A bunch more questions that I got kinda stuck on.
1: What is a good way to get rid of excess stones? They keep getting in the way. I looked on df wiki, and it said to either make a dump, or to make floor out of them. The dump did not work, I made a 1x2 dump, and selected stones for dumping, and changed one of my dwarves to be only a hauler for a sec. He refused to do so, and instead waited around with no job. The stones are getting in the way alot and I need a reliable way to dispose of them.
2: How do you get rid of dead bodies? I have a bunch of dead animals lying around and the dwarves will no put the bodies in the refuse pile.
3: My most important question, could someone point me to some super basic and current military guide? I recently got my first two migrants, and to protect myself for the many wild animals near my embark point, I made them both military, thought I don't plan to add any more until I suspect an attack will come soon. I can't get them to train, I do not understand how to put them off duty. I also don't understand how to get them to attack. Right after I formed my military, kobold thieves were spotted. I made a uniform for their squad which was shields and spears. They wouldn't pick up the copper spears or wooden shields. They instead picked up an axe, and a mace, no shields. They also did not attack the thieves(there were 4), even after I selected the whole squad and ordered the attack the kobolds. They all got away. Also, for some reason, a rhesus macaque stole food from one of them. After that, they proceeded to kill the ten rhesus macaques around my embark, as well as 3 wolves and a cougar. I didn't order them to do this.
TL DR: Need help getting rid of stones, dead bodies and need basic military help.