »

Oh hey, this is back.

Oh hey, a vote for mayor.

Oh hey, I can't remember basically any of the characters in this. Darn.

Not voting for myself because I doubt anyone really likes my character.

So I'll vote for the most moderate dwarf or human in the community, both in views of other races and in laws. Not Derm, though, he seems too attracted to Fori to possibly ever be moderate. Is this kind of vote okay?
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #681 on: October 25, 2011, 06:31:31 pm »

I'm not running for mayor as the sherriff cannot be mayor AND sheriff. Also I have enough shit to deal with already. In story, that is.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #682 on: October 25, 2011, 06:56:48 pm »

Journal of whateverthefuckmycharctersnameis

Seems our resident scientest has gone to work on a Nothing. Good for them, when he is done with his expermients I will go and ask him if I could see his results and his ideas of what a human~Nothing crossbreed would be like. I can't let anyone know about my ancscerty, the Asshats at that Dwarven Alliance thing would send those bigoted thugs they call the Iron Gaurd after me.
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #683 on: October 25, 2011, 10:10:37 pm »

Vote for me for a fair and just government. I am not pro any race, but am rather pro industry and am pro the fort. I think of things logically and fairly, not elven and dwarven. I have taken measures to secure the forges, not in an attempt to separate the people, but rather as a way of protecting the property of the public. Some might say that i am for getting rid of the non dwarves as is suggested by my inclusion in the dwarf alliance. However i have joined the alliance as it is the only force willing to help protect are industry from sabatoge and destruction. Even recently when my guards caught the elf who burned one of are forges, the elf was not beaten or harmed, instead she was handed over to the sheriff for justice. I am not a dwarf out to seek power and dominance, i am a dwarf out to seek the best logical, peaceful, and efficient path for are fortress. To help you see that i am a good choice and that i have the skills, you need but look at the weapons used by are valiant warriors defending us, or look at the armours protecting them from harm. My being here in this fort has brought much good and prosperity, and so i ask vote for me to lead you, in these times of hardship, vote for me if you want equality in everyway, vote for me if you want your ideas to be done, vote for me if you wish to have a voice in the desicions, vote for me if you want your beliefs protected and safeguarded. Thank you all for your time and consideration.

« Last Edit: October 25, 2011, 10:12:48 pm by Stronghammer »

Sneaky Walrus

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #684 on: October 26, 2011, 03:28:26 am »

The thoughts of Juggernaut
I have conversed with Forli and she now knows of my willingness to help her in coming conflicts with the elves of this fortress as well as agreeing to working with Magma...  /sigh If only she would realize that those elves are stuck within their traditional notions, they fear change as they are already locked within a radical motion, by living beneath the earth with their Dwarven enemies of old, and I fear any more friction will lead to violence...I fear for Forli for when the time time comes she will have to make a choice between the fort and her people. Still she stands strong and I will endeavor to support her attempts at unity.
The Alliance for Dwarven Survival are making all the right moves in all the wrong ways. If only they had gone to Derm and petitioned or at the very least forewarned him about the creation of the wall around the forges. I support this action, as it is both the center of a military works and is a target for thieves and traitors within our midst, however their clumsy handling of the situation could lead to more dissident among the fort instead of unity. Bah I bet that pompous fool Brosso was a driving force behind this action, he even petitions for one of our main agricultural leaders, Forli, to become an opera singer. Tit.
Despite their wall I believe that the stealing of goods will continue. I must investigate this futher.
An election for mayor is being held soon. I am fully behind Derm as our military leader, as he has proved himself both capable and fair in previous cases, but I doubt he could balance this with the mayoral position. Stronghammer appears to be the best option so far, as he appears to be primarily interested in the Fort first and the alliance second, but I fear what his actions would be if he were to succumb to the vice of ultimate control. Still he has earned my respect as being a man of his word and appears to judge fairly despite race, however I fear that dwarves like Brosso would believe their own ideas would come before others and in their own superiority of their position to others.
I will have words with Stronghammer and make it known, only to him, that I will support him and act as a guardsman, while attempting to foster unity between the rest of the fort for his actions as leader, such as informing him about the changes within the many communities within the fort.

Hmmmm I wounder how the mayor would react to the idea of community leaders within each racial group, a council of six (Dwarves, Elves, Men, Kolbolds, Goblins and Bogeymen) , each representing their people and setting forth their problems to him instead of dealing with them as they appear.

