Well, everyone in the thread was dorfed. Except arrowplain, I can't really spare my nonexistant bowyers or all the really revelant peoples I need. And the entire "garbage bin" for dorfs is already filled with wrestlers...oh well.
Also, if someone wants a hammerdwarf that's gonna die of thirst/hunger in the next 3 weeks due to the unability to walk in his armor (while having talented armor user) that's labelled like a wrestler, feel free to say it.
Updates from this day on will be made every second day, making the next one on 9'th.
The dorfs are gone, their wagons empty and underwear dumped.
Chasm. That is all, gentlemen. I'm walling it off until I find a way to use it properly.
For the last two seasons, I had axes.
Steel axes. Two of them.
My woodcutter refused to pick them up because after the depot-explosion they were forbidden.
...Let's clear cut this place.
Come on, don't you guys have anything better to do than get here when I'm trying to destroy a forest? I'll just offer them a tower-cap barrel and they should get the hell out of here like a clown out of the car.
My way of dumping useless immigrants. Taken to the extreme. Only legendaries/people who are the only ones doing the job are allowed to not become meatshields.
As wise dorfs in Boatmurdered said, "There are two types of people - the military, and the ones feeding the military"
You can obviously see that dorfs here really like to wrestle.
Also, the civilian-military ratio is 1:1.9. Just perfect.
Here's the office of the most important guy here, the Sheriff. Literally filled with stuff to the brim, and to get to it you have to swim in an ocean of roasts. Feels dwarven, man.
This is the entire military of Orbsshakes. All of it. The first squad is the elite guard, the second is the meatshields. Any questions?
In the meanwhile, the elite guards are earning their name, with their first champion. Also pictured: The dining room made just in case the "usable" dorfs ever reach something above 30.
Ah, nostalgia. When I first thought of making this fort, I thought DF2010 is gonna be perfect, with all it's bugs smashed under Toady's hammer. But after this one, several other forts were created.
This might be not the last, but my promise is final. This one will last the longest, in both RL time, and game time.
All hail Orbsshakes.