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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 177045 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #210 on: June 27, 2010, 09:58:22 pm »




Anyway, keep up the good work.
Quote from: Phantom
Unknown to most but the insane and the mystics, Tarran is actually Earth itself, as Earth is sentient like that planet in Avatar. Originally Earth used names such as Terra on the internet, but to protect it's identity it changed letters, now becoming the Tarran you know today.
Quote from: Ze Spy
Tarran has the "Tarran Bug", a bug which causes the affected character to repeatedly hit teammates while dual-wielding instead of whatever the hell he is shooting at.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #211 on: June 29, 2010, 03:03:05 am »

(Sorry for not seeing the updates sooner, I had my finals as well. Can we change the name of my goblin to Bax? Its a real goblin name!)

        Bax was getting impatient. That dammed Doctor was doing and redoing his exams to try to find anything wrong with the little Dwarf Girl, just to have an excuse to have him thrown out. He was glad to have carried her away for the trip now. He kept telling himself it was just for a snack but for some reason he couldn't juts gut her out, even though he did get hungry sometimes. A hint of anger ran through his face. Was he getting weak? How many times had he eaten a slave before and not even flinch? Trolls balls! That was infuriating.
        And what about that Dwarf Prophet? Is that even how they call their leaders? If it wasn't for him, he would be food for the Nothing now. How crazy was that bearded meatball? The plan to get inside one of the old enemy fortress was something he liked to dream as possible, but didn't really believe could happen. Well, He might as well take the chance now.
        To his surprise, he was not the only non dwarf around. These people have a pet Elf. They even let it drink with them. He is already imagining how much fun he will have by accidentally appearing in front of the big eared one in the dark hallways. It even has a weapon, maybe one day he will call it to a sparring session, see if the elf has guts to accept. But not now, there are other priorities.
        First order of the day, make every single effort to stay on the good graces of the Prophet. Its the only thing saving his green balls. Then he will show these lice infested morons how a true warrior fights, I reckon they can use a good Goblin warlord around. But keep it cool, least he starts something that he will regret.
        But for now he awaits for this dammed Doctor to finish his exams. That little girls may not be his lunch, but she is still HIS property. And no one will take that from him... not like they did with rest of his life
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 03:41:54 am by ProZocK »
I always imagine dwarves to train as if fighting pretend monsters. "It's a carp, use your sword!" "Shwish! Shwoosh! It's dead!" "Oh no, it's a giant cave spider! Noo, it's got me! Kill it with your axe!" "Swoosh, I cut off its head!"


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #212 on: June 29, 2010, 06:34:01 am »

(Sorry for not seeing the updates sooner, I had my finals as well. Can we change the name of my goblin to Bax? Its a real goblin name!)
Changed! ;)

Also, good news MetalSlimeHunt! I have recently acquired downloaded Runesmith and're male! It doesn't seem to have affected the personality tags which still say you're female, but I guess those must be fixed.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #213 on: June 29, 2010, 06:39:27 am »

Damnible personality tags! Well, at least I won't end up with a dwarfspawn now.
Quote from: Thomas Paine
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
No Gods, No Masters.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #214 on: June 29, 2010, 08:40:29 am »

Steves writings.
Got a goblin living with us and sure enough everyone is panicking and Preacher dwarf is of course spouting his propaganda about banding together against the squids. Not sure where I stand in that regard, sure the whole world is pretty much boned and we have to stick together but really, a child snatcher?

I'm fairly sure the kid spent most of his journey here in a leather sack and is probably still alive just because the goblin thought he could use him to get in here the clever git.
Anyway, the kid seems fine apart from loss of voice due to shock.
Not torture as some fool from earlier believed.
As for other medical matters Fori has come up with some sort of concoction that helps her with those hangovers she gets so I guess it's nothing serious after all, I'm still going to check up on that every so often just in case though.
Derm came back from his killing spree at the party the other day in good condition other than some mild water poisoning. Reg got him hooked up to a rum IV easily enough though so no harm done aside from impaired motor function which should be fine after a day or so of drinking.

