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Author Topic: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?  (Read 47236 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #90 on: April 05, 2010, 09:25:14 am »

Personally, and no one seems to have mentioned this as far as my quick search tells me, the menu navigation has been slowed down a lot by having to use the Esc key instead of just bashing the space bar all the time. I find this very frustrating. And on a positive note, great work Toady and all contributors and thanks for the release.

You can change the exit menu key back to space bar from the settings (esc-->key bindings). The only problem as far as I know is that you then can't type spaces in the Manager menu search function.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #91 on: April 05, 2010, 09:36:58 am »

You still can't choose what to make shit out of. Craftsdwarfs just grab the closest material. Maybe you can use burrows to set up a workshop + stockpile combo, but even then, it's too tedious and micro-manage-y compared to if you could just, you know, specify the damn material in the workshop order.
I do agree this is annoying; also wish that the same selection was available for studding/decorating items. Still, you gotta admit that being able to designate burrows does make it easier.... you can give the mason a burrow that only includes stone of interest, and remove him from the burrow when he's made what you want. Easier than locking and unlocking doors was.

It's still a pain in the arse though.

I always found stone fairly easy to work around using the economic stone settings. The primary downside of this method is that every workshop that uses stone will follow those settings, so either you'll have to only run one industry at a time when you want something specific or add some gold mechanisms to your exports (They're actually pretty damn effective exports).

My problem with control has always been with decorating specific items. Mass dumping both the items needing the decorations and the decorations themselves becomes tiresome quickly.

Main issue with the current version would probably be the amount of tweaking that the current combat system requires. It's most apparent with non-living creatures (Bronze Colossi and undead), but there have been times when I've seen living creatures remain alive despite having enough injuries to kill them several times over.

Yes, but can anyone come up with a decent excuse for why it is just just IN the shop?  Just like it is (and still is, I hope) in the menu for buildings. 

It's just silly.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #92 on: April 05, 2010, 09:57:34 am »

Main issue with the current version would probably be the amount of tweaking that the current combat system requires. It's most apparent with non-living creatures (Bronze Colossi and undead), but there have been times when I've seen living creatures remain alive despite having enough injuries to kill them several times over.

This is pretty much what happens to me and what I think should be fixed first.
Is apparently a Lizardman. ಠ_ಠ
"The pessimist is either always right or pleasantly surprised; he cherishes that which is good because he knows it cannot last."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #93 on: April 05, 2010, 11:00:44 am »

My current problem with the pathfinding centers around dwarves not seeing jobs. So far I've had:
  • Woodcutters failing to see trees until after they've eaten/slept/had a drink/it rained.
  • Miner/Masons failing to see dig designations after deconstructing buildings.
  • Masons walling themselves off and then not being able to build another wall with the stuff trapped on their side (distance to nearest rock being -32768 steps away instead of 2).
  • Farmers not seeing plants that can be brewed from one still but can see them from another.
  • 1 of 4 craftshops not being able to be built as it can't see the 1000+ non economical stones, until I deconstruct another shop. Then it only saw the 1 chert left by the deconstructed shop.
  • Dwarves finishing a job and not seeing any others until after drinking/sleeping etc...
  • Mason shops not seeing stones for use (followed by cancelation spam) until the 3rd time I tell it to build doors.
And many other small annoyances like constructions being right next to a stone and floor but being unaccesible, or walls that get suspended because the stone I selected was one that had fallen into a cavern and was -11387 steps away.
When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade.

When Dwarf Fortress gives you lemons, you mod them to have [DAMBLOCK:80][FLIER][FIREBREATH].


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #94 on: April 05, 2010, 11:15:10 am »

I had hoped this would be a civil and kinda fun discussion/vent, not a flamewar. Boo to the people who can't keep their tempers in their pants, yay to those being constructive.

I have to try that save/load to reset pathfinding thing. That could save me a ton of trouble even if it is still a nuisance... at least it would solve my #1 complaint. Anyone found a way to free the dwarves stuck on infinite training yet, or are they basically gone?
'River' cancels eat: Food is problematic.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #95 on: April 05, 2010, 11:19:01 am »

Anyone found a way to free the dwarves stuck on infinite training yet, or are they basically gone?

