Mayday's got updated, or atleast it works.
Sry but i got thousands entries in errorlog and ctd with that.
Unrecognized word token: PLAYaFUN
Unrecognized word token: PLAYaPERFORM
Unrecognized word token: MALIGNaSLANDERaV
Unrecognized word token: MALIGNaADJ
Unrecognized word token: SABLEaCOLOR
Unrecognized word token: FELLaCRUEL
Unrecognized word token: FELLaHIDE
Unrecognized word token: PELTaHIDE
Unrecognized word token: RIGHTaBETTER
Unrecognized word token: FAIRaEVEN
Unrecognized word token: FAIRaCOLOR
Unrecognized word token: LOCKaHAIR
Unrecognized word token: MEANaNASTY
Unrecognized word token: MEANaLOW
Unrecognized word token: BLOCKaDEFEND
Unrecognized word token: BLOCKaSQUARE
Unrecognized word token: WINDaSTORM
Unrecognized word token: WINDaCLOCK
Unrecognized word token: SKINaVERB
Unrecognized word token: ORDERaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: TEMPLEaHEAD
Unrecognized word token: ORDERaCONCEPT
Unrecognized word token: FAITHaLOYALTY
Unrecognized word token: STANDARDaFLAG
Unrecognized word token: STILLaUNMOVING
Unrecognized word token: FORTUNEaLUCK
Unrecognized word token: FORTUNEaWEALTH
Unrecognized word token: DISTRACTaANNOY
Unrecognized word token: DISTRACTIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: DIVERSIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: DIVERTaDETOUR
Unrecognized word token: RECREATIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: MATCHaCONTEST
Unrecognized word token: MATCHaEQUAL
Unrecognized word token: STABLEaUNCHANGING
Unrecognized word token: LULLaMISLEAD
Unrecognized word token: ARCHaNOUN
Unrecognized word token: FAINTaINTENSITY
Unrecognized word token: FAINTaVERB
Unrecognized word token: MARBLEaBALL
Unrecognized word token: GOREaNOUN
Unrecognized word token: FLANKaVERB
Unrecognized word token: PASSaMOUNTAIN
Unrecognized word token: PASSaVERB
Unrecognized word token: DEPRESSaSAD
Unrecognized word token: DEPRESSIONaLOW
Unrecognized word token: GULFaSEA
Unrecognized word token: GULFaPIT
Unrecognized word token: GULFaDISTANCE
Unrecognized word token: BOARDaPLANK
Unrecognized word token: BOARDaGETaON
Unrecognized word token: HAILaGREET
Unrecognized word token: HAILaICE
Unrecognized word token: SCALEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: SCALEaSKIN
Unrecognized word token: LEAGUEaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: BANDaOBJECT
Unrecognized word token: BANDaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: HANDLEaOBJECT
Unrecognized word token: HANDLEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: DEFECTaFAULT
Unrecognized word token: WEATHERaVERB
Unrecognized word token: ENTRANCEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: BOWELaGUT
Unrecognized word token: BOWELaINTERIOR
Unrecognized word token: DRILLaBORE
Unrecognized word token: DRILLaROUTINE
Unrecognized word token: BOREaDRILL
Unrecognized word token: DRUMaVERB
Unrecognized word token: RIDDLEaHOLES
*** Error(s) finalizing the translation ELF
Unrecognized word token: PLAYaFUN
Unrecognized word token: PLAYaPERFORM
Unrecognized word token: MALIGNaSLANDERaV
Unrecognized word token: MALIGNaADJ
Unrecognized word token: SABLEaCOLOR
Unrecognized word token: FELLaCRUEL
Unrecognized word token: FELLaHIDE
Unrecognized word token: PELTaHIDE
Unrecognized word token: RIGHTaBETTER
Unrecognized word token: FAIRaEVEN
Unrecognized word token: FAIRaCOLOR
Unrecognized word token: LOCKaHAIR
Unrecognized word token: MEANaNASTY
Unrecognized word token: MEANaLOW
Unrecognized word token: BLOCKaDEFEND
Unrecognized word token: BLOCKaSQUARE
Unrecognized word token: WINDaSTORM
Unrecognized word token: WINDaCLOCK
Unrecognized word token: SKINaVERB
Unrecognized word token: ORDERaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: TEMPLEaHEAD
Unrecognized word token: ORDERaCONCEPT
Unrecognized word token: FAITHaLOYALTY
Unrecognized word token: STANDARDaFLAG
Unrecognized word token: STILLaUNMOVING
Unrecognized word token: FORTUNEaLUCK
Unrecognized word token: FORTUNEaWEALTH
Unrecognized word token: DISTRACTaANNOY
