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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180263 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #540 on: March 21, 2011, 02:51:01 am »

Volrath Blacksteel diary entry 6:Today Reg told me about a thing called a circus brosso was planing too have, as he replaced my bandages.Sounds like a nobles is trying too get hes fun off the suffering of others too me.I mean how the hell are we going too get trained elephants underground?The man power that would wasted, when we are barely surviving, is unbelievable but that is not the worst part.Reg told me how circuses in other forts had elf, goblin, and sometimes even human slaves fight too the death with undead monsters.Owning people is dishonorable  enough, but also having them kill or die for your sick entertainment is just evil.Granted back in my tribe we had a similar sport but it was not too the death, we did not use slaves, and even the highest raking members of our tribe fought in the battle ring.It was a game of fun and honor, where you patted your opponent on the back after the mach was done.I remember when I was a kid I saw The elder mountain side fight.He got that nick name because he often stood in the middle of the ring and let his opponent hit him for almost the entire time they fought .They punched and kicked him as hard as they could but not one fucking blow hurt his 7 foot 2 in tall body.Mountain side just chuckled as they tried  but after the mach he did not gloat but instead he helped them learn too strike harder.This was mother fucking honorable combat, not like what Reg told me the slaves had too do.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #541 on: March 21, 2011, 10:11:00 am »

"A fortress, A dwarf, A mission" by Brosso the Magnificent
I was born in 6th of galena in powerful northern mountainhome, the name of which sadly eludes me. Me and my brother were happily growing up, me learning my fathers trade (he was an employee of the Broker Office), my brother joining the military. My father was a minor noble, but my mother was just a lowly serf, who had a huge heart, and always taught us about equality and fraternity between races, something my father was a supporter (in secret of course).
From my earliest childhood I remember the circus-zoo, a wonderful spectacle, where both noble and serf alike would pet the animals and circus troupes from all kingdoms and races gave spectacles once a year. As years passed our relations with other races started to first get tensed and then fell down hard, leaving us at war with each other, now we know a beast had possessed our king, who then ordered our circus to be made into something like a huge death trap for the prisoners, whom we were to, under penalty of being stripped of all our titles and erased from history by the shaperate, call "slaves". I was called off, since trade was now gone, other mountainhomes too far away and so I was unemployed, loosing both my title of senior broker and my house.

My brother was captured by the elves during one siege, as he as a scout was to reckon enemy forces composition, something which, as much as guaranteeing great honors for the survivors (even gaining nobility), was a suicide mission. We've defeated that siege, but as soon as the dust settled after the battle, we've noticed we were missing 5 dwarfs, including my brother.

Soon the elves came back, and with them came the goblins and the kobolds.

My brother, or whatever was left of him, was with them. They've tortured him, his nose and ears cut off, parts of his arms and legs missing, cannibalized by the elves I believe. They wanted to make an example of him, or so were we told by those we've managed to capture that day, also on this faithful day I was promoted to circus director, being given free hand in what to do in it.

The rest as they say, is history.

Uff, sorry for wall'o'text there, but I was introducing my character :p. Almost like in an online PnP game.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #542 on: March 22, 2011, 06:39:32 pm »

Galena - 676

Ukrzum began to avoid society like the plague, refusing to be seen by anyone. At night, he could be secretly observed at a make-shift workshop, working on something, whenever he grew aware of eyes upon him, however, he would immediately flee with whatever he was making. Ibruk had suggested a vision inspired by Iklist Tunnelveil the Perplexing Mirror, the cunning and secretive trickster god of twilight. Seeing as this was now the eighth time such 'divine inspiration' had occurred, the citizens of Nomekast were more than happy to let Ukrzum get on with it, whatever strange thing he made would no doubt prove useful in one way or another, if only as a decoration. By the end of the month, he could only sometimes be seen taking food from the storehouse, vanishing away for the rest of the day and night.

