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Author Topic: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing  (Read 180155 times)


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1020 on: October 17, 2014, 06:52:42 pm »

Zorrin_Drake - Heh, yeah, I have left you in a bit of a quandary.

It should be said, and this goes for everyone, just gonna make a little PSA:

If something's happened to your character, don't be afraid to just PM or the like to just ask about more info on what happened. I won't spill plot secrets or such, everything I give is probably due to be shown in the next update, but can certainly give more info if you want to write something. As terrible as I am for failing to update on a regular basis, part of what I enjoy the most about writing Nomekast is the IC responses (well, OOC too, naturally). I'm perhaps a terrible person for it, but characters who make journals and such often get featured more often, simply because I know more on how to write them, what they're aiming to do, their thoughts to other characters/events, plans for them, and so on. It can also give plot ideas, don't be afraid to push boundaries a bit! In some ways, this is a bit of a collaborative thing, the more you put in, the more I can do with that. ;)

15th Malachite 679 - Evening

"The crowd is still outside, Stronghammer. They don't want to wait, they want you to act. Now," Bax grunted, slouching back in his seat as he ran a hand through his hair.

At the head of the table the mayor grimaced. "We have idea what in all the hells just occurred. What do they think is going to happen?"

"You can't temper a mob by doing nothing," Derm sighed, the sheriff looking completely ill at ease. The single lamp hung from the ceiling illuminated the mayor's as they all sat around the table, the "first citizens" of Nomekast, as it were: Stronghammer, Derm, Bax, Fori, Tarran, Rovod, Ibruk, Reg, and Bounce, all those who either held an office or had proven their trust enough to join in the make-shift informal 'council' Stronghammer had convened.

"Do we even know if there's any point?" Reg spat. The chief medical dwarf had been of a sour mood for a long time. The deaths that had passed through his hospital had hit him hard. "What did we have? Giant Nothings, explosions, snow, ghosts, people going insane. What will be next? You think we can hold if the militia are the ones to go crazy next time?"

Stronghammer said nothing, musing for a while as he stared down at the report Bounce had compiled before him, his hand fiddling with a small ruby between his fingers. Twelve dead, all with families and friends in the community. Stories of what they had seen above were spreading like wildfire, distorting such that people were made to believe 50-foot monsters were tearing at the walls of Nomekast now. A smart rap on the door stirred him from his thoughts as everyone turned their head.

Meinhard Adelrick strode in, the human Jager giving the mayor a nod. "De Noffing are gone now, no giants, not even li'l vuns, hyu can rests easy," he reported, a toothy grin on his face.

"That makes no sense. Why appear then simply leave?" Fori said. The elf was still not recovered from the poison she had been afflicted with, muscles still slow, but she seemed eager as ever to join in and help. A far cry - Stronghammer mused - from the likes of Imiwa who only stoked racial tensions.

"I-" Another knock on the door interrupted the mayor. This time it was Baffler moving in, a dwarf who had become rather prominent in Ibruk's congregation as well as the Alliance for Dwarven Survival, Stronghammer knew. The jeweler moved down to Ibruk, his face rather pale as he whispered something in his prophet's ear. Ibruk's mouth became a thin line and his hand became white as he seemed to clutch his cane rather strongly. "Something, Ibruk?"

The dwarven priest took a moment to answer before giving a slow nod. "Aye, Brother Stronghammer, I fear so. It appears someone broke into the temple vault, where that accursed jewel Nimemnokzam was safely bound away."

"Someone stole it? The Thieves' Guild?" Bounce piped up, a scowl on her face as she clutched her pads of papers.

"Ah no. It is still there, but knocked from its position of safety. Someone - or something - attempted to take it. I fear that this is exactly what caused everything."

"Touching a shiny rock killed twelve people, rose a ton of ghosts, summoned Nothing, and set half the forest on fire?" Tarran said, a frown on the commander's face.

"That is not a mere 'shiny rock', pilgrim Tarran. That is an artefacts, but not one blessed of the gods, rather a cruel mockery from the demons. Such things have power, remember how the Lich Princess of Abanaved left behind a goblet she'd imbued that the heretic queen Atir used to raise the dead simply by touch. We much seal Nimemnokzam away once more, more securely if we are to prevent this from happening once more."

