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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 177121 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1050 on: November 29, 2014, 09:40:10 am »

SlyStalker - Dwarven commissar? Now that sounds good :P In with the next migrant wave!

ISGC - Good to see you again! Reg is indeed doing pretty well, being chief medical dwarf is pretty safe. :P

Pyrefly - Certainly, I'll add you in with the next wave when you do! ;)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1051 on: November 29, 2014, 04:09:01 pm »

Name: Pyre
Species: Kobold
Gender: Female
Profession: Thief She'd most likely end up switching professions a lot but she can start as any profession.
Personality: She is utterly fearless when confronted with danger, to the point of lacking common sense; finds the humor in most situations; is somewhat scatterbrained; and has such a developed sense of optimism that she always assumes the best outcome will eventually occur, no matter what. She is also extremely tempted by shiny things.
Any Extra Info: Yes, I'm going to play as a kobold who absolutely knows something good will come, even if it won't.
She is tall and lanky. Her eyes are brown. Her wing case is black. Her wings are translucent. Her abdomen glows bright yellow.
Pyrefly likes bluejay feathers, flowers, videogames, computers, hydras for their seven heads, cats for their aloofness, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible, she prefers to consume cow steaks and flavored sparkling water. She absolutely detests wasps.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1052 on: November 30, 2014, 05:44:12 pm »

*Single tear*
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1053 on: December 02, 2014, 01:51:36 pm »

A very drunk Justice, to no one in particular, after winning a kimberlite mug from a trader from the last caravan in a dice game
"Yesh, I was the one that shaw 'ose noshing fires.  Dint shee where they went. Wash busy reporting that they were there.  I really like thish mug, I think I'll drink shome more with it.  I dun want ta ever shee that again... I wonder if thersh shome ting I can do to more shecurely sheal off that cursed gem... or maybe add shome traps or alarms to the area when no one ish looking."

OOC: Nomekast is still going?  And my dwarf is still alive with nothing worse than a cut thumb?  Unbelievable!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1054 on: December 04, 2014, 05:23:27 pm »

I think I should bump this?
She is tall and lanky. Her eyes are brown. Her wing case is black. Her wings are translucent. Her abdomen glows bright yellow.
Pyrefly likes bluejay feathers, flowers, videogames, computers, hydras for their seven heads, cats for their aloofness, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible, she prefers to consume cow steaks and flavored sparkling water. She absolutely detests wasps.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1055 on: December 04, 2014, 06:34:24 pm »

No, the updates just take a while.
There are 10 types of people in this world: those who understand binary, and those who don't.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1056 on: December 04, 2014, 06:44:14 pm »

Ok... Should I go ahead and make a journal entry?
She is tall and lanky. Her eyes are brown. Her wing case is black. Her wings are translucent. Her abdomen glows bright yellow.
Pyrefly likes bluejay feathers, flowers, videogames, computers, hydras for their seven heads, cats for their aloofness, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible, she prefers to consume cow steaks and flavored sparkling water. She absolutely detests wasps.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1057 on: December 04, 2014, 07:35:56 pm »

I did...I have considered writeing another actualy for fleshing ember out more but I don't want to leave our awesome fort master without any room to move, but at least one would be ok. I know some others did journals of there journey.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1058 on: December 04, 2014, 08:10:00 pm »

Page from Pyre's journal

I'm currently following a group of larger humanoids, mostly dwarves. I know most despise my kind and I can't exactly speak to them, I know that they'll be friendly. The world is ending, and wars will stop to stop it. Once we band together and fight off the evils, we'll be in a time of peace.

I watch them fight some of the evils. They won. I want to join their group, but something in me holds me back. I should be invited first, or it's rude.

Wonder where they're going. Must be a great place. Maybe a waterfall running down a mountain, and a wonderful town free of the evils. Maybe a deep fortress full of riches and legends. I'll follow and see.

