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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 177040 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #45 on: April 11, 2010, 11:13:21 am »

"Uh, Rion? Tarran? Help!"

Rion Truthax cancels sleep: Yelling dwarfs

"Wha- Ugh, damnit Spartan. You had better have woken me up for a good reason, or Armok help me you will be what the next bed is made o-What the hell is this? You woke me because you found a cavern? What kind of dwarf are you!? I'm going back to bed."
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 01:25:24 pm by MetalSlimeHunt »
Quote from: Thomas Paine
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
No Gods, No Masters.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #46 on: April 11, 2010, 11:16:05 am »

(On the off chance that the elf character is accepted)

Name: Fortis if male, Fori if female

Profession: ELF! Anything plant related. Farmer, Herbalist, and/or Thresher.

Personality: Open minded, and willing to adapt to a new way of life. She cares little for tradition, and as far as elves go, is rather impulsive and independent. She does have a friendly demeanor though, and likes trying new things.

Extra Info: She came from a forest retreat that was overrun by the Nothings. She fled, and has been wandering aimlessly ever since, praying at first to the elven gods for help, and then to any gods that would listen. It seems that it was the dwarven gods that answered her, as she happened upon a recently established Dwarf fortress.

EDIT: Then again, better make the elf a woman, if just to avoid having a beard in the description.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 11:24:10 am by Fortis »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #47 on: April 11, 2010, 12:40:17 pm »

Docs journal, etched into the wall of his room due to lack of anything else to write on.

Man that was insane running over open ground like that, Captain would have gone mad if he'd seen me be so reckless the mad old bastard.
But at least we're safe inside and I don't have to look after those two civvies anymore, No offense to them of course, it was just fucking stressful wandering about trying not to die for so long.
Shame it was only two left but what you gonna do.
This place seems pretty good defense wise and most of the guys already here are pretty competent, only problems I see are that religious nutjob who thinks the nothing are some sort of godly punishment. The other doctor here seems to think I'm going to try and upstage him or something, not bloody likely I can patch up people injured in battle and general cuts and scrapes but that's about the extent of my doctoring abilities. Besides, he was here first I'm just gonna help where I can.
Ah well, time to get to work, these folks where nice enough to open the door and let us in despite the sea of ugly chasing us.

EDIT: fat and slow to heal eh?
No matter, my guys a fixer not a fighter and his facial hair sounds intense. Although the like for pitchblende seems a bit unfortunate.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 01:01:38 pm by Mangled »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #48 on: April 11, 2010, 04:40:05 pm »

Fine with me Fortis; I don't know how the Dwarves'll react to an Elf, but that's part of the fun. ;D Urist Imiknorris, you're in too. All I need now are some migrants who'll dare to cross through the Nothings.

On the subject of Nothing (he he), I've finally solved some problems that were bothering me. Firstly, the Nothings were far, far too weak. I then noticed that they were attacking by pushing their enemy, which, if they're very lucky, might bruise a Dwarf's hand or something. Some jiggery-pokery later and now they attack by clawing with their tentacles, which is much better.

Secondly; they weren't aggressive enough. They would roam and if a Dwarf came near them, then maybe two out of three would attack the Dwarf while the rest ignored it. Some more jiggery-pokery and now; well, judge for yourself:

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Barely had I opened the drawbridge that a swarm charged through, with more and more joining every seconds. The poor dorfs were submerged and the extremely sadistic Nothings then broke just about every bone in their body before finally strangling them. Shin and Spartan, perhaps the cleverer ones, promptly ran away, despite everyone having been conscripted in the army, and Rovod slept through the whole thing before Nothings battered his room door down and attacked him. It seems that the Nothings will now actively charge towards any pathable Dwarf on the map. Fun, Fun, Fun! (but not for migrants.) Of course, this now means I need to put the cluster_size down if migrants are to stand any chance at getting to the fortress whatsoever; so now there'll be (rare) times when the map only has a handful of Nothings, rather than the old minimum of at least thirty at all times.