Meanwhile, Fori and Torvold had reinforced the defences around the community. The surface had received an extra drawbridge, complete with fortifications from which marksdwarves could shoot at the Nothing. This meant the outer drawbridge could be lowered, and any Nothing that tried to enter could be trapped and shot. Another drawbridge had also been added in case the passage to the lighthouse needed to be sealed.
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Down in the caves, two bridges had been built, one to block off the underground from the surface if needed,
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and another to close off the rest of the community from the 'fort' and courtyard where the military trained and most people hung out inbetween work.
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As part of their plan, Torvold had placed several orders for metal corkscrews. He had originally hoped that they would be iron, but was informed they had nothing but some lead, some tin, and alot of gold and silver. The corkscrews were thus cast of silver. Exactly what he and Fori were going to do with them was unknown, but it was generally rumoured to involve pumping magma from the spare magma pool named the Molten Crater.

Down on the Fiery Cistern, Spartan and Delta had expanded the enclosed area, taking advantage of the lull between storms, and effectively doubling the safe area of the Fiery Cistern. This gave the community an large extra area to work with, and already the animals; three horse foals and a donkey had been put there to keep them out of the way, Brosso had insisted they be kept somewhere safe as he had the intent of using them in his upcoming circus.
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1st Limestone 676

"No, I'm telling you, he's vanished." Muenster told Tarran. The two were wandering back up from the forges after having spent the first day of Autumn forging the great silver corkscrews Torvold and Fori wanted. Muenster was just telling the swordsdwarf about Ukrzum, who had now completely vanished for the past week; no one had seen him at all.

Just as they arrived at the ramp leading up to the home level, Tarran stopped, peering at the malachite wall,

"That crack," he murmured, "that's new." Dwarves, spending most of their lives underground, and usually born and dying beneath the earth, so they soon learnt to recognize where familiar features had been changed, and new passages dug. Tarran inspected it, it was indeed a thin crack, large enough for a Dwarf to pass through. He squeezed in, followed by Muenster.

A strange sight fell on their eyes. Ukrzum lay sprawled against the wall of the small dug chamber, tools around him. On a table-like rock stood a perfect, beautiful aquamarine gem, shining slightly in what light there was. And on the walls were the same two words, carved again and again, all over the rough rock walls.

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Tarran's hand instinctively went to his sword, while Muenster uttered a prayer to Id, the Stonefather, and Armok, the bloody Allfather. Tarran, one hand still on his sword, moved to Ukrzum, shaking him,

"He's asleep." he told Muenster. Soon Ukrzum stirred, and pushed himself up, rubbing his eyes sorely, apparently tired, hungry, and suffering from alcohol-deprivation, but none the worse for wear.

It soon emerged that he remembered nothing outside of being approached by Brosso about picks, and then finding himself in this chamber. He could remember a few snaps and glimpses of an empty hall of gold filled with nothing but noise, and a husky voice, but apart from that his mind was completely blank as to what had happened to him, just a few fuzzy memories, and the name of the gem he had created;

It was clear that whatever had possessed him was different to that which had possessed the others before him.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Ukrzum's possessed scrawlings ignited an argument when they were revealed. On one side, Ibruk, Kadzar, Hammer of the Gods and the rest of the priesthood and faithful; on the other, Tarran, Fori, Derm, Reg, Rovod, and the rest of the more 'mundane' and rational group.

"This is no inspiration from the gods!" Ibruk declared, his voice perhaps the angriest it had ever been, despite still keeping to its calm tones, "An exorcism is needed! Nomekast must be purified, lest the gods turn their favours away from us. Are we no better than the Grizzly Vessel? Will we succumb to simple vanity and materialism?"

Kadzar spoke up at this point, echoing Ibruk's statements,

"Nimemnokzam must be cleansed of evil; a sacrifice to the gods must be conducted."

"We will not be sacrificing any poor creature!" Fori cried angrily.

"Pah," Brosso interrupted, taking a long drag on a pig-tail cigar, "the public sacrifice is an ancient Dwarven custom, dating back to the earliest years of Dwarvenkind." while not on Ibruk's side, he would not let an Elf demean time-honoured Dwarven traditions.

"Maybe in the north," Derm said, leaping to Fori's defence, "but I'm sure we can rise above such things here."

"It does not have to be an animal sacrifice." Kadzar suggested. Ibruk nodded,

"It is well known that in the Kingdom of the Severe Knives, the clergy call upon the favours of the gods by offering them fresh crops. My own teacher, a Borlonzasite by birth, called upon Nekut Glowedguises to cleanse the capital of Cattentishis from the influence of the false-god, the bronze colossus Asas Sculptureblazed the Reigns of Eviscerating, offering nothing more than a recent plump helmet harvest.