Other than that everyone is alright although I'm getting pretty annoyed at having to drag unconscious types into a bed and feeding them just because they had to make a pretty thing and forgot to eat or whatever. I'm a Doctor not a bloody butler I'll bring a guy food if he gets stabbed or whatever sure but these guys are taking the piss.
Anyway that's enough for now, Reg wants me to help count the medical instruments, he thinks someones been nicking them so we have to spend the next day or so counting scalpels and such.

Isn't life grand.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #215 on: June 29, 2010, 11:17:33 am »

From the log of Fori
   I didn’t expect that my protest would sway that stubborn prophet, but it did do a little good at least. The dwarves agreed to watch this goblin, Bax, like a hawk. If he stepped out of line, they would deal with him.  But I still worry about the little girl, little Atis. Not all mistreatment leaves physical wounds. Just being deprived of a parent’s love, and treated like a slave or pet, can leave deep scars upon the mind. I will pray for the spirits to watch over her and help her recover.

   My mind continue to be troubled though. The strange dream continues to haunt my nights, and during the day, my thinking is harried by the worries about the goblin, and about the fate of my kin. It’s dragging me into a depression that the dwarves’ alcohol cannot drown. I need to do something more than just try to ignore it. I decided today that I have been idle for far too long. After considering it, there are many projects that I can devote myself to.

   The first that came to mind was to ask Derm if she could go with him on his next expedition. The idea had some appeal, as she would be out in the wilderness again. It was a strange, sunless wilderness, but a wilderness nonetheless. There was life abounding here, something that appealed to any elf. But I must be wary, the animals down here don’t have the mutual respect that elves had with surface life, as the gremlin much earlier proved. As strange as it sounds, I believe they would fear me, or attack me. I would have to go armed, though the prospect of harming them was distasteful.

   Another thing I thought about doing was building a dwelling down in the caverns. It would be nice to live in the open, rather than in the close tunnels of the dwarves. Perhaps I could build something by the water amid the towercaps. I have gotten quite strong for an elf, helping to haul the stone around is quite good exercise. I think I could build something on my own, once I got a few tips and pointers from the local masons. I need to draw up plans, but it would definitely have a floor mosaic.

   But the idea that has the most appeal to me, is to begin to teach the dwarves about elven culture. I know at least a few must be curious about my people, and I’ve been secretive for too long. I wouldn’t force my culture down their throats, as the prophet has been doing with his religions. I might start holding sessions to discuss the surface world lost to us, and explain to them why we cherished the trees and life. Let those who are curious come, I won’t use up much time. But if I really am the last of my kind, the duty of the protection of life must be passed on. From what I know about them, I would trust these dwarves to be good caretakers and stewards of the forest.

((EDIT: What colors of stone are available?))
« Last Edit: June 29, 2010, 11:19:23 am by Fortis »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #216 on: June 29, 2010, 11:46:45 am »

Derms log.

Fori asked to join me on my next expedition. maybe with a few other people. The conversation went something like this:

"I want to join you on an expedition!"

"Eh? whuzzat? Fori?"


"You want to join me on a journey to the unknown? You?"

"Yes. I have been idle for far too long. I seek to widen my horizons, become useful in this place."

"Don't ye already provide food to most o' the fortress?"

"Even an elf gets tired of the same thing every day, Explorer."

I laughed. "I like yer spirit, tall one. But what expedition ye be talking about? I marked my trail with torches so most of the caverns be explored already. Only a few odds and ends are left. Not prime explorin' material. Though I could tell you about this giant column of gems..."

"But there must be something left!"

I sighed. "There isn't anything left. There mighta' been something I missed though. I heard foul screeching near a small hole into the earth. I'll tell you what. I suspect there be more layers to these caverns than we thought. I'll try to get a miner to break through to the second layer, alright? But it's been a harrowing month lass. I need a bit of rest. I'll tell you for when we set out, alrigh'?

