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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180294 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #645 on: July 22, 2011, 10:27:59 pm »

Journal of Reno Monty:
 Ahhhh, finally,  a day away from that blood crazed idiot Juggernaut, idoit would run after the smallest of nathing groups, nearly killing us all. at least the gobling and the dwarf weren't drooling idoits like him. This place reeks of death and diease, though considering what happned here that is not suprising. Maybe my half brother will join the hordes outside our gate. Always had a knack for hiding his hertiage from both sides...
Am I back? Its a mystery to everyone

Sneaky Walrus

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #646 on: July 23, 2011, 09:49:47 pm »

The mind of "Juggernaut"

So this is it. The bastion that Armok guide me too and the hold from which we shall drive back these foul beasts.

If only it was not filled with cowards and weaklings!

Yes some dwarves are filled with the righteous courage of the Lord of Blood Armok, even others such as myself, Elves, Men, Goblins and even Kobolds are blessed with his strength and courage but others...others are cowards and weaklings, not worthy of the time and effort spent protecting them. They cower at the site of these Nothings and flee at their very presence.
I had to travel with one such coward, this "Reno Monty", BAH a weakling and a coward! At least the others were willing to fight such as Dohon, a fabled dwarven smith who showed the strength of his arm or Ugo who, despite his size was willing to stand and fight, and whose his mechanical plans are ingenious...yes with my newest allies and friends we shall make fine warriors and guardians of our new home.

Alas our home has not reached its true strength. Yes it is true that the dwarves have taken steps towards a base of operations, with their mass magma forges, working within the depths and that the militia force has had triumph after triumph over the foul creatures below.

But it is still not enough!

The forges must ring loud with the creation of weapons of war and a true Army must be forged to drive back the beasts that attack us. I have plans that I must show to Ugo, he will know how to make them come true, plans to lead the fort back to the surface, to create a grand castle from which we can rain down death upon our foes.

The Nothing strike from all sides, but we shall not falter.
We shall drive them back, into the north from whence they came.
We shall retake our world, in a tide of their blood.

And we will have VENGEANCE     

Fire washes the sin off the soul and the skin off the bone. That and I can't be bothered making soap...


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #647 on: July 23, 2011, 11:14:43 pm »

Oh jeez, we're lucky we didn't loose everyone who came in contact with that gas. Still, 2 people is a straining toll on our community.

I vote those beasts be cast down into the abyss they came from. Throw them down the magma pool! ...Just because.
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #648 on: July 24, 2011, 06:59:11 am »

can i have an human swords or axeman?
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #649 on: July 24, 2011, 08:30:50 pm »

Laboratory Log
Ugo Sosleng

-At last, something resembling civilisation! How Ive missed it...
Must discover if they have tea and/or scones here.
-They do have a Laboratory, belonged to a dwarven chap by name Torvold.
Poor fellow got crisped right before I arrived apparently. Pity.
-Ah, my wonderful test subjects. None other than 5 Nothing. This shall be...
informative, entertaining? Perhaps both.
-I simply /must/ dissect one of these nothing! I have been itching to discover if/how they
sustain themselves, and if/how they reproduce.
-Hmmm, this "Jägerdrawt" looks interesting. One ponders what effect it would have on a Nothing?
-I shall have to see about aquiring a crossbow and moddifying it. If there is one sure thing,
it is that there is nothing that Science cannot improve.

OOC: Sorry for the rambling and the spelling mistakes. Im kinda out of practise rping online, and im currently sick to boot.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #650 on: July 27, 2011, 02:00:35 am »

