I've discovered that my Internet granted superpower is knowing if a character will have porn drawn of them and which ones will have it done first/the most.
Your superpower is no better than dowsing: It would only be an accomplishment to find a place without water, or in this case, rule 34.
Oh you'd be surprised but there are plenty of things that don't have porn of them. Trust me, I do a hell of alot of tagging on the rule 34 archives because the guys over there are hilarious bastards.
You've figured out why 4chan is so bad- it's where evil dead people go!
4chan isn't bad anymore, it's just stupid. It used to be the meme factory, the asshole of the internet which influenced millions. It created lol cats, raptor jesus, rick roll, and numa numa. Back in the old days, back before it was overrun by 12 years olds, cam whores and insipid morons, it was a place for over educated psychopaths to unleash their collective creative juices and revel in the madness that is the unrestrained Id. Now it's just anothing GOD DAMN GAIA, and the few remaining old members are forced to travel to newer and numerically greater chans to escape the ever advancing waves of cancer and stupidity.
The halcyon days are past and now we are but vagabonds, homeless internauts on a death march. I was there when the Rules of the Internet were created and I helped forge them. Now there is nothing but decay.