Unrecognized word token: DISTRACTIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: DIVERSIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: DIVERTaDETOUR
Unrecognized word token: RECREATIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: MATCHaCONTEST
Unrecognized word token: MATCHaEQUAL
Unrecognized word token: STABLEaUNCHANGING
Unrecognized word token: LULLaMISLEAD
Unrecognized word token: ARCHaNOUN
Unrecognized word token: FAINTaINTENSITY
Unrecognized word token: FAINTaVERB
Unrecognized word token: MARBLEaBALL
Unrecognized word token: GOREaNOUN
Unrecognized word token: FLANKaVERB
Unrecognized word token: PASSaMOUNTAIN
Unrecognized word token: PASSaVERB
Unrecognized word token: DEPRESSaSAD
Unrecognized word token: DEPRESSIONaLOW
Unrecognized word token: GULFaSEA
Unrecognized word token: GULFaPIT
Unrecognized word token: GULFaDISTANCE
Unrecognized word token: BOARDaPLANK
Unrecognized word token: BOARDaGETaON
Unrecognized word token: HAILaGREET
Unrecognized word token: HAILaICE
Unrecognized word token: SCALEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: SCALEaSKIN
Unrecognized word token: LEAGUEaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: BANDaOBJECT
Unrecognized word token: BANDaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: HANDLEaOBJECT
Unrecognized word token: HANDLEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: DEFECTaFAULT
Unrecognized word token: WEATHERaVERB
Unrecognized word token: ENTRANCEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: BOWELaGUT
Unrecognized word token: BOWELaINTERIOR
Unrecognized word token: DRILLaBORE
Unrecognized word token: DRILLaROUTINE
Unrecognized word token: BOREaDRILL
Unrecognized word token: DRUMaVERB
Unrecognized word token: RIDDLEaHOLES
*** Error(s) finalizing the translation GOBLIN
Unrecognized word token: PLAYaFUN
Unrecognized word token: PLAYaPERFORM
Unrecognized word token: MALIGNaSLANDERaV
Unrecognized word token: MALIGNaADJ
Unrecognized word token: SABLEaCOLOR
Unrecognized word token: FELLaCRUEL
Unrecognized word token: FELLaHIDE
Unrecognized word token: PELTaHIDE
Unrecognized word token: RIGHTaBETTER
Unrecognized word token: FAIRaEVEN
Unrecognized word token: FAIRaCOLOR
Unrecognized word token: LOCKaHAIR
Unrecognized word token: MEANaNASTY
Unrecognized word token: MEANaLOW
Unrecognized word token: BLOCKaDEFEND
Unrecognized word token: BLOCKaSQUARE
Unrecognized word token: WINDaSTORM
Unrecognized word token: WINDaCLOCK
Unrecognized word token: SKINaVERB
Unrecognized word token: ORDERaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: TEMPLEaHEAD
Unrecognized word token: ORDERaCONCEPT
Unrecognized word token: FAITHaLOYALTY
Unrecognized word token: STANDARDaFLAG
Unrecognized word token: STILLaUNMOVING
Unrecognized word token: FORTUNEaLUCK
Unrecognized word token: FORTUNEaWEALTH
Unrecognized word token: DISTRACTaANNOY
Unrecognized word token: DISTRACTIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: DIVERSIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: DIVERTaDETOUR
Unrecognized word token: RECREATIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: MATCHaCONTEST
Unrecognized word token: MATCHaEQUAL
Unrecognized word token: STABLEaUNCHANGING
Unrecognized word token: LULLaMISLEAD
Unrecognized word token: ARCHaNOUN
Unrecognized word token: FAINTaINTENSITY
Unrecognized word token: FAINTaVERB
Unrecognized word token: MARBLEaBALL
Unrecognized word token: GOREaNOUN
Unrecognized word token: FLANKaVERB
Unrecognized word token: PASSaMOUNTAIN
Unrecognized word token: PASSaVERB
Unrecognized word token: DEPRESSaSAD
Unrecognized word token: DEPRESSIONaLOW
Unrecognized word token: GULFaSEA
Unrecognized word token: GULFaPIT
Unrecognized word token: GULFaDISTANCE
Unrecognized word token: BOARDaPLANK
Unrecognized word token: BOARDaGETaON
Unrecognized word token: HAILaGREET
Unrecognized word token: HAILaICE
Unrecognized word token: SCALEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: SCALEaSKIN
Unrecognized word token: LEAGUEaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: BANDaOBJECT