She nodded and walked away.

Strange creatures; elves. One moment they care for the shrooms, next they're wantin' to tear up the undergrounds mysteries.

Can't say I dislike it though.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #217 on: July 06, 2010, 05:58:42 pm »

Fortis - We've got varying shades of gray, microcline blue, cobaltite blue, a sort of brownish colour schist, purple pitchblende, and yellow orthoclase.

3rd Granite 675 - Afternoon

"TROOOLL!" the scream reverberated throughout the cavern, echoing back and forth. Everyone looked up, as a Dwarf came barrelling past, pursued by a huge, fat troll intent on goring him. There was a panic as everyone dropped whatever they were doing and piled for wherever was furthest away from the monster. Unlucky, Rovod didn't have enough time and the troll charged into him, knocking him down onto the floor. The troll wasted no time, grabbing the Dwarf's right shoulder and breaking it in one fluid motion. With it's other hand, it sent a fist into his stomach and while he was winded grabbed Rovod by the pelvis, trying to crush his hip. Rovod attempted to grapple the troll off, but it grinned toothily and slammed a fist into his head, knocking the marksdwarf out cold.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The monster then grabbed him by his left arm, snapping the bone, and tried to pull him apart, but was suddenly stopped by an axe to the lower body.

Surprised at the pain, it dropped Rovod's unconscious body onto the hard rock and turned round, just in time to see Rion's axe swing into its shoulder and slice it clean through. It roared in pain, swinging its other good arm in a frenzy and sending Rion flying into Derm, knocking the two over. With a grating shout, a green blur leapt past them. It was Bax, wielding a shortsword. The Goblin ducked under the troll's flailing arm and stabbed the sword into its left knee, causing it to fall down. Finally, Johan, after much hesitation, delivered a solid slam of his hammer onto the troll's skull. There was a crack and the troll stopped moving. Bax retrieved his sword, and delivered several smart stabs at the troll's heart,

"You've got to make sure. I've seen trolls in their pens get up after being pincushioned by arrows." he told Johann gruffly as he moved past, leaving the hammerdwarf to look almost sickly at the dead troll, before suddenly remembering Rovod and sprinting to get him.

"Rovod? Rovod!" he cried, moving down to the wounded Dwarf. Rion picked himself up and moved over,

"Damn, looks like broken bones." he commented. There was a shout and another Dwarf came sprinting past, pursued by three cave crocodiles. After their first prey escaped they made for the soldiers. Rion dived for his axe, grabbing it in one fluid motion and slicing into one cave crocodile, sending it flying away with the force of the blow. Johann sent his hammer into another crocodile's face, wincing as the crocodile fell down. Derm made for the third crocodile, stabbing it through the guts. As the crocodiles died, their blood running with the troll's, Johann looked round at the corpses,

"All this death. And for what?" he muttered. Rion growled,

"Get Rovod to the hospital and leave philosophising to the priests or the Elves."

- - - - - - - - - -

"Both arms broken. A broken left hip, broken left leg. Broken nose and possibly organ bruising. Bruises all over the place. Bleeding from both arms. You'd think he'd just come back from the wars." Reg said, washing his hands on a cloth. The military had gathered before the marksdwarf's hospital bed, along with Ibruk and a few other curious bystanders. Ibruk sighed, shaking his head and opening his mouth to speak,

"Even now the gods wi-"

"Now," Doc. Steve interrupted, "the bruising is nothing important, that'll clear up in a few days or weeks. But the broken bones will all need setting. Luckily we still have some splints, despite the fact a few have vanished, probably the Elf burying them in hopes of growing trees or something. However they'll also need dressing and sutures. Which is a trouble, because we have so little cloth and no thread at all."

"Exactly as my colleague says. If Rovod is to make a quick and full recovery we need thread and cloth, preferably pig tail." Reg affirmed.

"We don't have any pig tail seeds." Bounce protested, "Only plump helmet and cave wheat."

