Please post links to your graphic sets here, I will edit them in to this post.
These are all uploads of games with the graphics set already integrated, so you don't have to do any work:
Mayday with no blank spaces (except for new creatures) thanks to Lemunde <- Recommended and old creatures are Mayday style
-Presumably, new creatures (e.g. weird cave monster things) are just ASCII
-The blank spaces from the other Mayday attempts are gone
-It doesn't look quite as good as the newer styles but never mind
-It's the best attempt so far
Phoebus DF2010 graphic set[/b]
Graphic Set only, manual installation required : Package preinstalled w/ DFv0.31.01 : custom tileset with a mineral chart, nice walls and alot more
- requires updated raws
- also includes graphic tiles for most units in the game.
- I haven't personally tried it, but Phoebus has a thread going in the mods subforum
My fiddle with RantingRodent's set: Terrain is RantingRodent style
- Dwarves seem to be some weird version of the example dwarf version
- Creatures are just ASCII characters
- I was fiddling with the tile sizes and resolution in the init file, so you may want to change them, a guide is given on how to do that here: expect someone else with a bit more know how could make something much better!
Mayday's tileset that someone else upped and is now on the wiki: Terrain and Dwarf are mayday style
- It is missing several characters, including e, 1, 7, etc...