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Author Topic: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread  (Read 1195261 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10620 on: April 12, 2011, 10:23:38 pm »

At the moment my farming is either producing far more than I need or I'm having food shortages. So I have a few questions:

1. Once a seed is planted on a farm tile, does the amount of crops that grow from that tile vary from 1-5 stacks? Is a stack of 5 the most that grows from a single planted tile? Is it the same for all plants or does it vary?

2.What's the difference between a legendary grower and a dabbling one? Will a legendary plant seeds faster? Will the legendary produce bigger stacks of plants? Will the dabbler produce only small stacks and maybe not grow at all and lose seeds?

3.Does 1 unit of crop always make 5 unit of booze?

4.I read on the wiki that plump helmets and pigtails grow 3 times a season compared to 2 for the others. Any point in growing other crops besides these?

5.Any point in growing surface crops (besides when your starting civ has no crops for you)?

6.Flour, Sugar, and Quarry Bush Leaves. Are they worth it?

1. Farmer skill plays a role in how many stacks of food get harvested from a single farm tile.
2. See #1, legendary growers get bigger harvests (and work faster?)
3. Not sure, I think so because I think brewer skill only affects drink quality
4. If I have 9 farm tiles, 2 are for plump helms, 2 for cave wheat, 2 for sweet pods, 1 for quarry, 1 for dimple and 1 for pig tails.  Total farm tiles that I usually have is around 27-36 tiles.  That lets the sweet pod fields lie fallow when it's not their season.
5. If you have surface dirt / sand and spare room, I always grow strawberrys, prickles and any other surface crop that produces alcohol.
6. Yes.

One of my first 7 dwarves is 100% farmer.  They tend the fields, keep the seeds planted and harvested (and I only let farmers harvest using the "orders" menu).  Their side job is brewing.  Usually a few at a time (so I'll queue up 3 brews in the still's task list).

When you get your first wave of migrants, one of those gets turned into a cook/farmer and I setup nest boxes (usually 2-3) and an egg stockpile by the kitchen.  The still still gets operated manually as does the kitchen (if there are eggs in the barrels, I make lavish meals, otherwise the cook gets the day off).

When I hit 30 dwarves, one of them gets to be a brewer full time with no other tasks and the farmer gets to focus on farming.  Now the still goes on repeat and I start making rock pots out the wazoo.  My goal is to have 10 units of drink for every dwarf in the fort.  If the still gets cluttered, then I'll setup another booze stockpile somewhere - or if I'm close to my 10x number, I'll just leave it cluttered so that the brewer is auto-throttled on their output.  (Clutter reduces the speed of production.)

Also at this point (30-50 dwarves), I probably have a full-time cook with Lavish Meals on repeat, at least one tanner/farmer, one butcher/farmer and one cook/farmer (to process fat from butcher shop).  I might have a few more nest boxes, and might even start processing leaves/grain into flour/syrup/etc.

At 100 dwarves, I might add a 2nd full-time brewer.  I probably have small 3x4 or 2x3 stockpiles of booze hidden in nooks and crannies all over the fort, up on the outer walls, down in the magma forges, etc.  That's more efficient because dwarves go to the booze pile to drink and it helps if they're close to wherever the dwarf gets thirsty.  Plus, in a bad situation where I lose part of the fort, I don't lose all my booze.  Food stockpiles tend to be 100% prepared food only, in barrels, near the dining rooms.  (Create a food stockpile, block all food types, hit 'u' to turn prepared foods back on.)

Basically, you don't need to micromanage the food or drink situation too much.  Setup a 3x5 or 2x8 plot for each crop type, maybe two plots for plump helmets, and let the farmers have at it.  Give them stockpiles near the kitchen/still to store the raw plants and it basically just works.

I've had forts with 150 dwarves where I had about 2500-3000 drink and 1500 prepared food.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10621 on: April 12, 2011, 10:24:49 pm »

Pre-edit: ninja'd.

At the moment my farming is either producing far more than I need or I'm having food shortages. So I have a few questions:

1. Once a seed is planted on a farm tile, does the amount of crops that grow from that tile vary from 1-5 stacks? Is a stack of 5 the most that grows from a single planted tile? Is it the same for all plants or does it vary?

2.What's the difference between a legendary grower and a dabbling one? Will a legendary plant seeds faster? Will the legendary produce bigger stacks of plants? Will the dabbler produce only small stacks and maybe not grow at all and lose seeds?

3.Does 1 unit of crop always make 5 unit of booze?

4.I read on the wiki that plump helmets and pigtails grow 3 times a season compared to 2 for the others. Any point in growing other crops besides these?

5.Any point in growing surface crops (besides when your starting civ has no crops for you)?

6.Flour, Sugar, and Quarry Bush Leaves. Are they worth it?
1+2: It depends on the planter's skill. The more experienced farmers will yield larger stacks. You can also burn wood into ash and then into potash to use as fertilizer, which from what I understand may boost stacks up to 9 or 10 (That's only what I've read, mind!)

3: Aye, pretty sure it does.

4: Plump helmets and pig tails produce two of the dwarven brews. Cave wheat and sweet pods produce the other two. It's worth having, at least for the sake of having some variety of booze for your dwarves.

5: There are two regularly available dyes (blade weed and hide root); several plants will yield other types of booze. Rope Reed is another source of thread and fabric. If you've got a soil layer topside and you can guarantee the safety of the farm plots+farmers (like by walling it in), it's an easy source of year-round crops. Easy to get started initially, too.

6. Quarry bush leaves absolutely; quarry bushes can yield huge amounts of food with very little seed. Each bush yields a stack of 5 leaves, and each leaf is its own 'meal'. So you could end up making a 100-stack quarry bush roast. Also, rock nuts can be pressed into an oil (I think you'll need a jug to do it), which you can make soap from instead of tallow.