Of course, the above attack by the Nothings didn't actually happen storywise. ;)

22nd Galena 673 - Morning

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Spartan froze solid at the screech, calling for the others. A Dwarven voice underground carried far, and soon most of the group were assembled, including Shin, Doc. Steve and Muenster, the newcomers. Muenster gave a whistle,

"Quite a caver-" he begun, before Spartan shushed him,

"Can you hear that?" he whispered urgently. They all listened intently, in the distance, magnified by the echoes, there was a rhythmic splashing noise, something was swimming.

"Probably just an olm." Rovod said.

"Or a giant olm, or worse, an olmman!" Spartan spat.

"Most probably just cave fish." Ibruk assured him, "It was fine work getting here, now we need to prepare ramps down to the ground floor."

It was at that point Rion arrived,

"I don't want to be the voice of bad tidings, but have any of you bothered to check the food supplies?"

"We're either gonna starve-"

"The harvest will be here soon, trust the go-" Ibruk started,

"Or more likely, we're gonna dehydrate." the axedwarf finished.

"We need a well!" Torvold declared, "It's simple, just a tunnel from the river into the fortress and-"

"No!" Reg cried, "Last time we trusted you with plumbing, you almost flooded the place and damn-near drowned me!"

"I did not almost drown you."

"Oh? Well explain to me why I was submerged underwater!"

"Because you were slow! It's people like you who keep science back for fear of getting wet!"

Ibruk interrupted them,

"Pilgrims! Pilgrims, please! Let us not bicker! We need a stable source of water and Torvold's plans are the easiest way."

"There's probably water down here somewhere." Shin commented, peering into the gloom of the expansive cavern.

"There's probably batmen down there somewhere." Doc. Steve added sarcastically.

"To get down here we'll need some kind of causeway." Torvold said pensively, scratching his beard.

"Just get on with the well."

24th Galena 673 - Noon

It had been two days and the well was still not finished. Everybody was parched; Dwarves were creatures of drink, and having nothing to drink for two days, not even water, was a torture beyond what the Nothing's could be. So it was decided that they had to, had to leave the safety of the cavern for the cooling waters of Squeezemunch. The drawbridge was opened just a crack to let Tarran look out,

"What can you see?" Rion whispered to him, his axe ready.

"No-nothing! As in there's nothing there, not a creature, not a Nothing." the swordsdwarf replied.

It took Rion a few seconds to make sense of this confusing phrase and then,

"Lower it a bit more." Torvold did so, lowering the bridge more. True to Tarran's words, there was nothing there.

"It's a trap!" Doc. Steve hissed, retreating before the sight of...absolutely no Nothings, "They're gonna wait 'till we come out!"

Taking a deep breath, Tarran stepped out, and looked all around. There were no black blobs, nothing at all. No red eyes glinted at him and no tentacles tried to attack him. That was when he saw them.

There were four of them, one appeared to be a Human woman, the other three were Dwarves. They were all shouting at him, waving their arms. Behind them a black mass slowly wound its way down the valley sides.

"There's three people on the other side of the river! That's where the Nothings have gone! We need to save them!" he cried. Muenster, followed by Rovod and Shin quickly brought stone with which to build a causeway over Squeezemunch. They weren't quick enough though, and it seemed that the three Dwarves and Human would be killed, but two of them, both Dwarves, suddenly moved away, and ignoring the shouts of the other two, engaged the Nothings.

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They managed to stall them for some time, but it still seemed lost until a third Dwarf came sprinting down the mountain, waving her fists in fury. She charged into the Nothings, stopping them in their tracks. The three of them however, were soon submerged, and their cries of pain permeated the valley. Once they were dead, the Nothings turned swiftly back to the remaining two, moving towards them. The two shared a glance and then sprinted opposite ways, each pursued by at least half-a-dozen Nothings, with more joining the chase per second.

