First off I gotta say great job Deon. I was planning on holding off on this version till all the bugs got sorted out but I made the mistake of taking a quick look at the modding forum and read the thread. Now I'm playing it, and it's pretty awesome. I especially like all the custom workshops, mostly the less useful flavor ones. I've got a couple questions though.
1. The Crematorium: Awesome for flavor and a fix for what I understand was/is a bug with corpses not going away. I put mine into use for the first time when a large rat ran into a stockpile and started guzzling booze. After some dwarves wrassled it to death I burned its corpse along with some vermin a cat killed. No worries worked fine. I set it to repeat burn all corpses and forgot about it. Now some ghouls came along and after they got wrassled to death (finally got weapons made so no more wrassling from now on) I found I couldn't burn them in the crematorium. When I go to add a task there's just nothing there. It's blank. No possible tasks at the crematorium. I deconstructed it and built a new one in the same spot but the same issue persists. Nothing I can do at the crematorium. Any idea what's going on here?
2. About the custom workshops. Some of them are more obvious how to use like the awesome anatomical theatre (no more skill decay, sweet) but I'm not sure how to use some of the others. Like the Rockball court. I add a play rockball task but nobody seems to want to get in on the rockball action. What labor do I need to enable for them to use it? I'm not sure what labor one would turn on to use the training dummies, library, obstacle course, swimming pool or regular theatre either.
3. Just started a fort late night yesterday and you've already got a new version up! Would this one require a new world or would I just need to overwrite the files in my current installation?
Thanks in advance and again, great work! I just gotta state the custom workshops are awesome. I mean a swimming pool now? It makes so much sense yet I never would have thought of it. No more stationing military guys in locked water traps and filling them to the right water level then waiting for them to get hungry/thirsty/sleepy then draining the chamber then letting them out then doing it all over again.