TomiTapio, any reason why did you reduce the cardinal (bird) population to 20:50 while keeping other vermin bird at 250:500?
P.S. Tomi, FYI, yaks do not moo, they growl. Now I have to combine your sounds with mine .
I guess the cardinal was very prominent on the world's population text export. I think 250-500 is for flies, maggots, beetles, earthworms; and smaller numbers for squirrels and birds. Anyways I still haven't made a giant squirrel.
I put placeholder "shuffles/a quiet shuffling" sound to all prone_to_rage beasts. Badger train shuffles choo-choo!
Got much more to do on adventurer-sounds front, but for now you get the eagle, pigeon seagull spiritraven noises okay.
Currently playing: Fallout 3 Mothership Zeta (did other expansions ages ago.)
(private message) zen caste
Zen goes well with archery skill.
Zen, give concentration, persuasion, judging_intent and comedian skill. Comedy because about... orcs mining skill xp gains are 8% instead of 100% ? That would certainly be different. Try [SKILL_RATE:MINING:8:60:12:120].
Also could make mining skill rust quickly: [SKILL_RATE:MINING:8:10:6:30]
AND make picks super expensive so can't embark with it.. (orcish rule: picks can only be made of steel)
TomiTapio, I've merged your changes in. I took everything but made some minor tweaks.
Are these all the creatures you've added, or did I miss some?
Thanks! Didya see Baldur Monk the naked Nord kung-fu master? (I couldn't get them to put clothes on. They're similar to a "wandering goblin hero" which I haven't made yet.)
Then I will have to update that damn japanese language file which I did not touch for a month, and make graphics for the new creatures, and it will be ready.
And Deon's changes will get merged to my sub-release...
How about an adventurer spell "bogeymen be gone"? But they're randomly named so syndrome cannot target only them..
Perhaps spell "summon pool of contact poison" since bogeys don't have footwear.