"The crowd know now I fear, Stronghammer. Even many of the elves want action taken about Nimemnokzam." Baffler added.

Stronghammer gave a small irritated rumble. The mentality of a mob was impossible to deal with. It didn't matter if just a day earlier they'd scoff at the idea that a damned gem could do anything, now they were all baying for it to be dealt with. What a way to end his festival day. "You say this thing is useless?"

"Not useless, dangerous-"

"Then we will do like Opeya's heart. Toss it into the magma, let it burn or be abandoned where no one can touch it again. And then we will try and see just what has happened. I fear your explanation is too simple, Ibruk."

That drew a sharp gasp from both Baffler and Ibruk. "You cannot be serious! You would throw that foul aberration into holy magma? What do you think that will achieve? If it should break, who knows what might be released? Or worse, if it sinks down to the depths of Hell, would you allow demons to take hold of such a thing?"

"My chief concern is the safety of this fort and the well-being of its people, Ibruk. Not metaphysical questions. I will not let something so dangerous - or at the very least, so divisive - remain where any might tamper with it again."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

The crowd had dispersed by nightfall, most going to eat, rest, or mourn after such a dark day. Many were in the tavern, drowning their fears and worries. It was here that Sheodir Redsage came to, the priest dressed rather inconspicuously. He was new enough to not be bothered, yet old enough to not stand out, just being a man vaguely known for joining the militia. He sidled up to the bar, taking a drink before scanning across the room, finding just who he wanted over at the side, just as he'd directed. He sat himself down besides him, setting his tankard down with a smile to the figure opposite.

"Well? What did you want that it needed a letter and a meeting?" Juggernaut grunted as he took a swig of dwarven ale.

Sheo took a few seconds to answer, taking a sip of his own drink. "You are a man of Armok, yes?"

"I am a warrior of Armok, so what of it? You from some pansy human cult here to lecture me on peace? Already had at least one elf do that."

"Not at all! Rather I'm here to say just one thing to you: blood is our prayer-"

"-our temple is war," Juggernaut finished automatically. Sheodir leant back, resting on his chair as he took another small tip, drumming the fingers of his free hand on the stone table. That was certainly a good sign. If Juggernaut was educated enough to know the Armokian prayers, then it would be easier to gain his confidence for what Sheo had planned. "You a man of Armok yourself? I know you've joined the military, already a good sign, too many cowards round here wanting to sit around and let others keep them safe."

"I...was vaguely involved in the temple before the Nothing." He left off that said temple was not the state temple of Armok, rather a more heretical cult. If he was to convince Juggernaut of the truth he had to keep his cards for the right occasions.

"Well that's good. I was beginning to fear I would be the only one who actually knew the right rites for the Blood God, heh," Juggernaut remarked, taking a long gulp of his ale. "The elves treat Him like some secret, kobolds don't even seem to have any gods beyond their little kobold statues, hell, the closest to understand the purpose of a god of blood are the goblins! Not even the dwarves treat him like anything more than someone to bring up in crises, nothing more."

"The dwarves know nothing of Armok." Sheo almost spat at that. The coldness in his voice must have been too obvious, for Juggernaut simply stared, before shrugging and taking another gulp. He'd have to be more careful. "Well, the point I'm here to make is that I need your help, and I think you need mine."

"I need only my axe and hammer."

"You just said yourself: no one knows well of Armok here. Are you to simply shrug and let that continue?"

"They'll learn-"

"Not if they are not taught. This isn't the Empire of the Humble Nations anymore - or wherever you're from - if we are not active we cannot rely on others to do it for us. This isn't the old world, we can't just do things like we used to and hope for the best. How many Nothing have you killed?"

"I don't count them."

"And yet they never end. And for what? So Armok can be denied his share of the blood? So the dwarves - and others - can heap all the praise on their gods and deny the Blood God himself the offerings that are his by right?"

"What exactly are you suggesting to do?"

" not sure for now. But something. That's what it means to be a servant of Armok, to be active, not passive, you know that as well as I do. If you'll help me, I can help you, we can help the entire community by bringing Armok's word as it was meant to be, not some dwarven heres- misunderstanding of His word."

"The elves won't like it, the dwarves under that Ibruk neither."