The issue is that the order criteria requires as many or more dwarves as there are in the squad. By reducing the criteria number to two-ish less than your squad total, they will be able to take breaks in turns and get food and whatnot. I think you want the fourth paragraph here for specifics. I'm about to add an FAQ to the military page; I'll include this question.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Black Wyvern
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #96 on: April 05, 2010, 11:52:52 am »

Most of what's been mentioned so far is stuff I'm fine with and can work around at worst. Even the military stuff doesn't bug me too much. But there are three things that seriously bug me about the latest release.

1. Pathfinding bugs. Finding out that the nearest stone is "-83734 spaces away". Watching miners cancel jobs for the tiles sitting right next to them. Having dwarves repeatedly start and cancel jobs for zones I thought I removed. Which ties into...

2. Zone removal. There is pretty much no more point to being able to remove individual zone tiles anymore. Worse, removing all the tiles from a zone doesn't actually remove the zone itself, leaving it in a state of eternal existential nonexistence. If it happened to be a pond, dwarves will try to fill it for the rest of your game. Emphasis on "try", since they don't know where it is anymore.

3. Blunt weapons, like hammers and maces. From what my friend is telling me, they're pretty much useless now. He had pretty much his entire military attacking a single goblin at one point with them, to no effect.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #97 on: April 05, 2010, 12:19:31 pm »


Well, my greatest frustration are definitely the immigration waves during the first year. Until the dwarven caravan comes, you will get three immigration waves, which are on the big side, boosting me regularly to about 18 dwarves, even if I have pop cap 8 or 0! This seriously undermines my efforts to do a slow-growing fortress.

I admit that I have currently invaders turned off because I want to see how far traps can take things. Besides, when I want a fight, there is a good chance that there is something in those 150 levels below my fortress that does not like me.

The toning down of the traps does not seem to be a fatal issue. Fully stacked weapon traps with low-quality mechanisms still do a good job at butchering deers and foxes (although things are getting much messier than in the previous version, with blood everywhere).

I don't have any speed or pathing problems at all, so no frustration from that.

The unrotting remains are a bit of annoying, but I am collecting them in a special refuse pile and regularly dump them into a single-tile murky pool.

The impossibility to cook meat is a greater annoyance, but not really frustrating.

The pack animals replacing wagons for the traders feels wrong, but does not hinder game play (especially since they always move swiftly, no matter how many elephants or anvils they carry).



  • Bay Watcher
  • o7
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #98 on: April 05, 2010, 12:41:33 pm »

The pack animals replacing wagons for the traders feels wrong, but does not hinder game play (especially since they always move swiftly, no matter how many elephants or anvils they carry).

...Wait, there's no more wagons? Then what did I spend my time making by fancy entrance path wide enough for? D:


  • Bay Watcher
  • There be no fortress without its feline rulers!
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #99 on: April 05, 2010, 01:12:01 pm »


...Wait, there's no more wagons? Then what did I spend my time making by fancy entrance path wide enough for? D:

At least in my fortresses (less than 10 years and less than 30 dwarves), I never got a single wagon. I even built paved roads from the depot to a map border, 5 tiles wide. Nothing.

I will try blocking that perfect path once to see if I can convince them to come.

But I have a hunch that they are absent because your average horse/mule/warthog can already carry more than a wagon (^_^;;



  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #100 on: April 05, 2010, 01:22:38 pm »

The only major issue I've had is the death of noble causing you to lose that nobility position.

My embark miner was my expedition leader/bookkeeper/manager and he "found" some magma. Losing 3/5 of your noble slots and being unable to issue work orders = bad.

For minor stuff:
-Planted items not harvested by season change disappearing
-Military not following their training schedule (standing around)
-Ramps from channeling (it's a neat feature but should be toggle-able or called something besides channeling)

As for the rest of the stuff people are complaining about... I have had very few issues with getting squads to attack something or even kill things (use axes/swords with hammers friends). I haven't run into the pathing problem either or really any slowdown. Maybe people just need to realize that DF finally requires a fairly sophisticated PC.