"I can probably find some in the caverns." came a voice. They all turned round, it was Fori, standing at the doorway, a concerned look on her face as she saw Rovod.

"Please. A Dwarf can recognise an underground plant better than a tre-" Reg began, before being interrupted by Derm,

"There's no pigtails in the caverns, or pigs for that matter. Plenty o' tails though." he said.

"What about the lower levels?" Fori asked, "You said yourself that there was a passage down into even lower levels of the caverns."

"O' course! We go to the lower levels, get the pigtails and save Rovod!" Derm exclaimed, brandishing his axe and waving it through the air.

"Too dangerous." Ibruk said definitively, "There may be any number of monstrous abominations born from the nightmares of gods who-"

"So its settled! The miners dig us a passage and we'll find the pigtails! Fori, you wanted to come on my next expedition, didn't you?" Derm asked the Elf, she nodded, "Perfect! Then onwards and downwards to glory!"

4th Granite 675 - Midnight

Night had fallen on Nomekast and across the community every Dwarf was asleep. Except Ibruk, braving the possible monsters of the night, he sat before the temple, meditating upon matters. A single torch stood nearby, illuminating only the temple in a mesmerizing glow. A second torch joined this torches light as another Dwarf came towards the temple,

"Master Ibruk?" came a tentative voice,

"Brother Kadzar. Please, feel free to take a seat." Ibruk said warmly. Kadzar took a seat besides the prophet, "I often come here at night to ponder," Ibruk explained, "And there is much to ponder on."

"I-I just wanted to ask. Must we really suffer a Goblin in our midst? The Book of Ikeng, goddess of family, clearly states that a Goblin poisons the family and that spreads through to the community, destroying it."

"Ah, but here there is no distinction. Look at Nomekast, Brother Kadzar, we are both a family and a community at the same time. The Gods spoke their plans to me through Slyshaken the Noble Disembowelment. What is a Goblin? A creature of flesh, no different from a Dwarf or an Elf or a Human. It is the mind and soul that matters, we must make of Bax's Goblin soul a Dwarven one, that is the will of the Gods."

"But what of The Guild of Glitters, that idol that Melagius made? A Goblin being killed by an alligator, what is the will of the Gods upon that?"

"We must take care Brother Kadzar. Every pilgrim to Nomekast is not of pure heart, some are here only to escape the righteous fury of the Nothing. The Guild of Glitters is a warning, the Gods will not tolerate this, they will send not only Nothing, but also the natural wildlife. We saw it four days ago, when three cave crocodiles attacked, along with a troll."

"But, then what must be done, Master Ibruk?"

"What indeed? That is the question." Ibruk mused, "Soon it will be time for the just to act, Brother Kadzar. Train your crusaders, your warrior-priests, if we do not act soon then Nomekast will fall just like any other settlement."

5th Granite 675 - Morning

"OK! We're all ready!" Derm exclaimed cheerfully. He had filled his flask with beer, had his trusty axe and his iron breastplate on, and enough rations to last them several days. Fori on her side had her sword, along with a specially-crafted breastplate by Muenster. Both were ready. Delta gave them a grim grin,

"Watch yourselves." he said, hefting his pick and moving away. The miners had toiled the past few days to get the tunnel to the lower levels ready, and now it was complete.

"Yeah, watch out for Darksquids!" Spartan chuckled. Fori tutted,

"I doubt the defilers will be underground," she turned to Derm, "We must be quick in finding the pigtails, or Rovod's bones may set wrong."

Reg gave a snort,

"Oh please," he exclaimed, "A Dwarf's bones do not set wrong. They're either treated or they stay broken. Though they may get better in time, they're useless if not treated."

"Because they've set wrong-" Fori began,

"Onwards!" Derm cried, interrupting the coming argument between the two. He turned to the assembled Dwarves, "Fear not, we shall return with tales of wonders and treasures of the exotic lower levels!"

And with that, he plunged into the dark tunnel, followed by Fori, down into the dark depths of the earth.