Spoiler: OOC notes (click to show/hide)
She is tall and lanky. Her eyes are brown. Her wing case is black. Her wings are translucent. Her abdomen glows bright yellow.
Pyrefly likes bluejay feathers, flowers, videogames, computers, hydras for their seven heads, cats for their aloofness, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible, she prefers to consume cow steaks and flavored sparkling water. She absolutely detests wasps.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1059 on: December 04, 2014, 08:59:47 pm »

Pyrefly - And added for the next wave.  ;)

TALLPANZER - I don't even know what happened, I think Meinhard sorta trailed behind everyone else then saw the forgotten beast in the water and went for it instead of staying with the rest. Made for a heroic battle, but I'm sad to lose him. :-\

Justice - Yep, Nomekast is still going, got a plot to get through, so stops for nothing, just pauses for months at a time. :P

endlessblaze - Just go ahead and write if you like, don't worry.  ;)

Limestone and Sandstone 679

Meinhard's funeral took place the next day, his body and arms brought back by the militia and laid to rest in the cemetery. With him the last of the Jagers had died, a whole squad that had achieved fame within the community for their rough training, eager fighting, and the mutation they undertook, all gone.

The mood in the fort was subsumed in quiet for the rest of Limestone and into Sandstone, broken only by another tragedy when the body of Arsethotheles was found besides the forges in the Fiery Cistern, having apparently died from dehydration, refusing to drink.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Work continued on the many projects within Nomekast. The library had been completely furnished, and several shelves had already been filled with books, scrolls, and manuscripts people had salvaged and saved with them when they'd come to Nomekast. Some were precious indeed, rare volumes and codices, philosophical, religious and scientific tracts, a treasure-trove for those inclined.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The barracks had seen large progress, with Mifava's original plan adapted to fit the confines of the underground. A training yard and archery range had already been prepared, and the rest of the barracks were under construction. A farm split across three vertical layers was being prepared, the soil being readied with water. Once finished the militia would be completely self-sufficient within the barracks themselves. Double-walls of thick rock would keep the inner barracks past the training yard safe, soon to be closed by large iron doors. Once finished, the place would be more of a fortress than mere barracks.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

During the work, several masons had found themselves distracted by a friendly spar between Justice and Tragarus Helmbolt, the pair almost dancing around the yard as Justice's axe and Tragarus' sword flashed in the light. When this had led to part of the wall collapsing and work having to be redone, a small joke arose about how their weapons were hypnotic. That evening, a drunk Justice had decided to name his axe Elbem, "Swayedtrance". Elbem itself had prestige enough to have the name stick, having been the axe to fell Thudel the Hollows of Bone, a beast that had attacked four years ago. The axe had a long history, having originally been the axe of the dwarf Rion Truthax, one of Nomekast's original founders, its first militia commander, and its first loss, over 3 years ago now in 676, though his name still brought respect from the older members of the militia and from the community, as one of the founders of Nomekast.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

3rd Opal 679 - Noon

The sounds of picks against rock rung in the air from behind him as Sheodir Redsage quietly made his way away from the excavation site. He had been escorting prospecting and mining excavations for a month now, posing as nothing more than a maceman looking to help, an act which had already helped him make friends amongst the militia and miners, friends he could use. Right now they were excavating a tetrahedrite vein, the ore destined for silver and copper - and eventually bronze - bars.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

He'd been hoping to find the beasts that Meinhard had mentioned upon the late Jager's return from the depths. Odd creatures, like crundles but organised, intelligent, clearly led by something. The world was a mess, the favour of Armok was shifting, changing, his curse lay upon the dwarves and their false gods. It could have been that these new creatures were part of the plan the God of Blood had set in motion.

So far though, he'd seen nothing.