From the log of Fori

How I wish I picked a thicker scarf. Or held my breath for a little longer. Or maybe whatever it was is potent through the skin. I don't know how, but I was infected by the foul miasma of the forgotten beast. It's stricken me with a debilitating weakness, my limbs and body are sluggish and slow to respond to my will. Even breathing from time to time is difficult. I have to focus on each breath, consiously willing myself to continue inhaling and exhaling air. But fortunately, aside from the initial episode, I don't have trouble with it often. I hope that means that my body is working the poison out of my blood.
   Still, this weakness and paralysis keeps me laid up here in this bed. I tried to leave once, but my legs were too weak to support my weight and buckled. A couple dwarves had to carry me back. Even now, holding this pen takes effort and concentration. How I hate it. Idleness chafes at me, there is so much that needs to be done, so much I could be doing to further the survival of this good fortress. Crops to be sown or harvested, or continuing Torvold's work, spirits grant his soul a peaceful rest. Even hauling stone and boulders would be better than this. I fear that the strength that I worked so hard to gain while living with the dwarves will fade away while I'm stuck doing nothing in the hospital. At the very least, couldn't they take my bed up to the surface? I would think the fresh air would do my lungs good, and I could commune with the spirits of the trees and share the news with the dwarves. Derm's taken me up there from time to time, and he comes to visit me at least twice a day, more if he isn't busy. Spirits bless him.
   At least there was some good to all of this. The little elf slave that the goblinish dwarf owned is now free and has proper elf parents. I would have adopted the child myself if I hadn't been laid up. But Torvold though, he will be missed. A brilliant mind, to say the least. Even the fraction I learned under him is incredible. I plan on continuing his work once I get out of here. We've fortified the surface, now it seems we must fortify the caverns as well, building traps or walls to keep out the dangerous beasts in the deep. I've got several ideas that would bring down even a forgotten beast. I wonder if the smithies would mind me borrowing a little of their magma. Few are the enemies that cannot be defeated with a little of the life-sap of the mountains.

(What followed on the pages after were several sketches of different mechanisms, traps, and floor plans for fortifications in the caverns.)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #651 on: July 27, 2011, 06:59:01 pm »

In a time before time, there were six races. Dwarf, Elf, Human, Goblin, Kobold, and a race whose name has been forgotten by the others. This race was nomadic, never staying too long in one place. This race worshiped the gods of the sky under which they wandered. All was well, for a time. Until an Elf civilization grew angry about these creatures who mocked the trees by wandering the empty plains, and attacked, killing most tribes in one fell swoop. The remaining tribes gathered together and look to their allies for help. But the Humans and Dwarfs turned a blind eye to their plight, and the remaining tribes were pushed back to a volcano. As the tribes gathered their defences, the Elfs prayed to their gods, and the gods answered, crumbling the slopes of the volcano and plunging the tribes into it. As they burned, the tribes prayed to their gods, and the gods raised them from the volcano, and gave them dominion over the sky. But the Elf gods cursed the race to forever be marred by their burns,and to forever be know by a horrible name, and the race hid their wounds under hoods and cloaks, and forever hated not only the Elfs, but those who abandoned them in their time of need.

Eldrich StormSap: Bogeyman

He is calm and and collected around all races but tends to be snarky around elves. He is cynical about life, not only due to the other races fear of his kind, but now due to the Nothing. He tends to stare at people until they become uneasy.

He, like most Bogeymen, is a hunter/trapper.
« Last Edit: July 27, 2011, 07:56:36 pm by TheOddDemon »
I eat dead people.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #652 on: August 05, 2011, 11:42:21 pm »

Stronghammer - Thanks!  ;D

Ahra - Sure thing! Bio up on the first post.

TheOddDemon - A Bogeyman? Now that is an interesting idea! Anyways, you're in, bio up on the first post as ever.

Sandstone & Timber 677

All through the rest of the Autumn Nomekast bustled with heavy activity. Down on the Fiery Cistern Stronghammer Fireforge pushed his workers to improve the industrial base of Nomekast. The forges were expanded, a larger walkway over the magma pool was built to help prevent accidents.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

With smelting going at full-pace, the old stockpile where the bars were kept was no longer enough, and as such a new one was carved out, with separate rooms to store armour and weapons, and another room to store metal goods. The entire stockpile complex was sealed with two large lead doors to try and prevent thefts, such as that of the silver bars by Rakust, the loot of which was still unaccounted for.

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While Fori and the others afflicted by Streti's poison remained feverish and sluggish through the months, that didn't stop Fori from deciding to take charge of Nomekast's protection. The defences on the Home Level were strengthened, with towers being made at each entrance, where marksdwarves could fire down at anything that posed a threat.