"We are not wasting food either." Reg said firmly, "We need those plump helmets for brewing. Or would you have us drink water like Elves?"

"Master Ibruk," Kadzar suddenly said, turning to face the prophet, "If we can sacrifice neither animal nor crops, then can we not simply build a shrine to Id by the cursed place, so that his influence will cleanse it by itself?"

Ibruk thought for a second, then nodded,

"Aye, but for so large a corruption, it will need to be a shrine worthy of the Stonefather. And...that," he pointed at the aquamarine Nimemnokzam, "will need to be taken to the temple, and placed in safety there."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The idea of building another shrine to the gods roused more argument, until eventually both sides simply left, not wanting to argue anymore. Lacking a centralized leadership and any real form of authority outside of Ibruk or some of the better known and respected people of the fort such as Tarran or Derm, the matter was not solved. Ibruk and his followers commandeered several gold and silver bars, building a small shrine by the hollow Ukrzum was found by, complete with silver walls and a golden statue of Id, in his traditional pose, one hand holding a lump of clay that he would create Dwarves from, the other holding his famed smith-hammer that he would bless them with.

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Furthermore, two statues of silver were forged, one of Os the Hardy Gleams, god of thunder, holding high his axe with which he smote evil, the other of Mosus Pagedshield the Rough Hame, goddess of wealth, crafts, metals and minerals, her hands holding out treasures of the earth. And as a finish they took some of the malachite the Ukrzum had mined out when carving his possessed hollow, smelting it into copper, also taking some limonite, smelted into iron which they then combined with gold and silver to create orichalcum, the famous holy metal, the 'red-gold' of gods, which was made by means of a process very closely-guarded by the venerable priests of the Temple of the Broken Rock, where Ibruk had been raised.

From this metal they cast a great statue of Armok, the fabled Allfather who had created the gods themselves from his blood. The statue stood taller than an Elf or Human, his face a blank mask as the traditional depictions of Armok went, his arms outstretched, his hands cupped together. This was then placed in a special chamber beneath the temple, a room of silver walls and floors, with a great orichalc door. At its threshold were the silver statues of Mosus Pagedshield the Rough Hame and Os the Hardy Gleams, while Armok's orichalc statue stood alone inside, with the gem Nimemnokzam held up in its outstretched hands. This room was then blessed with holy ale, a quick cleansing fire, and then the orichalc door closed and locked, the cursed gem closed away.

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Needless to say, the discovery that a large amount of silver and gold had simply been taken by Ibruk, Kadzar, and the faithful without the approval of the community as a whole caused a huge uproar, and again arguments thundered in the caves. Volrath - still not fully healed - and Hammer of the Gods almost came to blows once more, and it was only Johann pulling them apart that prevented Reg and Steve from receiving Volrath back to the hospital, along with an extra patient.

Eventually all of Nomekast was assembled in the courtyard of the 'fort', having once again split into three sides, Ibruk and his followers, those against Ibruk, and those who really didn't care much either way.

"The fact are this,"  began, Derm, taking charge of the meeting, "so far we have had: one attempted assassination, several thefts, several brawls, and constant commandeering of useful materials from the stockpiles at any whim. All this while we're trying to survive attacks from the Nothing."

"Oh but the thefts were linked to the assassin, so that's not quite a valid complaint." Stas remarked, his face straight as a die, not revealing the truth; that he and Bax, aided and abetted by Atis, had been the real thieves.

"Nonetheless." Delta growled, breaking his usual sullen silence. Derm nodded,

"It's clear that Nomekast has grown too large to simply leave as-is. What we need is a sheriff to keep things running."

OK, any volunteers for sheriff? If you want to be sheriff, say so, if we get more than one, we can have a vote on it.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #543 on: March 22, 2011, 07:04:29 pm »

I would but I'm horrible at roleplaying a dwarf. That's why you don't see me posting any roleplaying.

Also, damn priests and their damn religion. We should make them work for whatever crap they want to give to the gods. Who's with me?

