Right, he's had enough time. Now, allow me to present:
Dwarf Fortress 2010 - The First Tournament
The Armok Arena
Tournament Matchup Sheet - Round One
Match ups will be standard one-vs-one duels, the matches will be chosen by a random number generator with each contestant being assigned a number between 1 and 14. (Using
this random number generator)
The numbers are as follows: Vieto - Iron Man - 1
Haika - Walrus - 2
Rotten - Elephant - 3
Vactor - Dark Gnome - 4
Qloos - Hippo - 5
EvilTwin - Ogre - 6
nichaey - Human - 7
LordSlowpoke - Elf - 8
Doomshifter - Iron Man - 9
Duncan Frost - Elf - 10
Maggarg - Spotted Wobbegong - 11
riffraffselbow - Troll - 12
Acanthus117- Iron Man - 13
Barbarossa the Seal God - Iron Man - 14
Match One:
Qloos - Hippo vs. Maggarg - Spotted Wobbegong
Match Two:
Haika - Walrus vs. Duncan Frost - Elf
Match Three:
Rotten - Elephant vs. EvilTwin - Ogre
Match Four:
Vieto - Iron Man vs. Doomshifter - Iron Man
Match Five:
Vactor - Dark Gnome vs. Barbarossa the Seal God - Iron Man
Match Six:
nichaey - Human vs. LordSlowpoke - Elf
Match Seven:
riffraffselbow - Troll vs. Acanthus117- Iron Man
Every match will be recorded and uploaded on to DFMA (In case you missed this on the first post). Now, I need opinions, do you want me to just film the entire fight without pauses to view the combat reports/injuries on the fighters, or do you want to stop occasionally during the fight and go to the reports and injuries screens?
If you'd prefer to watch the entire fight uninterrupted (Personally, I prefer this one, because I've always found it disorienting when I watch fights on DFMA and seeing the player constantly pausing and loo'k'ing at character's injuries.) then I will write up a small description of what happens under the video link in my post.