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Several restless ghosts rose from the dead to haunt the community, but eventually each ghost was memorialised in the Memorial Hall within the temple cemetery, a carved slab serving as the resting place for their spirits. Only two ghosts remained. A macedwarf who went by the name of Ablel, and who had been spotted causing trouble by moving objects, or outright stealing them.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

And Mosus, who had been a hammerdwarf in life, and who now spent all his time floating around the main meeting hall, silent.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Memorial slabs to both had been carved, but their souls were not put to rest, staying on this plane. Ibruk had said it was not unheard of those who had great fears of death to remain as a ghost even when the proper rites were given, and so for now both ghosts became temporary members of the community.

6th Moonstone 677 - Evening

"Well," Brosso brayed loudly, "I believe that this meeting of the Alliance for Dwarven Survival may be called to order." he took off his tophat, dabbed at his face with a cave spider silk handkerchief lightly and put the tophat down on the chair besides him. Around the table in Stronghammer's forge-side house sat the other members of the Alliance for Dwarven Survival; Reg, Stronghammer, and several other members of the Dwarven community. Outside of them they knew several other Dwarves sympathetic to their cause of protecting and promoting Dwarven values.

"If I may take the lead, the tree-hugging riff-raff are our primary concern. Their protests to our wood-burning facilities are as ridiculous as they are senseless. The world is falling apart, and they still complain about the cutting down and burning of valuable resources. Valuable cave resources, I should add, far outside Elven 'jurisdiction', if it could be called that." Brosso continued. Stronghammer nodded vehemently,

"Two Elves were caught by the wood furnaces last night, attempting to steal the wood logs prepared for operations today, and one of them heavily intimated a desire to, as he put it 'smash the death-furnaces'" he said calmly as ever. The slightest of shocked gasps came from around the table, "they were stopped before any trouble could occur, naturally."

"By the beards of all the gods! That amounts to attempted theft and vandalism!" Reg exclaimed, "That's a case you could put in front of Derm. Say what you want, the fellow does try to do his job, and he wouldn't let an attempt to break down the social order slide."

"Hmm, but can we really trust the Elf-lover?" Brosso wondered in his typical bombastic voice, "There could be what the ancient legislators of lore would have called, 'a conflict of interest' there."

"The matter aside," Stronghammer said, "I have taken steps to forming a guard to protect the forges, an 'Iron Guard' if you wish."

"Wise man. Never trust an Elf! That's what I've always said! While our ancestors were creating vast machines of magma and steel, theirs were singing to trees."

"So that sorts that matter out. If you gentledwarves would excuse me, I have to get back to the hospital for the evening check-up." Reg said, standing up, giving each Dwarf present a farewell, then leaving. Stronghammer looked round,

"I believe that is all there is to discuss this week. If no one else has anything to add I believe we can end this meeting."

With a round of nods and farewell the Dwarves slowly trickled out until only Brosso and Stronghammer were left. The two exited Stronhammer's cottage and basked in the warm light of the magma forges.

"It occurs to my mind, my dear Stronghammer. That an organisation as critical and important as ours should have grand offices, especially if we are now also to host your Iron Guard. I dare-say that such offices and barracks and such-like could easily be carved out same as my grand arena and circus." Brosso said, lighting a pig-tail cigar and taking a puff.

"Excuse me?" came a voice. The two Dwarves turned and came face-to-stomach with a large Human clad in rusting armour covered with dried blood, "You are the Dwarf who manages the forges here, Stronghammer?"

"I am that."

"I am Juggernaut. I require your forges."

"And what do you require them for?"

"To outfit an army. We need weapons and armour, traps and mechanisms, enough to slaughter the Nothing and offer them to the Lord Armok, the Allfather. We need your forges to ring with the strike of hammers on swords, axes, and spears, that we might have enough weapons to slaughter all of Hell should we need."

"It's already done," Stronghammer said, "since my arrival these forges have not stopped their work on bolts, ballista-heads, hammers, swords, all things that keep an industry strong."

