So, after reading through boatmurdered again yesterday, I'm feeling a bit inspired to make a succession game. I'll play a year and pass it off to the next person, and we'll log the more important events with screenshots and whatnot. Fairly simple, I hope.
is my first succession game, so it should be interesting... in a FUN way of course.
If you wish to play, post a reply saying so and I'll put you on the list.
Year 102 - AzureShadow (completed)
Year 103 - Doomshifter (completed)(possibly failed)
Year 104 - Demonic Spoon
Year 105 - Graebeard
Year 106 - SanDiego
Year 107 - Matuin
Year 108 - Andreas
Year 109 - Fault
Year 110 - AzureShadow
Sediltob - Angelsmash7th of Granite, year 102Due to various... incidents back at home, I've been sent along with an expedition to found a new settlement. And what's worse, I'm supposed to be their
bookkeeper. Can you believe that? Me, of all people, keeping track of absurd amounts of silly little irrelevant things like seeds and chairs and what have you. Completely ridiculous...
And who in hell named this place, anyway? Angelsmash? That sounds like the name of a big, stupid demon warrior or something to that effect. Doesn't exactly bode well for what terrible things might happen to me here, but I can't exactly do anything about it now can I?
Anyhow, the settling has gone rather smoothly so far... Or at least it seems that way to me. It turns out the entire mountain is made of some kind of red stone... An excellent color, if you ask me. Keeps blood stains discreet and out of sight, and with the lot I'm holed up in here with it's only a matter of time before we see some of those.
26th of GraniteA little something of note - This mountain is LOADED! Not two weeks and our miners have unearthed a large supply of gold, iron, gems, and all sorts of other wonderful little treasures. On top of that, the area is rich in sand and lumber, too. Perhaps this little expedition wasn't such a bad idea after all... it might just mean an early retirement for me.
8th of HematiteProduction has been progressing steadily for the past couple months. Irrigation of the farm plot is nearly finished, trade good production is in full swing, fish and beer are getting churned out regularly... And best of all, my office is furnished! It looks so lavish compared to the rest of this miserable hole. I suspect some of my companions may be growing jealous, but at the very least I deserve something nice for all the effort I've put in, right?
Word has gotten around that there may be a caravan stopping by in another month or so... I'm certainly looking forward to trading for some clothing and perhaps weapons, which we all are in need of at this point.
1st of LimestoneConvenience is amazing. Right after installing the Smelter and Metalworker's Forge next to a Coal deposit, the miners working on the well dug out an enormous supply of hematite. Smelting begins immediately, and with any luck we'll have a nice cache of weapons and armor by winter's end.
Speaking of the seasons, it's the beginning of Autumn which means we'll be seeing a supply caravan soon... Good thing too, because we certainly have a lot to ship out.
1st of SandstoneA miner and a metalworker showed up today, oddly enough just as I was wishing our metal production could get off its feet a little faster. Perhaps the angels have forgiven the name of our lovely abode?
Also, I've been thinking lately... It's awfully peaceful here. I haven't seen hide nor hair of a Kobold or Goblin at all since we arrived, and from what I've heard of other such expeditions those show up a lot. Well, I can't exactly complain, right?
I'm also fairly convinced our high-and-mighty expedition leader is a total head case. He was installing a floodgate for the construction of the well, and he was standing on the wrong side of it, and it took three days before the rest of it got finished so the thing could be opened. What an idiot...
22nd of TimberThe caravan from Thikenetur has finally arrived! Unfortunately, everyone is too stupid to stop what they're doing to go load up the Trade Depot, so it will still be a while before anything of value happens. The well is done, the forges are running, there's plenty of food and whatnot for winter... Everything's looking good.
18th of MoonstoneThese idiots finally loaded up the Trade Depot right before the caravan was going to leave, and we were able to conduct some business. A masterpiece ring the stonecrafter made traded for half of what the caravan brought with them, and all was good. Out of the deal, we made off with a few dozen bits of cloth, a few more anvils, some leather, seeds, clothing, metal... We'll certainly have plenty of tasks for the next wave of idiots who show up to live here, that's for sure.
After all the recent hysteria, mostly everything is unorganized and messy. I'm having everyone, including myself, drop all tasks except making containers and hauling. Hopefully we can get everything reorganized by the end of winter...
28th of ObsidianWell, as it turns out, the powers that be (whoever they are) have decided that I've done enough and are giving someone else charge of the outpost. I'm not complaining, but I'm fairly sure this place is totally fucked. Regardless, with all hopes that it will succeed, I'm writing down some last-minute instructions for things in case they're needed.
Iron production is going at full speed, the master armorsmith is cranking out armor and the other metalworker is making bars. Gems are being cut, statues are being made, barrels and bins are being made to keep up with demand for them, etc. The farm in the "basement" will probably need re-managing for the next year, but apart from that everything is progressing on its own.
There are three levers set up for floodgates, I highly recommend not touching them unless you enjoy death and destruction, as they control the water for irrigation and the well. There's also a huge amount of metal and whatnot down in that area too, including gold and tetrahedryte if anybody cares to make electrum.
Well, whoever ends up taking up this little piss-hole, good luck. You'll need it.
Oh, and as a final note, here are the stocks for the end of the year.