Unrecognized word token: BANDaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: HANDLEaOBJECT
Unrecognized word token: HANDLEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: DEFECTaFAULT
Unrecognized word token: WEATHERaVERB
Unrecognized word token: ENTRANCEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: BOWELaGUT
Unrecognized word token: BOWELaINTERIOR
Unrecognized word token: DRILLaBORE
Unrecognized word token: DRILLaROUTINE
Unrecognized word token: BOREaDRILL
Unrecognized word token: DRUMaVERB
Unrecognized word token: RIDDLEaHOLES
*** Error(s) finalizing the translation HUMAN
Unrecognized word token: PLAYaFUN
Unrecognized word token: PLAYaPERFORM
Unrecognized word token: MALIGNaSLANDERaV
Unrecognized word token: MALIGNaADJ
Unrecognized word token: SABLEaCOLOR
Unrecognized word token: FELLaCRUEL
Unrecognized word token: FELLaHIDE
Unrecognized word token: PELTaHIDE
Unrecognized word token: RIGHTaBETTER
Unrecognized word token: FAIRaEVEN
Unrecognized word token: FAIRaCOLOR
Unrecognized word token: LOCKaHAIR
Unrecognized word token: MEANaNASTY
Unrecognized word token: MEANaLOW
Unrecognized word token: BLOCKaDEFEND
Unrecognized word token: BLOCKaSQUARE
Unrecognized word token: WINDaSTORM
Unrecognized word token: WINDaCLOCK
Unrecognized word token: SKINaVERB
Unrecognized word token: ORDERaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: TEMPLEaHEAD
Unrecognized word token: ORDERaCONCEPT
Unrecognized word token: FAITHaLOYALTY
Unrecognized word token: STANDARDaFLAG
Unrecognized word token: STILLaUNMOVING
Unrecognized word token: FORTUNEaLUCK
Unrecognized word token: FORTUNEaWEALTH
Unrecognized word token: DISTRACTaANNOY
Unrecognized word token: DISTRACTIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: DIVERSIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: DIVERTaDETOUR
Unrecognized word token: RECREATIONaGAME
Unrecognized word token: MATCHaCONTEST
Unrecognized word token: MATCHaEQUAL
Unrecognized word token: STABLEaUNCHANGING
Unrecognized word token: LULLaMISLEAD
Unrecognized word token: ARCHaNOUN
Unrecognized word token: FAINTaINTENSITY
Unrecognized word token: FAINTaVERB
Unrecognized word token: MARBLEaBALL
Unrecognized word token: GOREaNOUN
Unrecognized word token: FLANKaVERB
Unrecognized word token: PASSaMOUNTAIN
Unrecognized word token: PASSaVERB
Unrecognized word token: DEPRESSaSAD
Unrecognized word token: DEPRESSIONaLOW
Unrecognized word token: GULFaSEA
Unrecognized word token: GULFaPIT
Unrecognized word token: GULFaDISTANCE
Unrecognized word token: BOARDaPLANK
Unrecognized word token: BOARDaGETaON
Unrecognized word token: HAILaGREET
Unrecognized word token: HAILaICE
Unrecognized word token: SCALEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: SCALEaSKIN
Unrecognized word token: LEAGUEaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: BANDaOBJECT
Unrecognized word token: BANDaGROUP
Unrecognized word token: HANDLEaOBJECT
Unrecognized word token: HANDLEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: DEFECTaFAULT
Unrecognized word token: WEATHERaVERB
Unrecognized word token: ENTRANCEaVERB
Unrecognized word token: BOWELaGUT
Unrecognized word token: BOWELaINTERIOR
Unrecognized word token: DRILLaBORE
Unrecognized word token: DRILLaROUTINE
Unrecognized word token: BOREaDRILL
Unrecognized word token: DRUMaVERB
Unrecognized word token: RIDDLEaHOLES
*** Error(s) found in the file "raw/graphics/graphics_example.txt"
Unrecognized Creature Texture Token: GUARD
Unrecognized Creature Texture Token: GUARD
Unrecognized Creature Texture Token: GUARD
and billions of other errors there.
Well I tried going back to ASCII, I mean I used to use it and grew up on ADOM and Angband... But I can't.
Same here man, same here since 6.9.x on Amiga to current one on pc..and i can agree ascii is good for ADOM, but not for DF, imho.
Btw - random creatures turned game impossible to be fully gfx'ized(you know mud blob with wings and 9 eyes etc etc..damn).
Effect of using bmp from dfg16 with its colors imported into df2010 init:, but, sigh, addict is addict.
Many tile numbers must been changed i assume.