If Juggernaut was going to reply he was stopped by Brosso's happy exclamation. A Dwarf pushing a large tin cage had approached. Inside the cage was,

"A giant mole!" Brosso exclaimed happily, rubbing two hands together, "Perfect start for my circus, or possibly just as a weak foe for the arena! Ahh, but if only I could use the Nothing we have. Thrice-curse that damned greenskin scientist and that damned Elf-lover sheriff and the rest. How better to raise morale than to show our greatest foe, captive in a circus, or a zoo, just an object to be seen, not a monster to be feared!" he took another large drag of his cigar, and exhaled a great cloud of smoke at the giant mole, "Ah that, I tell you, my good Stronghammer, nobody understands the importance of a good circus in keeping a society together. It's as I always tell them; good circuses make good societies."

15th Moonstone 677 - Morning

Despite the long months of rest, Fori, Xenos, Sandra, Loral, and Meinhard's Jagers remained feverish and lethargic. Though their condition had improved somewhat, to the point of their being able to walk, their movements remained slow. The Jagers were back to training, though it was clear that they were not going to be as martially able as before. Meinhard hoped to cure this with the Jagerdrawt, but before that he still needed to get the necessary items for Volrath's ritual. Volrath himself remained under quarantine in the hospital, occasionally being allowed out for fresh air and to move, but little else. Sandra and Loral were also back to training with their swords, but likewise they were much slower than before. Xenos split his time between tending his crops at his secret little farm on the Fiery Cistern, and training with his spear. Fori likewise took up her place at the farms, helping to bring the crops in.

But not today. Today she had gathered the Elven community of the fort, of which there were about 15 out of the 80 or so inhabitants of Nomekast, to tell them what the spirits had told her.

She was sat by the edge of the farms, which were empty at this time of the morning, most people were still having breakfast. Derm stood besides her. She had come to value his presence, he was always so happy to help. She had already told him what she was about to tell the assembled Elves, and he had insisted on being here to keep the order, as a sheriff should. After all, she was about to defy almost 700 years of Elven tradition and deeply-held beliefs. Some of the Elves here were old enough to remember the original priestesses and queens, some of the Elves here had even met the original priestesses and queens, including the ones that remained.

"Thank you all for coming." she began quietly, calmly, "What I want to tell you here today isn't easy. Some of you won't believe me, some of you will no doubt think I am betraying our race and the spirits. But what I need to tell you is important.

The past few months I have had...unsettling dreams. And in these dreams one spirit in particular spoke to me. For centuries we have guarded the trees of this world, we have fought for them, we have died for them, we have communed with the spirits through them, and for so long, we though that they were the spirits. But when the spirit spoke to me he told me that the trees are not them. They are but a channel to the mortal world through which the spirits can speak. They were a gift from our gods to us, a gift to cherish and protect, but also to use. Instead we became almost neurotic in our refusal to do anything to them, and we forgot the truth. The trees are not the spirits, they are a channel, but there are other channels, and the trees were created as a gift so that our race could use them and grow strong."

For a long time complete silence reigned around Fori. Shock registered on every Elven face, and no one dared speak. Then one Elf, a slender female who might once have been poised to become an acolyte, pointed a thin, accusing finger at Fori,

"That dust has done more damage to your head than your lungs!" she growled, almost spitting her words out. A few cries came out in acceptance. Derm growled,

"Watch your tongue."

"You've spent so much time with these Dwarves you're beginning to become like them! And now you come spouting this-these...blasphemous, horrid, horrible, nasty lies! Just to try and justify your Dwarf friends cutting down the spirits who have survived the onslaught of the defilers!" she spat on the floor before Fori, then swirled round and marched away. Several Elves followed her, leaving Fori with Derm and six of the 15 Elves. Derm placed a hand reassuringly on her shoulder,

"You did your best, Fori. They'll have to find out the truth eventually."

7th Opal 677 - Night

They met in Stas' 'Thieves' Guild' hide-out, hidden on the main level. Stas, in his usual shadowy cloak, stood waiting for Bax to arrive. When the greenskin did, with Atis in tow, the Dwarf welcomed him in and invited him to take a seat. In the corner of the room a silver bar lay, shining in the torch light, the loot from their heist several months ago that they had managed to pin on Rakust.