It took five more minutes before the stone causeway was finished. At the same time, Shin was building a haphazard wall above the fortress entrance, to clearly mark the entrance for all to see. It wasn't particularly well-built, and as an architect she knew she ought to be ashamed, but there was no time for well-built walls; all they needed was some sign that there was civilization to be found here.

Pursued by the swarm, the remaining Dwarf and woman charged across and into the safety of the fortress, and the drawbridge was slammed shut seconds later.

Breathing heavily, everyone collapsed onto the cool rock floor. Silence for a few minutes, and then Doc. Steve made a sound half-way between a gasp and a cough,

"Hey! You're an Elf!" he accused the tall woman. She stared at him,

"Yes? I am Fori, and this is Urist Imki, er, Ikmi-"

"Urist Imiknorris." the Dwarf said, pulling himself up. Ibruk also heaved himself up to give his usual speech about Godly intervention when Muenster stopped him,

"Well, you're all welcome here, Elf or Dwarf. Anyways, we have a well we need to finish, and then we have a cavern to explore."

This has to be the most difficult chapter I've had to write yet, getting Fori and Urist to survive was sheer luck and needed the deaths of the three other Dwarf migrants, and even then it wasn't enough. Also, Fori's and Urist's prfiles are up on the first post.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #49 on: April 11, 2010, 04:59:54 pm »

First; My character sees all races as equal.

Second; Don't get me killed, I just died in a different fort and I'm not really in the mood to die in this one too. :P

Third; if you catch a giant toad I would like it in my room. (if I ever get one)

Tarran's dabbles, Chapter 3:

Never seen a elf with dwarves before, well, that's what we've got now, one dwarf and one elf just made it inside, after their friends got killed, so that's new.

Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #50 on: April 11, 2010, 05:04:55 pm »

Name: Stas
Gender: Male
Profession: Make a custom profession which says "Suspicious Individual"
Personality/History :
Charismatic, devious, smart and suspicious. Stas is an experienced thief who, for obvious reasons, was exiled from the mountain halls when the Nothings started invading, thus sparing his life, he then wandered the world, stealing and looting what he needed. Although he is a thief he is not a big fan of murder nor rape. Kind of a Gentleman thief.
Extra info:
Make him wield a dagger, wear a cloak and a cape and make him uselessly wander around the fortress only rarely participating in the fortress's jobs. Also, if possible, make him little hidden quarters with a secret stash full of things he stole.

No I'm not psychic. I just know that this is dwarf fortress. and the most stupidly awesome and inexplicable thing is probably going to be the first thing to happen.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #51 on: April 11, 2010, 05:28:34 pm »

"Ha! elves! Gods, we're catering to elves now." Reg messaged his brow with a dirty hand,"  The elf didn't even stay and fight; two brave dwarves, lost trying to protect an elf. hmph.  Well, she better be good for something; this fort 'aint no free ride, no silly little dwarf bed and breakfast!  I bet she can't even lift a pick, poor little creature," he observed as the elf conversed with Ibruk," I'm sure that other dwarf taught her a thing or two, but hopefully we can teach a bit more.  Best keep her away from Ibruk, though; I fear they have too much in common."  after a last weary glance, reg returned to work.
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #52 on: April 11, 2010, 05:35:52 pm »

"Well isn't that just shiny.."
Out of food, surrounded by nothing and trapped in a cave with a zealot, an elf and probably some variety of nasty creeping around in the deeps. Wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't sober.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #53 on: April 11, 2010, 06:12:14 pm »

From the log of Fori

   Thanks the spirits. I made it. Three of my companions were butchered before my eyes, but the spirits saw fit to spare me and Urist. I thought for sure I would feel the Defiler’s claws tearing into me. Even now, I can still feel my heart racing as I write this.

