Journal Entry #1Angelsmash ahoy!
I hear those impious lads over at the new settlement are in trouble, something about nobody wanting to "volunteer" for soldier duty. Looks like it's time for me to head over and remind these guys they're not some clean-shaven elves. Off we go!
First things first, need to set up my command center. Aha, is that blue metal I see? Looks like these lads
are good miners, even if they can't tell their ass from an ax.
Alright, now that I've got appropriately decadent diggs (and a full set of gem encrusted solid gold furniture) it's time to make some armor and get these guys training! Let the brave new defenders of our home be called the "Diamond Treaties." It may fool our foes into believing we might show mercy. Ha!
Journal Entry #2Oh ho! Looks like we've decided to beef up just in time!
These austere caverns are beautiful:
But they fester with mind-rending abominations:
Best leave this fiend be until we've had time to train up a bit.
Journal Entry #3We faced our first gobbos today. We had minimal casualties, but the lads sure made a mockery of themselves with those axes. Sigh, back to training for those left standing.
Journal Entry #4Dear Armok! More demons wriggle their way into the deep!
I understand some of the humans worship this
monstrosity as a mother goddess. I don't think I'll ever understand their bizarre ways.
Unfortunately for us, the last guy in charge of this place thought the fort was safe from underground invaders because he'd blocked off all ground level access. Well. He hadn't considered
giant bees that
fricken fly when he left all those other breaches into the caverns open. Lucky for us, the hallways are teeming with war-jaguars and whatnot. We lost one jaguar, but I can't help feeling it would have been 6-7 "axe" dwarfs if they'd been first to respond instead.
Journal Entry #5The goblins are back! A group of the cowards ambushed Lieam the Mason right in front of our traps. With the military still training and recovering, I thought it best to order everyone inside and let the cage traps do what our military could not. I knew Lieam was in a bad place, but I never expected what happened next.
Sensing the cage traps just beyond their position, a group of 4 goblins simultaneously tore into Liam. I thought he would make a brave, and short, last stand.
But those bastards weren't satisfied with simply taking his life. No, they wanted to have some fun. As all the fort looked on in horror they continued to bloody him up, refusing to land the fatal blow.
On and on they went, as what used to be his head slowly became recognizable only by the breaths he was
still taking through his toothless mouth.
In what could only be an attempt to lure us out of hiding, they began to
tear pieces of flesh off his face and fling them around like party favors. Soon the field was littered with pieces of Lieam.
Able to bear it no longer, the lads rush out to end this horror show. Killing all but one goblin, they begin to avenge Lieam and repay the foul creature in kind. Finally bleeding to death, the last thing Lieam would have seen (if he still had eyes) would have been the lads turning this goblin into a mess of bone, blood, and matted hair for hours on end.
Following the day's atrocities, the fort returns to a semblance of normalcy. All, that is, except for Lieam's young child. It seems that witnessing the torture and murder of his father has proved too much for this little one. May they meet again in the world beyond.
Journal Entry #6Having truly experienced the horrors of the battlefield, the military hunkers down for some serious drill time. Some of them are beginning to look adequate with an axe.
As they train, I set myself to extracting and processing adamantine for our future armor.
I also decide to use all the stone lying around to do something useful. Eying the hill across the valley, I know just what we need. A bridge.
Yup, a big ole' bridge
Lacking the quartzite I require to finish the bridge, I decide to quarry some. Looking at the quarry, an idea strikes me. This impious fortress lacks a proper altar to Armok. I think I have just enough time to remedy that.
The quarry becomes a cavern. Unwilling to let the massive amount of stone clutter the fortress I decide to completely wall in the nearby hillside with a 4 story tall barrier.
Back underground, an unbreakable altar is erected and I fashion a mosaic from the living stone in homage to Armok's greatness.
I really wish the blue of cobaltite and kimberlite came through in Stonesense.
This is the coloring I had in mind for the mosaic.
And with that, my time here is finished. I move on, confident that my successor will uphold the hard-fought discipline and faith of Anglesmash.
Map with POI.