Noticed a few other things a while ago, now that the forums are back and I'm awake I guess I'll post 'em.
-Setting a dwarf to hunt does absolutely nothing.
A dwarf migrated in that was decently skilled at ambushing and carpentry, but setting him to hunt had him act just like a normal carpenterdwarf, including long periods of standing around with no job. There was plenty of wildlife, so that wasn't the problem. Even then, I'm not sure how to even set his equipment, that's not on the preference screen any more so I have no idea how to even access such things without trying to get him in an off-duty squad of his own, which seems like it'd mess with his civilian settings anyway.
-Military dwarves set to training don't prefer training weaponry.
Four military dwarves, two training axes, two training swords, but a dwarf wanted to keep the copper axe. He killed a fellow dwarf at some point, but I'm not sure if it was because of a sparring accident or if it was from a tantrum.
The delaying of hunger and thirst while doing tasks also has taken a major toll on my fort, but I consider that more a side effect of the dwarves staying on task. Still, might need some adjusting, if the dwarf that I mentioned above died from a fistfight, I was having deaths from tantrums within my first year. All my military was rather unhappy, listing thoughts of hunger, starvation, thirst, and dehydration. Also had a perfectly healthy dwarf asleep while dehydrated, I guess thirsty wasn't enough of a drive over sleepy.
Also, building a farm underground has to have mud, even on dirt. Doesn't make much sense to me that I can't grow inside plants on it, but I can instead expose it to sunlight and immediately plant outside plants. It does give the needing mud message for both farms, however, and getting the underground dirt muddy lets you grow things just fine.
I'd assume not getting skin from butchering kittens is intentional due to their small size, but I feel like mentioning that as well. I got skin from a calf, at least, but none from a kitten despite sometimes getting up to 6 or so meat from a single large kitten as opposed to 10 from the one calf I looked after.