Also, found you found you found you found you found you found you found you.
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #544 on: March 22, 2011, 10:13:45 pm »

I will volunteer if nobody else does.

i would RP quite a bit here, but nah.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #545 on: March 23, 2011, 12:20:27 am »

Being a sheriff sounds like fun, but I don't think volrath would be very good at it.He would start more fights then he stops.

I will do it but don't have me high on the list of candidates. 


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #546 on: March 23, 2011, 03:27:47 am »

Don't you holy types see you're all just a midges tooth away from being like the nobility from before? Up til now I've been willing to put up with it but Derm is right, we have more direct threats to worry about than the petty whims of some barely caring gods and I'll be damned if I'm going to watch you lot just taking important materials that we could use for weapons, ammo or even walls to keep the horrors away just because somebody's shiny rock unsettles you some. This is your first and only warning, the nobility may have been exempt from the law back in the day no matter how much of a threat they where to the Forts safety but you are just a priest with a mouth full of pretty words and if you ever Steal useful materials or try to lord it over the people trying to survive here again I swear to your god I will shoot you dead.
Now then, we're going to need a sheriff as Derm suggests since he was the poor sod to suggest that idea I reckon it should be him, old army rule buddy nothing personal. Now if you will excuse me, I feel the need to go hit something.

OOC: A bit ranty I know but I'm trying to write it as if Steve is finally losing patience with everything, not just Ibruk and his lot but basically everything, the nothing, the assassination attempt, the death of a friend and the realization that he and the rest of his friends are likely to die horribly at any moment. All that good stuff.
As for the Sheriff thing I'll do it but I'm fine with it going to Derm as well. Maybe we can vote or something?

« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 03:31:16 am by Mangled »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #547 on: March 23, 2011, 10:23:55 am »

"Brosso says Reg would be a good candidate for our sheriff. He's a dwarf's dwarf, one who actually cares about our tradition!"


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #548 on: March 23, 2011, 02:05:30 pm »

"Brosso says Reg would be a good candidate for our sheriff. He's a dwarf's dwarf, one who actually cares about our tradition!"
"I... I'm honored that you would recommend me for the position.  And I am inclined to announce my attempt at the seat!  My competitor is a strong dwarf, having contributed much to the fortress, however, I feel that I am more suited for a position of power.  While I would never say a poor word about my fellow dwarf, some are simply better left to a life of exploration rather than one of administration.  I think, should I be granted the honor of this esteemed position, I can bring this fortress back from the brink of destruction.  Ibruk's devotion must be tempered by the rational; we cannot allow his divine wisdom to interfere with the success of this fort.  When his gods come knocking on our front door with enough food and water to feed us all, I will give him his due, but until then, believe in something you can trust!  Believe in something you can see; believe in me!  I do not intend to do this for myself, or Brosso, or any single dwarf, but for Nomekast!  For the scourge of the nothing and the last beacon of Dwarves!  For Nomekast!  For all of Dwarven Kind!  For the Greater Good!" Reg's speech stunned the citizens of Nomekast.  Not because it was particularly loquacious or that it was orated well (he was not much of a public speaker, but he had these ideas mulling around in his head for quite some time), but the simple fact that the words had come from the mouth of the doctor who, until then, had not shown any want or intent to lead.
"Brosso, it would be a pleasure if you, although only recently added to our ranks, would join me in my vie for Sheriff.  You will be my running mate, should you choose to accept.  Us dwarves must stick together.  Together, my friend, we can truly turn this into the Dwarven fortress it should be."
It's rather out of character (hence the shocking part), but I hope it can shake things up a bit :)
« Last Edit: March 23, 2011, 02:57:13 pm by ISGC »
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #549 on: March 23, 2011, 03:04:22 pm »

The two most racist dwarves together enforcing law in the fort? Does that strike anyone else as a bad idea? Many of this fort aren’t dwarven, and I am forced to wonder. If these two become the makers and executors of the law, what will happen to those of us who do not have dwarven blood? Would we second class citizens? Or perhaps scapegoats for whenever a crime is committed. Or worse, become criminals simply for being another race.

