Right so we have a topic devoted to the game instead of leeching off the MMORPG topic.
For those that don't know DDO is an instanced MMO based on Dungeons and Dragons (3.5) It is currently free with restrictions, some of which are lowered if you spend 6 bucks and get some turbine points and some which require a 15$(USD) Montly fee. You do quests that enter dungeons where you charge through killing stuff.
Home WebpageWiki PageWe have chosen Sarlona has our home server. If you wish to join us please use "McDwarf" as your Surname. We don't have a guild yet.
Player listRilder = Ryela (Elf Wizard), Rilder (Dwarf Paladin)
Cthulhu = Cfoofoo (Human Fighter)
Fenrif = Fenrif (Dwarf Barbarian)
LordBucket = Zalstom(Dwarf Cleric)
Sergius = Dergius(Dwarf Ranger)
Cerej = Hasveig(Dwarf Barbarian)
Rakonas = Rakonas (Dwarf Rogue)
Level_8_Mudcrab = Nazushosal (Dwarf Bard)
Dragnar = Garanthor McDwarf(Human Wizard) (Came with the last trade caravan Keeps following the expedition leader around asking for a meeting)
A Dwarven Smokeologist = Willit(Dwarf Cleric)
Hawkfrost = Nekik(Dwarf Wizard)
SIGVARDR = Sigvardr (Dwarf Barbarian)
Barbarossa the Seal God = Heyreddin(Dwarf barbarian)(Also Admiral of our fleet)
Metalax = Metalax
sonerohi =Barooth(Dwarf Fighter)
Mono124 = Relean
Akhier the Dragon hearted = Akhier (Dwarf Wizard)
Post in this topic to be added to the list and either Fenrif or I will add you the guild.