Things are 89% done, three handfuls of creatures to update, and then test forts and more test adventurers... currently changing plant tiles away from workshop_toolbox tiles... via meeting the plants as adventurer. Some trees have gray/lightgray/reddish trunks instead of everything being brown!
Much to-do in the SHAPES of 40+ tree species... some just do not grow tall and useful!!!
Pic of Ironhand test adventurer and nature: '*' indicates catkins (dangling stacks of tree seeds).
Gave vocalizations to wild turkeys and wild sheep. And otters, sea otters, herons and ravens. Horse, zebra, deer sounds.
Unknown problem with 4armed humanoid gorilla, STRANGLER:
STRANGLER:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: 3EYES
STRANGLER:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: 1EYE
STRANGLER:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: 2EARS
STRANGLER:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: NOSE
STRANGLER:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: BRAIN
STRANGLER:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: SKULL
STRANGLER:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: MOUTH
STRANGLER:Body Token Recognized But Could Not Connect: FACIAL_FEATURES
WTF, strawberries in the desert?! Someone set them to NOT_FREEZING and DRY. I set them to better.
Long adventure where I found a HILLOCKS type dwarf town. Little hills as rooms. COOL.
Managed to get water from a river and meat from emus.
EDIT: 0.40.05 is out! didn't even have .04 on my disk, as I started with .03 to OldGenesis.
TODO: Several creature tweaks from .05 to OldGen