Now, I am not saying that this would necessarily happen. Reg, at least, I know will put civility and honor first before his preferences. I have known him a long time, and he has held himself to a high standard and acted with maturity, whatever his professed opinion about elves and other races. Brosso, though, he is an unknown. Does he have the same proven honor as Reg? His treatment of animals aside, has anyone else heard of his ideas to put ‘a couple loonies’ on display like prisoners to gawk at? Or him speaking highly of gladiatorial combat? Who would he choose for such a role? These actions are not certain, but there is a chance. Do we take such a risk , and put the temptation for abusing power before these two?

We should not run the risk of making non dwarves into second hand citizens in this good fortress. Many of them have fought and bled for the safety of the dwarves here, and have worked hard for their wellbeing and for the fortress as a whole. For example, myself. I used my skills with all that grows to help defeat the threat of starvation when I first arrived. I went with Derm and discovered the sap of the mountain, the magma in the depths of the earth. Twice, I have taken up sword in battle and struck down the defilers in defense of the dwarves, whom I am honored and pleased to call friends and comrades. Even now, when I am not working on growing food or crops for brewing, I work with Torvold to find ways to destroy the defilers and any other invaders who would bring us death. These things I have done for my home because I have been given the chance to do so. Would any other non dwarf immigrants get that chance with the might of the law held within the hands of Reg and Brosso? I truly hope my concerns are needless, but I ask again, dare we take such a risk?


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #550 on: March 23, 2011, 05:07:39 pm »

I'll vote for the one that is not in league with Cage guy. Cages are bad, so very bad. Capturing tribesmen and keeping them locked for years until releasing them in stone circle to fight ferocious beasts !  :o


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #551 on: March 23, 2011, 10:34:36 pm »

Apparently, the dwarfs here are looking for a sheriff.Now I only know what a sheriff is from word of mouth of drunks in the towns my tribe traded with, so forgive me if I don't know exactly what they are.But from what I know they are supposed too be enforcers of law and justices.If that's they case, why are we electing one, and why are the two candidates in the election Reg and Brosso.By the hairy asses of my ancestress, what are the dwarfs thinking?I can understand picking reg, he is a honorable man, I just can't see a doctor holding his own in a fight with a criminal, but fucking Brosso?That dwarf noble is not fit too wipe my ass.There is no way in deepest pits of hell I will let him be the law in this place.That is why I am going too run for the job.I won't lose too that noble.

On a side note, I have been having those dreams every night now.Its come to a point where I dare not close my eyes for fear of seeing her die again.Tonight I will ask Reg if he has any thing too help me sleep or at least some thing too stop my fucking dreams.Jane, my love, I pray that you are having more peace in death then I am having in life.   


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #552 on: March 24, 2011, 01:37:20 am »

Fori, you should not worry that much yer pretty elven head. We will make sure real law and order wins the day, it's just that, as we're living here, in a dwarven fortress, we should adhere to OUR laws, and OUR traditions, making gladiatorial fights is one of 'em, same thing with zoos and circuses. Our laws are harsh but fair, and it's just that I'm sure you yourself don't trust those goblin cutthroats and kobold thieves? Together with Reg, we could really cull the problem and make sure everything will run like a proper fortress should! Dwarvenkind, elfkind, we all are in this together. I'm sure my friend Reg agrees, that he would much more like an elf than some ragtag band of treason and evil.

*Long drag of a cigar*

I also was wanderin' myself that you're a good singer. Would you like to take part in me opera? It would be grand, and you would be the star! The primadonna! The voice of the century! I would hate to see a talent like yours go to waste, and think about it. You could be the vessel of agreement between our races, a beacon of hope in our world, that we all can live together. Also you would of course get a share of profits!

Think it over, and come see me in my office if you're interested.

*Grumbles* Now, off to Ibruk to see if he can get me a boy to do my work. After all I need a grand office as the number one entrepreneur of this fortress!


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #553 on: March 24, 2011, 03:09:33 pm »

Ok, it seems we have three candidates, Derm, Volrath, and Reg/Brosso (Reg as sheriff, Brosso as deputy/guard).

Time to vote, there won't be a poll, just post saying who you're supporting, anyone can vote, regardless of having a character or not.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #554 on: March 24, 2011, 03:51:53 pm »

I vote for our duo.
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