"Do the Nothing like it when you show them the true wrath of Armok?"

Juggernaut snorted into his drink, a smirk on his face. "A good answer."

"If you'll help me, I am looking to start where it all begins: a shrine."

"Our temple is war."

It was Sheodir's turn to smirk now, leaning back again as he nodded. "You misunderstand. This is not some gaudy stone thing like the dwarves put up, to hide in and bow and recite little pithy prayers. No, Juggernaut, Armok is the Blood Father, the lord of war. This shrine will serve that war and train His soldiers." He finished his drink, stretching as he stood up, giving a little incline of his head. "I will leave you to think. Come see me if you agree."


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1021 on: October 19, 2014, 03:36:43 pm »

Stronghammer returned to his office once the others had left from the council. Another disaster barely contained. He gave a sigh as he dropped into his arm chair, the ruby already playing through his fingers again. The artifact would need to be immediately tossed into the magma even if he had to do it himself. He blinked as he that thought came to him. In fact he would summon his guards and do it himself, to ensure that no one stole it or bungled it. And he would have to ask the sheriff and maybe even ibruk to begin doing searches of the the community to try and find anything that might be causing this evil. Ibruk for all his crazed priestly ways was at least of the right faith and strong of holy power... at least Stronghammer hoped he was strong of power. He put the ruby back into his pocket as he rose to his feet. Yes he would ask Ibruk and even their resident scientist and doctor (it would not hurt, maybe would give him something to do) to do a search of the place. But first he would be rid of this evil jewel and maybe order the reinforcement of the artifact vault. But first the gem. With that final thought he strode from his office determination stamped on his face, for he was to be rid of something evil and on a brigther side he would at least see how beautiful this evil gem might be.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1022 on: October 21, 2014, 02:08:53 am »

From the journal of Nathaniel Stormwind:
Tales from the Void
Chapter 8 Of Chaos and Order

Ibruk is a FOOL! That thing "Nimemnokzam" was not, is not, and can not be protected by such means! You need magic words AND divine enchantments to guard a cursed artifact! Need to calm down, but Kane Jerrod tells me of what occurred on the surface and what Ibruk said...

Onthorn is recovering from the "ordeal" and she is staying close to me, and Elitan Glimerlight tells me Stronghammer wants to destroy Nimemnokzam. The fool Ibruk may be mad, but that is INSANE! Kizerbane is making blueprints of his old temple complex to Armok with some modifications for five lesser temple shrines to the other gods (Dwarven, Elven, Kobold, Human, and Goblin) and is making other plans that he has not told me. Forgar Stormspear is in agreement that Ibruk is not going to help rid this world of the shadow demons, is not to be trusted with anything, and should be avoided whenever possible, although we should remain cordial with him when necessary. I will, however, try to sway his less devout followers to my side, if possible. We need paladins, mages, and necromancers to fight the dark horde and save this world from damnation. I also need to talk to Mifava about what the hell happened and get her support in my fight against evil... I also need to get a cursed crundle, Lerdy's skull from the caves,
and speak with the spirit of Ura... Argh! So many things to do, and so little time!

Hero of the old Wood
Writings of the elven hero Elitan Glimerlight
Page 1
I am tired of the conflict that my people are involved in; mostly what Imiwa is doing.
We must put all aside to fight the defilers, but she is still clinging to old belefs.
I think I need to commune with her and bring peace to the caves we live in.
She needs to know the truth and to stop fighting with her sister Fori.
"Honor the trees, and treat them with respect, for they are a gift from the gods.
But do not mourn the spirits, for we are not harmed by the destruction of trees."     
{Elitan Glimerlight personality: Calm, collected and polite, speaks in a refined manner, but has a strong sense for justice. (she will not mention Nathaniel in her conversation with Imiwa)}

Dark Tales of Blood
Writings of the goblin Kizerbane High Priest of Armok
Page 1

{Kizerbane personality: Talks in a manner that is aggressive but almost desturbingly calm,
dedicated to Armok and Armok alone, is prideful, and has a strong sense of poetic justice}


« Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 02:30:49 am by Zorrin_Drake »


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1023 on: October 21, 2014, 03:53:25 am »

Excerpts from the journal of Mifava Nitharanemo, Druid:

Spoiler:  7th Hematite, 679: (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  7th Malachite, 679: (click to show/hide)
Spoiler:  14th Malachite, 679: (click to show/hide)

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« Last Edit: October 21, 2014, 04:03:23 am by HailFire »
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am here.
[18:14] <The_Gamemaster> I am always here.
[18:15] <The_Gamemaster> I have always been here, and I always will be here. I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.