There was definitely something off in the depths, some malign influence, an odd feel in the air, similar to that which had accompanied the mages of the human empires. He had no doubt there was something there, but it seemed to be hiding, attempting to be kept unseen. It could have been that Meinhard had gotten lucky in seeing those creatures, or that they'd hoped to be able to take a single lone human, mutant though he was. That didn't bode well, if whatever force was out there was building up its strength. Or maybe it does, if this is Armok's plan, he thought. But if they were building up their strength, who knew how long this had been going on? He sighed, the sound barely audible over the grunts of the miners and the cracks of pick against rock. Whatever those creatures had been, they were gone for now, and only time would tell whether they'd return or not.

20th Opal 679 - Afternoon

"Speak fast, Stronghammer. I am needed for rites which are far more important than this ridiculous meeting," Imiwa sniffed, shifting on the cold metal of the marble chair. Opposite her Stronghammer restrained a sigh. He, Ibruk, Imiwa, and Brosso 'the Magnificent' were all seated in Stronghammer's office, the dwarven mayor having brought them all together.

With another restrained sigh, he began. "It is no secret that Nomekast has been...growing more tense, so to speak. All of you have some sway in the community and-"

"And you would have us speak with everyone and croon to them that'll it'll be ok, ad they should do as you say?" Imiwa spat, "even as you tolerate a heretic such as Fori who preaches obscenity? And even as you continue to cut trees-"

"Tree-cutting overland is banned-"

"Spirits are Spirits, overland or underground!"

And with that and a furious sentence in elven, Imiwa was the first to leave. Stronghammer did sigh then, as did Ibruk to his left.

"I am sorry, Pilgrim Stronghammer. It is difficult for some to see the truth. I can assure you that such tensions will be overcome, the Prophet of the Broken Rock himself divined so, six centuries ago."

"Ibruk, please, you are a well-respected amongst much of the dwarves here, we need peace and calm, we need people to unify if we're to survive-"

"You'll get nowhere, I've told you, every meeting of the Alliance I've told you," Brosso interrupted, the dwarf harrumphing.

Stronghammer pursed his lips, running one hand through his beard. "Brosso, please, you too. We need everyone's help. Nomekast stands on an axeblade right now, people are angry, one wrong move and we could have deaths."

"My poor man-"

Ibruk interrupted whatever Brosso was to say then, giving Stronghammer a little nod and a small, sad smile. "I will leave you two to discuss, but rest assured Pilgrim Stronghammer, my congregation are reminded every week that survival will come only by unified devotion to the gods that set this in motion, regardless of race."

And with that, he was the second to leave.

For a moment, Stronghammer thought Brosso was about to leave, but he simply harrumphed again, one hand tracing the hem of his tophat and the other holding his customary cigar he'd left unlit in a small show of respect and goodwill towards Ibruk and Imiwa. He lit it now though. "As I said, you'll get nowhere, you're going about this wrong, and if you won't listen to my advice, Nomekast will continue down this road." He raised a hand as Stronghammer opened his mouth. "That's not a threat, my poor dwarf! That's a prediction, and not a happy one."

"Then where did it all go wrong, Brosso? Please, help me at least. We were allies once, friends."

Brosso said nothing for a while, leaning back in his seat, his large form pushing against it as he lit his cigar before taking a long puff on his cigar, seeming more...calm, composed, melancholic than Stronghammer could remember ever seeing him. Somehow that was more worrying that Imiwa storming out or Ibruk trusting in the prophecy of a single dwarf dead 600 years ago. "Stronghammer... What do you see? When you look at Nomekast?"

The mayor frowned, drumming his fingers on the table. "What do I see? A community that has survived everything thrown at it. A tinderbox ready to light right now, yes, but also a miracle that has brought together so many races in one cause-"

"It's a tinderbox alright. That part is right. And not a miracle." Brosso interrupted. He sighed, taking a kerchief of pig tail cloth from his pocket, dabbing lightly at his forehead. The circus-director turned politician didn't sound his usual bombastic self, rather, his voice was quiet, almost resigned but with a steel edge beneath it. "Gods, almost 700 years of bloodshed, Stronghammer! Families, lovers, friends, children, my brother..." His face hardened. "Where were your pretty speeches when the goblins kidnapped thousands of our children to raise as slaves and assassins and send back to kill us in mockery? Where was your talk of tolerance when the elves sacked our cities and ate our dead because we needed wood to fuel our industries to protect us from the goblins just to keep our children and families safe? Where were the humans when the elves and goblins drove us from our homes, tortured us, razed our cities and slaughtered our people?"