(ooc) Sweet Jesus riding a Dinosaur its been a while!
Anyway on to important matters Stronghammer you've got my vote since I think you can do it better than anyone else and I think it will be funny to have a chance to shut Brosso down  ;D
Also, as I mentioned, I think there should be council of six (how many races do we actually have in this zoo of a fortress?) which would be a decent idea seeing as there is bound to be some conflict between the races and we might as well have an arena set out for it!
Fire washes the sin off the soul and the skin off the bone. That and I can't be bothered making soap...


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #685 on: October 26, 2011, 06:51:09 am »

(ooc) thanks sneaky walrus, my character is all about effieciency and logical plans so everything you have said about him is pretty bang on the money. Also thanks for your vote, aaaaaand the council idea is really good as it will allow discussion between the different groups as well as a way to bring things up to the mayor (hopefully Stronghammer) beefore they become to big of an issue.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #686 on: October 26, 2011, 05:41:50 pm »

Journal of ahra:

Dwarves and humans, funny and tries to survive
Elves, goddamn annoying and self-destructive.
i am serious, the iron guard is the only sensible persons in the fort.
They remind me of the westerns that fought the goblins, do or die
and the elves want to die!!!
I will have to talk with stronghammer if they will accept an human
guard squad...
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #687 on: October 27, 2011, 04:14:55 pm »

The Journal of Kuro

The last time I was truly happy I was a prisoner. Those long days ago, with Thaco Oakendale... Funny isn't it? I'm afraid I'm getting ahead of myself... Let me elaborate. My name is Kuro Emeraldeyes, and I am a goblin, one of the downtrodden and demented. I was born the son of a Priestess and a goblin drunk, so my story isn't a happy one. At age six I was taken from the hellish temple I called home, and given to the military Warmaster Goret Hammerdriven, who raised me to be a "Helldrinker", one of our special soldiers... The name never made sense to me. Years later, we were about to conquer an elven tribe to be a new tower, but it turned out the elves were far stronger then we thought. They sprang trap after trap, used ambushes and guerilla tactics. It came to pass that I was the last one standing against what must have been sixty elves. Of course, they didn't give me the benefit of death, no, they made me watch as they ATE my comrades. After, they gave me a choice: Serve the Village Ranger, or be made into stew. I swallowed my pride, and became servant. I found the Ranger to be a reasonable elf, first one I met, and after twenty years, we became friends. He taught me how to hunt, forage, and the joys of eating green... Took me about a hundred years to stop puking. I passed another one-hundred-twenty years in peace and happiness... Until THEY came. I watched Thaco Oakendale, my mentor, be ripped apart, his wooden blades useless. I somehow survived all this, but my tribe didn't. Picking through the dead, I scavenged up clothes, food, and armor. I took Thaco's shredded cloak, and retrieved my ancient steel blades from the chief's hut.

Kuro felt the wagon shudder to a halt, the other refugees groaning as they pulled themselves out of half-sleep. He'd arrived at Nomekast; he'd arrived at his new home.
"That which has been seen, can never be unseen. Fetch me my mind soap."

Sneaky Walrus

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #688 on: October 28, 2011, 12:33:14 am »

Thanks Stronghammer  :D
With the council I was envisioning something like the council of Elrond from Lord of the Rings, but maybe we can have it somewhere cool instead of overlooking a bloody forest and instead have somewhere like hanging over a massive lava pit/waterfall or looking over the underground cavern.
Maybe we can have a massive council chamber shaped like the forts symbol or, if that's to hard/weird (dwarves have weird symbols), have something like the Omega symbol where each of the members sit along the sides while the current mayor (or better) sits at the head.

Fire washes the sin off the soul and the skin off the bone. That and I can't be bothered making soap...


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #689 on: October 28, 2011, 11:01:40 pm »

Opal 677

Finally made it to Godsaved, or Nomekast as these dwarves call it. Much better off than I imagined the last traces of civilization would be. Saw a little girl following a goblin through the dining hall while I was eating, very strange to me although no one else even looked twice. Guess the end of the world brings people together.

I have a DREAM! where kobolds will be able to join hands with dwarf men and women as partners and lovers. And man, do I love imagining this dream again and again...
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