Porting mayday was fairly easy, and I was never hooked on DT, so overall I'm very happy with the release and congratulate Toady on his project.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #101 on: April 05, 2010, 01:50:54 pm »


Well, my greatest frustration are definitely the immigration waves during the first year. Until the dwarven caravan comes, you will get three immigration waves, which are on the big side, boosting me regularly to about 18 dwarves, even if I have pop cap 8 or 0! This seriously undermines my efforts to do a slow-growing fortress.

That's strange, I find the pop cap actually works better than previously, I always seem to get just the right amount of migrants to reach the cap and no more after that. It might have been just luck though, I haven't played that much yet. Also my first cap is usually at 15, so it could be that lower caps don't work as well.

I don't really mind some migrants even though I prefer slow growth. With 15 dwarves you have enough haulers to get things working smoothly and can even have a few soldiers if you like. The actually useful migrants of the new version are extra nice. Feeding isn't really a problem, as farming is still very powerful and butchering yields are overwhelming.

I admit that I have currently invaders turned off because I want to see how far traps can take things.

I wonder if anyone knows what kinds of invaders the invaders tag disables. Does that include the new (semi)megabeasts (probably)? What about 'normal' underground critters?

The impossibility to cook meat is a greater annoyance, but not really frustrating.

Just to point out, if you feel that you should be able to cook meat or other organs, you can add [EDIBLE_COOKED] to any or all items with [MEAT] in material_template_default.txt. I personally think that if you can eat meat and organs raw (as you can), you should obviously be able to cook them as well. If I understand correctly, this doesn't change the nutritional value of the food.

By the way, one more change that I like, that is not a frustration, but more of an added challenge: it's a bit harder to keep your dwarves happy, since all (working) dwarves are likely to get unhappy thoughts from hunger, thirst and tiredness now. Of course, it's nothing the old Legendary Dining Hall can't fix over time, but still it's nice to see dwarves that are not ecstatic all the time for a change.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #102 on: April 05, 2010, 01:59:20 pm »


Well, it seems that the low pop caps only kick in after the first dwarven caravan. And in the previous versions, I got relatively few immigrants in the waves, compared to what I have now. I usually had up to 12 dwarves max, I think, due to immigration. But once the pop cap kicks in, it is solid as a rock, it seems.

Underground beasties like trolls are already there and hostile. I was able to see that in my first fortress, and I am pretty sure I had invasions turned off there as well.

As for megabeasts/titans, I can't tell because I boosted their requirement in the generation to ridiculous values so that they will never visit me. (I prefer to have my dwarves live)

Ah, I know about the fix for the cooking, but I do not like changing the raws unless it is really necessary. And the missing cooking is more a flavor issue (the one modification I simply had to do was the cat bug fix for 40d).

My personal experience with the unhappy thoughts is that they are not that significant. My current fortress is in it 7th year, I think, and I still have them sleep in a single, simple dormatory, have no dining room, and actually no meeting area (that one is about to be completed after years of hard work (^_^;; ). In the new version, the only really unhappy dwarf I have seen thus far was a female dwarf who had had a miscarriage. That really made her very unhappy for quite a long time.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #103 on: April 05, 2010, 02:56:38 pm »

Things never die!
I had 14 dogs and 7 dwarves all kick and punch a giant.
He didn't want to die so I abandoned the fort.

It's so frustrating. Things should pass out, and then die from cumulative damage to organs. This is ridiculous.
Anyone knows if this is going to be fixed?

You can punch out someone to death in rl, so I don't see a need to have a sword in a wrestling brawl.

Also my dwarves went straight to legendary wrestlers in only one fight.
that's just ridiculous...

(name here)

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: What is your biggest frustration in 0.31?
« Reply #104 on: April 05, 2010, 03:37:58 pm »

The map has too many levels.
Only in Dwarf Fortress would you try to catch a mermaid to butcher her and make trophies out of her bones 
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