"So then. A shame Gutusp died." Bax said. Stas nodded,

"Poor lady. A nasty way to go, and I was planning to invite her to join our...fledgling organisation."

"But that's not all; have you spoken to Ocade? Weren't you going to invite him in?"

"Yes, he seems interested. I'll bring the topic up with him when I next see him."

"And I suppose you've heard about Shin, haven't you?"

Shin had been struck by divine inspiration or demonic possession depending on who you asked, and had completely withdrawn from society, prowling the corridors for materials to build something.

"We'll see if she makes anything worth...borrowing. But for now, we have important business."

Stas unfurled a sheaf of pig-tail paper. On it had been carefully drawn a plan of the new bar stockpiles, around the edges were noted times and people.

"Now, I have been able to observe that recent smelting has yielded at least two dozen gold bars, all of which were placed securely behind thick lead and copper doors by our good friend Stronghammer. Now, this is simply but what complicates things, is that Stronghammer has been having troubled with Elves arguing over his burning wood or something. The important thing is that he's formed the 'Iron Guard' which - as the name might imply - guards the forges. This means we'll need to act at the right time, between guard-shifts. Now the times and people on guard I've noted over here. As you can see we'll have a half-hour to act at most. That's a half-hour to break through the lead doors that guard the stockpiles, then the copper doors that guard the bar stockpile, get the gold bars, and escape, leaving no evidence behind us."

"A tall order. You'll be bringing Ocade into this?"

"Consider it his initiation test."

"Well. Lil' Beardy here could probably serve to distract the guard, and buy us some more time. If we have sacks prepared to put the gold in, we can dro-"

"Drop it off at a well-secured, hidden spot on the same level, rather than risk dragging it up to here, yes."

"Then later we can slowly bring it up here, hiding it among stacks of bolts or whatever."

"Exactly my thoughts. Birds of a feather, Bax. This plan will take some care, but in return, we'll have more gold than a minor noble. Enough gold to buy us a passage to safety if this place ever collapses, or to use to bribe some of the less...principled people of this community."

"Well you can count me in, Lil' Beardy too."

"Excellent! I'll talk to Ocade tomorrow, then we'll prepare everything."

8th Opal 677 - Morning

It was Sandra who spotted them while getting fresh air on the lighthouse, several black shapes on the top of the valley. Too thin to be Nothing, and certainly not animals.

More refugees.

Still slightly paralyzed, she made her way down the lighthouse and warned the others. The usual preparations were made, the militia got their weapons together, ready to move out and help the refugees get through the Nothing. However as they moved out into the outside compound, a surprised yelp made them stop. It was Bounce, the bookkeeper. She was pointing up at the sky,

"What in all recorded hells are those?" she cried.

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"Whatever they are," Muenster exclaimed, "they're diving on the refugees!"

The strange bird-like creatures dived on the refugee group, scattering them. Several of the creatures, drove their victims straight into the river, where they killed any who tried to get out of the water.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

It was a massacre, of the eight refugees, only two remained, running into the compound, one shrouded in a cloak and hood, the other clearly Human. The militia, seeing there was nothing they could do, followed, and the drawbridge was slammed shut behind them, sealing the surface away. Once inside, Tarran took charge as militia commander,

"Steve, check the guys that came in, get them to Reg if their hurt. Muenster, raise the drawbridge for the lighthouse. I don't want one of those things flying down the tower and getting in."

"What were they?" Reno asked, the Human marksman had agreed to help the militia.

"Looked almost like flying Nothing to me." Melagius said, "They don't even have the decency to stay down where everyone can stab them any more."

"Flying Nothing..?" Reno muttered, "That'd just be wonderful."

They were interrupted by a strangled yelp from Steve. Immediately the militia had their weapons ready. Steve had finished checking up on the Human refugee, an axeman named Ahra, and had been checking up on the second refugee, removinga his hood, revealing burnt flesh and the distinct face of,

"A Bogeyman!" Steve exclaimed, jumping back from the refugee.

"I would prefer the name Eldrich Stormsap, if it isn't too much trouble." the stranger said.

