Some vanilla .17 adventuring... this might be helpful to some of you.
1. start a demigod adventurer. Buy agility and dodging. Surrounded == dead.
2. run away from bogeymen, leave the low-agility ones far behind.
3. no adventurer can ever start with armor, it seems.
4. try aimed ("A") easy attacks, stab torso with sword. Or slash at foot/hand. Miss because bogeymen have very good dodging skills.
5. use trees to force enemies into single file.
6. "C" change combat mode to strike instead of charge.
7. use Genesis mod so every creature bleeds to death sooner.
8. one bogeyman is about as difficult as .16 's elephant/ogre/giant/marshtitan. Because of dodging skill.
9. fighting skill may give you lots of nice counterstrikes. You might want to practice fighting with slow-moving wildlife (not camels!)
10. "mortal wound" means internal organ bruising, not dangerous, unlike "CANT STAND".
11. haul bogeyman body parts to town to show off.
12. inside a crowded building, would need a "swap places with friendly" key so can move around.
You can press "s" to lay on the ground, and then you can move on the same tile as an other person is
Oookay... crawl under the moronic humans who cower inside their houses, check.
13. goblins and dwarven bandits are nothing compared to bogeymen.
14. cross the rivers and streams in travel mode, not with swimming.
15. go thank Toady for adding bandits and "The quest for armor".
16. some humans are morons and block doorways for hours on end.
17. wear shirt, dress, dress, dress, robe for "protection".
18. ask the cyan-coloured humans (who have no profession) to join you.
19. your human companions will have a longer sight range than you, at least at night when the felines attack.
20. wear one more dress. And two togas.
21. the red-cross-blinking cyan @ draws you eye away from the brown, dirt-coloured @. And the companion will crawl miles and miles, matching your speed, faithfully following you.
Q for quest log, z for see where quest target is. Esc to exit quest log.
Z, d, enter to sleep the night.