   It is a strange refuge that we were guided to. A tiny dwarf settlement, with barely any food or water. But it’s protected from the Defilers by the dwarves’ sturdy stonework. It’s not graceful, but it’s solid, and it works. Now, they’re mining out a well to drink from, and making an underground farm to grow food. They already have shown me a kindness in providing me refuge. I won’t ask for more from them, but rather, I hope to earn my stay. The farms I can help with, at least. If there’s one thing an elf knows better than a dwarf, it’s growing things.

   Dwarves. One year ago, I never thought I’d be living aside them. Not even a month ago, even after the defilers appeared. But then, they overran the retreat, and destroyed the whole forest, leaving it a barren wasteland now. I grieve for all the noble voices of the trees that were lost. The dwarves and all their axes and furnaces have never even remotely approached such a scale of destruction. Our feud with them seems so petty now. Both our kinds are on the verge of extinction, the defilers are the enemy of us both. I will endeavor to put aside my feelings about them, and do what I can to find food for this young settlement.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #54 on: April 11, 2010, 11:53:34 pm »

"Hey can one of you guys lend me some of that paper you all write on?
I've ran out of space on my wall."

Spartan 117

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #55 on: April 12, 2010, 02:40:01 am »

"An Elf. Huh."

Spartan shrugged.

"More people to help out I guess."
Well, you know how if you take your thumb and forefinger and hold them up to your eye, you can make it look like you're squishing someone's head? It's like that, only for real.
"Sometimes being a dwarf has it's advantages, KNEE-CAPPING TIME!"


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #56 on: April 12, 2010, 10:40:26 am »

Muenster snorted in disbelief.  An elf.  Here.  Well, she had run the same gauntlet as himselfonly a few months before.  And despite the height she was somewhat attractive.  He was a bit past his prime but not to old to still impress the ladies, perhaps she'd like one of his crafts...if they ever had him do anything besides look out for the Nothing...Perhaps he'd take to the Mace in his spare time.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #57 on: April 12, 2010, 12:09:20 pm »

Wouldn't bother Muenster, that elf is probably old enough to be your great great great great grandmother.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #58 on: April 12, 2010, 02:53:25 pm »

eh...i'm not exactly a young'un meself.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2010, 11:09:13 am »

You're in Stas! We just need a migrant wave that has enough disposable Dwarves to distract the Nothing and let him survive until the fort.

Also, I discovered something awesome while messing about with the Nothing's speed. If you set it to 1000000, then they zip around, literally. They'll stand there for a few seconds, then they'll suddenly zip off like a blur (literally a blur) to another spot, stand a few seconds, and repeat. It's almost like they've become so slow, that they're fast. Awesome! ;D

9th Sandstone 673

Life in Nomekast had settled down after Fori and Urist's arrival. Being an Elf, Fori was naturally relegated to farming, and under her supervision and Elfen songs a bountiful harvest soon arrived. Within seconds of this being announced, three stills had been hastily built and - since basic brewing was a skill most Dwarves knew - it wasn't long before cool refreshing batches of Dwarven wine and beer were being made from plump helmet and cave wheat.

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The well was still not finished, lacking a chain or even a rope with which a bucket could be lowered down, and so forges had been made where all the magnetite they had dug out could be smelted into iron, and then the iron into a chain, and - under Tarran and Muenster's skill - weapons and armour. Thankfully they had struck bituminous coal, and all they needed now was one log - of which there were probably some down in the caverns - and they could then start the forging.

There had been no sounds from the outside world, against all expectations the stone bridge still shielded them from the Nothings beyond, but each and every one of them knew that the creatures would be waiting for them outside, and if they should ever attack, weapons better than copper and armour better than pig tail would be needed.

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Down in the caverns a causeway was being built to safely allow the Dwarves down onto the soft land below, where they could no doubt find a wealth of minerals and plants. With the lack of wood, several Dwarves and Fori were still without a bed. There had been a few more sounds of splashing, indicating fish, or maybe even giant toads, but no sightings yet.

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When not helping out, Ibruk now spent most his time in prayer, and would not speak of what he was praying about, or whether he was being answered. The other Dwarves (and Fori) didn't care much, mostly pleased that it kept him and his religious babble out of their way. He later revealed that he had also been taking stock of all the items and rations that the fort had.