"Just when things couldn't get more multicultural." Melagius muttered with a half laugh, "What'll we have next I wonder? Crundles?"

"Well, what do you suggest we do with him, Sheriff?" Rashem asked Derm. Derm shrugged,

"I suppose it'll be up to popular vote, as it always is."

Well, I've struck a bug. There's those two ghosts who don't turn up on the memorial slab engraving list, so I can't get rid of them. It wouldn't be a problem if it wasn't for one being a poltergeist who steals things and the other hanging out right in the middle of the meeting hall.

Nomekast - So multicultural even the ghosts are permanent residents!

Anyways, I'm going to be gone about three weeks. I'm sorry for the real lack of updates the past few months, I'm getting stuff all done ready for my last year in secondary school/high school, and its taking up most of my time. Ironically, I should have more free time when school restarts.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #653 on: August 06, 2011, 01:45:25 am »

Derm sighed as he sat down to yet another session of... paperwork. He eyed the massive, towering stacks of sheets and regulations and overcomplicated bureaucracy. He didn't think anyone really knew how complicated dwarven law was, and how twisted and contrary it was at times. For instance, the law banning platinum forged warhammers set down by some King out of greed a few hundred years back that nobody had ever thought to repeal, despite platinum being the best metal for a warhammer.

He sighed again and dragged another sheet to him. He had to inspect Every single law for mentions of conduct involving bogeymen. This would be the fourth time. he would have to do something like this (He briefly cursed the general ethnic acceptance of the fortress but stopped halfway through.). Derm knew there probably wasn't any, but if he missed even one thing... He wondered briefly if something even would happen but dwarven nature struck the thought down before it could form. He was at least grateful that no Snooty Nobles had yet to appear. He dreaded the day he would have to strike down or chain one of his friends.

He blinked and rubbed his eyes, staring yet again at page 307 of the Dwarven tome "Codes of conduct" as written by Urist Tinfoiled one hundred and twenty hears ago. He wondered how Fori was doing. She was being strong in the face of this illness, but he couldn't help but worry slightly. He shook himself and turned back to the book.


He blinked again and stared at the words on the page.


His eyes darted around his somewhat cramped office. He could swear that he heard something... He yawned and shook his head. Probably just his senses playing tricks on him. Like earlier when his favorite mug went missing and turned up behind his bedroom door, wedging it shut.


He froze, eyes darting toward the nearest filing cabinet. Overstocked with old papers, it shuddered slightly.


He definitely wasn't imagining things. He slowly reached for his axe...

The cabinet exploded, and a great slender shape rose up.

The Titan Papyrus Labors has arisen! A snake composed of paper, it writhes and undulates rhythmically. It's mouth eternally spews forth gibberish unto its enemies!

It roared a string of subclauses and lunged at Derm, who quickly struck with his battleaxe, parrying the blow. Derm swing with his axe, tearing a gash in the side, and spraying his office with blood!

"Ha! take that you... you..."

Derm paused as he realized what he was looking at.


Later, at the dining hall...

Everyone was gathered in the dining hall for some inexplicable reason.

Then a giant snake thrashed in through the doors, his scar riddled body holding a dwarf upon its head.

"Behold!" he shouted into the indistinct mass of faces. "I have bested the foul paperwork once and for all!" Cheers sprung up from the crowd as they all swarmed around him. The priests were bowing and hailing his shining achievment, and the architects stopped to scribble massive plans for his new housing on the walls themselves!

He searched out the crowd and hurried forth on his snakey stallion, and he rode up to Fori on the suddenly forested hill he was on. He climbes off his mount and went to greet her when she suddenly pulled a massive hammer out of nowhere and- CLONG


Derm jolted into awareness and fell back to the ground, him having been sent flying from a cabinet crashing on top of his desk.

An invisible giggle sounded throughout the room as a lingering poltergeist fled the scene.

He groaned and glared at the heaving piles of now horrifically messed up workload.

"I really need a bigger room." he thought. "Or at least more cabinets." He grumbled. He'd have to get the desk repaired... He yawned again. Had it been that long? he glanced at a nearby candle timer and grimaced. He'd deal with this in the morning.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.