Sneaky Walrus

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1024 on: October 21, 2014, 09:42:39 pm »

Juggernaut's log:

So, the little Sheo thinks himself a prophet then?

And if what I suspect is true, then he seeks to bring the true word of blood and death to the fortress, the word of Armok. Such a sight would truly be a sign of faith and belief to the Lord of Blood, a desire to call forth his name in worship, to prostrate ourselves before his might, bath ourselves in his blood and writhe in the fires of endless battle. Such a beautiful dream, a notion of faith unmatched in this fortress, so full of cowards and unbelievers.

The man is a fool.

A fervent fool yes, but a fool nonetheless.

I will grudgingly play along with his plan, for the believer needs his token followers if he is to enact some 'grand plan'.

Perhaps some kind of fighting arena, or ritual bloodletting? Of course, if he was ever so foolish to think of some insane scheme such as allowing the Nothing to swarm our hold, such a thing would be worth reporting to those in power. Well, those who fight, at any rate. The cowards and preachers at the temple can preach as they wish, as long as their voices hold no sway in the matters of blood, I am content to leave them to their ramblings.

Ah, truthfully, I care little.

War is Armok's temple, and a praise him in every swing and every blow to the nothing sweeping the world. What care do I have for the people of this fortress? They hide in the earth, and if the Nothing ever swarmed this last sanctuary, then the would pay their praises to him in blood, the Nothing's or their own.Some give me looks of disgust for my actions against the undead possessing the living, slaying those taken. I hear behind my back and beneath their breath, how I am a violent, bloody savage.

Let them think that. All Blood flows for the Blood God.

Hmmmm, perhaps that is a worth notion indeed. A shrine maybe, set above ground and before the fortress gates. A defensive position, capable of holding back the Nothing, for I am no fool, but something to rally around. A sign to all who come that this is the land of Blood, or own or the Nothing. Of course, it'd also be an excellent sign for those seeking refuge as well, but I digress.

Yes, I must think on these matters further, but for now, I will wait and watch to see where this man takes me.

To glory and victory, or death and ruin. Either way, the Blood God shall have his praise.
Fire washes the sin off the soul and the skin off the bone. That and I can't be bothered making soap...


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1025 on: October 21, 2014, 11:14:13 pm »

Mienhard walked the halls alone. The last few battles felt hollow, he swung his spear, the nothing would die, he was like a machine. A machine that goes long enough with out maintenance will fail. All the other Jagers had failed, broken by the nothing. He needed more, more of the primordial ooze, the glowing blue goo, the raw creation juice. The caverns, he would go back, he would find more.

The blue-green mutant tightened his armor, and hoisted his spear, packing his backpack with the supplies he would need to travel through the caves. He would find the spring again, maybe slay some beasts on his way, just to stay sharp. More science would bring more strength, they can beat the nothing with their minds.

Mienhard ventured into the caves, too search deep.
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell

Julien Brightside

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1026 on: October 22, 2014, 06:15:20 am »

Log of Engraver Dwarf Jules:

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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1027 on: October 27, 2014, 05:30:49 pm »

*Hic*  betterBETTER NNNow, Theirair wine iss running a little empty, now... *Hic*

(Wearing the recently emptied barrel, PD makes his escape...)
« Last Edit: October 27, 2014, 05:35:59 pm by !!pyrodwarf!! »
you all saw it! that  !!orphanage!!  attacked me first, It was Self-Defense!


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1028 on: October 27, 2014, 07:20:12 pm »

*Hic*  betterBETTER NNNow, Theirair wine iss running a little empty, now... *Hic*

(Wearing the recently emptied barrel, PD makes his escape...)
For a second there I though this was the Drunk Fortress thread.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1029 on: October 27, 2014, 07:30:05 pm »

HailFire - Languishing half-written posts? Welcome to my world  :P

Julien Brightside - Not yet, but he's working on it!

