Does the dungeon master still arrive? I heard you could fix nobles not immigrating by preventing the liasion from talking to your expedition leader until the caravan he comes with has left the map.
Err... you are confused. It would be fairer to ask "Does the dungeon master still NOT arrive?" The answer to that is "Yes, in 0.31.25, the dungeon master is still broken and still does not arrive." We haven't had a working dungeon master in any DF2010 release.
"Fix nobles not immigrating" is confusing me. I'm not sure what condition you are encountering and what change you would like to see. Nobles do not immigrate in DF2010, except for the
monarch, should you meet the conditions for this. All the other nobles (
such as they are) are appointed from your existing population.
"Preventing the liaison from talking to your leader" is a workaround needed in older DF2010 releases that had a bug. In those versions, you had to delay the meeting in order to get the Baron appointment dialog. This is no longer the case in .25, except for apparently one person who may or may not be seeing this bug again.
So: if you want a Baron/Count/Duke, make sure you're playing an up-to-date version, let your population grow, build wealth, trade a lot of it away, and make sure your exports successfully leave the map. If you want a King/Queen, build a crapload of expensive roads and bridges, give a large gift to the dwarven caravan, make sure it gets off the map, build your population even higher, etc. If you want a Dungeon Master, either play an ancient version where it's implemented, or wait for Toady to implement it in DF2010. If you just want to tame exotic beasts and don't care whether you accomplish it via a Dungeon Master, edit the raws.