Sneaky Walrus

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #654 on: August 06, 2011, 04:16:58 am »

-The mind of Juggernaut-

It appears that there are those among this community that know the value of strength and steel, dwarves such as Stronghammer. Even now the forges ring with the sound of metalwork, ready to outfit the army of Armok....the notion of the "Iron Guard" also intrigues me, perhaps I may help organize such a force, for the forges need protection for those who seek to cause trouble within the fort... Ha! the "Alliance for Dwarven Survival" may believe they can plot in secret but Lord Armok guides me...

The elves have realized where we stand, particularly this "Forli" who has begun preaching radically different notions to the traditional beliefs of the Elves
It would pay to visit these Elves, and let them know of a ally for their cause....


If only others within this fort would act as honorably instead fools such as Brosso who demands the creation of circuses instead! BAH!....hmmm....Yes...Yes My Lord I see....This could be an opportunity ... yes I am sure that my comrade and friend Ugo could alter this plan into something much more suitable, an Arena to both test our warriors, train beasts to serve and defend our fort while collecting knowledge of the Nothing... now if only I could force Brosso to fight Ha! I will teach him for speaking ill of my comrades....


New Nothings have appeared and slaughtered a group of refugees who seek safety at our home!
This is why our plans must go ahead and we must retake the surface world!
This is why a great fort must be built above the gates of our home!   
A bastion must be built, from which we can rain fire down upon those who threaten to engulf the world!

« Last Edit: August 06, 2011, 04:18:32 am by Sneaky Walrus »
Fire washes the sin off the soul and the skin off the bone. That and I can't be bothered making soap...


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #655 on: August 06, 2011, 09:51:43 am »

The mind of Ahra:

I never really belived the stories that circulated about the fort that had bested the uum spawn? oh wait
here they are called nothing,

But atleast i ventured out from hiding and followed a group of pepole that
were going there, their leader said he could feel an "pure" settlement or was it priest?

And later on that boogeyman joined us, strange as hell last thing i heard about them
they crushed an man from my villages head when he chopped down trees.

But here i am, in the near legendary fortress serving in the militia, my friends are probably dead and i almost died too beacause of nothing birds that killed all except me and the boogeyman.
And then the horror hits: This was just spring.
We are SOooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked.
Quite fucked indeed.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #656 on: August 06, 2011, 11:33:46 am »

From the Log of Fori:

   I pray to the spirits that I'm doing the right thing. That these dreams I've had aren't just delusions of a stressed and harried mind. The meeting with the other elves went about as well as it could be expected. I was called a blasphemer by one of them (who rather reminds me of Ibruk), and most of the elves stormed off. A few remained appeared to at least consider my ideas. None accepted them outright. At least Derm was there to support me. But are my dreams true? I was so sure of it at the time. But now, doubt lurks in the shadows of my mind again. But the alternative, that millions of wise, noble, and caring spirits have been forever silenced, destroyed at the hands of the defilers, is a horrific tragedy. One too terrible to even contemplate. Can I be blamed for taking refuge in a lie or insanity?

   At least there has been a little good fortune in other areas. It's been a long, slow process, but my strength is gradually returning. I haven't fully recovered, but at least I'm no longer bound to the hospital bed. Not that I can complain about Reg's and the doctors' care, but I chafe at being idle when there is so much to do. Something that they recognize and respect I think. Anyway, with the aid of a cane, I can make my way about the fortress in my weakened state, though I have to take it slow lest my healing lungs fail to keep up with my body's demand for air. Still, it was enough to help me continue Torvold's work. In the forests, elves often grew platforms in tall trees, where hunters and bowmen could keep watch over the lands below. I adapted this to work in the caverns, building towers up high, commanding a wide view. Should trouble arise, the crossbow soldiers can rain bolts down upon any danger.

