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Author Topic: [40.24] ۩۩۩ Genesis Mod ۩۩۩ [ϟ .11c Old Genesis ϟ] - 0.40.25 update by TomiTapio  (Read 1288600 times)


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Just S-T alone make up about 1/5th of the DF dictionary, which means I don't want to really deal with it for now.

Will work on H-I.

It's going to take me a lot longer now that the week's started with school and work.

So we're now at:


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That's great, man, and don't bother with S if you don't want to, I can work on it this weekend.

And I think "Kawa" is better than "gawa" for the reason you provided: because of names, but it's not a big deal so both words work.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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I'll help out with S too if no one's picked it up by the weekend.

Uh, yeah, also I decided I'll just resend you all the stuff I translated again when I'm done, because I keep revising stuff.

I've genned a medium world with ~15000 figures, and only 3 orcs have river in their name, and only 1 had it as the first part of the last name, so it's really up to you.

It's really in my best interest to try to find a workaround, so I'll give you a heads up if I do.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 04:00:08 am by Patchouli »


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The logbooks of Lakedike continue...

Part 1 the beginning, posted earlier:
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Part 2 the slaughter
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

(modding talk: made demons faster, speed 700. Maybe demons should come even later, as serpentfolk(only population trigger) came much later than them. Why only male demons made of toughmaterials? I'll give them some bite/dodge skills.)
« Last Edit: April 12, 2011, 06:08:53 am by TomiTapio »
==OldGenesis mod== by Deon & TomiTapio. Five wood classes, four leather classes. Nine enemy civs. So much fine-tuning.
47.05e release:
OldGenesis screenshots:
My Finnish language file:


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Have learned to adapt to the iron bug (Actually, I'm no longer assuming it's a bug, but a "feature")

Will have to check in on that succession game at times (Can't do it myself, I have work), hoping there will be some good stories.


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What do you mean by an iron "bug"? Steelmaking is a bit longer in Genesis since you have to process iron first, otherwise it was too easy.

Quote from: TomiTapio
migrants to 68. haul enemy armors.
mid-autumn 11th flayer ambush! Lost hunter. That's it, we're walling off!
mood: artifact begun. CRASH.
migrants to 68.
wall off, lift burrow restriction, make goods&armor stockpile, cRASH!
migrants right into flayer ambush.
keeper knight slays gazelles. flayers hang around, area-blasting. CRASH!
Next time something like this happens (something triggering a crash quite reliably) could you keep the save and send it to me? I would try to play around with raws and try to figure it out.
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Indicatively, when will the ASCII version be up? I've tried playing with graphics, and I can't find anything...


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What do you mean by an iron "bug"? Steelmaking is a bit longer in Genesis since you have to process iron first, otherwise it was too easy.
Probably that there was no pure iron in 3.24 ? After updating raws to 3.24b i saw it for first time. And my game keeps crashing too :( Probably still because of keepers but i dont want to start a new fort now, trying to play in adventure mode


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There're obviously some crashes in vanilla .25 and some stuff which causes crashes due to my mod too (which shouldn't because there're no errors), so if you encounter a crash, please keep a save and upload it to DFFD. This way we could show it to Toady so he could fix it.
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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I seem to have a problem getting weight sets and obstacle courses to work (haven't built any other shops with boulder-reactions). I would have guessed they don't need any specific stuff besides maybe some rock right off my refuse dump... What am I missing? (3.24b, no TTF, no cave-ins, shaft down to the caves dug and sealed, but otherwise risking an uprising for reasons of hardly-anything-to-do)
(Appreciatingly stolen from thijser)
I'm not a native English speaker. Feel free to point out grammar/spelling mistakes. This way I can learn better English.


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It should tell you what are you missing when you try to build one

The weight set needs 2 buckets, 3 blocks and 1 metal bar. The obstacle course needs 4 building materials (boulders/logs).
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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Sorry, I was unclear in my description. Building them is not the problem - the reactions are red, even though I don't see what I would need as reagent, other than "stones" (of which I believe to have more than enough...).
(Appreciatingly stolen from thijser)
I'm not a native English speaker. Feel free to point out grammar/spelling mistakes. This way I can learn better English.


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Weird, those are simple boulders. Does it not accept boulders? I doubt you have none. Honestly it is there just to make a reagent/product (because now the products are needed to make skill gains).
✫ DF Wanderer ✫ - the adventure mode crafting and tweaks
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Yeah, that's one of the few mod development breakthroughs I happened to notice during my DF break (last version I played was Genesis 3.16). This game is right out of the archive you uploaded, not manually merged or anything - and it really stumps me that I cannot find any other post with a similar problem. Want an upload?

Oh, and thank you for the lightning responses, if only every support staff was as great as the DF community!
(Appreciatingly stolen from thijser)
I'm not a native English speaker. Feel free to point out grammar/spelling mistakes. This way I can learn better English.


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Found a bug: magma blast furnace takes iron ore, should take pure iron ore.
Doesnt this reaction break metalworking balance ? It looks like no other iron or steel reactions are needed if you have iron ore and flux.
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