What happens to rooms when dwarfs marry? Sompe people readjust bedrooms after marrige, but I haven't seen any ill effects from not doing that. If this is just about married couple owning two bedrooms while needing 1 I'm fine with that, I can simply designate more bedrooms when I need them.
Is it generally a good idea to use gold / platinum / aluminum in unsmelted form for mason's workshop (profiled to legendary +5 masons ofc)? Some things can be made from rock or metal, and using rock is easier. I once got a bunch of mason'ed tin doors from quantum dump mismanagement. Sure, I need to smelt metal to make chains, and corkscrews, and such, but not coffers for example. Can I smelt metal furniture made at masons worksop (from ore)? What should I make with precious metals, beside statue garden? I should probably get about a 100 bars of every kind of alloy for strange moods and mandates, but beside that alloys don't seem overally better than simple metals. Is there other reason to make them beside moods, mandates, color-coding, and mariginall increase in overall value, while bars of alloys are still less valuable than one of its ingrediants? Well, reasons for making steel, bronze and bismuth bronze are kinda obvious, but are there any other alloys, that I should make on a metal-rich embark? Oh, and sometimes I can make 2 bars from 1 smelting job wit alloys, but I use magma worksops and my smelters are faster than metalworking, so I don't care.
I've noticed a distinct lack of phallic megaprojects in DF after wieving a few sucession games, and maps on that website with maps. This is rather surprising. I mean penis is one of symbols that is frequently drawn on walls, Spore is famous for people making phallic creatures, etc. I'm not a sex organ worhiper myself, I just noticed a broken pattern. Is it that DF players are somewhat more mature than overall player population or what?