   Speaking of danger, the surface is once again barred from us. The defilers are adapting to the barriers we've put in place, and have taken to the sky on black wings. They can fly over our walls, hover out of reach of our weapons, and dive to attack with the swiftness of eagles. I heard of their attack upon the refugees, where only two out of a group of eight survived to make it to the fortress. There was nothing we could do save to shelter the two that managed to make it to our gates. I only hope that our crossbows can keep the flying beasts at bay. Swords won't do much good, not that I can wield in this state. Maybe I should learn how to use one of their crossbows? Especially if the rumors are true, that one of the survivors was a bogeyman.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #657 on: August 06, 2011, 12:56:35 pm »

Journal of Stronghammer

It seems that the elves know no bounds. Just recently they attempted to destroy a wood furnace. Normally im quite understanding, however to damage Industry is to damage are community and defences. I will have to enact a new rule for around the elves or non forge works unless cleared and checked by my Iron Guard and myself. I will not have disidents damaging all we have built. Hopefully with the addition of the Iron Guard I will be able to prevent any more damage. On a side note I will have the workers begin construction on new "Grand" offices for the members of the Alliance, as well as a barrack for my guards. There is as usual lots of work to do and not enough hands. I must also bring charges to derm about what the elves attempted to do, charges of thieft, vandalism, industrial espianoge, and threspassing. Hopefully Derm will act within the law and punish thoughs responsible. Well of to my duties.

OOC Best of luck in your prepareations for school, and as always great story.  LONG LIVE NOMEKAST


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #658 on: August 06, 2011, 04:36:32 pm »

As StormSap fixed his hood after the dwarf had so rudely pulled it up, exposing his charred face to the painful elements, he walked inside. He tried to walk past the guards, but cry's of alarm, pushing and shoving combined with the exhausting trip, got the better of him, and he collapsed.

As the dwarfs surrounded him, he dreamed.

He dreamed of the expansive cloud city of Helissia, the center of all bogeymen activity. The halls of storm clouds, who within them lived the Nightstalkers, the leaders of the bogeymen all around the world.

He dreamed of the Stormwalkers, those who acted as both scouts and ambushers, bringing back resources for the city.

He dreamed of the destruction of of his clan of Stormwalkers. They had dropped around a target, only to discover it was a creature of the void, later known as the Nothing. the bogeymen had been, in fact, the first species to find the Nothing, and recognize the threat. But at the time, the Stormwalkers had no idea what the Nothing were, and his clan was no different. The Nothing did not understand pain, and so the bogeymen's attacks did nothing, and the Nothing killed all but one, and StormSap ran. he ran until he found a place to climb back up to the clouds. He told the cloud to get to the city.

He dreamed of the cloud port, where he saw hundreds of other Stormwalkers reporting the same as he.

He dreamed of the Nightstalkers order, to herd the Nothing to the forest retreats of the elves. He remember burning the forests as the Nothing attacked.

He dreamed of the flying Nothings assault on Helissia. The old Stormbringers, told the clouds to strike them with lighting, and the clouds complied. But there was too many, and they broke though, killing civilians left and right.

He dreamed of the evacuation of the city, how the people rushed on to the cloud barges. He remembered Seeing a new cloud forming. He jumped onto that, and raced of in a random direction. He remembered being struck over a forest, and blacking out. He remembered waking up to dwarfs surrounding him, and he remembered them running to the fortress. Then he drifted off to a dreamless sleep.

OOC: I wonder how Fori will react to a bogeyman in the same hospital room.

OOC: A good song for the bogeyman race would be The Nomad by Iron Maiden.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2011, 01:59:46 am by TheOddDemon »
I eat dead people.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #659 on: August 08, 2011, 11:28:58 pm »

Steve's writings:
Haven't wrote for a while since I've been doing some tests to see if I can make something a bit better than scarves and other bits of cloth to protect us from poison spores and gas. I'll have to talk to Stronghammer and ask him if I can hire one of his lads to make me some sort of facemask with some sort of filter on it. I haven't got anything to pay him for his work but hopefully he will understand the need for the militia to have protection incase another poisonous beastie shows up.
I'll probably have to talk to that goblin scientist if he's still around first though to see if he knows if such a thing as this has been attempted before and if so what sort of materials should be used for the filter.

Now that that's been written down for someone to read later, we have a new person living with us, two people dead with us and a rather polite bogeyman that walked out of myth and into the fort. So all in all a pretty average day.
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