15th Malachite 679 - Evening

"So what happened?" Weiss Uzinecod asked, pouring out a measure of dwarven wine into pair of rock goblets.

Opposite him, Nathaniel took the goblet, taking a small sip, mouth thin. "I'm not sure I'll ever be certain. Voices, glimpses of somewhere, nothing certain."

"Sounds like what the fellow who made it had, Ukrzum I think it was? Same thing he reported, voices, hallucinations." Weiss commented. He had spent a good while carefully collecting all the information there could be on the various artefacts of Nomekast, but if there was one that was the odd one of them all, it was Nimemnokzam. No other artefact had come under such worrying circumstances. "They found him in a little nook he'd carved, with the words 'found you' engraved all over. That thing's bad news."

"Perhaps, but we need to understand it. There are more than just the monsters roaming the surface. Spirits, sorcery, necromancy, there is a lot that threatens Nomekast through these." Weiss said nothing to do, staring down into the dark depths of the wine, made darker by the granite goblet. He vaguely knew that Nathaniel held quite some odd powers, speaking with spirits, stuff he'd heard strange shamans or elven travellers could do back in the old times before he'd come to live amongst the dwarves. It left him maybe uneasy, but he'd agreed to help, to learn, and he'd be true to his word.

Finally he spoke up, face a bit uneasy. "Do you think that gem caused...everything?"

Nathaniel took a long while to reply. He wondered if there was any guilt, or perhaps it had merely furied him that the dwarves would leave such a dangerous object around where a group like the Thieves' Guild could break in, steeled his determination perhaps. "It's...more than possible. I was careless, too eager. But Ibruk...Ibruk was a fool. His underestimated that gem. That orichalcum metal shielding of his is little more than a dampener, keeping it quiet and out of sight, but it was never safe. It's possible that that thing has been exerting its influence for a while, it needs to be moved somewhere safe. But this all proves one thing at least: these artefacts are not the same that dwarven folklore speaks of. We're not looking at a few genius sparks of divine inspiration. Someone or something designed that jewel, forced its construction specifically to be used against Nomekast. If that Mifava hadn't been there...another person to keep an eye on..." He drained his glass, fingers drumming on the table. "A war is coming down below to match that on the surface, Weiss. We need to step up our work, a real Order is needed, not Ibruk's warrior-priests under Kadzar, not the militia, not the Iron Guard, a group that can take the fight to more than just the physical."

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

"Stronghammer, please. You cannot do this. I know you are a dwarf of the gods, in their name I ask you to stop this. That abomination is not something to be tossed aside and forgotten about. It must be kept safe where none can get to it," Ibruk repeated, the tap tap tap of his cane echoing in the cavern as he strode to keep up with the mayor, a pair of dwarves from the Iron Guard following the pair.

Stronghammer simply sighed, running a hand through his beard but not stopping, he couldn't afford to let the dwarven priest's words sway him. "Ibruk, Id knows I defer to your piety in matters of faith. But this is not one. I am not doing this out of enjoyment. This fortress is resting on a blade-edge as it stands, twelve are dead, allowing that cursed thing to remain here will only worsen everything. We need this ended before the funerals. We cannot stand firm against the Nothing if the community is at each other's throats over some gem." The pair of them, flanked by the guards, moved down to the temple depths, where the vault lay waiting, guarded by a pair of Derm's police and Ahra, the Iron Guard's sole non-dwarf member since Konith's expulsion. With a nod from the mayor, they moved to the side, allowing both him and Ibruk through.

Nimemnokzam had been left where it had fallen after whoever had tried to take it had dropped it. Shining softly in the torchlight as Stronghammer stepped through. He heard a muttered prayer from Ibruk and mouthed the words along even as his eyes were fixed to that aquamarine on the silver floor. He could understand why it'd been called 'perfect'. Every facet was exquisitely carved, encircled further with bands of more aquamarine that seemed fused to the gem itself to create a jewel about the size of his fist that reflected an almost soothing pale blue light around the silver walls and floor.

