In an abandoned, tear-stained diary...1st of Granite, Early Spring.I, Doom Frenzymerchants, have been appointed ruler. Of course, it was to be expected. After all, I am a talented mason and a proficient mechanic. They knew exactly who would get this place up and running to a true, dwarven standard.,

I took the time to take myself away from my statues of pumpkin fiends and Mr. Azureshadow hugging a dog to properly survey the land. What I saw both shocked and appalled me.
The entrance is left with it's gates unbarred. Hell, I don't even think we HAVE bars. Tosid Greatestlightnings, god of war and fortresses would be greatly displeased. We are nowhere near looking like a fortress, nor are we ready for war!
We have no bedrooms, but a small, communal sleeping area. I plan to rectify this immediately. Individual rooms for everyone! A large area of trees has been tasked for demolition and the carpenter is being readied to turn those disgusting monuments to elven nature into true, dwarven sleeping quarters.
The workshops are outside. Not inside, like any sane dwarf would do, but outside, in the open. Was our previous ruler inviting the goblin hordes in for a chat? Would he simply let those kobolds take a souvenir? Not in my fortress!
In summary, I have a lot to do. I may well have to put down this diary and get to work immediately. I am wasting far too much time already!
Below is a bunch of crossed out scribbles of an unknown design1st of Slate, Mid-SpringBedding is finally complete for all current dwarves, including a luxurious suite for myself. Of course, this is necessary for me to have, so I may have extra room to plan the wondrous defences of this nightmare.
I set up a small, rudimentary entrance wall. I plan to extend it later, as this is only the beginning of something great. Tosid would be proud of his most faithful ruler.
15th of Felsite, Late SpringThe miner Catten Lortomem is taken by a strange mood and withdraws from society. She seems peculiarly secretive, muttering something about an amazing idea. I heard this first-hand as she pushed past me and claimed my mason's workshop. As soon as she got to my seat, she declared that no one was to touch it and promptly ran off. She came back no less than a minute later with a kaolinite boulder and began working on a mysterious construction. I swear, she's moved all my toolboxes around the doorway so you can't look in.
19th of Felsite, Late SpringElven traders arrived. I'll give them some of our stone trinkets and steal their cloth for later. Maybe they might even have some of the wondrous beasts those hippies are rumoured to have! No doubt we'll get nothing but plants off them...
20th of Felsite, Late SpringThe miner Catten walked out with an amazing looking kaolinite coffer. She calls it, Hooddeath the Ignition of Gulfs and AzureShadow tells us it is worth 2,400 db. It has an image of a cow on it. Catten apparently quite likes cows.
After a quick meeting with the elves which apparently went quite sour when AzureShadow attempted to trade them a wooden bin full of our goods (much to their dismay), the elves told us they were leaving. I ordered many of their goods seized and sent them on our way. We now have a surplus of booze, cloth and thread, as well as many splints and crutches for our new hospital. I also managed to get a breeding pair of wolves to replace our guard dogs. No one will want to sneak in when the entrance is guarded by vicious wolves!
18th of Hematite, Early SummerWe have a small military of two peasants, both of whom have been armed and armoured with iron mail and battle axes. They have been set to train around an armour stand and one of them even took up a new name to commemorate the occasion! Arrowplain is now the militia commander.
18th of Galena, Late SummerNot much has happened. Expanded our dining room, and all the tables and chairs are nearly complete, added more beds to our hospital area and some humans have shown up to trade.
For some reason, Mr Azureshadow refuses to talk to the humans. He tells me he is on break, but he's taking an awful long break!
23rd of Galena, Late SummerAzureShadow still refuses to come off break so I can get these humans out of my fortress. Meanwhile, the blacksmith Udil Oltarudiz has become as secretive as Catten did earlier and has withdrawn from society. Perhaps another shining artefact awaits us? He immediately took the metalsmith's forge and got to work on one of the iron bars that was already there. These 'strange moods' are particularly disruptive, but always of great profit. I've heard about things like this happening to outposts, especially when the dwarven number is greater than 20.
1st of Limestone, Early AutumnAzureShadow is still on break. Lazy bastard.
But, in other news, the blacksmith has made something marvellous, something amazing, something... stupid. 'Sootpines the Flowery Covers', he calls it. It's just a rod of iron with a nice image in it! It's a SPLINT. If only I could record into words the motion my hand is doing as it impacts with my face in utter disgust. I guess you could call it a facepalm. Yeah, that has a nice ring to it. When I found out, I did a facepalm.
2nd of LimestoneNews again so soon, diary! AzureShadow = Still on break.
The woodcutter gave birth to a bouncing baby boy, much to our delight.

The mother Urdim and the father 'Zaerosz' are both incredibly proud of Doren Plankstakes, the dwarven baby. Congratulations to them!
20th of LimestoneHearing rumours of a cavern network running below the fortress, I sent out our miners to dig deep and find what they could. No sooner than they were 25 levels under the ground (a mere 20 flights of stairs from the bottom of our fortress!) than did they find an expansive cavern deep underground. It looks muddy, and there are some large mushrooms growing down there, as well as some water and what looks to be some very expensive silk. I may have to leave this for now and let another explore it. We are not ready... yet.
15th of Sandstone, Mid-autumnStarted turning all that native gold ore into gold bars. As is dwarven custom, I will of course be handing the reins to another dwarf at the end of this year and I'm sure that eventually the reins will find someone eccentric enough to make use of the gold. Whatever happens, it should be... interesting.
On another note, the military dwarves are stupid.

