How much harder would it have to be for you to accept it as "effectively" harder? Limiting the tool to designating one tile at a time? For the kind of widespread use the channels have, doubling the designations required is just the right amount of "hard".
There is only one person that can say "that's the right amount of effort", and that's Toady. [flames removed - threetoe]
We've already established that this change to channeling fails to meet any of its design requirements. It exposes more of the games bugs. It is
inconsistant with the rest of dwarven digging. We have also established that according to "Sean Mirrsen's" own logic, this change needs to be
UNDONE, and Seiging and better Pathfinding to be be done soonest. So why is "Sean Mirrsen" constantly returning to points he has acknowledged were bad/false? That makes no sense whatsoever. But here you, Sean Mirrsen, are again, defending the change. Frankly, these topic would have died out days ago if you hadn't kept returning to say the same proven false positions and stating the exact same opinion, "Toady can do no wrong so this change must work exactly as envisioned and therefore be exactly right."
So, are you a sock puppet for Toady or just his one of his most hardcore faithful? Look through these threads, where you've acknowledged that your own position is that digging needs to be made consistant (with channeling reverting until digging and new mechanisms functionality is added in, to support clean breaching and safer digging among other things, while also giving us new channelling functionality for designating down ramps from same level), seiging needs to fix the "unstoppable moat/wall" issues, and all the other fixes required (pathfinding, etc). But after all that, back you circle to the beginning: "Toady did it to make defending by moat more irritating to the user without actually making it any more challenging to the user, thus needlessly angering his user base and his paying customers,
Consider, your latest return has you back on the track of "make old style channelling take twice as long, and not irritate the players by double designation AND avoid all the exposed bugs which will get fixed in future arcs of DF." Note that the "Old Channelling" camp doesn't care how long channelling takes, just that they have that functionality back--- not for "instant moat defense", but all the other places that old style channeling is superior (channeling into a freezing aquafier, clean breaches, no death for miners due to the ground they are standing on being channeled away, etc).