"Brother Stronghammer, please, one pilgrim to another..." Ibruk's voice was a soft whisper in his right ear as the dwarf kept his attention fixed on that jewel that lay almost innocently on the ground. So this was what was causing all the trouble? Hard to believe. But many of the community did, and so he had to deal with it. It never cracks but it caves-in. It really was a most beautiful gem though, not a single chisel mark lay on it, every facet was perfectly proportional, and the bands of aquamarine gave it an almost heart-like appearance. He felt beset by doubt all of a sudden. Could he really toss such a perfect jewel into the magma? This was an artefact after all, dwarven history had always given such importance to them, heroes wielded them, kings and queens were enthroned with them, gods bestowed them. And what if this was - as some warned - just mob mentality? The angry, mourning crowd fixating on the one rumour, and Nimemnokzam had had nothing to do with the events at all. Rather, was it not possible the Thieves' Guild had simply used his festival as an excuse to try and steal it, only to be stopped when all hell broke loose? Could he really allow a crowd's whim destroy such beauty - potentially gods-given beauty, based simply on fear and lashing out? And what if Ibruk was right? And throwing it into the magma simply worsened everything. Magma men lay down there, who knew what else, searching for the aquamarine. He had to be cautious, that was what it meant to lead, that was why the brash like Imiwa or Brosso were not in his place.

"Very well," Stronghammer heard himself say at last, his mouth feeling rather dry. "What would you suggest, Ibruk?"

He heard a sigh of relief from behind and a small tap as Ibruk moved besides him. "Seal this place. I was too optimistic in using a door. Seal this chamber away for eternity, a wall, a pillar of orichalc, none will get in. And that," he flicked his cane almost angrily at the gem on the floor, "will not get out." Orichalcum, Stronghammer mused, that famed red-gold metal whose forging had been kept a secret by the Temple for centuries. Almost as good as steel, and more resistant, that would certainly keep anyone out, a block of it sealed and fused to the silver walls would force any would-be thieves to spend days trying to break though. It would certainly be an effective solution, at least until more was certain.

"Very well then, but do it now, before the funerals. We need this entire affair put to rest before the day is out, people coming here for the burials must see that room sealed."

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Malachite 679

As the day ended and the next few weeks passed, Nomekast was a tense mixture of . People spoke in murmurs, the carefree start to the festival had ended in tragedy, and as night fell the community came together to pay their respects to the dead, even as questions as to just what had happened to them continued to rage. Memorial slabs were set up for the ghosts to be put to rest, and rock sarcophagi were shifted to the increasingly-crowded cemetery.

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The community was at a shock, reeling from the events that had occurred. Rumours of horrific demons leading the Nothing on the surface spread like wildfire, and anger at the deaths led to a sudden increase in tension, with many dwarves rallying around either Ibruk and his preaching, or Brosso the Magnificent and his promises of a return to the glory days, and elves doing the same around Imiwa. While some were despondent from the events, many were left with a greater drive than ever before. Mifava and Tarran, aided by the miners Spartan, Delta, Shin and others, worked hard on finishing excavating the future sight of the militia's training compound.

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Meinhard Adelrick had disappeared, with the only clues to his whereabouts being that some at the forges had seen him head out into the Fiery Cistern, equipped in his armour and weapons and a full backpack. Where he'd been going no one knew.

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Felix, as well as the gorlak Grawp, and Jules, were continuing their work on smoothing the fort, now working on the hospital and lower fort. Jules had been drawing up new plans for engravings with the help of some new equipment he'd managed to secure in what was quickly becoming a little workshop by the dining-area, and was working on carving out a small room for himself.

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The atmosphere remained tense and wary however. Accusations were muttered, meaningful scowls shared, and the community felt more insular than ever, with nothing the relieve them in sight.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1030 on: October 29, 2014, 05:53:06 pm »

Mienhard stalked the deep and cold caves. Traveling alone through dangerous territory was nothing new to him, the denizens of the deep were his pray.

He picked up eggs from a crundel nest, and filled his water skin from an underground lake. Part of the daily ruetein, along with roasting small cave spiders and picking fungal moss.

A few days into his journey, He passed by a group of cave ogres and hard the oddest thing. One was talking. Listening from behind a near by rock, Meinhard heard they had fled here from caves that had been invaded, both by dark spawn and surface dwellers trying to escape them. Even the things living under NomeKast were looking to hide. That was not as important as the fact that cave ogres shouldn't be this smart.