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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #218 on: July 06, 2010, 08:12:21 pm »

As we descended into the tunnels, I lit a torch. I had brought several with me. They were extremely long lasting. They could burn for well over a century and not go out. I marked a spot in the wall and hung up the light source, the Tunnel basking in the light for the first time. A vein of ore ran amongst a wall, a fungus tree stood to the right, and a few gems here and there sparkled. Fori stared.

"The underworld looks beautiful; don't it?"

"Indeed. It's a wonder that all these are down here.  In bright sunlight it would seem majestic."

"Ah, that would be the case, if not for the falls.


"Ah yes. The falls. I wandered out of the territory for a few days and came across a beautiful waterfall surrounded by amazonite. T'was a sight to behold in the dim light. Ya' cant get stuff like that up on the surface. Waterfalls only surrounded by sand and maybe a bit of common stone."

"Then why not move there? We can surely handle any unholy beasts that come across the way."

"Ah, but there's not only croc's in these mazes Fori. There be creatures unlike any you've ever seen before. I call 'em Forgotten Beasts. Monstrosities of nature that will not stop. From the looks o' the one I got a slight glimpse of, not even enough of a sighting to warrant a formal warning, they can be made of any sort of material. You ever seen a giant sentient blob of poisonous vomit?

Fori looked a bit green.

"AH, don't worry. We're unlikely to encounter that here for as shot a trip this is. But for glory or death, we stride on."

I walked on, and Fori fell into step behind me. I could tell she was nervous, who wouldn't be? I won't let her die. I would go first before I let that happen

I knew we might not come back. The beasts here would undoubtedly be many times more deadly. I would have to keep on my toes, but I would have someone watching my back.

This time I do it not for honor. Nor for glory or riches. The thrill of the unknown is replaced by grim determination. But best to keep up appearances. This time...

This time I have a mission. And I will not fail.
« Last Edit: July 06, 2010, 08:19:02 pm by dermonster »
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #219 on: July 07, 2010, 01:36:05 am »

From the journal of Fori

   We’ve just stopped for the day, my first day traveling with Derm. How the dwarves tell when it is day and when it is night is beyond me, but Derm said it was night, and that was that. But I’m glad for the break. Even now, Derm is slumbering, and I should be too. The desire to sleep is creeping up on my senses.

So far, the first day was uneventful. I walked beside the stout Derm, as he set a brisk pace through the subterranean wilderness. I’m not used to this sort of marching, but fortunately my strides are longer than a dwarf’s, which let me keep up with not too much difficulty. Anyway, I’m glad for the rock hauling that I’ve been doing in the fortress; I wouldn’t have been able to travel wearing the armor that Muenster made for me. As it was, compared to the boulders, the armor now seemed light. I wouldn’t have been able to do this when I first arrived at this fortress.

But it has been a fascinating trip so far. I’ve been collecting samples of the different plants we’ve encountered, and I look forward to adding them to the new farms we’ve constructed. I was right, it is doing me good to be out in wilderness again, even the alien underground sort. I feel my spirits lifting already, being amid the life found here. If any other elves make it here, I must show them these caverns. Towering mushrooms, walls glittering with gems and veins of precious metals, sparkling pillars of stone rising from the ground to the arching ceiling. And Derm has told me of even more impressive sights that he’s seen beneath the surface of the world. I’m glad I decided to come, I admit I had second thoughts with the troll attack.

But aside from the beauty, aside from even finding the pig tails to make the much needed cloth and thread for Rovold’s treatment, I suspect that there is something else that compelled me to come with. I knew that combat is likely down in these deep caverns, but strangely, such a prospect did not deter me. I think that maybe, I am feeling that I need to prove myself. Ever since I’ve come, the brave dwarves here have risked life and limb beating back the threats to the fortress. The defilers, Lerdi, the olm creature, the troll and crocodiles. By the strength of their arms and their doughty courage, they have defeated each threat that arose. Perhaps unconsciously I feel I must show that I’m also capable of defending my home, and that my courage is the equal of theirs.