Flour and sugar are really personal preferences. I've read that syrup is more valuable as an end-product compared to sugar, but you'll need a barrel instead of a bag. Flour and sugar can be cooked by themselves; you'll need a dry ingredient if you want to cook the syrup.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10622 on: April 12, 2011, 10:59:55 pm »

okay, about to make my farm, then re-route the water to fill a reservoire...

im in a sinister temperate broadleaf forest...

do i run the risk of having any building destroyers running into any drained lakes and ripping off the floodgates?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10623 on: April 13, 2011, 04:26:53 am »


Another important thing to note in regard to the offering.

You cannot offer goods that you didn't create. Anything in the trade screen that has white text cannot be offered. Only goods with yellow text are allowed.

This might explain why the "Offer marked" text is disabled.
That's what I did. I offered for more than 5000 of gold craft of my own to an elvish caravan but when I look at the requirements to become a capital,crafted value, road value and offering, the latter is still blocked at zero. I am a bit puzzled, and I am wondering if "offering to caravans" are counted in "offering to be a capital" holds for the dwarven caravan only. Can someone confirm?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10624 on: April 13, 2011, 04:55:42 am »

okay, about to make my farm, then re-route the water to fill a reservoire...

im in a sinister temperate broadleaf forest...

do i run the risk of having any building destroyers running into any drained lakes and ripping off the floodgates?

I always create a natural stone fortification between water source and my water storage.  Even if I have to go down several Z levels to do it.  I think a created wall which is then carved with fortifications would also work, but not 100% certain that nothing will bash that type of fortification.
How did I miss the existence of this thread?
(Don't attempt to answer that.  Down that path lies ... well I was going to say madness but you all run towards madness as if it was made from chocolate and puppies.  Just forget I said anything.)


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nowan Ilfideme
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10625 on: April 13, 2011, 04:58:10 am »

you can now be 100% certain that no-one can bash it  :P
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10626 on: April 13, 2011, 05:55:53 am »

My civilization is at war with the elves and they dont seem to exist anymore (civs-tab say I dont have any leaders).
I never played without any new migrants coming to the fortress, so:

Is it even worth the effort (apart from the roleplaying perspective) to keep on building your fortress with only 7 dwarves? Did any of you do this before - what were your impressions?
I guess, I'll just have to lock myself in for a couple of years to breed supersoldiers... then again, locking yourself in is always very boring.
Is there any real chance of getting new dwarves? Waiting for children to be born and to mature would be awfully boring.
(a>b) ? false : true


  • Bay Watcher
  • Nowan Ilfideme
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10627 on: April 13, 2011, 05:58:07 am »

you will have 2 migrant waves come in though, these are hard-coded.
other than that, you're toast. no caravans, so you can just huddle in after the waves and close off.
My Mafia Stats
just do whatevery tolyK and blame it as a bastard mod
Shakerag: Who are you personally suspicious of?
At this point?  TolyK.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10628 on: April 13, 2011, 06:33:23 am »

Playing as the last reminders of an lost Civ is pretty cool though.
If diplomacy ever comes to function one could eventually do peace with elves after some time or perhaps even try to counterstrike , but with such a low population I guess it would be a couple of hundred years and massive inn-breeding before you could even go outside.

Heh, you should "tame" elven women and use those for babie making :P


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10629 on: April 13, 2011, 07:39:19 am »

Flour and sugar are really personal preferences. I've read that syrup is more valuable as an end-product compared to sugar, but you'll need a barrel instead of a bag. Flour and sugar can be cooked by themselves; you'll need a dry ingredient if you want to cook the syrup.

Dwarven syrup (made from sweet pods) has a 5x multiplier on the stack size, just like quarry leaves.  I.e., you get a barrel of dwarven syrup (10) from a stack of sweet pods (2).

Dwarven sugar, also made from sweet pods, does not.  You get a bag of dwarven sugar (2) from a stack of sweet pods (2).

Stone pots do not currently work for processing sweet pods into syrup.  You need barrels, either wooden or metal.
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10630 on: April 13, 2011, 07:41:23 am »

That's what I did. I offered for more than 5000 of gold craft of my own to an elvish caravan

Why would your dwarven civilization care about anything you give to elves?

I am wondering if "offering to caravans" are counted in "offering to be a capital" holds for the dwarven caravan only. Can someone confirm?

At least in 40d, yes, that was the case.  I'm surprised you're surprised by this.
Hell, if nobody's suffocated because of it, it hardly counts as a bug! -- StLeibowitz


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10631 on: April 13, 2011, 09:28:21 am »

Is there any way to find a name in the engraving list? I've spend way too much time trying to find the name of a merchant marksdwarf who perished a while back.  >:(
Memento Mori


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10632 on: April 13, 2011, 12:41:59 pm »

Is there any way to find a name in the engraving list? I've spend way too much time trying to find the name of a merchant marksdwarf who perished a while back.  >:(
Look for his name on the [ u ]nits screen. If the same name doesn't show up on the engrave list for memorials, then you can't make a slab for him.

Mister Always

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10633 on: April 13, 2011, 01:00:40 pm »

Enemies don't get pissed off at being stuffed into cages by the dozens, right? I wanna make a Dobermann Bomb, you see.
"""The ability to quote is a serviceable substitute for wit." - W. Somerset Maugham" -Forumite" -Mister Always

Urist Imiknorris

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Re: The DF2010 Little Questions Thread
« Reply #10634 on: April 13, 2011, 01:23:39 pm »

They're fine with it.
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