The Jager searched the area until he found what he was looking for. The ogres' drinking hole, and the glowing blue spring he knew would be there. He gathered the blue goo in a gourd, then noted the location of the ogres.

Time to head back, the first part of his plane complete.

"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1031 on: October 31, 2014, 10:09:23 am »

Stronghammer gave a sigh as he closed the door behind him, once again in his office. He had caved to Ibruk's request when he had been ready to destroy the gem. As soon as he laid eyes upon that most beautiful of artifacts he had been filled with doubts. Was it simply his cautious nature or had that gem influenced his mind some how? He shuddered at the thought and sat once more in his carved chair covered in soft fabrics.

His father would be proud of him he knew, for he had continued to lead a new settlement forwards threw great dangers. Though now with things getting more tense and the community starting to divide once more, he knew it was going to be harder.

The first thing he knew that must happen was the calming and reuniting of the people before there occurred a great split. So on that front he must meet with Brosso, Ibruk and Imiwa. They must be made to see reason and make their follows follow ah path back to calm unity.

Stronghammer thought to himself. Maybe he would give some speeches to the people to help reassure them. One calm voice being heard by all could maybe lower tensions. Though he also had to prepare for a civil break down and maybe infighting. On that end he had to make sure the all the military forces where answerable to the government or at the very least would not get involved. There was only one thing worse than a riot, and that was a trained, organized and equipped riot.

With another great sigh he rose from the desk and headed to the door. The work of a mayor was never done. Couldn't the people see it had been his cautious leadership that had saved them? Couldn't they see that he was the only one who was fit to rule them? Stronghammer paused at the door as that thought came across his mind. Where had that come from he thought? He never cared to rule he was an elected leader one of many. Could the gem still be influencing his thoughts?? He gave his head a shake and a small laugh as he pulled open the door. He really had to be careful not to buy into the stories going around. As he walked away from his office, he dropped his hand into his pocket and rubbed the small gem inside. It gave him some small comfort. But somewhere in the back of his mind it occurred to him of how flawed it now seemed compared to another.


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1032 on: November 03, 2014, 11:27:03 am »

2nd Galena 679 - Unsure, morning?

They lay before Meinhard, ten of them, bodies black as night, like a hole within which were suspended a pair of red eyes, with claws and horns, yellow, floating on that wispy darkness. They barely reached his waist, but seemed rather more dangerous than their small stature might suggest. It'd been on his return that they'd appeared, packs of them, travelling in the darkness of the cavern, silhouetted against the rock walls. Whatever they were, they were intelligent, organised. He'd avoided most of them, but now he found himself cornered.

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Their intentions became rather clear as they launched themselves at him, long claws slicing through the air. He had enough time to raise his buckler, one of them smashing against it with a loud crash that pushed the Jager back several paces. He wasted no time though, spear striking through the air and tearing through the chest of one of them, darkness seeped from the wound as he flicked his spear and sent the body off from the end. Another soon found itself on the end of that spear while he used his buckler to slam into another's head with enough force to snap a horn off and then using his sword to slam into the head, sending the beast reeling and collapsed on the ground.

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Though ferocious and insistent, they were not much of a threat to the mutant human, and Meinhard soon found himself panting softly for breath amidst ten rather mangled bodies. He knelt down besides one, noting an odd necklace it was wearing, a simple thing, a bone - a snapped finger bone it seemed - laced around. The other's wore similar, finger bones, knuckles, even a pierced shard of what might have been part of a skull. They were rather organised, aggressive, and capable of at least rudimentary craftsmanship. He'd have to warn Stronghammer, Tarran, and Derm, more beasts were moving into the caverns, potentially dangerous creatures. The last thing they needed was a war down below as well as on the surface. A flurry of click-clicks of claws on stone alerted him to more of the creatures approaching. While there was no doubt Meinhard could take them, he couldn't take the chance of being swarmed by dozens of them, after alll, the Nothing too were weak individually, these were rather the same. He tore a necklace from one of the dead creatures, tucking it away, something to show, then moved back on his way, he needed to continue.

15th Galena 679 - Afternoon

Most had just been finishing lunch when the sound of something falling rent the air. A rock chair went flying, crashing into the tables, sending the food across the dining and the people diving for cover. Arsethotheles was there, hands shaking, head twitching left and right as though the blind dwarf was searching for something. A loud yelp escaped from him, and he fell, body shuddering, propped up on only one arm, scrabbling back.