All in all, there was an atmosphere of optimism in the fort. They had survived and were now beginning to flourish. Things were starting to look brighter.

23rd Galena 673 - Dusk

"I must've been mad to become a trader." Sarvesh Roldetherib muttered.

"Sorry?" Mafol Nicatkulet replied.

"Mad! This was madness!"

"That definitely sounds like you."

The trader and diplomat were busy arguing while the caravan slowly wound its way down the valley. Sarvesh had been sent to the Human empire of the Humble Nations in order to trade and Mafol, a diplomat, had been sent to negotiate a treaty against the Goblin scourge of the Infamous Plague at the same time. However, the growing swarms of Nothing had disrupted the trading when the town they were sequestered in was attacked. The traders all fled, taking whatever they could on their pack animals, but leaving the wagons behind. They had been lucky so far, in that they had not met too many Nothings that the guards could not kill them.

"I mean, I could've stayed in the Mountain Home, nice and safely."

"Sarvesh, continually complaining will get you nowhere. Why don't you do something useful, and help me-"

"Look!" the trader suddenly shouted, pointing to the other side of the valley.

"What...oh, there's a wall!."

"And a channel underneath it! There must be Dwarves inside! We can get to safety!"

"No, no, no. We must get back to the Mountain Homes, and report to the King."

"But we can rest there!" Sarvesh protested. The was some grumbling of appreciation from the rest of the traders and caravan guards. Mafol threw her hands up in exasperation,

"Am I the only one here with a sense of duty!? Fine! We'll go to your little outpost!"

However, as they moved down the valley, they saw a growing mass of amorphous shapes in the dying sun.

"Nothing!" Sarvesh squeaked. Mafol drew her sword,

"Nothing to worry about." she said, then chuckled.

"Maybe for you! You covered in head to toe in iron armour, with a sword and shield, no less!" the trader began grasping at his pack-donkey's reins, "We need to get out of here!"

"Oh? I thought you wanted to go see the new outpost?"

"Just mark it on the map and let's move!"

"Very we-" the diplomat was cut short as several Nothings burst out of the foliage, their tentacles scratching at her armour. She responded quickly, spinning round and cutting deep into one Nothing with her sword. Sarvesh and the trader immediately scampered, running for their lives as more Nothing began to take interest.

Despite severely wounding several Nothings, Mafol was powerless as one well-aimed tentacle broke her wrist, causing her to drop her sword. Now left with nothing but her shield, she still fought heroically against the growing tide, until, submerged, she fell.

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In fear of their lives, Sarvesh and his fellow trader swiftly made it back up the mountains, but before he Sarvesh could escape, a Nothing burst out at him, however, it seemed more interested in attacking his pack-donkey. Caught between losing all his tradegoods and losing his life, Sarvesh hesitated too long. The Nothing quickly bled the donkey into unconsciousness, and Sarvesh was forced to drag the creature along, while the Nothing was still latched on with its tentacles. Realising the stupidity of this, Sarvesh quickly let go of the donkey and sprinted after his fellow trader Ezunam, who had already made it safely out of the valley, but he was too slow and was soon butchered under the Nothing's tentacles.

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The guards meanwhile, Kubuk the speardwarf and Bomrek the macedwarf, held the Nothings off, but Kubuk quickly lost his spear, and was killed not long after, leaving Bomrek all alone against the growing tide. Shouting a Dwarven warcry, the macedwarf leapt towards the beasts, bashing at them with his silver mace, but tired and in-pain, he did not last long. Still fighting resolutely the end, he eventually bled to death, most of his bones broken, and one of his eyes missing.

Had the inhabitants of Nomekast looked out, they would have seen a red carpet leading to their home. A red carpet of blood.

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Seeing this, I really don't know how any migrants are going to survive from the edge of the map to the fortress.
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