He leant back, staring up at the ceiling for a few moments and blowing out a cloud of smoke before gazing back to Stronghammer his eyes holding none of their usual charismatic brightness. "You cannot wipe everything we have suffered with a few pretty speeches, Stronghammer. And do you think they forget? Armok save me, I had such respect for you Stronghammer, but I can't support you. This is naive, reckless." He waved a hand out, face rather dejected. "Just look! What has all this achieved? We're turning our back on our history, our ancestors, our traditions, and for what? Everyone is still as unhappy as before and it's a moment away before the riff-raff riot. You cannot meet in the middle over these issues. You cannot please everyone."

"But with the Nothing-"

Brosso interrupted him with a short, sharp laugh. "With the Nothing what? We'll unite in the face of a common foe? My poor man. Is that happening now? Did that happen with the goblins? When they swarmed the Golden Bud and piled their dead women and children into a pyramid? When they invaded the Humble Nations and threatened to take the capital? When they razed countless fortresses? Did the humans and elves come to us and ask for peace to save us from them?" He spat. "No. They came with soldiers, burnt our cities and slaughtered our families. That is why this will never work."

Stronghammer was leaning over the table now, his face grim. "Brosso, you cannot allow bitterness and revenge lead you. What do you hope to achieve this way? All you will do is unite a few dwarves to you while spiting the other races. Nomekast is balancing on an axeblade, bringing up the past will help no one, least of all us. Yes, tragedies, horrors occurred, but do you think they forget when we retaliated and sacked their own cities, killed their people? I am not suggesting we abandon our ways, Brosso, I am suggesting we make some sacrifices for peace, as everyone has. How do you expect peace if you constantly live in the past-"

"I am not living in the past! I am making a stand. For us, for peace and true unity. The rabble that bay outside this door, you think they care for your pretty speeches? This is a dwarven fortress, no matter what you or any others say. This place was founded by dwarves, built up by dwarves, we built Nomekast, even Ibruk's talk of unification is done under the aegis of following our gods, our prophets. And I see no reason why our traditions should be trampled upon because others have come. You give them a nook they take a cavern. What will we do next? You've already banned cutting trees aboveground and Imiwa - yes I know the two of us have an understanding, but not on this - Imiwa will refuse to talk to you unless you ban cutting those underground too, soon even logs bought from caravans will be off-limits. What next? Will you let the elves start eating the dead? No. Enough. Have you never lost anyone to the goblins or the elves?"

"Of course, everyone ha-" Stronghammer bit his tongue, stopping himself as Brosso just gave a grim nod.

"Everyone has," he finished for the mayor, getting up and striding off to the door, replacing his top-hat onto his head with a small sigh and leaving the other dwarf alone to fume.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1060 on: December 04, 2014, 09:33:34 pm »

Journal of Justice
3rd Opal 679
Elbem... Swayedtrance...

The name reminds me of the martial trances masters sometimes go into; a deadly dance of swinging, dodging, parrying...
It may have started as a joke, but I don't think our enemies will be laughing.  I've always liked dancing.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1061 on: December 05, 2014, 08:47:44 am »

Oh my gosh, so tense!
Very well written!
Fifteen men on a dead man's chest, Yo ho ho and a bottle of rum


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1062 on: December 05, 2014, 09:06:10 am »

I will write a new journal entry During lunch, I have chemistry now, I'm worried my multitasking will casue me to have to switch to something and lose this if I write something long.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1063 on: December 05, 2014, 11:59:30 am »

Got it. Spent my whole lunch and more on it but I got it 8)  hope my writeing is satisfactory.