They continuously complain that they have been drafted from/to the military when they go off to get a drink, which is no ones fault but their own. After they're done complaining, they sit there and 'Organize Training Sessions'. More like an excuse to sit there and do nothing and then pretend it's hard. Geez, Arrowplain has learnt to be a dabbling dodger and dabbling fighter from these training sessions, probably because Sibrek keeps throwing things at his complaining behind and then trying to punch him. Sibrek actually learnt how to be an axedwarf from swinging his axe around SOLO. I really wish they'd go back to the individual training.
12th of Timber, Late AutumnDwarven traders arrived, as well as our very militant liaison. The traders have a wide variety of goods and I am heavily impressed by them.

Needless to say, we bought their entire stock. We now have four bars of platinum. Joy.
In other news, AzureShadow is terrible at his job and the military is miserable because they probably cut themselves. Also, we decided to use some exploratory tunnels to peek into the underground. So far we haven't spotted anything living apart from a cave spider, but there is evidence of a few giant cave spiders hiding in there. Might want to be careful.
15th of TimberSpotted something moving in the depths. Apparently it's called a Gorlak. A small, round humanoid found wandering the caves deep underground. Most of it's body is taken up by a huge tusked mouth. It's really skin, coloured goldenrod. Piercing red eyes on it, too. I decided to completely ignore it, seeing as our tunnels can't allow access down into the caverns (or vice versa)
10th of Moonstone, Early WinterSibrek the axedwarf has been stricken by melancholy. Good riddance, I say. He was never useful to us, and was no more than an adequate axe-dwarf. I'll be sending him and his miserable buddy into the caverns to go and find my giant cave spider. Those two WILL have a use for me yet.
17th of MoonstoneSibrek the melancholy axedwarf finally reached the staircase when LO AND BEHOLD, there was a gremlin.

Sibrek probably said something very sad, because the gremlin bolted away from him. I pity that poor gremlin. Those two are still randomly running around the caverns. I locked them down there so they can be sad in peace. Hopefully the next ruler will have better luck.
28th of MoonstoneI heard shouts of fighting from in the caverns. Mr Arrowplain has engaged a band of troglodytes! I managed to watch from an observation tunnel as he furiously cut them down. He looks utterly hopeless with that axe, but he's still doing the job. Maybe if he kills them all, he can come back up...
3rd of Opal, Mid-winterMelbil Oilenjoy appears to be possessed by unknown forces! He ran and claimed the craftsdwarf shop. Perhaps another of these 'strange mood's? He took kaolinite, limonite (an ore of iron!), some rope reed cloth and a turtle shell before beginning work. This ought to be good...
9th of OpalMelbil emerges confused and unsure with a very pretty kaolinite crown that he is CERTAIN is called Grievingwither the Flash of Song. Well, it's very nice, but we can't do anything with it. Melbil didn't look too happy when I told him this, so I said we'd put it in a special place.
It's called the stockpile.
13th of OpalHorde of racoons attempt to enter fortress, two get caged and one gets made into a bloody paste by my cage traps. Apparently they had a go at a dog and it bled all over my brand new golden road. Maybe my doctor will help out the poor doggy.
17th of OpalDoctor did not help out the battered dog, but the dog seems okay otherwise. In other news, Arrowplains the axedwarf finally fell to melancholy after killing fifteen troglodytes, two trolls and one giant bat. From what I can tell, he was off to go kill a cave crocodile when he lost it. Ah well. He served me well while he lasted and now the caverns are full of miasma. Excellent. Makes it a bit easier for whoever ventures downward next time.
16th of ObsidianA snatcher attempts to snatch the baby from the arms of my woodcutter. The woodcutter barely misses chopping the foolish goblin's head off and carries on with her work as the goblin flees for his very life. Hopefully that should send them a message of what to expect at mighty Angelsmash. An axe to the face, that is!
21st of Obsidian!
No! No no no! Not right now, go away!
Goblins have sprung from ambush, probably directed by that stupid snatcher from before! I've sent off all four miners and the expedition leader (with his woodcutting axe) to deal with them. There's a lot of bows and a pike, but we have armour. It shouldn't be too hard, hopefully!
teardrops mark the pageNo... they got Demonic Spoon. He was a good friend of mine. I'm very unhappy about this... They're currently pummeling some dwarves into the ground, apparently out of ammo. The fools! They ran out with no armour, no weapons! The miners dropped their picks! The fools!
They got Tekkud too. He bled out. I'm so miserable... ARGH!

I needed that...
There is no more writing except for a hastily attached image of the stocks report====
Well, that was certainly Fun! The military screen is COMPLEX. I can't make them do what I want!
I'll upload the save shortly, but the next ruler should be aware:
- My character is probably going to tantrum something fierce when she wakes up
- There are four goblins currently pummeling some recruits with their bows outside. Might want to deal with that.
- There are three caged goblins, but they are behind the pummellers.
- We need a military. Clearly.