But what would the other elves, should they still draw breath, think of this? One who is supposed to cherish all life, heading into the depths to the almost certainty of having to take it? It reminds me of my dream that has been bothering me. Perhaps this is why the other elves I see in it reject and scorn me. But if so, why doesn’t the grandfatherly one do so as well?

It’s too late for such questions. I need a good night’s sleep before I can tackle such philosophical matters.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #220 on: July 07, 2010, 04:49:30 am »

Bax War journal

Finally some bloody entertainment. A troll came from the depths today. Boy, was it fun to see the Dwarves running for their lives...brings back memories. Luckily for them they had an expert on their midst, I have tamed Siege trolls before and know exactly where to strike. Not one of them thanked me for it, of course, but there was no need, the impression I left is what counts.

I even got myself some meat from the kill, shared it with Lil Beardy. Goblin younglings usually eat troll meat to get stronger, and since Beardy for all effects is my problem now, ill treat her right, make a fine goblin out of her one day. She frowned a little bit but ate the hearth just like I told her to.

They are going deep on the caves to find some lousy plants. Something about setting the bones from the fool who got a beating from the troll. Waste of time, weaklings should be left to die. He would make a fine Dwarf Roast, but ill keep thought that to myself. Ill tell Beardy to stay close to the farms, and follow the Elf and her entourage down to the caves. Armok knows what they will find there, and if I'm able to jump from the shadows and lend a hand, it will solidify some trust. And probably scare the crap out of the elf, but that is just a bonus.
Maybe then they will let me take my place as a warrior here, I can use some new armor. If I'm able to save their asses down there, Ill talk to the prophet about it.
« Last Edit: July 07, 2010, 05:18:31 am by ProZocK »
I always imagine dwarves to train as if fighting pretend monsters. "It's a carp, use your sword!" "Shwish! Shwoosh! It's dead!" "Oh no, it's a giant cave spider! Noo, it's got me! Kill it with your axe!" "Swoosh, I cut off its head!"


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #221 on: July 07, 2010, 06:28:35 pm »

What the heck, this seems like a fun community tale, may I join as another dandelion chomper?

Name: Loral Treesinger (Male elf)
Job: hunter/fisherelf/cook
Personality: somewhat aloof, Loral has studied the nothings on his harrowing journey, and is somewhat disheartened. Even if he never sees the great moon again, he must find somewhere to hole up, to continue to study these "Nothings" and, hopefully, find a way to avenge his tree-home. If he must ally with stunted tree-cutters, so be it. Honour means nothing in these dark times.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #222 on: July 07, 2010, 10:45:15 pm »

What the heck, this seems like a fun community tale, may I join as another dandelion chomper?

Name: Loral Treesinger (Male elf)
Job: hunter/fisherelf/cook
Personality: somewhat aloof, Loral has studied the nothings on his harrowing journey, and is somewhat disheartened. Even if he never sees the great moon again, he must find somewhere to hole up, to continue to study these "Nothings" and, hopefully, find a way to avenge his tree-home. If he must ally with stunted tree-cutters, so be it. Honour means nothing in these dark times.

Honor means nothing? I think I like this elf.
I always imagine dwarves to train as if fighting pretend monsters. "It's a carp, use your sword!" "Shwish! Shwoosh! It's dead!" "Oh no, it's a giant cave spider! Noo, it's got me! Kill it with your axe!" "Swoosh, I cut off its head!"


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #223 on: July 07, 2010, 10:55:16 pm »

He has a point, though. Such dark times may warrent the civ ethics being turned off, one by one.
Quote from: Thomas Paine
To argue with a man who has renounced the use and authority of reason, and whose philosophy consists in holding humanity in contempt, is like administering medicine to the dead, or endeavoring to convert an atheist by scripture.
No Gods, No Masters.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - Hiding from Nothing
« Reply #224 on: July 07, 2010, 11:27:10 pm »

Heh. Interesting timing. Loral arrives just as Fori goes on an expedition with Derm.
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