More on the journey of ember!


I sat off to the side, a bit distant from the campfire, but still able to see its light and those around it, the calm night enveloping me. One of the stray dogs that has taken to following us was quite docile, it had become like a pet to everyone, it was he who sat next to me,laying against my side. In my hands was my dagger and a bone from a recent wolf attack.


As I sat against a tree last night I was drifting off, a drift halted as a scream pieced the air. I ran quickly ready to face the monsters of shadow, I was actually pleasantly surprised to see it was only a wolf. A girl of five had wandered away from camp to gather fire wood, her encounters with the nothing had made her scared and she had hoped that keeping the fire going would keep them away. I had to admire that, the little girl facing her fears to keep herself and others safe, after all the fire would not protect her if she were out to gather it. I tried to calm it, but it was to aggressive and I was not as good at it as some other elves were. Plan B.  In one fluid motion I drew my scourge and lashed it in the head, it's skull shattered and forced into its brain, It died nigh instantly. It was at this moment that the sentries arrived, late to the party thanks to my eleven speed.

T-t-thank you...She gave me a tight hug and sniffled, I knelt down to look her in the eyes.

Thay were a bright deep blue, visible even in this night, but that may have just been my own eyes I'm not sure how different elves and humans are in regards of vision.

Be easy child, are you hurt?

(Snif) n-no...(snif)

Good lets get you back to camp. I lifted her up and placed her on my shoulders,she was actually a bit lighter than I expected I hoped she was eating well.

I called out behind me. BRING BACK THAT DINNER!

I heard them pick up the corpse and begin hefting it back to camp, as I walked i talked to the child some more.she said her name was taira feystep and that her parents were both archers she was about to fall alsleap but kept herself awake since I would soon take her off so she could get back to her spot on the bed roll she shared with her parents, we were already back and camp. Her parents who had been looking for her in camp just In case the scream was from someone else saw us and rushed over.

Sweetie are you alright!?

What happened!?

From her mother and father respectively.

She's fine, stumbled on an angry wolf is all,better than those shadows I guess, my whip would have been nigh useless on them.

Thank you..ummm....

Ember. My name is ember, and your welcome, it was no trouble at all.

I handed her over and went to sit down, and rest.

Later the wolf was a pile of meat and a stack of bones, turns out we had ran out of salt to preserve it, so those still hungry after diner were the ones to eat it. I wasn't hungry and while I hated to waste good food i felt to relaxed to force it down.  I found a bone carver working one something, makeing a gandulent for himself. My curiosity and desire to craft arose and I asked him about the details of bone carving and any techniques I might need.

After I got my answer I got to work.

(End flashback)

I looked at the ring held between my fingers.

Almost done.....

Very careful not to cut myself and damage the ring I carved into it in eleven.
Like fire I will move and strike, a protective flame against all blight

It was very small writing and painstaking to carve the engraving but I had managed it. I put it on and looked around, most everyone had gone to sleep during my musings save the sentries, I decided to follow suit and closed my eyes.
Kids make great meat shields.
I nominate endlessblaze as our chief military executive!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1064 on: December 06, 2014, 11:55:08 am »

Page from Pyre's journal

I have decided to go say 'hi' to the group. I know we'll become friends quickly! I just need to not scare them. I don't see any of the evil nothings at the moment so I'll catch up now.

At this point, she stopped writing and ran to catch up with the migrant group she was following.
Spoiler: OOC notes (click to show/hide)
She is tall and lanky. Her eyes are brown. Her wing case is black. Her wings are translucent. Her abdomen glows bright yellow.
Pyrefly likes bluejay feathers, flowers, videogames, computers, hydras for their seven heads, cats for their aloofness, and dogs for their loyalty. When possible, she prefers to consume cow steaks and flavored sparkling water. She absolutely detests wasps.
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