Fori was first to dare approach and reach him, the elf cautiously stepping forward, reaching out with a hand. "A-Arsethotheles? Are you alright?" The dwarf was not the most stable - insane, most called him - but this was new.

The philosopher's head tilted up at her, gems shining from the empty eye sockets he'd slotted them into. "He knows," he began, his voice shaky, as though his throat was hoarse, "she know he know she knows," his tone sped up, "it was all a lie we were lied to a lie a lie a world of lies a creation of lies they lied," rasping chuckles escaped him as he kept his head completely still while his arms and legs jittered and flailed against the rock floor, "heknowsandnowtheycome."


She was interrupted by another loud, rasping cackle. "Itsoveroveroveroveroveroveroveroveroverover-" He stood up abruptly, body shaking as though he'd fall any moment and suddenly ran, cackling wildly, tearing at his clothing as he simply repeated himself.

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Galena 679

Arsethotheles' madness made little impact on the already stressed fort. The philosopher was known to be borderline insane from the start, only slightly better than the elf PD who was near impossible to speak to. Life in the fortress continued on.

Work on Stronghammer's promised library continue apace. Anything donated was copied down, duplicated to be stored, with writings ranging from many dwarven books to some elven, human and even a few sparse goblin works. One reading room had already been furnished, a space for those to read quietly and peacefully away from the hubbub of the community. Plans were also being set down under Shin's direction to develop the area east of it into a garden and public park, a move appreciated by several, especially parts of the elven community.

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The future military barracks had been excavated, and the area was already set up with a pair of iron doors as Mifava and Tarran now began directing the site according to Mifava's original plans. Once finished, Nomekast's militia would develop into a more professional army than ever before.

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Under his insistent preaching, Ibruk's flock had doubled down, working hard on finally excavating the cathedral.

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Brosso the Magnificent and his team had also been hard at work, clearing the rest of the rubble from his excavated projects and the headquarters of the Alliance for Dwarven Survival in anticipation of the next meeting and of a tentative meeting Stronghammer had been trying to set up between him, Brosso, Imiwa, and Ibruk, all major leaders of various factions within the community. The Iron Guard's barracks were also finally beginning to be furnished and the squad took to training there.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

All in all, while the community remained tense, a quiet return to normality seemed to have set in, at least on the surface.

Limestone 679



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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1033 on: November 03, 2014, 11:09:09 pm »

Meihard ran fast and stayed low as he moved like a shadow in the dark caves. Time was not on his side, the need to raise the defenses of Nomekast as quickly as possible spurred him on.

As soon as he arrived, the Jager made his way to the lab and dropped off all the supplies and specimens he had collected. Then he made haste to StoneHammer's office.

"Dar ar' tings in da deep! Ve need hore cage trapz!"
"So while a handful of psychopaths in lab coats are turning Japan into a land of mythological beasties to bang, the USSA's drowning in stupidity, China doesn't exist anymore, and Canada's just sitting there waiting for all this shit to blow over so they can go back to being Canada. Oh, and South Korea think they're Zerg now." <-Slag explains fallout in a nutshell


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Re: [Community] Nomekast - At War with Nothing
« Reply #1034 on: November 04, 2014, 08:40:54 am »

Meihard ran fast and stayed low as he moved like a shadow in the dark caves. Time was not on his side, the need to raise the defenses of Nomekast as quickly as possible spurred him on.

As soon as he arrived, the Jager made his way to the lab and dropped off all the supplies and specimens he had collected. Then he made haste to StoneHammer's office.

"Dar ar' tings in da deep! Ve need hore cage trapz!"
Sheodir had been frequenting the office lately to deal with his soon-to-happen exploration to the deep, as to build his secret stronghold. Under the pretense of escorting miners he had been convincing the right ears, yet the found himself yapping at StoneHammer's when the Jager arrived.

Listening to it quietly, the man rose only to stride off, to see this depths for himself. He had an interest for these things, and when/if he found out that they were developing an intelligence, his view on who is truly Armok's favored might swap...for better or worse.

(Or he may die horribly trying to civilize and organize Nothing. That'd be hilarious, too.)
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