Not too long after embark, I had an accidental cave-in that seriously injured one of my miners. Since I didn't have a hospital set up yet, I quickly improvised one with a single bed: she was rescued and taken to the bed, Urist McHouse: Medical Dorf goes and looks her over and diagnoses her as having multiple cuts/broken bones/compound fractures/etc. And...that's it. No treatments designated or anything. They won't even clean her wounds. So now my miner is pretty much living in the 40d hell of permanent invalid with a set of 2010 injuries.
Unfortunately, firing my medical officer and hiring Urist McForeman didn't do any good, as apparently he's unwilling or afraid to actually rediagnose or set up a course of treatment on old patients. He seems happy to diagnose newer patients, though.
I wonder if it was caused by my initial lack of hospital supplies, as it was under construction when it happened, or maybe McHouse is just petulant. Sadly, there seems to be no way to force a rediagnosis on an injured patient, and I haven't found it in myself to have the patient euthanized, as I guess I'm hoping the first set of bugfixes will either fix things so I can get my patient some treatment, or else there'll be enough changes that I'll just start a new fort anyway.